Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 420 Desire for Promotion

Chapter 420 Desire for Promotion

Of course, even if the bounty of "Iron" Maiviti is reserved, a Sequence 6 Beyonder is not so easy to find.

Angel learned from the Hanged Man and Dominic that the Blood Admiral's intelligence officer Quinn often haunted the Sweet Leaf Bar. Perhaps he could use this to guard Maiviti, but the process would be very long and he might even miss the most important information. It's a good time for these pirates to leave Bayam and return to the sea.

Another method is the "bait plan", using things that Steel is interested in, such as the Death Key, or "Flame" Daniz who knows the Death Key information, to lure these pirates to appear on their own initiative and catch them all in one fell swoop.

After a short discussion, Daniz "happily" chose the second option. Considering that his hand injury was not yet healed, Angel temporarily sent him to inquire about intelligence nearby and release some false news to see if there was any chance to directly Catch that big fish.

As for Angel and Klein, they need to prepare for the Tarot session the next day, which is Monday, so more arrangements can only be decided on Monday night.


Late night, Bansi Island.

The strong winds and thick fog that often harassed this "Weather Museum" in the past have long disappeared. There are three huge sailboats parked at the pier, with the sails embroidered with the wind, waves and thunder representing the storm.

In the town square, headless corpses with heads trailing long "tails" were piled together, waiting to be burned.

This made Port Bansi look like it had experienced a tragic massacre, but there was not a drop of blood on the ground, and there was only the smell of decay in the air.

A punisher and an armed sailor are still searching and digging around the port to remove all living corpses and heads that have been resurrected in ancient sacrifices or have not yet been resurrected. They do not hesitate to use powerful extraordinary bullets, " "Storm" talisman, advancing the front line like a destructive force.

The doors and windows of the local residents' buildings were closed. This time, the people standing behind the windows were not expressionless locals, but frightened and confused faces. They could not see the scene outside the town, but The gunshots and thunderstorms that rang out from time to time still made them restless.

I hope that everything will end as soon as possible and Bansi can return to its former peace... The residents prayed like this, most to the Lord of Storms, and a few to the ancient "God of Weather".

At the same time, on the high mountain next to the port, in the cave sealed with rocks by the punishers, the long-dried blood turned bright red, and the gray rock walls became bright. In this bright color like an oil painting, a group of people wearing tuxedos , a figure wearing a top hat walked out of the void.

He has bronze skin and a small mole under his right ear. He is Azik Eggers, who is searching the world for his lost memory.

Although he could see in the dark, the rigorous habits he had developed through long-term teaching still allowed him to rub the spiritual fire and light the ceremonial candles that had not been moved away by the punishers, filling the cave with warm light, making it even more apparent. Those bloodstains in the corners were eerie.

He held two pieces of letter paper in one hand and brushed the altar that was broken into several pieces in the middle of the cave with the other hand. Miraculously, the altar was put back together under the influence of invisible force. The grooves above were clearly visible. The mysterious rune pattern drawn on the letter paper.

"It seems like this is it..."

Azik frowned, seeming to recall something. After a moment, he stood on the altar without any other movement. The dried blood in the corner seemed to come alive, flowing up the altar on its own, filling up the symbols. , texture.

Clenching the letter with some anticipation, Azik waited for a while, but did not notice any changes on the altar.

Thinking of Klein and Angel's description of that day's events in the letter, he stretched out his fingers and dripped a few drops of his own blood, mixed with the activated dirty blood, making them bright red, as if the entire cave was filled with a trace of blood. The breath of death.

But there was still no movement on the altar, as if the "power" belonging to it rejected the high-sequence extraordinary person in front of him.

"It turns out that this is not death, but..."

Azik murmured, looking northwest, penetrating through the thick rock walls, traveling thousands of kilometers of space, and looking at Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis.

The next second, the scene around him turned into a thick oil painting, and the space twisted like water ripples, wrapping the amnesiac undead and taking him away from Bansi Island.

At the foot of the mountain, the first flames of burning corpses were just burning.


Crimson light flashed one after another, and the members of the Tarot Society once again came to the towering palace shrouded in gray mist.

Angel quickly scanned around the long bronze table and found that there were not many people, not too few. Mr. Fool at the top, in the world opposite him, there were Justice and Magician on his side, and on the other side were the Hanged Man, the Sun, moon.

Very neatly arranged, making her feel comfortable.

After Miss Justice's routine greetings, Angel couldn't wait to look at The Fool:

"Mr. Fool, this time I found three pages of Emperor Russell's diary for you."

There were actually five pages, but she planned to submit part of it first and save the rest to cover the gap when she couldn't find the diary.

While she was calculating like this, she could feel the Fool's gaze sweeping over her body, making the hairs on her non-spiritual body stand up one by one.

After a while, a pen and paper appeared in front of Angel. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and quickly manifested the diary she had long remembered in her mind and presented it to this mysterious being.

No one else found any new diaries this week, and Mr. Fool quickly finished reading them, allowing the Tarot Club to enter free communication time.

"Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man, and everyone else, thanks to your help, I finally got rid of that terrible cycle, and the expedition team is on its way back to Silver City."

Mr. Taiyang was the first to speak and sincerely expressed his gratitude to everyone.

