Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 433 Embarrassing Question

Chapter 433 Embarrassing Question

"Sequence 4?"

Looking at the lustful Angel on the sofa, Klein asked with confusion on his face.

"Yes, even though my digestion of Sequence 5 'Pain' is not high, I have to start thinking about the next sequence," Angel couldn't help lowering his voice and said softly as if he was plotting something, "Furthermore, The materials for these potions are very expensive, and even one auxiliary material costs thousands of pounds to buy..."

Thinking of the "venomous needle of the black-lined shadow giant scorpion" that was sold for up to 3000 pounds in the Silver City trading market, she couldn't help but sigh again, and recalled in her mind the mysterious city she arrived after her death. The text on the "Witch" card I saw.

"Sequence 4, despair.

"Main materials: the eyes of the gazer, the complete poison sac of the black-lined shadow giant scorpion.

"Supplementary materials: 150 ml of the Gazer's blood, the poisonous needle of the black-striped shadow giant scorpion, 10 drops of blood mist tree sap, and 1 homemade highly toxic medicine.

"Promotion ritual: Kill a demigod or equivalent extraordinary creature mainly by relying on your own strength, and take the magic potion in his despair before death."

If the materials were expensive, they could always be solved with money, but the promotion ceremony from Sequence 5 to Sequence 4 made Angel feel a little "desperate".

After being promoted to Sequence 5, she truly understood the meaning of the title "demigod, half human", and how little of the "Desperate Lady" Panatia was playing with her in Backlund's haze. strength.

Even without the haze created in advance through the ritual, with three Sequence 5s and all the magical items, her winning rate against a Sequence 4 with the same path would be less than half... Of course, she is also a witch path, High-ranking Extraordinaries have stronger suppression of the sequences below them, but this can also fully explain the gap between the two sequences...

And you have to complete most of the battles with your own strength and cannot rely on others. Otherwise, you may be able to use the conflict between demigods to complete the promotion ceremony with Xiao Bo Da...

The more he thought about it, the more discouraged he became. Angel raised his head and was surprised to find Klein looking at him with concern.

"I calculated that if each auxiliary material costs 3000 pounds, and the main material costs 1 pounds, the price of the entire potion will be more than 3 pounds... Even if we sell it, we can't even afford it."

She forced a smile and changed the topic.

"But it's enough to sell the 'Blood Admiral'. His head is worth 42000 pounds. Even if you avoid trouble and find someone to collect it on your behalf, you can still get more than 35000 pounds, which is enough to solve the problem of the potion's materials."

Klein has understood the essence of the crazy adventurer Hermann in his intermittent performances, and he has also begun to speak arrogantly in private situations, and does not take the pirate general seriously.

This confident answer made Angel laugh, and made her feel a little relieved from the despair that was infected by the "Despair" potion promotion ceremony.

It's all because of the giant scorpion's poisonous needle. I didn't even think about advancing to Sequence 4 because I hadn't heard anything about the formula... She cursed a few times and put aside the distant Sequence for the time being. 4. Focus on the "Blood Admiral".

"This is a radio receiver. I got it from the underground market for 15 pounds." Klein took out a piece of mechanical equipment with a complex interior but rough appearance from the box next to him, as well as several pieces of equipment that looked like... Antenna accessories, "Remember the radio spectrum and password I got from the 'White Shark' in Port Damir? This equipment can monitor that spectrum. If the 'Blood Admiral' and his intelligence officers use Radio calls, you know what they’re talking about, you know where they are.”


Looking at this rough machine that seemed to be handmade, Angel felt a sense of dislocation from the steam age to the electrical age.

"You actually understand this?"

she asked curiously.

"I'm a top student at Hoy University."

Following Angel's proud expression when he mentioned "Sequence 4" just now, Klein carefully put the equipment into the box.

"Radio monitoring is a hard job and I think it should be left to someone more suitable."

He winked and pointed in the direction of the living room door.

Angel immediately understood what he meant and nodded with a smile.

Since "Vice Admiral Iceberg" is cooperating with us to hunt "Admiral Blood", then she can finally gain some strength under Bayam, right?


"Shit, it's me again! The last time I was asked to light fireworks, I was almost discovered by the patrol. This time, I was asked to monitor the radio... I hope you are all killed by the 'Blood Admiral'... No, that's not right. , kill Senor and then die together."

"Fire" Daniz cursed and threw aside a thick "operation manual", roughly assembled the radio receiver and its complex antenna, and placed it on the table by the window.

