Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 432 Materials for Sequence 4

Chapter 432 Materials for Sequence 4

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Backlund, Byam, and the Silver City in an unknown area, a deep red light flashed, and everyone in the Tarot Society came to the gray mist under the call of "The Fool", Started a new week of partying.

"Mr. Fool, and everyone, happy New Year."

Miss Justice stood up first and greeted everyone.

"Mr. Fool, I found two pages of Emperor Russell's diary."

Miss Magician said.

"I found a page too."

Angel originally planned to reveal two pages at the same time, but found that only the magician presented two pages, so he secretly hid one page and prepared to talk about it next week.

The Fool at the head of the long table received a total of three pages of the diary and began to read it quietly behind the gray mist. During this time that was exclusively for him, no one dared to make any move and had to wait patiently.

Angel quietly looked at Alger Wilson, the "Hanged Man" opposite, and his eyes lingered on the messy dark blue hair on his head for a moment and then moved away.

This morning, she had received the bounty from "Steel" Maiviti and "Blood Thorn" Huntley through the Fool's gift, which was slightly more than expected, totaling 7200 pounds.

Although Klein never mentioned it, she still tacitly assigned half of the bounty to him, but even so, her 3600 pounds plus her original deposit of 1900 pounds had already reached 5500 pounds. , bringing her current wealth to a new level.

There are also the 3800 pounds owed by Audrey, and the 1000 pounds owed by Backlund's "Eye of Wisdom"... If I get them all, I will have 1 pounds!

The corners of her mouth unconsciously curled upward, but she immediately remembered that she was at the "Tarot Club" venue, and quickly returned to her indifferent expression.

Fortunately, there was gray fog blocking her... She looked around and found that no one was paying attention to her, and she breathed a sigh of relief.


Low laughter came from the top of the long table, making Angel look at Mr. Fool with some anxiety.

"I saw some interesting things, and I think it is necessary to let you know," His smiling words reached everyone's ears, "The extraordinary ability involving the 'mirror' will enter through the spiritual world and connect all mirrors. In the 'Mirror World', there are many existences there that are 'evil spirits' to you, so you need to be careful and avoid contact."

Mirror world?

Angel subconsciously thought of the abilities involving mirrors such as "Mirror Divination" and "Mirror Substitution" that she often used. She looked in the direction of Mr. Fool, always feeling that what this mysterious existence said seemed to be directed at her.

"Thank you for your warning."

She bowed her head in salute, and all the other members of the Tarot Club also did the same. Most people did not understand the meaning of the Fool's words, but just kept this content in their hearts.

Even Mr. Fool said to be careful, it must be an extremely dangerous evil spirit!

After a while, under the Fool's signal, everyone entered into a period of free communication and transaction.

"Miss Justice, the magical items you ordered have been made."

The Hanged Man looked at Audrey beside Angel and said with a smile.

"I hope the deal will happen immediately after the meeting."

Audrey answered excitedly.

During the Backlund Great Smog Incident, she exposed her becoming an Extraordinary to her parents. Although her future actions would be slightly restricted, she also benefited a lot, such as the magical items she purchased at the Tarot Club. You can reimburse your father for reimbursement.

"Can I ask what kind of item it is?"

the magician asked curiously.

The Hanged Man did not answer, but looked at the true owner of the object.

"All I can say for now is that it's worth £5500."

Audrey forced the corners of her mouth to answer. In this transaction, Mr. World, the provider of the extraordinary characteristics, had requested that the details of the items should not be disclosed to others, so she could only answer vaguely.

5500 pounds... Excluding the production fee for the craftsmen and the commission for the Hanged Man, it is about 4500 pounds. It is far from the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 5. There is a premium for Sequence 6... Well, maybe for Audrey This premium is nothing.

Angel was guessing about the specific situation of this magical item, and suddenly found that the Hanged Man's gaze turned towards him.

"My craftsmen are now free again. Does anyone else need to make magical items?"

Although his words did not refer to anyone specifically, they were undoubtedly meant for me. He still remembered that I had an extraordinary characteristic of the "Faceless Man"... Angel felt a little want to laugh, thinking that the Hanged Man must be interested in this kind of matchmaking, I am very satisfied with the business of earning handling fees, and even say "my craftsman"...

But her pockets are now bulging, and she does have the intention to make the "Faceless Man" characteristics into a truly magical item, which can completely replace the role of the "Ring of Madness" and perhaps gain some new abilities.

"Is it still the same price?"

she confirmed. "The production fee for Sequence 6 Extraordinary Characteristics is 1000 pounds. I will charge another 300 pounds after completion."

As if he had already expected the extraordinary characteristics that Angel was going to hand over, the Hanged Man immediately answered.

The two quickly finalized the deal.

Old price? Production costs? "Moon" Emlyn White, who was puzzled by this, looked left and right, and found that except for himself, no one else seemed surprised at all.

