Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 434 The humble ticker

Chapter 434 The humble ticker

Of course he knows... his bounty has been upgraded again.

Daniz remembered the reason why his bounty changed from 1200 pounds to 3000 pounds. At that time, he was promoted to Sequence 7 and killed a pirate who had attacked the holiday sailors of the "Golden Dream" on the street in Tiana Port. As a result, it was published in the local newspaper, and the church and the army increased the reward, and the latter was closely related to the "Blood Admiral".

It was the same this time. In order to take revenge and remind his captain, "Admiral of Blood" Senior, was targeting her, Daniz used the power of the two people in front of him to solve the problem of "Iron" Maiviti and his Many subordinates reported the incident to the major newspapers in Bayam.

Of course, in order to maintain regional stability, these contents were not published in the newspapers, but in less than a week, the reward amount on his wanted order, which was slightly lower than that of pirates of the same level, jumped up a lot, and he became the "Golden Dream" "The "rich man" who ranked high on the list was obviously the result of the colonial government and church reassessing his strength.

As for the man and woman in front of him, it would take less than a few minutes to kill "Steel" Maiviti, and I'm afraid he would not be killed by the residents downstairs... Daniz assessed the gap in combat power between the two sides in his mind. , quickly followed his inner thoughts and stopped struggling.

"Hmph, anyway, you will understand the horror of this radio receiver in a moment. I will remember every word it spits out in my heart and tell everyone I know..."

He thought bitterly.

Passing by Daniz, who was hanging by a silk thread with a strange expression on his face, Angel slowly approached the ticker that looked a little strange under the crimson moonlight, and read the information on the paper spit out from under it.

"Arrods", you must answer the question... Could this be the sealed magic mirror owned by Backlund's "Mechanical Heart"? I remember that the deacon named Ikanser was a little afraid of it, but the questions it asked were all friendly. Why is it so mean-spirited now?

"Are you the 'Arrodes' we once knew?"

Angel asked cautiously, and made up his mind that if the other party asked any strange questions, he would use a silk thread to eject it into the sea not far away.

"Yes! Thank you for still having a place in your heart for me, your humble servant Arrodes!"

Amidst the clicking sound, a line of cursive rune text was spat out by the ticker. The exclamation mark at the end of the sentence was accompanied by an elongated ink mark, which seemed to be the embodied expression of the other party's passionate mood.

"Did you and that gentleman enjoy your holiday in Bayam?"

As another line of text was spat out, Angel confirmed that the "soul" hidden in the radio receiver was indeed Backlund's eccentric sealed object.

"It's ok."

"Exact answer! You can ask the next question."

The expression on Daniz's face, which was hung by a silk thread and his feet were not touching the ground, was completely broken. He couldn't believe that "Arrods", who just asked the shameful question that hit his heart, now looked like He is like a humble subordinate trying to please his boss, flattering him so much that he even loses his face!

This is simply a dream, a nightmare about me... He shook his stiff neck and looked around, trying to recognize the unreality of this dream, but he found Gehrman Sparrow at the door walking towards him. , and there was a glimmer of hope in my heart.

Da da da.

Before the stern-faced crazy adventurer could get closer, the ticker "Arrods" typed out a new line of text, also in Rune script. The font was even enlarged a few times for Klein who was far away from it. Number:

"Your loyal servant Arrodes is at your service."

No, no...where's that evil Arrods just now? Ask them questions and ask them what they are secretly doing in their room on New Year's Eve! Ask this guy why he has to go to the bathroom twice an hour!

Danitz screamed desperately in his heart. If the threads on his body hadn't been gradually tightened, and if Hermann's twitching mouth corners hadn't portended danger, he would have even wanted to ask those questions on behalf of the ticker.

But in the end, the fire in his heart went out, he gave up struggling, his limbs drooped, like a salted fish hanging from the ceiling, and his whole person became quiet.

After reading the previous three questions carefully, Klein could hardly hold back the serious expression on his face. He glanced at Daniz beside him from the corner of his eye, and was pleased to find that the latter's neck was drooped and he was not looking. To himself, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"I do have a question for you."

He said slowly, watching the ticker make a continuous sound of typing, spitting out a line of text.

"Please, my master. May I call you this? I feel a familiar scent."

Familiar... smell?

Klein's first reaction was that Arrodes was continuing Backlund's behavior, trying to please himself and Angel in order to escape from the control of the "Mechanical Heart" and gain freedom. Therefore, he tracked it to the sea and got into it. In this ticker.

But he then remembered that in a strange dream, he used Arrods to watch a "Machine Heart" attack on Amon's Tomb, and was respected by the other party as "a great being in the spiritual world" ”, thus determining that the origin of today’s strange behavior on the ticker should be the mysterious gray mist on his body.

