Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 45 Tris

Chapter 45 Tris

"Beautiful lady, we meet again."

The round-faced man should have only left and right sides, and he can even be called a teenager. Although he is wearing an ordinary linen shirt and coarse trousers, he looks like an ordinary dock worker, but there is an elegant temperament in his gestures, coupled with his shy and childish face, which makes Angel have a lot of affection for him.

"Hello, I remember meeting you in the public carriage this morning, but I didn't expect to meet you again so soon."

Seeing that the other party greeted him proactively, she also responded in a friendly manner.

"Maybe fate brought us to meet again. I am Tris, and I recently worked as a dock worker. It seems that this is the first time I have seen you in this market?" The young man named Tris introduced himself, "Maybe I misremembered, but if I meet a lady like you, I will never forget it."

"I live on Daffodil Street, and I rarely come to the dock area. Today is the second time I'm here to buy materials, um, to buy some candles for ceremonies."

Triss looked at the bundle of candles in her hand, and nodded knowingly: "Sandalwood candles, these are very popular, and they are out of stock everywhere. You are so lucky to find so many."

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive." Angel felt a little distressed when he thought about the extra premium he spent, but he finally felt a little more balanced when he heard that this kind of candle was hard to buy. "It sounds like you know more about occultism?"

Seeing that Tris easily recognized the type of candle, she asked curiously.

"Hey, mirror channeling, magic rituals, and Tarot divination, I can't say I understand them. I just visit this market often and hear some knowledge."

Tris replied briskly, but his expression was not "I don't understand" at all, but a little bit of complacency, like a high-achieving student showing off his knowledge in front of his friends, but with his sincere eyes, he was not annoying.

"Can you talk about the magic ritual in detail? I'm planning to try it, but I'm not sure about the specific steps yet." Angel answered cooperatively.

"You're asking the right person." The round-faced boy pulled out the complicated ritual knife from the sheath, held the handle and threw it upwards, and at the moment Angel dodged back, he firmly caught the falling knife with the scabbard.

After performing like a juggler, he continued: "First of all, you have to prepare a small knife or dagger used in magic ceremonies, like mine. A table knife is also fine, preferably made of silver."

"Of course, its function is not to sacrifice livestock. Now there are no such bloody rituals. The knife is only used to carve out spells and ritual requests. It can be placed on a table or on the ground, as long as it is a quiet and clean environment. Place four candles in a square, engrave your request in Hermes language in the center, and then pray to the gods... By the way, what is your belief?"

Hearing that what Tris described was just an ordinary ceremony, rather than the more formal "ritual magic", Angel secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I am a believer of the Evernight Goddess." She drew a crimson moon on her chest and replied.

"Then you'd better pray to the Goddess of the Night, so the chance of success will be greater. Remember not to pray to gods of unknown origin, otherwise the ceremony will fail at least, bad luck will be entangled with bad luck, and may even be life-threatening." Triss reminded with a serious face.

unknown origins……

Angel thought of the temple in the gray mist, the mysterious "The Fool" and the Tarot Society.

According to the ritual magic taught by The Fool at the Tarot Society, the three-segment description with a clear point means that He is likely to be an existence equal to the seven gods in personality. Although the strength he has displayed is far inferior to the seven gods in the legend, it may also be that this hidden existence has just awakened from a long sleep, and the current power is only the tip of the iceberg of his complete strength.

But in any case, "The Fool" is fully worthy of the title "God of Unknown Origin".

"Thank you, I am aware of these taboos, and this also corresponds to the knowledge I read from the book, I will not try it lightly."

But unfortunately, I have been entangled by "bad luck"...

She added silently in her heart.

Seeing that Angel was doing good, Tris showed a kind smile. He continued to introduce the types and main points of magic rituals, with clear and capable words, accompanied by the assistance of body movements, like a university lecturer talking on the podium.

Angel also listened patiently, and compared it with what he had learned, the real "ritual magic".She found that the magic ritual Tris knew was not much different from the ritual magic she learned from Old Neil, except that she didn't use a spiritual wall to delineate the scope of the ritual, and didn't point to the gods through a clear description.

It seems that even if the church strictly controls these mystical knowledge, over the years, more or less superficial knowledge has flowed to the common people. Although they do not have extraordinary abilities, and non-standard rituals are difficult to take effect, but under a large base, there are always people who mistakenly direct the success of the ritual to a powerful existence, which in turn triggers various mystical incidents.

According to the internal statistics of the Nighthawks, one-third of the incidents involving extraordinary power in Tingen City were caused by ordinary people who had little knowledge of the occult but dared to try it boldly.

The official Extraordinary of the church tried their best to control the underground trading market like the Dragon Bar, and control the knowledge of mysticism, in order to reduce the occurrence of such incidents.

Although the effect is indeed limited...

From Angel's point of view with a little understanding of occult knowledge, the magic ritual Tris knows is very close to the level that can be effective. It can even be said that as long as he can get some materials that contain a small amount of extraordinary power, or find a clearly pointed incantation from a occult book in a corner of the library, it is possible to successfully perform the ceremony on a certain date.

Maybe he has succeeded?
As soon as this idea came up, Angel couldn't help asking questions.

"Mr. Tris, it sounds like you have a lot of experience in magic rituals. Do you have any successful experience?"

"Sorry, I'm just curious. If you have successfully prayed for a response from the gods, then I will have more confidence in my next attempt." Realizing that her question was somewhat offensive and might misunderstand the other party, she added.