Only by experiencing it can you understand the horror of spending the same day and experiencing the same things over and over again in the ruins of the real Creator under the abandoned temple. What's even more troublesome is that he is the only one in the entire expedition who is aware of it due to the power of Mr. Fool While experiencing the cycle, other people, even the chief minister who entered the high sequence, did not feel any abnormality at all.

If it weren't for Mr. Fool, they would probably all die in the depths of the ruins...

Next, Derrick "The Sun" talked about his experience of escaping from trouble.

After getting the hint from the Hanged Man, he tried to change his behavior in another cycle, giving himself the opportunity to explore other areas, and found a mural depicting the "Rose of Redemption", on which a group of pilgrims were painted. The monk is a silver-haired angel. At his feet is a river that connects end to end and circulates back and forth.

According to the "chief" of Silver City, the silver-haired angel is one of the eight kings of angels surrounding the legendary god who created everything. The angel of destiny, "Tail Eater" Ouroleus, and another king of angels, " The angel of time, Amon, is in the same person.

The circulating river is often related to destiny. According to this prompt, he led the chief to attack the mysterious little boy Jack in another restart of the exploration, cut off a human face on his chest, and destroyed this... A trace of the power of destiny belonging to the "Tail Swallower" shattered the "River of Destiny" that shrouded the ruins and could not leave, saving the entire expedition team.

In the process, they finally confirmed that the little boy Jack came from "Port Enmat" and confirmed the connection between the world where Silver City is located and the world where other Tarot Society members are located.

Everyone was a little excited to see the "Rose of Redemption" mural that he embodied. Considering that the twisted mural of "Six Gods" that they saw last week was more than two thousand years old, this "Rose of Redemption" was at least a work of the same era. They all had the pleasure of “peeping into history.”

Unfortunately, Mr. Sun's wonderful adventure has come to an end after terminating the cycle. More fresh news may have to wait until he returns to Silver City and asks from the little boy Jack.

"Mr. Hanged Man," seeing that Derrick stopped talking, "Justice" Audrey looked at another elder member, "I have found the 'Wind Blessed' formula you need, and the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' is offering a price. 3000 pounds, or a magical item of slightly lower value, if you agree, we can trade it tomorrow."

3000 pounds... This is more than the common price of a Sequence 6 potion recipe. Is the other party taking advantage of this opportunity to demand a high price? No, maybe I just want to guide traders to exchange magical items for...

Angel guessed and looked at the Hanged Man, who nodded decisively:

"I will prepare the corresponding magical items. In addition, the item you ordered will be completed next week. Please prepare the corresponding expenses in advance."

After knowing that the "Queen" could easily defeat the "Wind Blessed One" Bishop, Alger's desire for promotion was extremely strong!

As a Sequence 7 "Navigator", he was a little wary of even meeting the "Queen" in reality, fearing that if he was not careful, he would participate in the Tarot Club next week in another form.

"The extraordinary characteristics of 'Navigator', only selling for 1500 pounds"

Alger seemed to hear the voice of Miss "Queen" selling her own characteristics. Although he knew that Mr. Fool would not allow members to kill each other, this gap in strength still made him involuntarily think in this direction.

Angel, who was afraid of him, was thinking about another thing. She recalled the three-way transaction between Justice, the World, and the Hanged Man in the Tarot Club last week, and she became increasingly curious about this "predetermined item."

"Miss Justice, I have also obtained the 'Mirror Dragon Blood' and 'Fruit of the Elder Tree' that you need. Together with my 100 pounds reward, the total is 850 pounds. They belong to you."

"Moon" Emlyn saw that the transaction was in full swing and took the initiative to say to Audrey who was diagonally across from him. He tried his best to keep his tone calm, but a trace of eagerness was still easily captured by the audience.

Mr. Moon is short of money? Well, he seems to want to buy the extraordinary characteristics of the vampire baron. Maybe I can take advantage of this. Haha, after the New Year, I will have a lot of money again. Dad also promised me that I can reimburse the cost of the magical items I acquired. …

Audrey thought about it, nodded quickly and agreed, agreeing to conduct the transaction in the form of "sacrifice" tomorrow.

After that, Miss Magician bought the "blood of deep-sea marlin" she needed from the Hanged Man for 320 pounds. Angel knew that this was one of the main ingredients of the Sequence 8 "Master of Magic" potion, and the other one A piece of material, the "Stomach Pouch of the Soul Eater", can only be exchanged for Mr. Sun's contribution to this exploration after he returns to Silver City.

At the same time, he is also preparing to try his best to learn about the various materials that Silver City possesses and that the monsters wandering around the city can obtain, provide the list to the members of the Tarot Society, and obtain his own share of the benefits from the transaction.

This shows that Mr. "Sun", who was originally a bit naive and shy, has quickly matured in Tarot Club.

The "Magician" Forsi opposite him was excitedly looking forward to the moment when she would be promoted to Sequence 8. She had been working hard for it for several years. At this moment, the magic potion was so close that she couldn't help herself.

But looking at the Tarot Club members around her whose rankings were higher than hers, this excitement quickly dissipated in the wind.

Seeing that everyone's transaction was completed, Angel cleared her throat, drew everyone's attention to her, and then said slowly:

"Last week, I was in Bansi Port and I encountered a strange thing."

(End of this chapter)

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