Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 421 Prepare to join the hunt

Chapter 421 Prepare to join the hunt

Port Bansi... Alger was convinced. He had already learned about what happened in Bansi from his previous conversation with Angel. Although he did not dare to ask within the church, he confirmed through his own private channels that he had learned about what happened in Banxi last Tuesday night. Anomalies in Westport.

Most of the other members were in a state of confusion. Audrey and Fors at least knew where Bansi was. Emlyn and Derrick had never even heard of the existence of this island. At this moment, they were all confused and confused. He looked at Angel with puzzled eyes.

I really miss this look... Angel straightened his back and said:

"Last Tuesday, Bansi Port was shrouded in fog and strong winds. The ancient sacrificial tradition was revived. Some indigenous people, led by a fallen Storm Bishop who secretly became the leader of a cult, sacrificed living people and summoned living corpses, causing a huge fuss. , Fortunately, the local punishment agent handled the incident in time, otherwise it might have endangered the entire island."

"Fallen Bishop?"

Audrey beside her exclaimed.

Compared with the armed forces of the church, the bishops of each diocese are undoubtedly more pious, and they are more scrutinizing and paying more attention to identity and belief. No matter what the reason, "fall" is a big deal.

"Yes, but when I channeled him, the bishop didn't seem to think that he had betrayed the storm. He was doing what he thought was right - using all means to save Bansi."

Angel replied that she was still a little puzzled by Bishop Miller's answer, but there was no other way to confirm it now unless...

She looked at the Hanged Man, who had dual identities of the Church of Storms and the Tarot Society.

The latter did not notice this gaze. He pondered for a moment and asked:

"You actually have the opportunity to channel a bishop under the eyes of the Punisher?" His tone changed slightly and became more urgent, "What about the bishop's extraordinary characteristics?"

"Because the situation was unclear at the time, I could only let go of his soul and extraordinary characteristics."

Angel subconsciously touched her chest, and then she remembered that except for her clothes, nothing about her could be brought into this gray fog space.

Hearing this answer, Alger sighed with some disappointment.

He didn't feel sorry for Bishop Miller being put away. Since he had degenerated into a cult leader, this fate was not worthy of sympathy. What he is interested in is the opponent's "Wind Blessed One" extraordinary characteristics. Now that the magic potion formula is about to be obtained, if he can obtain the extraordinary characteristics again, he only needs to prepare auxiliary materials, and he can immediately prepare the magic potion and complete his promotion.


"The situation is unclear? Can you elaborate?"

Seeing that there was no hope for extraordinary characteristics, he casually took over the topic.

"It's like this. In the cave on the top of the mountain next to Bansi Port, I was sent to Trier thousands of miles away by a strange rune carved on the altar and stained with the blood of many people. Even the corpse of the fallen bishop followed. We passed together, and in that case, I could only take advantage of the Bishop’s extraordinary characteristics.”

Angel explained.

"Trier? The capital of the Republic of Intis?"

Mr. World asked in a deep, hoarse voice.

Angel was a little proud to hear that even this taciturn member couldn't help but ask questions. After cutting out some content that would reveal her identity, she shared her "Three Days Travel Diary of Trier" and the strange phenomena in the catacombs. He told the members, making them all open their eyes in shock.

"A tomb that will disappear without a candle..."

Forsi muttered and repeated, several horror story scripts instantly formed in his mind, and his longing for a foreign country was unprecedentedly strong.

"We don't seem to have the power to teleport people thousands of miles away..."

Emlyn also had to admit that he had indeed never heard of this matter.

"After staying in Trier for three days, you returned to Bansi three days ago via the same route?"

Alger quickly grasped the key point and confirmed again.

"Yes, that's the weirdest thing about the whole thing. It reminds me of the repeated explorations Mr. Sun went through, but it's very different...Have you seen this symbol?"

After displaying the runes on the altar as a projection, Angel asked with helplessness.

After a brief silence, several people shook their heads, saying that they had never seen similar symbols. Then they all looked at the Fool at the top of the long table, expecting his answer.


Mr. Fool gave a rare laugh, and then answered:

"This reminds me of a 'King of Angels', the Medici who created the 'Rose of Redemption', whose descendants live in Binsi."

His tone seemed to be recalling an old friend.

"Binsi is Bansi now."

Angel added for Mr. Fool that she had heard this word from the ancient evil spirit of Backlund and the mysterious Mr. Fool, and knew that it was an ancient name from thousands of years ago.

At the same time, she was also a little shocked. She didn't expect that ten minutes after Mr. Sun said the two angel kings "Angel of Time" and "Angel of Destiny", she heard the name of another angel king.

Moreover, when Mr. Fool mentions Him, does he imply to us that the power of Bansi Port involves the level of the King of Angels, so we should not get in touch easily?

If angels represent Sequence 2, then the King of Angels is undoubtedly Sequence 1, which is at the top of the potion. This kind of power is something that small mid-sequence extraordinary people like us dare to come into contact with... But I have accidentally encountered it, Moreover, it takes my blood to touch the runes on the altar. What does this mean?

Thoughts flashed through Angel's mind. He looked at the other members and found that they were also silent, apparently understanding Mr. Fool's warning.

Only the Hanged Man nodded thoughtfully.

