Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 454 Selling the “Magic Pocket Watch”

Chapter 454 Selling the “Magic Pocket Watch”

"Mr. Fool, good afternoon~"

With Miss Justice's energetic greeting, another week of Tarot sessions begins.

She stood up from the high-backed chair and greeted everyone one by one, starting with Mr. Fool at the top of the long table, then the Magician, Angel, the Hanged Man, and finally the world at the end of the long table.

According to the order of the tarot cards, not the order of membership, or the distance... Angel waited silently for Justice's greetings, and nodded slightly when it was his turn in response.

Then, she noticed a dim circular badge placed on the table in front of the Fool. It was as big as a now relatively rare Loen gold coin. The surface was uneven, and some complex patterns could barely be seen.

It’s the Holy Emblem of Night that I sacrificed to Mr. Fool for safekeeping!

She calmly raised her gaze to look at the Fool in the gray mist, but soon noticed that this was very rude to an ancient god, and looked away again.

At this time, the Hanged Man sitting opposite also discovered the badge. Apart from the Queen, he was the closest to the Fool, so his sight happened to fall directly on the badge.

"That's...the Holy Emblem of the Night..."

The Hanged Man's Alger Wilson's pupils shrank, and just as he was about to carefully distinguish the details of the badge, more gray fog enveloped him, covering the table in front of Mr. Fool, blocking his sight.

He was, warning me not to continue to spy... Alger quickly withdrew his gaze and lowered his gaze to the bronze table in front of him, not even bothering to respond to Justice's greeting.

But his heart was filled with turmoil.

Before that, there was only one item on the table in front of Mr. Fool, the "blasphemous card". Now another item was placed in a prominent position, which meant... was he going to attack the Church of the Night? After the storm, it was night again... He suddenly discovered that the Tarot Club seemed to have gathered members from different church beliefs, different social circles, and even different continents. He was related to the Church of Storms, and the Queen across from him was once a member of the Nighthawks. One of them, Justice showed his influence on Loen's upper echelons...

Mr. Fool, have you already arranged all this?

Recalling that although this mysterious being did not speak much in Tarot meetings, he always spoke directly to the point, he became more and more convinced of this.

"Mr. Fool, thank you for your help four days ago. I have not collected more Russell's diaries for the time being, but I promise that I will get a batch in the near future."

Miss Queen's soft voice called the Hanged Man back to the towering palace. He looked across and found that the other person's eyes were also on the table in front of the Fool.

Four days ago... I remember that Miss Queen refused to trade the newly made "Faceless Man" ring in person last week. She should not have been in Bayam at that time. She was going to a nearby island to perform Mr. Fool's mission, which involved the Church of the Night. , and even some dangers occurred?

By the way, the bounty has also increased... first to 8000, and then to 12000 pounds. The last wanted notice had just been posted, and a new one was issued, but the reason was not stated.

And I know nothing in the church. If I don't advance to Sequence 5, I won't be able to access the core secrets at all... He pursed his lips, his desire for strength has never been so strong.

No one else has collected any new diaries this week. With the expansion of the number of people, the Tarot Society has gradually begun to tend to trade items with each other. Therefore, the search for Russell's diary in exchange for Mr. Fool's help has become less popular. After a period of searching, even the Hanged Man, who was backed by the Church of Storms, had submitted all the diaries he had access to. It was really beyond belief.

Only Miss Justice said that she had returned to her family's former residence after the year, and might be able to get a batch of diaries in the near future.

"Then, you can talk freely."

The Fool seemed to have expected such a scene, and said with a faint smile, and took the Holy Emblem of Night on the table. His whole body was shrouded in gray mist, and there was no movement.

That contaminated Holy Emblem was so quiet in His hands... Sure enough, Mr. Azik was right. It was just a degraded and false "god of death" power, completely unable to threaten a real god... ...Angel glanced quietly, then looked away, but heard the Hanged Man opposite say:

"I request to communicate with Miss Queen alone."

Her heart tightened and she looked at the other party.

After Mr. Fool said it was okay, she asked first:

"What's the matter?"

"Let me confirm first, was it you who sank the 'City Breaker' on the route between Bayam and Zhongcheng Island ten days ago?"

Alger asked straight to the point.

"Why do you ask?"

Hiding his inner shock, Angel asked in a dull tone.

"Your wanted order was mainly issued by the Church of Storms. I learned that your bounty increased by 2000 pounds during that time. It was inferred based on your movement trajectory." Looking at the other party's reaction, Alger chuckled secretly and confirmed the question. The answer is, "In addition, your bounty was raised to 12000 pounds yesterday. The arrest warrant will be issued tonight at most. You'd better not go out in your original appearance. This is more than 'Hurricane Lieutenant General' Zillinges." Reward amount."

If she had a ship, the seven pirate generals on the sea would soon become eight... Alger felt sour gas rising from his throat.

Again, it went up again?

Angel was stunned and almost jumped out of his chair.

She originally thought that after what happened on Pala Island, she would be able to change her impression in the eyes of the Church of Storms. Even if she couldn't cancel the wanted order, she could at least maintain the status quo.

Unexpectedly, these people increased her reward to tens of thousands of pounds in one go, which was almost equivalent to half a pirate general.

But she does not have the pirate general's fleet and men. In the eyes of bounty hunters and adventurers, the name "Angelica Sage" should already be shining brightly and be equivalent to a gold pound.

