Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 435 Parting

Chapter 435 Parting

"Midrange Island? Why do you want to go there?"

In the small room on the second floor of the "Sea and Fire" bar, Dominic, known as "Lucky Nick", frowned and asked Angel in front of him.

After the strange incident of the "radio receiver" last night, the latter asked Daniz, who continued to monitor radio signals, about this matter. However, the pirate, whose net worth had soared to 4800 pounds, was beyond her expectation. He only knew that such a thing existed. There is an island, but when asked about the specific address and the situation on the island, his eyes darkened.

Angel had no choice but to find Dominic, the information dealer, and try to ask for some information about the small island.

"A small island? It's not that small there. It is the largest island between the north and south continents, except for Blue Mountain Island where Bayam is located, and Pasu Island where the altar of the Church of Storms is located."

Dominic sneered, took a sip of locally produced coffee, and then continued:

"The routes from the Kingdom of Loen and even other countries in the northern continent to Balam in the southern continent almost all pass through Zhongcheng Island. It is located right in the middle of the two continents, so it got such a name. The port above handles all the routes on the route. Although it is only a small port, it is very bustling with ship supply, docking and repair work.

"It's a pity that due to the influence of the violent sea and the changeable climate, except for the port, most of the Zhongcheng Island is in an undeveloped state, not to mention the hundreds of unexplored islands around it. Those are the A true 'little island'."

On the map of the Rhoside Islands and nearby waters on the table, he circled the location representing Zhongcheng Island, and then drew countless ink dots next to it. Then Dominic breathed a sigh of relief and put down his pen.

"So, what exactly are you doing there?"

"Looking for ways to advance to the next level."

Angel replied perfunctorily. Seeing the other person's eyes widen in surprise, she knew that this information dealer must have heard about some of the witch's sequences, and there was a high probability that he had guessed his own sequence wrong.

But compared to revealing the secret of pursuing Sequence 4 potion materials, this misunderstanding is nothing.

Fortunately, through a brief conversation with Dominic, she understood the basic situation of Zhongcheng Island. As long as she got there by boat, she could find clues to the "Gazeer" at the local port...


"Why don't you wait until I reach Sequence 5 before we go together? You should know how dangerous the creatures that can be used as Sequence 4 potion materials are, right?"

Unfortunately, the plan in his mind was rejected by Klein before it was even completed.

"Because of the acting problem."

She replied softly to avoid being heard by Daniz, who had been monitoring the radio next door and hadn't even left the house recently.

——Of course, his soaring "worth" was also one of the reasons. During the few times he went out, Daniz always felt that the eyes around him that glanced at him unintentionally contained a desire for gold pounds, and even wigs and hoods Nothing could give him a greater sense of security.

In Bayam, Klein can continue to play the role of the faceless man, but her "pain" potion has almost no further progress except for feeling some signs of digestion when persecuting "Fire" Daniz. , which gave Angel the illusion that he was about to be caught up by the other party, making him feel even more anxious.

And according to Arrods, in addition to entering the mysterious and dangerous spiritual world to look for the Gazers who don’t know where they are, there are only clues about them near Zhongcheng Island. Even if you don’t go now, you will have to face this matter sooner or later. .

Instead of waiting for the Sequence 5 potions to be digested before looking for potion materials for promotion, it is better to make plans in advance. After all, getting one main material means saving tens of thousands of pounds.

After explaining everything, Klein's expression became a little loose, but he still frowned. He sat on the sofa and thought for a long time before slowly nodding.

"Go and come back quickly. If you have anything, please contact us through the messenger 'Wen Sa' at any time. Also, remember your promise and don't put yourself in danger."

He made a three-part agreement in a serious tone. It wasn't until Angel nodded solemnly that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, when do you plan to go to Zhongcheng Island? Are you going to wait until the magical item of the 'faceless man' is completed before setting off?"

Angel's commission of the "Follower of the Fool" to make magical items was not hidden from Klein, and the Hanged Man promised to complete it within a week, so Klein asked in confusion.

"I will use the 'Ring of Madness' to change my face first to avoid being caught as a wanted criminal worth two Daniz...well, it's only worth one and a half now," Angel himself couldn't help laughing when he said this. Get up, "The boat from Bayam to Zhongcheng Island only leaves in three days. I am planning to take the boat to leave here on Thursday, January 1."

She took out the inconspicuous ring from her pocket and said.

"Are you sure you won't suffer any negative effects?"

Klein asked with a smile on his face. He remembered that Angel had been trying to sell this magical item recently.

"After being promoted to Sequence 5, I have better control over this aspect. There is no problem in using the ring for a short period of time..."

Although he said this, Angel still came forward and sat next to Klein.

"What, do you need me to help you deal with the negative effects in advance?"

Klein looked serious, cleared his throat, and spoke in a calm tone.