He is a member of the Church of Storms. I am afraid he will find an opportunity to report to the church and let them understand the seriousness of the matter... In this way, with the intervention of the Righteous God Church, the power should not spread outside the island. Mr. Fool gave a brief reminder and stopped talking. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, skipping this topic in a tacit understanding.

"Ahem, Backlund has been affected by the Great Smog Incident. Official Beyonders have placed unprecedentedly strict restrictions on underground markets and secret gatherings. Almost all gatherings have been cancelled. If you plan to come to Backlund in the near future, please be careful."

Forsi reminded.

"The vampire gathering was not affected."

Opposite her, Emlyn corrected her unceremoniously.

"Perhaps the official Beyonders just don't have time to catch you. After all, your features are too easy to recognize." The Hanged Man seemed to have figured out something, his expression became relaxed, and his tone became a little ridiculed, "By the way, what I said last time I have already inquired about the price of the Blood Baron’s legacy characteristics, which is 4500 pounds.”

Before "Moon" lost his temper, he quickly changed the topic.

"4500 pounds..."

Emlyn was stunned. The money was enough to buy all the dolls he was interested in, and he could also customize several different sets of clothes for the existing ones.

"I'll think about it again..."

This time the tarot session ended with his regretful sigh.


"Ah wu——"

Angel yawned in boredom, walked to the balcony of the suite, looked at the slightly calm sea in the night, shrank his neck in the cold sea breeze, slipped back to the living room, and closed the door.

According to the "bait plan" formulated by the three of them, Daniz is currently looking for people to talk to in nearby bars, or going to the casino to hang out a few times to appropriately expose his whereabouts.

Angel and Klein were responsible for protecting him secretly, and trying to uncover other stalkers. Even if they were not "Iron" Maiviti's men, they were probably the informants of a "named" pirate.

Tonight, it was Klein's turn.

Compared with being invisible, the ability of the "faceless man" may be more suitable for this task... Angel sat back on the sofa and picked up the local newspaper to kill time. Suddenly, a gray fog appeared in front of him.

In the gushing mist, a figure with dark blue hair who did not hide his head lowered his head and chanted:

"Mr. Fool, please tell Miss 'Queen' that I found traces of two pirates in Bayam. One of them is the party involved in the 'Bansi Port' incident, the fourth boatswain of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg', 'Flame' Da Nitz. He has a bounty of 3000 pounds on his head. He is weak and injured, but he still dares to go out and gamble. I suspect that he is just a bait.

"The other is the second officer of the 'Blood Admiral', Steel Maiviti, the culprit who injured Daniz. He came to Bayam with his men, and seems to be tracking down the 'Key to Death'. This group of people It’s more valuable, but difficult to deal with. If Miss Queen is willing to take action, I can provide some help and subsequent channels for receiving the bounty.”

The good news is that Daniz caught a fish as soon as he showed up.

Bad news, you caught one of your own...

Angel looked at the gray fog gradually dissipating in front of her eyes and curled her lips. She did not expect that the first person to eat the bait was Mr. Hanged Man, whom she had only met at the tarot meeting in the afternoon. The latter apparently pounced on Baia right after the meeting. Tom's bars and casinos began to work hard for their 20% share.

It seems that the price of the "Wind Blessed One" potion formula is really stressful for him...

But he didn't expect that he would know the clues about "Steel" Maiviti, so that he could skip the stage of using Daniz as bait to spread information as soon as possible and enter the real "hunting"...

Thinking of the smile on Klein's face when he mentioned "hunting" when making plans, Angel somehow felt that the style of this smile matched the "crazy adventurer".


The door opened at just this moment, and Klein walked in with Daniz, who had disguised his hair color and wore a peaked cap to cover his forehead and eyebrows.

"Anything gained?"

Since there were outsiders present, Angel did not expose the information provided by the Hanged Man, but pretended to know nothing and asked.

"I'm very unlucky. I lost more than 10 pounds... No, that's not the point..." Feeling Gehrman next to him cast a cold gaze, Daniz quickly changed his words, "I went to three bars and a casino. I found information about 'Steel' from an intelligence dealer, and I am convinced that several people have seen through my disguise and know that I am 'Fire'. Maybe tomorrow, or at most the day after tomorrow, Maiviti's people will appear next to me. of."

"Among the people you met today, was there a guy with dark blue hair?"

"How do you know? His name is Alger. He is a powerful but not well-known pirate. He has a ghost ship and dozens of sailors. According to our captain's analysis, there is probably someone big behind someone like him. The support of the forces, of course, is not the 'Blood Admiral', otherwise he would have taken action when he met me just now."

Sure enough, "The Hanged Man" Alger had indeed been in contact with him, and it seemed that he had come up with a lot of words... Angel compared the information on both sides, and after confirming that it was accurate, he smiled.

"Maybe we don't need to wait until the day after tomorrow for the plan to move to the next step."

Looking at her mysterious smile, Daniz felt a little guilty, wondering if his plan to agree to the two men's "hunting" Iron Maiviti was a bit too hasty.

He subconsciously looked at Gehrman Sparrow beside him. After a brief moment of astonishment, this crazy adventurer's expression returned to calm. He reached out with his right hand to the top hat on his head, pressed the brim of the hat, and said in a low voice:

"Tonight, Hermann joins the hunt."

(End of this chapter)

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