Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 405 2 people

Chapter 405 Two people

After the fog dissipated, the peak next to Bansi Port revealed its true appearance. The crimson moonlight allowed Klein to quickly find the cave on the top of the mountain.

Before that, he had discovered traces of a battle. There were more than a dozen "corpses" of headless living corpses lying on the ground. Some of them were scorched by lightning, some died from purifying bullets, and the remaining half were cursed by black flames. Devour.

Lightning and extraordinary bullets belong to the Punishers, and Black Flame is naturally Angel's masterpiece. It seems that she has briefly cooperated with the Punishers to deal with the cultists... Klein analyzed and looked into the cave.

He did not have dark vision, and his spiritual vision did not reveal anything. However, the divination staff he conducted on Donna a few minutes ago did point to the cave. Therefore, Klein did not hesitate too much and made all preparations. , holding the lantern and walking stick, got into the narrow cave.

Fortunately, although the cave was winding, there were no forks. He quickly followed the smell of blood and the sound of conversations to an open cave.

Under the light of several ritual candles, a bloody and bizarre scene unfolded in front of Klein.

There is an altar sprinkled with blood in the center, surrounded by dark red complex symbols and patterns, headless monsters and their disembodied heads on the ground, a few corpses covered with windbreakers in the corner, a sobbing girl with her head down, and three A man wearing a shirt and vest.

When the three men heard the footsteps, they all turned around, aiming their revolvers and wooden sticks with electric light at Klein.

It's a substitute for punishment... Seeing the uniform attire and the sealed object that can obviously release lightning attacks, Klein did not try to resist, but obediently raised his hands to show that he had no weapons in his hands.

"I am Captain Airland's man, Airland Carg."

Before leaving the White Onyx and coming to support Angel, the captain once told him that if he was questioned by the Punisher, he could hint that he was with Ireland.

This means that I am an informant of MI9, and the Loen military, especially the navy, has a good relationship with the Church of Storms... Klein observed the expressions of the three punishment agents, and sure enough he saw the middle-aged man who took the lead. The man's expression relaxed a little, and the wooden stick he held in his hand hung down by his side.

"I heard that his ship docked in the evening. I'm sorry that this happened to you, but fortunately, the matter has been resolved." The middle-aged man took a few steps and said in a deep voice, "My name is Dodge. Captain of a team."

"Gehrman Sparrow."

Klein lowered his raised hands and responded. His eyes scanned the entire cave again, and he recognized Cecil who was lying on the ground but still breathing, and Donna who was squatting next to her, but he did not see Angel. .

"Ellan should have told you not to understand things you shouldn't understand. It will be good for your life."

Seeing Klein looking around, Dodge was a little dissatisfied and his tone became serious.

"Sorry, I was just entrusted to find them," Klein pointed at Donna and Cecil, "Also, there should have been a young woman who came to the top of the mountain ten minutes ago. She has blond hair, a long trench coat, about eighteen years old... …”

Halfway through, Dodge showed a look of understanding.

"She did come and we worked together briefly to resolve the issues here."

"Where is she?"

Klein asked.

"This is the biggest problem at the moment," the captain of the punisher showed an embarrassed expression. "Five minutes ago, she disappeared from the altar together with... the body of the cult leader."


"The Tomb of the Pious, the Lighted Tomb...over there is the Great Chapel Tomb, one of the largest tombs on this floor."

Holding a white candle in one hand and pointing to the darkness in the distance with the other, Pierre introduced the tombs he passed one by one in Intis.

Angel discovered another difference between the corridors and stone rooms now and when she first arrived: they all have their own names, engraved on rusty metal nameplates, some are in Intis script, and some are simply simple drawings expressing the names. , such as the tomb with the emblem of thorns and shields, and the road sign reads "Tomb of Thorns and Shield Wall".

Yes, there are road signs.

Angel followed Pierre wordlessly, like a tourist being taken around a tourist attraction by a tour guide. He and he walked through tombs with different names, large and small, passing by bones of different shapes, following the black line above their heads. Follow the marked direction and head towards the exit.

This place is far bigger than I thought. On the way I walked, there were at least a thousand bones in the tomb chambers and corridors. But Pierre said that this was just a corner of the third floor. It would take a day and a night to see them all. Not even enough...

The more she looked, the more shocked she became. At first it was because she didn't know how to get from Bansi Port to Trier in Intis, but it soon turned into emotion at the scale of this catacombs.


The student from Trier who was leading the way suddenly let out an exclamation and fell forward.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Angel grabbed the careless Pierre and held down the candle that he was about to let go of.

"Thank...thank you!"

Pierre first expressed his gratitude, then looked down at his feet and found that he had tripped over a hand bone that had reached the middle of the corridor at some point. He was about to kick it away angrily, but then he remembered that there was a beautiful girl beside him. Looking at it, he suppressed his anger and gently pushed it aside with his legs.

How did you get to the third floor alive if you were so careless... Angel always felt that if he didn't follow Pierre, he would quietly disappear into this catacombs within half an hour, as if he had already forgotten him. Like companions...