This gave him an uncomfortable feeling of being excluded. Fortunately, at Backlund's vampire gathering last week, Lord Nibais, an ancient member of the clan, rewarded him fully for completing the prayer to the Fool. 7000 pounds gave him the opportunity to complete the deal with the Hanged Man and obtain the extraordinary characteristics of the Blood Baron.

"Mr. Hanged Man, I'm going to buy the Blood Baron's inheritance for 4500 pounds, right?"

He said with some pride, turning his eyes towards the two ladies "Justice" and "Queen".

"Yes, of course, don't forget my commission, 500 pounds."

The Hanged Man's tone was still calm, but he succeeded in making Emlyn's face fall.

"Ahem, okay, okay, after you get his inheritance, we can trade."

He felt that the sense of nobility he had managed to create was completely destroyed by the damn gold pound.

After him, he returned to Silver City. Derrick of the Sun, who could exchange extraordinary materials from the city market, also obtained the "Soul Eater's Stomach" that the magician urgently needed. However, since Silver City did not circulate various materials from the Northern Continent, currency, the apprentice who was eager to be promoted to "Master of Magic" could only accept the Hanged Man's third-party transaction:

She accepted the "Soul Eater's Stomach" sacrificed by Derrick, and then gave 300 pounds to the Hanged Man, who gave the Sequence 7 "Sun Priest" potion formula to Derrick "The Sun". The price difference will be made up by him with future extraordinary materials.

As an incidental content of this transaction, Mr. Sun used several pieces of parchment to write down various materials that could be obtained from the market inside Silver City, as well as a list of monsters that appeared around, and showed it to every member.

Not only the Hanged Man, but any member who wants to trade with him can use this list to trade for the extraordinary materials he needs.

This list of precious items alone is probably as valuable as the "Sun Priest" formula, and under the operation of the Hanged Man, he actually gave it to everyone to watch for free... Angel watched Mr. Sun show it excitedly Parchment, sighing inwardly, she thought Mr. Hanged Man was kind and helpful before, but now she realized that this was just an illusion...

Of course, this will be more conducive to the circulation of items within the Tarot Club, give full play to the unique advantages of Silver City where Mr. "Sun" is located, and make up for his disadvantage of being unable to collect cash... Is this the real purpose of "The Hanged Man" ?

With emotion, she looked at the parchment that appeared in front of her, her eyes scanning over the names of the items.

There is a simple description of the appearance of the terrifying giant spider's silk gland next to it. It is exactly the same as the "widow giant spider's silk gland". Maybe it is called by a different name... Meteor crystal, is this another name for "star crystal", or is it something else? s material?

Angel browsed the list excitedly, expanding her occult knowledge. Suddenly, she found a line of words at the back of the list.

"The poisonous needle of the black-striped shadow giant scorpion."

This is one of the auxiliary materials for the "Despair" Witch's potion formula!

She suppressed her excitement and quickly browsed through the list. She did not find the "complete poison sac of the black-lined shadow giant scorpion", the main ingredient of the potion, and sighed with a little regret.

It seems that there may not be any living black-striped shadow giant scorpions around Silver City, otherwise poison sacs and poison needles should appear together in the market...

Angel looked at the other Tarot Society members and found that most of them were still buried in the parchment in front of them, so he asked softly:

"Mr. Sun, the items on the list are all ready-made, can they be traded directly?"

"Yes, but currently it can only be bartered, or if you have clues to the follow-up formula of 'Sun Priest', it can also be used for exchange."

Unexpectedly, there would be a trade request so soon, and Derrick's words also contained some excitement.

"If I want to exchange the item 'The Poisonous Needle of the Black-lined Shadow Giant Scorpion' from your market, what price will it cost?"

"Hmm... I don't know how to value it in your currency, but it is probably worth ten stomach bags of soul eaters that Miss Magician needs, or the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 6."

That is more than 3000 pounds. If traded with extraordinary characteristics, it may even exceed 4000 pounds... The auxiliary materials for Sequence 4 potions are so expensive...

Even before the transaction started, Angel felt her heart bleeding. She nodded and replied:

"Thank you, I'll think about it again."

The two main materials were not available, and she did not plan to purchase auxiliary materials for the time being, which would greatly occupy her small savings.

At this time, "The Hanged Man" Alger, who was secretly listening to the details of the conversation, fell into a state of extreme shock.

"A single piece of extraordinary material is worth more than 3000 pounds, which is roughly equivalent to one of the main materials of a Sequence 5 potion. However, Miss Queen's combat power is not only Sequence 6. The only possibility is that... this is a potion auxiliary materials, and the auxiliary materials at this price must be Sequence 4!"

His mind was racing.

"She has obtained the formula and started collecting Sequence 4 potion materials... A high-Sequence Extraordinary is about to appear in the Tarot Society!"

(End of this chapter)

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