Although he cursed harshly, he kept his voice extremely low for fear of being heard by Hermann and Angelica who lived on the same floor.

After shaking the power handle vigorously according to the instructions in the manual, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the rocking chair on the side, getting into a comfortable position, ready to take a nap.

Why don't I hire someone to guard such a simple thing, maybe only a few soles a day... But the captain will definitely not agree, and neither will Hermann... Danitz was thinking wildly in his mind, and gradually fell into sleep. among.

"Da, da da da da -"

A rhythmic knocking sound woke him up. Looking at the hazy red moon outside the window, Daniz squinted and looked in the direction of the sound. The set-up ticker was running automatically, the firing pins of different letters were tapping rapidly, and a translucent, somewhat illusory piece of paper was spit out from below.

Did you receive the message from "Admiral of Blood" so soon? No, no, I didn’t even put the paper in or press the print button!

Danitz's sleepiness was frightened away. He reached for the pistol at his waist with one hand, summoned a solid flame with the other, and moved closer softly.

If it makes any weird noises again, I will rush out to find the two of them... But it's already weird to be able to spit out paper automatically. Shouldn't I stay here...

A few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. He couldn't leave or stay, so he had to stand still again and watch the ticker spit out the complete paper.

"Hello, is there anyone around? I feel a familiar scent."

There is a line of words written on it in ancient Fusac script.

Damn it, this is definitely not "Blood Admiral" Senior and his men. Those pirates are not so polite... Daniz licked his dry lips and tried to ask:

"Who is you?"

Click click click, another illusory white paper appeared from under the ticker.

“You can call me Arrodes.

"In exchange, you must answer a question."

Trivia game? It sounds a bit like the weird trap under the deep sea that the captain said. If you answer wrong or make the other party dissatisfied, you will be trapped in the sunken ship and will never be allowed to leave... Daniz chuckled and said:

"You said."

He decided to see what the other person was going to ask first.

Click, click, click, the paper continued to spit out, and a few new lines of words appeared above, with a strange red color, better than the moonlight outside the window.

"You will always long for those beautiful, powerful, mysterious women in your heart, longing for them to step on you under their feet and play with them in their hands, such as the noble lady next to you, or the captain you have a crush on, right?"

What...what the hell?

Daniz thought he had read it wrong. He rubbed his eyes, took two steps closer and read the question again. His face suddenly turned red, as if there was a fire burning inside.

Nonsense! How could I possibly like that woman with an evil heart... No, that's not the point. How could it know that I was interested in the captain...

"Boring and ridiculous question."

He squeezed out a sentence from his pursed lips, and pressed his finger again and again on the trigger of the revolver.

"Then let's change the question. You claim that you want to escape the captain's boring courses, but you always stop your vacation early and rush back to the ship as soon as possible. What's the reason?"

The firing pin inside the ticker was tapping rapidly, as if there was a devil inside who knew everything and was typing out those embarrassing questions with a grin.

"I don't!"

Daniz blurted out and unbuttoned the collar smoothly, feeling that the cold winter night was a little hot.

"Wrong answer. Next question, you often dream that the 'Golden Dream' was severely damaged, but you rescued your captain by chance, thus shortening the distance between the two parties, and even going further, is it or no."

This thing is a devil, just like its owner Gehrman!

Daniz couldn't bear it any longer. He strode forward and stretched out his hands to dismantle this abominable machine into parts, put it into a box, and return it to the abominable adventurer who ordered him to monitor the radio all night long.

Suddenly, his body stopped, his hands and feet froze in place, and the clothes on his body were tied tightly in circles, clinging to his body, restricting all his movements.

The only movable eyeball turned to look to the side, and Daniz found in despair that there was a man and a woman standing at the door of the living room. They were the Gehrman and Angelica whom he had just been madly cursing in his heart.

"You guys, you guys are here. This radio receiver happened to receive some information. I was about to check..."

He forced a smile on his face and said with a trembling voice.

Say it's okay, say you just came here... He shouted in his heart, trying to move the gods and send blessings.

"But didn't it already ask you three questions?"

Angel asked softly, grinning slightly, and manipulated the invisible thread to make Daniz, who suddenly started dancing again to break free, and even prepared to throw out flames to destroy the radio transceiver, move further away from the table.

"If the flames in your hand fall on that machine, I will use your bounty to buy another one," Klein said with a cold face and a calm tone. "By the way, you know that your bounty has been increased to 4800 pounds. Yet?"

Daniz, who was struggling in the mesh, suddenly stopped, as if all his strength had been drained from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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