Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 406 Trier in Intis

Chapter 406 Trier in Intis

After passing the square with the holy emblems of the Eternal Sun Church and the Church of Steam, and going up the wide stone steps, Angel and Pierre entered the second level of the catacombs.

"In fact, the third and fourth floors are called the 'Old Ossuary'. They were built in an earlier period. The first and second floors were transformed from the quarries underground in Trier and are larger. , and there are more ‘people’.”

Pointing to the Intis text above the stone door leading to the third floor, Pierre read out thoughtfully:

"The entrance to the old ossuary."

Excluding the issue of carelessness, this college student was quite hospitable... Maybe it was also because of my appearance, but when he said "more people", did he mean the bones on the ground?

Angel thought about it and looked around the tomb on the second floor. He found that the passage here was wider, and there were more bones placed everywhere in the corridor. There were even "bulk" bones that were directly blocked in the middle of the corridor and divided into multiple parts. .

But soon, Angel discovered that he was indeed talking about "people".

Continuing along the black line, after taking a few steps, a bright candlelight appeared in front of their eyes. It was a combination of four white candles. They belonged to four young people, three men and one woman. They were dressed very fashionably. , similar to Pierre next to Angel.

Four people were dancing a strange dance around a corpse placed in a cross-legged posture.

"what are they doing?"

Angel asked softly.

"A ritual," Pierre was led to lower his voice, "a courage test ritual."

When Angel heard the first half of the sentence, information about various "rituals" such as sacrifices and demon summons had already appeared in Angel's mind, but he did not expect that in the end it would be such an answer.

"Trying to dare? Here?"

"Of course, this is a popular trend among universities in recent years, competing to see who dares to stay underground longer. They even go to the third floor to sing, but more of them are here, than on the first floor. It's spacious, but not as cramped as the third floor.

"Many people who go to the third floor are alone. Haha, I wanted to try it alone today, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Pierre replied with a playful smile.

I'm afraid they are not alone, but will soon be "only one person left"... Maybe more teams will be annihilated in the catacombs and completely forgotten.

Angel already had an indifferent attitude towards this college student's activity. After all, the other party didn't remember his missing companion at all. He still thought that this place was just an ordinary underground "attraction", so naturally he wouldn't be too wary.

The only thing she wonders about is why Trier's official Beyonders don't seal this place, but allow ordinary people to come and go freely. From time to time, all existence is erased because of accidentally dropping a candle?

Erase... Angel thought again of the black-haired angel lady who came to support the Church of the Night during the Great Smog in Backlund. According to Klein, Mr. A, who was chasing him, was under his gaze. Within one second, Just as her existence was wiped away with an eraser, the same must be true for Ms. Despair Panatia.

Exactly the same as Pierre's companion who lost his candle in this catacombs...

Is there a sealed object with similar extraordinary abilities in the tomb?

Unfortunately, there are too few clues and it is impossible to draw any conclusions at present.

She continued to follow Pierre, bypassing the four dancing young people, and continued walking in the direction indicated by the black line.

Along the way, every time he passed several tombs, Angel could find more or less a few fellow travelers, mostly young students, but also a few who came to pay homage to relatives and friends. Without exception, they all held a tomb. White candles protect themselves with weak candlelight.

After walking a longer road than the third floor, Angel arrived at the first floor of the tomb, which is also the floor closest to the ground. The corpses here are obviously more "fresh", and many of them were placed here not long ago.

Of course, not only the corpses, but also the people are much more "lively".

Angel soon met a group of laughing and joking college students. There were more than ten of them, forming a long queue. They looked here and touched like a tourist. The dim candlelight swayed in the corridor, as if they were moving slowly. of rivers.

"Isn't this also a test of courage?"

She looked at Pierre beside her. For the first time since the two met, the latter did not eagerly answer her questions. Instead, he smiled brightly and faced the group of college students.

"Hey, Antoine, Chloe," he patted the leading young man on the shoulder, then smiled and saluted the other woman with an exaggerated gesture, "Don't you have any classes tomorrow?"

"I took my new friends to the third floor to see Ines and Camille, and everyone followed me," the brown-haired man named Antoine replied, pointing to the two young women in the team, but his eyes were He couldn't help but glance over at Angel, "What about you? Why are you here alone, with such a beautiful lady?"

"We just met not long ago."

Pierre said with an indifferent expression, but he couldn't suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

At this time, Angel barely finished "translating" the fast-talking Intis words between the two, and understood Pierre's communication for the purpose of showing off, but she did not refute, but waited for him to finish talking to these familiar college students. Say hello, pass by this group of fifteen people, and watch them slowly walk towards the entrance of the second floor.

"Thank you for not exposing me."

Looking at their backs, Pierre said softly.

"If you can take me out, we'll be even."

Angel smiled slightly, his eyes chasing the dim candlelight away.

In her sight, the two female students in the middle of the team who had been brought "long experience" gathered together and whispered, eagerly blowing out the candles in each other's hands.

