Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 427 Successfully concluded the contract

Chapter 427 Successfully concluded the contract

Black cat?

This was a cat that accidentally broke into the ritual site - Angel's first reaction was this, but then she remembered that there were spiritual walls surrounding the room, and ordinary creatures would not be allowed to intrude.

Then it is the result of this summons...

Angel squatted down, looked at the black cat looking at her, and asked in ancient Hermes:

"Are you the messenger summoned by me?"

As soon as she finished asking, she remembered that the other party was not yet a "messenger", and was about to change her words when the huge black cat in front of her wagged its tail, opened its mouth, and uttered an ancient Fusac language:

"Yes, are you the human being who wants to sign a contract with me?"


Can it talk?

When the giant greeted her just now, Angel was not surprised at all, because humanoid spirits must have been humans during their lifetime, and it was normal for them to be able to talk, but this black cat in front of him...

She immediately thought of the extraordinary dog ​​owned by Miss Audrey, the "Justice" of the Tarot Society. After the latter accidentally swallowed the "audience" potion, it was said that she gained considerable wisdom and the ability to communicate with others. .

Did this black cat have a similar experience "in life"?

As her thoughts flowed, she nodded slightly and answered with difficulty in ancient Fussac, which she was not very proficient in:

"Yes, I summoned you through a ritual. Are you qualified for the task of delivering letters or delivering messages quickly?"

The black cat tilted its head, blinked its blue eyes, and replied in Runeese:

"As long as it's not too heavy, I can bring it into the spirit world. I can also communicate directly with others. I know several common languages."

As he spoke, it jumped up from the ground and jumped onto the table at the back that served as a temporary altar. Then it kicked up its feet and climbed up to the chandelier on the ceiling. Finally, it landed on the carpet in an elegant posture without making any sound. A little sound.

He moves quickly, can communicate with others, and even knows multiple languages. I don't know much about Ancient Fussac... Angel has a feeling of frustration that he was defeated by a black cat in the spiritual world.

But she quickly adjusted her mood and continued to ask in Rune language:

"Then are you willing to sign a contract and become my messenger?"

This is the step of "obtaining the other party's consent" that Mr. Azik once said... She looked at the black cat's beautiful eyes with some anxiety, but the latter nodded without any hesitation:

"Yes, I do."

"My last contractor has disappeared for a long time, and it's time to get a new one."

It seemed that it had agreed a little too readily, it added.

It's a really strange temperament, but it's very interesting, much better than the previous Thumbbird and Slow Giant...

Angel suppressed the joy in his heart and took the parchment that had been prepared, on which the contents of the messenger contract were written in the ancient Hermetic script with natural power. These include clauses such as that the parties to the contract cannot do anything harmful to the other party, that the messenger cannot peek at the letter, that the letter cannot be discarded, and that undelivered letters must be returned to the sender.

Finally, there is the name of the god who guarantees the effectiveness of the contract. Generally speaking, the god of death needs to be used, but this god has died in the fourth era, so Angel wrote a description of the underworld itself in this paragraph.

"The destination of all death, the hell hidden deep in the spiritual world, the witness of the mortality of all things, belongs exclusively to the kingdom of Death."

Angel was the first to sign his new name under the contract, Angelica Sage.

This does not count as using a false name to deceive the other party. When signing this kind of contract, your own breath will enter it under the witness of the underworld and cannot be faked. However, if a third party summons this black cat messenger, he needs to use the name on the contract, Angel. I don't want to reveal my real name.

The black cat used his front paws to scratch the pen a few times with great experience, and signed his name with his sharp nails.


After the names of both parties were placed, a gloomy green flame emerged from the ancient Hermes text and quickly enveloped the entire parchment, burning it to ashes.

The contract was reached.

Angel felt that her spirit body had established a faint connection with the black cat in front of her. This was proof that the terms of the contract had taken effect. As soon as her mind moved, the huge figure of the black cat Wensa quickly faded away and disappeared on the altar behind. In the candlelight above.

After signing the contract, all it takes is Angel's thought to lift the summons, and the summons...

"The spirit that wanders in the illusion, the friendly creature that can be driven, is the messenger of Angelica Sage alone."

As she called again, the black cat appeared from the void and landed deftly on the carpet, with a "sure enough" expression on its face.

It seems that it has quite a lot of experience in this... No, how can I see the expression on the cat's face? I'm not a cat... Angel cursed, smiled apologetically at Wensa, and lifted the summons.

Then, she breathed a complete sigh of relief, extinguished the ceremonial candles, removed the spiritual wall around her, and let the refreshing sea breeze enter the living room through the balcony, blowing away the somewhat serious atmosphere.

"Congratulations. Although there were a few twists and turns, you finally got your messenger."

Mr. Azik on the side came forward and said with a smile. "Is that an extraordinary creature? Well, I mean, did it take magic potion before it died, or does it have the inheritance of extraordinary characteristics?"

Klein also asked with curiosity on his face.

