Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 428 Pirate General

Chapter 428 Pirate General

After the hunt for "Steel" Maiviti came to an end, Angel had nothing else to do before the New Year. She and Klein prepared to spend 1350 in the "City of Generosity" Bayam, the largest city on the sea. In the new year, enjoy a rare leisure time.

The special delicacies made from various spices, the abundant supply of various fruits even in winter, and the unique scenery of the archipelago have made the Blue Mountain Island where Bayam is located a well-known tourist destination.

Klein still followed his previous plan, looking for his own opportunity to play the "Faceless Man" in this strange city, and trying to sum up his own rules for playing. In addition to the constant changes in his identity, he and Angel went to restaurants around the city to taste different styles of food, and even tested his luck again in the largest local casino, losing 30 pounds.


On Thursday afternoon, Angel stayed alone in the suite of the "Azure Wind" hotel, trying to use his own blood to make the first "disaster" spell.

Following Mr. Azik's advice and her own experience in making spells and bullets, she cooked a little blood and related materials belonging to the realm of death and the underworld together in the crucible until they turned into a thick dark red liquid, and then carefully The ground blended into the iron pieces engraved with the runes found in the Bansi Port cave, dyeing the runes the same color.

Because this talisman did not pray to other gods to borrow power, she did not choose metals that belong to the realm of gods such as silver, gold, and tin, but the most ordinary iron pieces, and the blood was not cut off by making communication potions. Connection with yourself.

Because she wants to "borrow" her own power.

Through the connection of blood, Angel could clearly feel the rapid loss of her own spirituality when she engraved the incantation on the talisman that was originally used to pray and ask for power from the gods. With her Sequence 5 spirituality, she finished making the only "disaster" "When I was casting the spell, there was not much spiritual energy left, as if I had exhausted all my spiritual energy after the war. There was throbbing pain in my temples, and the scene in front of me was a little blurry.

But no matter what, this charm was successfully made...

Seeing that the blood color had merged into the iron piece, turning the originally mute white color into a dark red "disaster" charm, Angel put the tools away with satisfaction, and stored the hard-earned charm close to his body in case of emergency.

If you have the chance, find a place where no one is around to try its ability... Even Mr. Azik has never seen this rune, so is it my own creation?

She was thinking happily, but also worriedly, as she supported her tired body and prepared to go back to the bedroom to catch up on some sleep.

Klein left the hotel early this morning and went to Simim Island on the east side of Blue Mountain Island where Bayam is located. He tried to play the role of an adventurer who died unexpectedly and fulfilled his last wish. He would not be able to return until the evening. .

This also gave Angel some resting space.

She quickly got into the warm bed. The fatigue that almost exhausted her spiritual energy became the best sleeping pill, and she fell into a deep sleep in less than a minute.


The coldness on her wrist awakened Angel, and she subconsciously touched her right wrist. The "Secret Holy Emblem" hanging on the crystal pendant was emitting an ominous chill.

This usually means that she has entered a dream created by others... She immediately reacted and looked around.

The bedroom was shrouded in the light of the setting sun outside the window. In the dim yellow color, everything was the same as before she fell asleep, and she did not feel the absurdity and disharmony in the dream.

Not a dream?

She left the big bed and returned to the living room, checking carefully to confirm that she was still in reality.

After she woke up, the Hidden Holy Emblem gradually returned to its original warmth.

After thinking for a moment, Angel took out his magic mirror and performed a brief divination:

"The source of my current strange feelings."

She muttered, touched the mirror, and saw a scene in the mirror that surprised her.

In a room whose shape was almost the same as the living room she was in, Daniz, the "flame" who had not seen her for two days, was talking to a beautiful lady. The sound was not heard, but from Daniz's restrained and respectful expression, It could be seen from his expression that he was not the leader of the conversation.

Danitz? Didn’t he disappear after receiving the loot? Why did it appear again... Angel muttered and put away the magic mirror.

It can be determined from the picture in the mirror that the two of them are probably in the "Azure Wind" hotel now, and in a luxury suite on their own floor.

Is this why the Hidden Holy Emblem issues a warning? But doesn’t it only respond to powers related to dreams and divination?

She thought about it, opened the living room door and went to the corridor outside, looking at the doors of the other three suites on this floor.

If it was Daniz... She grinned, walked to the door of the suite farthest from hers, touched the door handle, and found that the door was locked.

After using silk thread to pass through the crack in the door and opening the door from the inside, Angel stepped into a room with almost the same furnishings as the living room she had just stayed in, and her heart sank with some expectation.

The room is empty.

Found the wrong one? Did Daniz book another suite, or was the result of the divination not about the present, but the past or the future?

She was about to leave with some disappointment, but suddenly she heard a low snoring coming from the direction of the bedroom.

Opening the bedroom door in the same way, Angel was surprised to find that the "Fire Flame" Danitz he was looking for was lying on the bed in an extremely ungraceful posture, falling into a deep sleep, with the same snoring sounds coming from his mouth from time to time.

The sleeping Danitz, the warning of the hidden holy symbol, the conversation with the strange woman... If she still doesn't understand what happened, then the two months of working as a Nighthawk will be in vain.

Sitting on the wooden chair in the bedroom, Angel took out a "Dream Spell" carved with complex symbols and logos from his pocket, and read out its opening spell:


After a while, she came to the bedroom in the dream.