"Well..." The embarrassed expression on Triss' face has already given the answer, " know, magic rituals are not like Tarot divination, and it is very difficult to successfully establish contact with those mysterious beings..."

"Ah That's good."


"What I mean is that if the ceremony is not successful, it is better than encountering some unknown and unpredictable existences. At most, it is just a waste of time and materials."

Seeing Tris's surprised expression, Angel could only explain.

Tris frowned and thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"You're right, wasting time is better than wasting life."

He changed the subject and continued: "However, I think I'm not far from success. Maybe it's just a lack of luck, or lack of piety, and the materials used are too cheap."

"It just so happens that you have a lot of sandalwood candles that are suitable for magic rituals. If you use them, maybe this ceremony will be successful. My home is in the dock area, less than 5 minutes away from here..."

Triss didn't continue talking, but she looked straight at Angel with her eager and unrestrained eyes. With her more than 30 years of experience in male life in her previous life, how could she not understand the hidden meaning of the words?
It has to be said that Tris's understanding of occult knowledge, coupled with his pleasing round face and elegant temperament, if Angel is just an ordinary woman interested in occultism, she might have agreed rashly.

But when the other party proposed the invitation, Angel's spiritual intuition that belonged to an assassin suddenly made her perceive a sense of danger. This intuition was very weak, and it was completely inferior to the strong feeling of "the bayonet will fall when you go out".

Yes, unreasonable.

In an occasion like the underground market, when I was approached by someone I had only met once, in just a few minutes of conversation, I even mentioned where I lived and which god I believed in, and I just missed the door. I would follow this stranger back to his house, um, to "study magic rituals".

Although Angel doesn't know how the other party did this, maybe he has succeeded many times with his eloquence and appearance, and has rich experience; maybe the other party is proficient in psychology and can win people's trust through simple dialogue.

But it didn't prevent her from decisively refusing after seeing through the other party's purpose.

"Thank you for your invitation, but it's getting late, and it's time for me to go home. Maybe next time we will have a chance to discuss mystical knowledge together. Goodbye." Angel bowed his knees gracefully, and before Triss could react, he passed by and walked towards the exit of the underground trading market.

Seemingly not expecting the situation to take a turn for the worse, Triss raised his hand in surprise, as if wanting to keep the other party back, but in the end he just opened his mouth and said nothing.


In the night, a pair of vigilant eyes were staring at the entrance of the "Dragon Bar".

The crowds coming and going in and out of the bar did not attract his attention. It was not until a round-faced boy dressed as a dockworker carried a cloth bag, opened the door and walked out of the bar that he relaxed as if he had completed his task.

Tris, a round-faced boy, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him in the night, and the guard at the entrance of the bar had already started to doze off, so he walked slowly to the warehouse opposite the bar, and went into the narrow alley.

"I haven't come out for so long, I thought you were arrested."

The man in the cloak who was following in the alley complained, took the cloth bag Tris was carrying, and put it on his shoulder without checking it.The crimson moonlight shone on his face under the cloak. It was the mysterious assassin who had fought against Angel not long ago and was wanted by the Tingen City police.He didn't know what method he had used to heal his injury in just a few days, and he didn't feel any inconvenience at all when he moved.

"I'm not on the arrest warrant, who will come to arrest me? It's you, I saw your face on the arrest warrant at the steam train station just after I returned to Tingen. You'd better not get me into trouble and leave Tingen City as soon as possible!"

Tris replied with a gloomy face. He remembered that when he returned to Tingen by steam train from Enmat Port, he saw the faces of people he knew on the wall as soon as he arrived at the station. He was so scared that he almost prepared to buy a ticket to escape from Tingen.

"I was planning to escape the day I found out that I was wanted, but Mitis said that I still need to complete a task. It's just this week. I'll leave as soon as I'm done."

"Mitis...she doesn't have any feelings for her subordinates. You'd better be careful, and leave Tingen immediately if you find something wrong, and don't be killed by her."

Hearing the man in the cloak mention his new online status, Tris couldn't hide the disgust in his heart, and a trace of disdain appeared on his shy round face.

If it weren't for the sudden death of Mrs. Sharon who led him into the world of Extraordinary, and the loss of the follow-up potion formula, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with this notorious witch.

Thinking of the potion, Tris's heart twitched. When he learned the name of the follow-up potion of "Instigator" from Mitis, he couldn't believe his ears, and the other party's malicious ridicule deepened the discomfort, so that when he ran into a beautiful lady whom he met during the day in the underground trading market of the Dragon Bar, he couldn't help but strike up a conversation, and even used the language charm ability of "Instigator".

Unexpectedly, the other party looked innocent and cute, but he was quite vigilant. He woke up the moment Tris revealed his true purpose, decisively rejected his invitation, and left the Dragon Bar in a hurry.

He didn't dare to continue entanglement in the underground market where fish and dragons were mixed, so he had to give up.

He couldn't help feeling a pang of regret at the thought that this might be his last chance before promotion.

Anyway, I have to come to the underground trading market to buy materials these days, maybe I can meet her?
Triss thought so, looked back at the Dragon Bar in the night, and said to the man in the cloak: "Let's go, send the things to Mitis first, and I will come over by myself during the day tomorrow, so you don't have to follow. If you are recognized, we both will be unlucky."

The vigorous "instigator" and "assassin" left the alley quickly through the night.

(End of this chapter)

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