Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 46 The Instigator

Chapter 46 The Instigator

"Deep sleep flower, and then rock rose..."

Angel carefully mixed several plant essential oils together, and after fully shaking them in the transparent glass bottle, the essential oil required for ritual magic showed a light blue color.

Isn't this thing poisonous?

She tried to take off the bottle cap and smell it, and the mixed essential oil gave off a fresh smell, mixed with her familiar mint smell, and also a new aroma that did not belong to any essential oil smell before mixing.

"It doesn't seem to be poisonous, but this weird color...except for the use of ritual magic, it should be kept well at other times..."

She put the bottle in the high space of the bookshelf, together with the bundle of sandalwood candles bought at a high price, and took a few books from the side to cover the outside, so that no one could find the existence of this bottle of essential oil without turning the bookshelf.

Since the ritual magic imparted by the Fool requires not only essential oils and candles, but also four different foods placed in a square, Angel plans to try it after buying fresh food at noon the next day.

If the ceremony fails accidentally, there is still one day to make up for it, so as not to miss the time limit set by the fool.

After solving an important problem, Angel felt that the stone in her heart had fallen to the ground, and she immediately remembered another thing that caught her attention—Tris, the round-faced boy she met in the underground market of the Dragon Bar.

Looking back now, her vigilance in the underground trading market was astonishingly low. If it wasn't for the reminder from her spiritual sense at the end, she might have followed the other party out of the Dragon Bar in a daze.

Of course, if there is a conflict, Angel believes that as an assassin, he also has a certain ability to protect himself.

Unless the other party is also a Extraordinary.


"Is he really a Extraordinary?"

"What's the matter, you know him?"

The captain of the Nighthawks, Dunn Smith asked Angel curiously.

It was Tuesday morning at this time, and most members of the Nighthawks were gathered in the reception room on the second floor of the Blackthorn Security Company. Dunn was holding an internal arrest warrant with a sketched portrait and showing it to everyone.

In the portrait is a round, shy boy with a face about eighteen or nineteen years old. It is Triss that Angel met yesterday.

"I went to the underground trading market in the dock area yesterday... Well, it's the one behind the Dragon Bar. I met him when I was purchasing items for training ritual magic, and we had a few conversations. At that time, I thought he was just an ordinary person who dabbled in occultism, but I didn't expect..."

Angel explained to the captain and others why he knew this wanted criminal.

"...I didn't expect the tragedy on the Clover to be committed by such a young person. Oh my god, there were dozens of lives, and it turned out to be an Extraordinary who committed the crime. He doesn't even look like an adult!"

Rosanne on the side sighed incoherently. In front of her was a copy of the "Tingen Daily" two days ago. The page she turned to introduced a tragedy that happened on the Clover at sea.

The unlucky passenger ship first encountered the great pirate Nast who claimed to be the king of the five seas on the violent sea, and all the treasures were looted, and then internal strife broke out. Fierce conflicts broke out between the crew and passengers.Although under the leadership of the captain, the passengers whose reason prevailed eventually won and survived, but dozens of lives still disappeared in the boundless sea in the mutual killing.

The "Tingen Daily" commented that this was an "ugly conflict between survivors under extreme conditions".

However, judging from the arrest warrant within the Church of the Evernight Goddess, this is a tragedy that occurred under the control of an Extraordinary.

"If Klein hadn't discovered something was wrong when he was helping the survivors with divination, I'm afraid the police would agree with the Tingen Daily's comment."

Dunn added on the sidelines.

"It seems that having a side hustle does help with work."

Leonard looked at Klein who was sitting in the corner, and said with a smile, as if he meant something.The latter stared at the arrest warrant on the table, frowning, not knowing what to think.

Recalling the funny-talking and elegant-behavior boy he met yesterday, Angel couldn't connect him with the Extraordinary who caused the Clover tragedy.

Although Tris also showed a hint of hidden malice at the end of the exchange, but...

Angel was taken aback for a moment, and she finally discovered the source of the familiarity in Tris.

It's not that I have seen this person before, but the familiarity of his behavior.

"He's the 'instigator'..."

Angel slowly read out the name of the potion. No wonder she let go of her guard against strangers in just a few words yesterday when she faced Tris, as if talking with an old friend for many years. It seems that the "instigator"'s language charm played a role.

Dunn nodded, and said with a serious face: "That's right, the 'Heart of the Machine' team invited me to investigate the survivors of the Clover last night. I found some clues in the dream, and combined with the details of the tragedy they learned, I confirmed that this case was committed by Extraordinary."

"His name is Triss, the 'instigator' of Sequence 8. He doesn't rule out the possibility of coming from the 'Society of Gnosis'. He is good at using words to instigate people's hearts, intensify conflicts, and provoke conflicts. The encounter with pirates on the Clover was an accident, but the subsequent fierce conflicts between passengers and crew can be determined to be caused by Tris's instigation."