After all, after I got the radio transceiver from Miss Magician, I forgot it above the gray fog. It took me a few days to remember that maybe it was tainted with a relevant aura and was discovered by Arrods... Well, this reminds me to be careful that items that have been placed in the gray fog for a long time will attract the attention of some powerful beings when they return to reality...

He thought, nodded, and continued:

"Where to find living mermaids."

He was afraid that the other party would reveal the location of the undead mermaid like Mr. Azik did, so he limited the range. The illusory white paper spit out by the ticker this time was extraordinarily long and densely packed with content, but it was thoughtfully divided into several areas and even had a simple map annotation.

From the answers, Klein learned about the mermaid settlement that believes in the Goddess of the Night near the eastern channel of the Gargas Islands, the clues about the wild mermaids in the illusory sea area of ​​the "War of the Gods Ruins" further east, and the church headquarters church. , the location of the mermaid kept in the Dormition Church on Denos Island.

Most of them are under the control of the Church of the Goddess of the Night... Why does the church that controls the path of the "Sleepless Ones" take so much effort to control the mermaids, in order to prevent the "faceless men" from continuing to advance, or do these creatures have other important uses?

Klein assessed the risks and believed that even with the "faceless man"'s ability to change his appearance, it would be too dangerous to approach the believer mermaids disguised as nighthawks or bishops. Since the church has the ability to support them, it must be fully prepared for this. If you approach rashly, you may be throwing yourself into a trap... At the very least, the pensions already given to Melissa and Benson must be recovered...

He was hesitating where to take the risk when he found that the ticker continued to spit out white paper:

"According to the rules, I want to ask you a trivial question," the words were crooked, revealing the humility hidden in them. "Do you know that the Church of the Night has been guarding against the 'Faceless Man'?"

This... is so considerate. It helped me eliminate wrong answers.

Klein rubbed his face to prevent his expression from collapsing, and then slowly replied:

"I know now."


The speed of spitting out the paper was so fast that the illusory white paper almost flew into the air, with a new sentence at the end: "The energy on the ticker is about to dissipate, and I can only answer one more question."

energy? Does it refer to the breath of gray mist? I said this because Angel and Daniz were by his side... Klein thought for a moment and gave Angel the right to ask questions.

"I want to know where the Gazer is."

Angel's question was also related to potions. She originally wanted to throw Daniz out the door and ask again, but then she thought that if he heard such a clueless thing, it would be the same as being exposed by the knowledgeable "Iceberg" "Will" Edwina knew that new clues might be generated, so she did not hide it.

"This is a creature that can travel between the spirit world and reality. Most of them have been controlled in a certain spirit world area that does not belong to the real world. Due to its anti-divination characteristics, I cannot determine the specific location. Still. There are a small number of 'Gazeers' located on a small island near the real 'Midrange Island'. Although the danger is also great, it is safer than exploring the spirit world."

The ticker controlled by Arrods quickly gave an answer.

Zhongcheng Island...where is this?

Angel recalled the map in his mind, but quickly gave up and decided to ask "Blaze" Daniz, a pirate and adventurer, later.

Immediately, she calmed down and prepared to deal with the other party's "problem".

Da da da.

The firing pin inside the machine began to become weak, and white paper slowly spit out:

"It's my turn to ask, distinguished lady, is there a chance for us to meet again?"

What kind of problem is this... Is there a problem with Daniz, or is there a problem with Klein and me? Or maybe Arrods is desperate to escape the "Machine Heart"?

Angel chuckled secretly and replied:

"I think this opportunity depends on you."

"An accurate answer! As long as you stay with my master, we will meet again~"

Arrods spent his last breath of energy to spit out these words, and then the radio receiver stopped all movement, and the illusory white paper stacked under it also lost its trace. Everything that happened in the room seemed to be just a three-person meeting. hallucination.

No, some of them are not hallucinations... Danitz is still tied up with silk threads...

Angel waved his fingers, hiding the invisible thread, and put down the salted fish that had given up its struggle, letting him fall to the floor in a kneeling position.

"You continue to monitor the signal of 'Admiral Blood', and you can also try to tell 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' all this."

Klein took a deep breath, and then got rid of Daniz's lonely expression, which seemed to have lost the meaning of life. He tried his best to maintain a cold tone and ordered, and then left with Angel one after another. of this suite.

"Tell the captain... is he advising me, or threatening me with irony?"

Daniz's dulled thoughts gradually returned to normal. He looked at the ticker that looked normal under the moonlight and felt that he had lost interest in everything.

After sitting on the floor for a long time, he slowly stood up, hugged the simple machine, walked into the bedroom, and locked the door.

After a while, a continuous "buzzing" sound of shaking the power-generating handle came from the room. The energy seemed to be taking advantage of the opportunity to charge the electricity to destroy this cutting-edge device, so that the threat could use his bounty to buy it again. Hermann had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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