The whole team seemed to pause for a moment, and then continued to move forward. At the beginning of the team, Antoine whispered directions, and at the end of the team, gossip about the relationship between Angel and Pierre was quietly discussed.

In the middle of the team, the two vacant positions quickly disappeared in the adjustment of the people in front and behind, as if the original team was arranged like this, as if only these thirteen people entered the underground tomb.

The two female students who blew out the candles disappeared in full view of everyone.

"Pierre, why did they come to the catacombs just now?" Angel's smile also disappeared. She turned her head to look at the "guide" beside her, who looked back with confusion.

"Of course, go to the second floor for the courage test ceremony. As I said, this is very popular now."

With a smile on his lips, he replied eagerly.

After the two members disappeared, even the reason for coming to the catacombs changed... Angel sighed secretly, closed his eyes, and recalled the youthful smiling faces of the two female students a minute ago.

At least in my memory, they still exist...

"Let's go back to the ground."

She calmed down and said to Pierre.


It took another fifteen minutes, and when the candles were about to burn out, the two finally arrived at the entrance to the first floor.

Several black lines gather here, and the end point is a huge stone arch that was naturally formed and then artificially modified. Both sides are carved with exquisite reliefs, including skulls, sunflowers, levers and gears.

From time to time, visitors, either single or in groups, enter and exit this doorway. Most of them are smiling, and a few are holding sacrificial objects with expressionless faces, but none of them have the slightest fear of this place.

Also, everyone who knows the truth has disappeared, and the "survivors" will think that this is just a tomb that needs to bring its own candles...

Angel thought melancholy as he stepped out of the arch and felt a lightness on his body, and some invisible pressure disappeared.

It turns out that this place has no influence on me... She was moved in her heart and looked back. There were two inscriptions written in Intis on the lintel of the arch:


"Ahead is the Empire of Death!"

Outside the "Empire", there is still not the blue sky that Angel expected, but an underground passage composed of stone pillars and stone walls built between the stone pillars. At the top is a huge stone ceiling supported by the stone pillars, with a lamp hanging on both sides. A gas lamp, the light yellow light extends forward, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

"Compared to the tombs, Trier Underground is a beautiful sight."

Pierre also climbed up the stairs and walked out of the stone archway. He blew out the candle in one breath, threw the remaining candle into the corner, and raised his eyebrows at Angel.

"Let's go, the real 'exit' is ahead."

After leaving the tomb, he still has not recovered his memory. It seems that his companion has truly "disappeared", and even everyone's memory of him no longer exists.

Angel couldn't help but look back at the entrance of the tomb, looking at the dark doorway, the Holy Emblem of the Sun, the Holy Emblem of the Triangle on the door, and the "Empire of Death" on the lintel.

Then, she followed Pierre, walked through this somewhat bustling underground passage, climbed dozens of meters along the upward stairs, and finally saw the real blue sky.

No, it was actually already dark. The last ray of sunlight from the sun had just disappeared from the west. Darkness gradually covered the entire sky. The familiar moon poked its head out from the thin clouds, covering the ground with a crimson veil.

The surrounding buildings are generally low, and their style is not much different from that of Loen. However, they have distinctive cornices and pointed arches, and a large amount of red bricks, which clearly distinguish them from Backlund, whose streets are gray and white.

"Where do you live? Do you need me to take you back?"

Pierre came forward again and asked with a smile.

I'm afraid I live a bit far away from here, and the time difference is more than two hours... Looking away from the last bright color of the sunset, Angel joked inwardly.

"I just came to Trier and I don't have a place to stay yet. Do you have any recommendations?"

Led by the "hospitable" college students, Angel came from the Observatory area where the catacombs are located to the Memorial Hall area to the east. There are many universities here, including the Ecole Normale Supérieure where Pierre studied. It has a large population and is rented. Most of the residents are college students.

Angel could see that Pierre might have other motives for introducing her to live here, but she did not intend to stay for a long time, and the place was unfamiliar to her and she had no better choice, so she did not refuse.

On the street not far from the normal school, she checked into a three-story hotel, but she had trouble paying. The currency most commonly used by Intis is called "Firkin", which is approximately equivalent to 1 /24 gold pounds, there is also a "gold Louis" similar to the gold pound, but it does not accept the most widely used Loen currency, so she needs to go to a nearby bank to exchange it.

Fortunately, Pierre had some cash with him, and she exchanged it for a small amount of ferkin and rented a single room.

After declining Pierre's request to "have dinner together," Angel came to his temporary residence, which was not considered luxurious, locked the door, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The experience of these two hours was simply more tiring than the five days since she left Backlund combined.

"The most difficult step has passed. I will withdraw money tomorrow and buy the steam train ticket to Loen!"

Although Angel doesn't know how to return to Bansi Island from the catacombs, he at least knows how to return through the "normal method".

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to spend the New Year with Klein in time..."

She thought with some frustration.

 There are not so many Suhuan factors. This part mainly serves the main line. Most of the plot will still be placed in the first part. Of course, Suhuan has many interesting witch settings and plots, and some references will also be made. .



(End of this chapter)

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