"He disappeared after disembarking at Enmat Port, but some survivors have witnessed that he has arrived in Tingen. Please remember his appearance. If you meet him alone on the street, don't directly confront him. The Sequence Nine of 'Instigator' is 'Assassin'."

As Dunn spoke, he looked at "Assassin" Angel.

"That's right, after 'Assassin' is promoted to the next sequence, his original Extraordinary abilities will be strengthened, and his melee combat ability is not even inferior to many Extraordinary of Sequence Seven."

Angel nodded in agreement with Dunn's warning.

"So, how should we deal with this Tris?" Sika Thon asked on the side. She had been listening, frowning and thinking from time to time, and did not ask the question until now.

"I have introduced the skills of 'Assassin' to you before. If it is in a narrow room or an alley, my suggestion is to shoot him to drive him back, and then run immediately. Don't fight him alone under the same sequence."

Angel tried to put himself into the opponent's identity, and analyzed the way of fighting the "Assassin".

"If it's an open terrain, the 'Assassin' can be suppressed as long as you use long-range weapons. The opponent's agility and close-quarters combat capabilities can't be used in this situation. Even a few ordinary policemen have a high probability of taking him down with guns from a distance."

"So, the trick is to try not to fight melee, it's better to fight more and less?" Klein, who was immersed in studying the wanted notice, raised his head and concluded.

"'Assassin' is also good at hiding his body shape. If you encounter him and you are not sure, it is best not to show hostility, so as not to let him escape. Notify us, the punisher, the Extraordinary of the mechanical heart as soon as possible, or contact the nearest patrol."

Angel thought for a while and added a few more words.

Dunn Smith emphasized with a serious face: "The other party dared to come to Tingen City after committing a major crime. Maybe he wanted to continue committing crimes here, or contact his superiors. Once he is alerted, he is likely to leave Tingen City. It will be very difficult to find him."

"So now that Tris' identity as the 'instigator' has been confirmed, and there is no time to arrest him, it is our advantage. Angel met him yesterday at the Dragon Bar in the dock area, which shows that the other party probably needs to buy some urgently needed materials. Maybe it will appear again today. This is the best time to arrest him."

He looked around at the several night watchers in the reception room, and quickly assigned the task: "Leonard, you and I will take the carriage to the Dragon Bar in the dock area now, and Kenli will guard the 'Chanis Gate' for you. Angel, you take the wanted warrant and go to the police station across the street to inform them, and send a team to the dock area to assist in the arrest. Wear plain clothes and bring guns. Sika, you go with her, and when you get there, you lead the team. Triss has seen Angel, and she can't follow. Klein, you guard Here, if you need support, call Old Neil to come with you."

Several Nighthawks who were named nodded their heads in understanding. Klein, who was arranged to guard the house, opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Those who went to arrest were all of the "Sleepless" pathway, at least the Extraordinary of Sequence 8... Angel looked at the crowd, and soon discovered the ingeniousness of Dunn's arrangement.

Even if they meet Tris the "Instigator" alone, the "Sleepless" who are also good at close combat are still capable of fighting. Once the exchange of fire starts, the police rush to the scene to encircle them.

Angel and Triss just met face to face. If they also go to the dock area, once Triss finds out, it is easy to arouse the other party's vigilance and escape before the official Extraordinary and the police block the area.Klein, as a "Seer", currently has no combat ability beyond that of ordinary people, and going to the front line can easily become a breakthrough.

What she wondered was why Dunn Smith made such a big move, dispatching almost all the night watchmen on duty to arrest an "instigator" who fled from another city.You know, the portrait of the last wanted "instigator" Cole Granger has been hanging in Tingen for two weeks, and Dunn didn't care about his whereabouts after Mrs. Sharon's death.

Unless, he thinks that Tris is connected with other Beyonders?

As if seeing that Angel still had doubts, Dunn explained: "The 'instigator' Triss probably belongs to the secret organization of the 'Society of the Gnosis', and the latter often creates bloody cases such as the Clover tragedy. The 'Labor Mutual Aid Society's Slave Trafficking Case' that the church is investigating recently may also have their participation. If Triss can be captured, he should be able to get a lot of clues through dreams or psychics."

Why did you get involved with the Labor Mutual Aid Association?

Angel raised her eyebrows. She suddenly remembered the mysterious assassin she met at the Labor Mutual Aid Association. At that time, she and Dunn had analyzed that the mysterious assassin risked his life to retrieve the accounts of the Mutual Aid Association. He was probably forced by the organization behind him to control him.

So, that assassin is likely to come from the Gnosis Society like Tris the Instigator?How does this organization work the same way as the "Witch Sect" and collect all the Beyonders of the "Assassin" sequence?
However, considering that Beyonders in this world need to be promoted through potions, it is not difficult for Beyonders of the same sequence to form a group.

Looking at the "sleepless people" who were preparing for departure, Angel felt that his guess should be very close to the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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