"Both of them are very strong, as strong as they can defeat 'Iron' Maiviti in one minute, but they are also crazy and dangerous..."

Angel opened the door and returned to the living room, and Daniz's somewhat excited words stopped abruptly.

He turned to look at his bedroom and "Angelica Sage" who walked out of it, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

This is his dream!

No, it is normal for people you fear to appear in your dreams. This is generally called a nightmare... Strange thoughts came to Daniz's mind.

The beautiful lady next to him had her long brown hair tied into an elegant braid on the back of her head. She was wearing a waist-cinched beige coat and a pair of brown leather boots under her knee-length skirt. Her light blue eyes curiously looked at the person who broke into the dream. uninvited guest. "Angelica Sage?"

She asked in a flat tone.

"Then you must be the 'Iceberg Vice Admiral' Ms. Edwina Edwards that Daniz talks about every day?"

Angel nodded as acknowledgment, and then asked.

This can be seen from Daniz's attitude towards her. The most important thing is that this lady and her "Golden Dream" have a bounty of 26000 pounds. Their general appearance and patchwork portrait have long been known to Angel. It took root in her mind, allowing her to recognize the other person at a glance.

"it's me."

"I don't worry about it every day..."

The two voices sounded at the same time, and Danitz's somewhat angry defense quickly stopped under the indifferent gaze of his captain.

"How did you enter the dream?"

After taming the crew with her eyes, Edwina returned her gaze to Angel again and asked curiously.

"Perceive the traces of the dream, find the room where he is, and then only need a charm." Angel downplayed the effect of the "Secret Holy Emblem" and simply explained, "What about you? Listen to Daniz, 豼The 'Golden Dream' is still thousands of miles away, so far away that he can only report to you through newspaper news. The ability of 'Nightmare' can't affect Bayam, right?"

"Just another simple ritual magic."

Edwina answered in a tone similar to Angel's. She stepped on the carpet with her leather boots and came to Angel. She looked at her in silence for a while, and a smile suddenly broke out on her face.

"Thank you for saving Daniz and avenging my crew. You will gain the friendship of the 'Golden Dream' and me."

She said sincerely, bending down slightly to salute, leaving Daniz behind him stunned.

Seeing that the pirate general suddenly lowered his attitude, Angel was a little surprised. In her mind, she was wavering between "reasonable Angel" and "pirate hunter Angelica", and finally chose the latter:

"We also got what we needed."

Her tone was calm, as if "Iron" Maiviti and his men were just a small problem that could be easily solved.

Of course, this is actually the case.

" would be better if you could answer a few questions for me."

Looking at the pirate general in front of him, who Daniz said was "erudite", Angel changed the subject and said.

"Of course, I will tell you everything I know, but have you ever gone to college, or do you have extensive knowledge of mysticism?"

I went to a church university in my previous life, but can this be said... Angel could hardly hold back the indifferent expression on his face, and after a moment he replied in a deep voice:

"Something involved."

"That's good. I will answer the question based on your knowledge level so that you can easily understand it."

So I haven’t gone to college and I’m not proficient in occult knowledge. Are you going to use the method of teaching children to deal with me?

Taking a deep breath, Angel used the power in the dream to manifest the complex runes he saw in Bansi Port and used them to create the "Disaster" spell today, and displayed them in front of Edwina.

This rune was not any text or image she had ever seen, but it was arranged in an orderly manner, symmetrical on the left and right, and completely different from top to bottom. The lines at the bottom were sharp and angular, regular and beautiful, but the complex lines at the top were like a heavy rain that was about to destroy it.

Without the extraordinary memory and the experience of memorizing Russell's diary, she would have been almost unable to store this abstract picture in her mind.

"Have you seen this rune?"

"No," Edwina's quick reply made Angel feel a little sad, but then the other party continued, "But I can do a little analysis based on its composition. Its shape is like a correspondence between two extreme forces. It does not contain There are no components of any holy symbol of the gods, and there is no prayer content in the corresponding realm. The symbols inside seem to depict the coming changes and pure destruction. Where did you see it?"

Change and destruction... are similar to Mr. Azik's explanation, but slightly different. Maybe they have contradictory interpretations because of the different sequences... Angel nodded and replied:

"Port Bansi."

"I see..." Edwina seemed to have some realization, "Danitz told me what happened that night. It seems that Bansi's blockade by the Church of Storms' fleet was related to this."

blockade? I don’t know. The corruption and betrayal of a bishop should not cause them to mobilize troops. It seems that the hidden power and secrets of Bansi Island have made them feel troublesome. Fortunately, we have left there...

Angel secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask:

"The second question is, will 'Blood Admiral' Senior come to Bayam to take revenge for the death of 'Steel'?"

"After a big battle broke out between him and Vice Admiral Dusk's fleet, he disappeared into the waters near Sunia Island. No one has been able to find them so far. If you are worried about his revenge, I can..."

"We are not worried about being retaliated by him, but we are worried about..."

It was not Angel who answered Edwina, but a low, crazy voice coming from behind her.

"… Worried that the bounty on his head will be taken away by others."

Under the gaze of three people, Gehrman Sparrow, wearing a black windbreaker and a top hat with a crazy expression, walked out of the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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