No, did they really come together? Could it be... In fact, there were originally more people, but on the way to the third floor, they accidentally fell down or accidentally extinguished the candles. The number of people was reduced along the way, and then forgotten, until only two people were left. Come to me?

Angel couldn't help but have such an idea pop up in his mind.

She subconsciously looked at the hand bone that had trapped Pierre, and was surprised to find that it was back in the middle of the road, as if it had never been stepped on or kicked away.

It's so weird here...

"We'd better get out as soon as possible, your candle is already half burned."

She stopped Pierre who was trying to continue introducing the tomb and said.

"Okay," Pierre was a little unfinished, but he didn't refuse, "The exit is not far away."

This time the two of them quickened their pace and soon followed the black line to a small square. Unlike the corridors and other tombs filled with corpses, the floor paved with gray bricks was extremely clean, with no dust at all. It seemed that someone was there. Clean often. There are two stone pillars erected in the center of the square. They are old and have mottled surfaces, but the abstract strokes of the sun and the triangles filled with gear levers engraved on them are still clearly visible.

The Holy Emblem of the Sun and the Holy Triangle...the symbols of the Eternal Sun Church and the Church of Steam. This is indeed Intis...Angel further confirmed his location through the stone pillar.

Unlike the Kingdom of Loen, which believes in the three major churches of night, storm, and steam, the Republic of Intis' main belief is the God of Eternal Sun, Steam, and Machinery.

"Praise the sun!"

When Pierre walked past the Eternal Sun Stone Pillar, he stood upright with his legs, opened his arms and hugged upwards, making a posture of embracing the sun, and did not pray devoutly.

"Be careful with your candles."

Seeing that his movements were somewhat performative, with the white candle in his hand almost lying horizontally and the candlelight flickering, Angel quickly reminded him.

"It doesn't matter. The gatekeeper said that candles are not allowed to be extinguished or dropped, but I have never seen anything happen to my classmates or acquaintances."

Pierre was a little unimpressed.

That's because the person whose candle went out disappeared, and you immediately forgot about him, so naturally you won't think that anything happened to anyone...

Angel shook his head slightly and stopped trying to reason with this man.

I just hope he doesn't "play out" before taking me out of the catacombs... She prayed to the passing stone pillar, the God of Machinery and Steam, without any sincerity at all.


The White Onyx at the foot of the mountain was docked tightly at the pier, and the hurricane lanterns hanging on the mast swayed slightly like twinkling stars as the breeze and waves blew and beat.

Klein glanced expressionlessly at the edge of the cliff, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Donna, whose dress was stained with blood and whose face was still stained with tears, followed him closely, but soon slowed down and fell behind.

He had no choice but to hold back his anxiety and stop to wait for the girl to catch up.

After the Punisher Captain Dodge learned what happened, Klein did not stay too long in the cave. He was eager to return to the White Agate and enter the gray fog space for more detailed divination, or directly pass through the deep The connection between the red stars and the location of Angel were found.

Ordinary divination has no effect on her with a secret holy symbol and a magic pocket watch... Why is she bringing so many magical items... Klein complained in his heart.

He knew that this mentality was not right, so he quickly adjusted.

Because he was taking ordinary people with him, Klein did not rush through the "flame jump" like going up the mountain, but walked down the path full of gravel and weeds.

"Uncle Sparrow, Miss Siren, have you returned to the sea?"

As they approached the bottom of the mountain, the girl who had been silent asked in a low voice.

"I do not know either."

he replied coldly.

Frightened by his tone, Donna's eyes filled with tears again.

Only then did he realize that he was not facing a pirate worth 3000 pounds, or an adult who could put aside his emotions and extract the key content, but a sixteen-year-old who had just witnessed cultists murdering his peers, and even almost died himself. Girl, Klein forced a smile and added:

"She is just tired and has gone back to rest. Maybe you can see her on the White Agate when you get up early tomorrow morning."

hope so……

He turned around and continued walking toward the dock.

Donna also wiped away her tears and followed closely behind.

One tall, one short, one in front and one behind, the two people quickly approached the White Onyx until the candlelight shined through the portholes, and the sailors patrolling the deck were clearly visible.

Klein suddenly noticed a figure slowly walking out of the sea on the beach next to the pier.

Under the moonlight, this figure seems familiar...

His heart tightened, and he quickened his pace towards the White Onyx. He even left Donna behind him and started running.

Hearing the footsteps, the figure turned his head, and the dreamlike scales on his face gradually disappeared, revealing Klein's extremely familiar face.

"Miss Siren!"

Before Klein could speak, Donna behind him recognized the other person. She cheered and ran quickly, ignoring her wet clothes, and threw herself into the other person's arms.

Angel, whose strength could overwhelm Klein, could not withstand the impact of the girl at this time. He took a step back to stabilize his body. She first slowly hugged Donna, and then looked towards Klein with her purple eyes. .

"Why are you here?"

The tone in her tone was not joy, but confusion.

 Hey, I changed the last two paragraphs a bit



(End of this chapter)

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