The door to the living room was pushed open, and Daniz, who was running over from another suite, stuck his head in:

"The ticker has responded, it's 'Admiral Blood'..."

His excited voice stopped suddenly, and he swallowed as he looked at the two pairs of eyes in the room staring at him. ————

On the morning of January 1, Angel arrived at the dock area of ​​Bayam carrying a suitcase containing a change of clothes, weapons and ammunition, and various spell materials.

Just like when she first came here, the pier was docked with passenger ships that had just arrived or were preparing to leave. After the New Year, many foreign tourists were preparing to return to their own countries, so the place was bustling with activity.

Behind her was Klein who looked like "Gehrman". The latter had a dull face and tried hard to play his identity, but his eyes were full of reluctance.

"If Danitz over there sees it, your performance will fail."

Angel said softly, put down his suitcase, opened his arms, and hugged Klein.

"He didn't dare to look."

Klein pursed his lips, and it took him a long time to say such words that almost made Angel laugh. She looked into the distance, and saw Daniz in disguise hiding in the alley, and he really didn't look this way.

After the pirate broke into Angel and Klein's tenderness the day before yesterday, he was violently verbally abused by the two. Although in the end he did not go further because he had indeed monitored the "Blood Admiral" intelligence, it still made him angry. He once again made a request to "Lieutenant General Iceberg" for another contact person.

Unfortunately, the "Blood Admiral" mentioned in the radio communication that he would come to Bayam later this month, and the cooperation between the two parties to hunt Senior needs to be put on the agenda, so his request was ruthlessly rejected by Edwina. , had no choice but to continue to stay in Bayam aggrievedly.

"If there is any news about Admiral Blood, tell me in time, I will return immediately."

Picking up the luggage again, Angel said softly.

"If there is no news, I will return as soon as possible."

Seeing Klein's strange expression, she added with a smile, and then followed the long queue to board the passenger ship heading to Zhongcheng Island.

Until she stepped onto the gangway and looked back, Klein was still standing there, looking at her blankly from under the brim of his hat.


The "Blue Mountain Rose" is a complete steam ship. It was equipped with the latest steam engines from the beginning. It was not equipped with sails like other ships in this transitional period, so it looked quite streamlined. Bianchier rode on it The White Onyx is much better.

But when she got on the deck, she realized that this ship, which was used for both passengers and cargo, was far inferior to the White Agate. Various boxes were piled randomly on the deck. Some of the noisy crowds were saying goodbye to their families below, while others were leaning against the boxes to chat. , seemed to be in no rush to return to his cabin.

For those who had finally managed to collect the ferry fare and dreamed of making a fortune via Zhongjian Island to the Southern Continent, the open-air deck might be more spacious and comfortable than the cramped third-class cabin below.

After sighing and mentally preparing himself for the next three days of the voyage, Angel carried the suitcase and walked to his first-class cabin.

A notice board is hung on the deck near the door of the forward cabin like other ships. It is covered with wanted posters for various pirates and fugitives, making it easier for the crew to identify key criminals among the passengers, and also encouraging reports among passengers.

When passing by, Angel quickly found the one that belonged to him among the wanted posters. After more than ten days of wind and rain, the paper with her appearance and bounty printed on it was already a little yellowed. This kind of wanted poster without a portrait Ling was not taken seriously because almost no one could identify the corresponding target on the street, so other wanted posters had been posted above her, blocking most of the content.

"'Fire' Daniz... life or death, 4800 pounds..."

Among the passengers standing nearby, someone read the contents of the wanted poster posted at the top, and then laughed in a low voice:

"Hey, wasn't this 'Blaze' only worth 3000 pounds a few days ago? Why did the price increase?"

He pointed to the old wanted poster that had not yet been torn off in the corner.

Angel's steps slowed down and he listened carefully.

"I heard that he tricked 'Iron' Maiviti and a bunch of his men in Bayam and killed them all."

"Where did you hear that?"

another passenger asked curiously.

"The newspaper refused to publish it, but I inquired from my friend. There were more than ten corpses at the scene, most of which were burnt. It must have been done by this guy. Of course, it is said that there was a powerful bounty hunter who helped him, but this He hides his head and shows his tail, no one has seen him, so most of the 'credit' goes to Daniz."

"Then this guy has become a famous pirate!"

A sound of admiration filled with envy and jealousy sounded out.

Hearing that Klein had not yet been wanted for this matter, Angel secretly smiled, felt relieved, and prepared to leave.

"The big pirate, is he the only one?" the passenger who just had "a friend" continued to sneer, "It's only 4800 pounds, not even five figures... Just yesterday, Vice Admiral Disease's flagship 'Black Death' They just appeared near Bayam. It is said that the army was worried about the opponent approaching the city and dispatched several warships. I don't know if there was a fight.

"That 'Lieutenant General Disease' Tracy has a reward of 25000 pounds in Loen alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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