"Perhaps so. There are many powerful and mysterious creatures in the spiritual world that no one can explore clearly. Fortunately, it has no ill intentions towards Angel, and it sounds like it has served as a messenger for other contractors before, perhaps to pass the boring life. .”

Azik said, his smile even wider.

"Moreover, I saw some traces of battle on its body. Perhaps this Ms. Wensa defeated many competitors before getting the opportunity to sign the contract..."

Is this business so competitive...and, ma'am? Is that a female cat?

Angel blinked, becoming even more curious about his new messenger.

She looked at Klein expectantly and said:

"It's your turn next, let's see what kind of messenger you can find."

Ever since the thumb bird appeared, this guy had been snickering next to Mr. Azik, and he hadn't stopped. Now it was his turn to make a fool of himself... Angel thought bitterly.

"There is a bronze whistle to communicate with Mr. Azik, and I can also contact Ms. Wensa to communicate with you. I don't think there is a need for a new courier yet."

As if he guessed Angel's thoughts, Klein shook his head, took two steps back, and decisively rejected her proposal.

Could it be that he wanted to try it secretly alone in the middle of the night...

Angel curled his lips and gave up for the time being.

Seeing that it was inappropriate for him to stay here any longer, Azik held up the top hat on his head, glanced at the calm sea outside the window, and said softly:

"If Klein doesn't summon the messenger for the time being, I will leave first." He took a few steps away from the two of them, the carpet under his feet turned bright red, and his body gradually disappeared into the spirit world. "Next, I am going to look for me around the Rhoside Islands. memory, if you have anything, you can contact me through messenger. Haha, your black cat saw me just now. You can send the letter directly to me within a not too far distance without you needing to provide an additional address. "

As soon as he finished speaking, his not-so-tall figure disappeared.


After seeing Mr. Azik off twice, the two of them returned to business.

In the battle this morning, the two of them cooperated to eliminate all "Iron" Maiviti and his party who captured Daniz, and used the shadow cloak to transfer the two most valuable pirates among them. Klein grazed Maiviti's extraordinary characteristics and soul, gaining the three abilities of this "living corpse".

When "Creeping Hunger" switches to "Living Corpse", he can gain violent power to make up for his lack of melee combat ability; he can master the power of frost, although not as good as Angel, but it can freeze the nearby ground and affect the enemy's actions. He can even freeze them directly; finally, he can also control living zombie puppets to be used as the vanguard of certain dangerous actions, or to "surround" targets.

Unfortunately, from the use of "Steel" Maiviti, it can be seen that the effect of these living corpses is not very good...

Thinking of the living corpses that were attracted by Mr. Azik's copper whistle and wiped out by the sacred light, Angel was very dissatisfied with this extraordinary ability.

Secondly, after giving the "Flying Carpet" to Daniz, they also left behind a piece with extraordinary characteristics belonging to "Bloody Thorn" Huntley. According to divination, this is the characteristic of the "Wizard" and belongs to the "Secret Peeper" ”, which is Sequence 7 of Old Neil’s path.

The extraordinary properties of this sequence can generally be sold for more than 1500 pounds. If some effort is spent to make it into a magical item, the price will be even higher.

The bounty for the two pirates totals 9800 pounds. According to "The Hanged Man" Alger, after finding someone to collect the bounty on his behalf, he can receive about 7000% of it, and the two pirates will receive about pounds.

It was just one night of planning and action. Counting cash alone, the profit was more than 8500 pounds. This does not include the improvement in combat power brought by grazing "steel" to Klein. These "named" pirates are really waiting for withdrawals. A treasure trove...

Angel looked at Klein and found the same surprise in his eyes.

After calculating the profits, the two discussed the next plan.

Klein is preparing to release the soul of the "nightmare" that was grazed in the "Creeping Hunger" and let him return to the kingdom of the goddess. Of course, it is not yet confirmed that the other party is a believer of the goddess, but there is a high probability...

Thinking of fellow Nighthawk Dunn Smith, Angel felt a little sad.

She was also gratified that Klein had "kept his promise". After obtaining this magical item from Mr. Azik, he immediately released the "faceless man" with the same ability as his own, leaving a space for grazing. , after filling in "Steel" at this time, it is just full, and there is no need to release other souls.

But the two had already discussed that they would gradually replace the souls of those who died unjustly with evil pirates, and when they found a new one, they would release the old one.

Follow the inner rules so that you will not lose yourself and lose control during the step-by-step promotion... She concluded in her heart and had some thoughts on the digestion of her "painful" potion.

After arriving at sea, Angel felt a trace of the potion digestion from several battles and the prank he played on Daniz. In addition, he had "premature acting" after being forcibly promoted in the Backlund Great Smog. , she has already summed up the first rule of playing "pain":

The more intense the physical and mental pain you make others feel, the more direct the feedback, and the better the effect.

This means that during the performance, she will inevitably have to kill, and she will also kill in a way that causes the other party extreme pain...

But I swear, my butcher knife will only be aimed at those pirates and extraordinary people whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent people...

She silently made a promise in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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