"Is that all you have to say?"

After a moment, she replied coldly, and she also had a bad look on this believer of the Church of Storms. "No, those were just kind reminders to you." The Hanged Man was keenly aware of the other party's emotions and immediately changed the subject, "You know, I have obtained the formula of 'Wind Blessed One', and one of the extraordinary things I need to go to a nearby unknown island to obtain the materials, and the whole thing needs to be kept hidden from within the church, so..."

"You need me to cover for you?"

"That's right, I own a small boat of my own, and I usually do some work that is 'easy to integrate into the group'. Before the end of the month, you entrust my boat to go out to sea. The address is provided by you, and all the harvest is yours. Afterwards, you will Sell ​​me the item I need, simple as that.”

I remember Dominic said that the Hanged Man had a ghost ship with dozens of sailors... Did he want to secretly obtain materials for promotion without telling his followers about the storm?

Angel thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. This was actually not a difficult task to complete. The other party asked him to do it because he was probably just worried about being cheated by other pirates and adventurers, but members of the Tarot Society would not betray each other.

Moreover, she can also use this...

"I attach a condition. After completing your commission, you and your ghost ship must accompany me to Hakata Port. There is a small island to the southwest of there, and there is also a certain material I need there."

As she spoke, with the help of The Fool, she materialized the nameless island she learned from Senior Deacon Pierce and showed it to the Hanged Man.

"I have some impressions of this island, but there were no stranded ships at that time... No problem, the whole voyage will probably take more than ten days, and you will have to pay an additional 300 pounds."

The price was not expensive, especially considering that the stealth and maneuverability of the ghost ship were more beneficial to Angel's exploration of unknown waters. She quickly agreed and ended the separate communication.

"Moon" Emlyn, who had been waiting impatiently at the side, immediately spoke as soon as he recovered his vision and hearing:

"Mr. Hanged Man, can I get the 'Blood Baron Legacy' I need in advance? I can always prepare 5000 pounds in cash."

Idiot, your price will be raised like this... Angel looked at the impatient Emlyn and secretly laughed at him.

"Okay, I will help you buy that extraordinary characteristic tomorrow, and then trade it through 'sacrifice' and 'grant'."

The Hanged Man's cheerful attitude made her stunned.

It seems that before going out to sea to search for extraordinary materials at the end of the month, he also wants to make as much money as possible and improve his own strength... Angel felt that he had guessed the truth and said:

"The 'Ring of Madness' is for sale. It only costs 1800 pounds. You should all know its effect." She first sold the magical item that no one had noticed. Then she looked around and found that even the Hanged Man had no reaction. Then he continued, "There is another magical item, the 'Magic Pocket Watch'."

After introducing the three extraordinary abilities and side effects of the pocket watch in detail, she was delighted to find that several blazing eyes were looking at her.

Although they are both Sequence 7 magical items, the Magic Pocket Watch is undoubtedly much more useful in battle than the frenzy ring which only has "Frenzy". Although it corresponds to the same negative effects that are difficult to deal with, if you can't survive in the battle, what will happen? Negative effects are out of the question.

"It's priced at 2500 pounds."

She originally wanted to ask for 2000 pounds, but she temporarily raised the price a little.

In an instant, several eyes dimmed.

This immediately made Angel feel a little embarrassed. Now he wanted to change the price back to 2000 pounds, but he was a little embarrassed. It made people think that he could continue to lower the price.

She looked at "Justice" Audrey beside her as if asking for help. The latter shook his head slightly and said:

"Sorry, but I already have an item used for camouflage and combat. It has some duplicate functions with the pocket watch you sell."

Is it the magical item worth 5500 pounds that she bought half a month ago? The functions are repeated, but more expensive...could it also be made with the extraordinary properties of the "Faceless Man"?

Angel was a little discouraged.

"For 1800 pounds, plus the remuneration we just agreed upon, I will buy it."

The Hanged Man said suddenly.

That was 2100 pounds, which was already beyond my psychological expectations... Angel nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

“Once the meeting is over, the deal is done.”

After paying the production and introduction fees for the "hypocritical" ring, I only have 4200 pounds left in my deposit. Adding this 1800 will bring it back to more than 6000 pounds. I will look for opportunities to sell the extraordinary items of "Lucky One" and "Fighter". Features... Well, I can't sell it too early, otherwise people will know that I am the culprit of the sinking of the "Citybreaker". Of course, Mr. Hanged Man already knows...

She happily calculated her savings.

"Ahem, everyone, who has seen this lady?"

The Hanged Man, who had just completed several transactions in succession, spoke again. With the help of Mr. Fool's power, an image appeared and was displayed above the long bronze table.

It was a red-haired girl leaning against the wall. She had a bright appearance and green eyes like gems. The building in the background was in the style of Intis, with red bricks and blue tiles and a tall spire.

This, this is not...

As soon as Angel's eyes moved to the girl's face, he heard the Hanged Man continue to say:

"Her name is Elaine, Elaine Soren, an Intis native. She was kidnapped by pirates at sea a year ago. She escaped on her own last week and contacted the Intis embassy in Bayam via telegram, but then We have lost contact again. Whoever can provide key clues will be rewarded 1500 pounds by the Intis Embassy."

Sure enough, the red-haired woman in this photo is the younger Elaine!

(End of this chapter)

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