Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 455: The Fool is also a "Poseidon"?

Chapter 455: The Fool is also a "Poseidon"?

Wasn't Elaine supposed to return to Bayam a week ago and then return to Intis? Why "lost contact" again?

Angel wanted to ask, but he felt that it would expose his relationship with her and his recent movements in the Rhoside Islands.

Fortunately, the reward of 1500 pounds quickly aroused everyone's interest. After a brief silence, Miss Magician asked:

"What is her identity? Why does the Intis embassy in Bayam offer such a high reward?"

If the other party's identity and background are average, but his strength is not strong, can Xio go to sea and try... She catches wanted criminals worth less than a hundred pounds every day, and she can't save much money in a year. If...

Forsi was thinking a lot.

"This is not a reward, but a reward. This Ms. Elaine is not a wanted criminal."

The Hanged Man emphasized.

"Sauron of Intis, is she from that family?"

"Justice" Audrey also joined the conversation. She was not too interested in these bounties, but the story behind the bounties made her curious.

"Yes, it's what you think. The reason is the Royal Family of Thys, the Sauron family that has been active in the political arena since the Fourth Age. Of course, their current strength is not as good as before, but they influence the embassy and even make the local Lu The Kingdom’s garrison and church still have the ability to help find people.”

The Hanged Man introduced it leisurely, but to Angel it sounded like it had another meaning: the Church of Storms behind him was also helping to find Elaine.

"I heard that the pirate who captured her was 'Vice Admiral Disease' Tracy."

Mr. World's deep and hoarse voice came. His figure behind the gray mist moved and sat up straighter, as if he was also interested in this huge sum of money.

Is he also near Bayam? No, everyone seems to be more interested, not necessarily to win the bounty... Angel thought.

The love and hatred between the pirate general and the royal princess? She ran away, he chased her, she couldn't fly... Forsi's eyes lit up, and he conceived one thrilling and exciting story after another in his mind, and instantly put the idea of ​​working with Xio to earn the 1500 pounds behind him.

Pirates...the sea? "Sun" Derrick's thinking was completely from another angle.

"My sources of information do not have those details."

The Hanged Man said that the only thing he got was a photo that was taken a few years ago and a small amount of true and false information. He was deeply disgusted by the decrease in efficiency caused by the level of subdivision of information within the Church of Storms.

If it weren't for the sake of earning enough merit within the church and being promoted to "Wind Blessed" in an honest way, he wouldn't be willing to take the risk of exposing his identity to seek clues in the Tarot Club.

Seeing that this believer in the storm didn't seem to know the details of Elaine's disappearance, Angel also closed his mouth to prepare additional explanations. She was unsure of the role the Church of Storms would play in this matter, so she planned to try to find Elaine herself after the Tarot session instead of leaving important clues in the hands of others.

He still keeps a small bottle of the opponent's blood. In the eyes of divination masters, this is almost a perfect guide!

Seeing that no one asked again, the Hanged Man waved away the photos of Elaine floating in the air. His eyes involuntarily glanced at Mr. Fool above him. After a moment, he said in a searching tone:

"Recently, specifically on January 1th, a big event happened in the Rhoside Islands." Since he had entrusted the task of finding Elaine, Alger did not intend to pretend that he was no longer in Bayam. "The local primitive people in Bayam Belief, 'Sea God' Kavitua suddenly became violent and began to affect the environment of the entire archipelago. Storms and tsunamis swept across all places, and even rushed to Blue Mountain Island, trying to engulf the capital of the archipelago, 'City of Generosity' Bayam."

It turns out that this is what I just heard from Klein... Angel almost thought that the other party was going to talk about Para Island. He was a little nervous for a moment. He subconsciously looked at the others and found that everyone was holding their breath and listening carefully. It was such a fascinating sharing that I breathed a sigh of relief.

"When tsunamis and storms hit Bayam, the 'Sea King' of the Church of Storms prevented the disaster, defeating the false god in a two-day confrontation and quelling the threat. And the fake archeology that caused the changes in Kavitua At home, 'Poseidon' believer Laticia was also found and killed by the official Beyonders after losing control. The local fanatical believers suffered a major blow. Everything seems to be over, but..."

The Hanged Man glanced at Mr. Fool again.

"But until now, devout 'Poseidon' believers can still get responses from the gods of their faith."

What is he looking at Mr. Fool for? Looking forward to the other party’s answer? Or is it……

Angel also followed his gaze curiously to the top of the long table. Behind the gray mist, there was only the outline of the Fool sitting upright, silently, seemingly not paying attention to their communication at all.

Could it be that Klein's cooperation with "The Hanged Man" Alger made him think that Mr. Fool was also involved in this matter? Well, after the death of "Poseidon", believers can still get responses...

There seemed to be thunder in Angel's mind.

Mr. Fool, now exercising the authority of "Poseidon"?

This means that in the death process of "Poseidon" Kavitua, one of his favored people made an important contribution.

Angel's mind immediately thought of Mr. Azik, who had been wandering near the Rhoad Islands. Although the latter claimed to be recovering his memory, as a high-sequence Beyonder, he was the most likely candidate to do this. , In addition... there is also Mr. "World". Based on his previous actions and speeches, the possibility of him being in Bayam is not low. However, based on previous inferences, he is probably just a middle-ranking person, and I, and Ke Like Ryan, can he really have a hand in the death of even the pseudo-god "Poseidon"?

Thinking quickly in his mind, Angel completely forgot that he was staring straight at Mr. Fool for a long time, until the other members followed his gaze in confusion, creating a situation where everyone present was looking at the Fool, waiting for his explanation. confusing scene. Enjoying the whole audience, especially the scorching gaze of Angel who was closest to him, Klein grinned and said in a calm tone, relying on the protection of the gray mist:

"Oh, Kavitua only relied on the relics of the 'natural disaster' Goshinam to become a demigod."

Hint, but not say clearly, because this is just a trivial matter to The Fool, leaving the rest to their own imagination. This is the way to control people... Klein feels that he is becoming more and more capable as a god. Great experience.

How to explain this kind of thing to Angel in the future... Thinking of this, his somewhat complacent face fell again.

Sure enough, He did not deny it. It seems that the authority of "Poseidon" has fallen into the hands of Mr. Fool and the Tarot Club... But who is Cosina? Is "natural disaster" his title, or is it a certain magic potion sequence?

Angel received a response and immediately looked away to avoid being considered disrespectful to the gods.

The Hanged Man opposite her widened his eyes, recalling the full name of the Lord of Storms in his mind:

"King of the Sky, King of the Sea, Lord of Natural Disasters, God of Storms!"

The short but deafening name he chanted countless times every day included the word "natural disaster"!

Sequence 3, Neptune, Sequence 2, is "natural disaster"? This also explains why Cavituva, known as "Poseidon", is not as strong as Yan Cotman in Sequence 3. After all, the former is close to collapse and his strength has declined, while Poseidon has various sealed objects as backup. The support of the entire church... Alger pursed his lips, gaining a deeper understanding and greater yearning for the power of the sequence.

Moreover, the "Queen" of the Tarot Society, Gehrman Sparrow, the Beloved of the Fool, came to Bayam and was indeed completing his mission... and was also working in secret to truly contribute to the death of the "Poseidon" and for The fool steals... no, the one who takes back the authority must be a favored one of a higher order!

After understanding all this, Alger's eyes became more intense.

When he got back, he sold the vampire baron's extraordinary characteristics to the "Moon", bought the "Queen's" magic pocket watch, and prepared a plan to hunt the Blue Shadow Falcon!

Next time you encounter such a big thing, you can't stay out of it.

He secretly made up his mind.

The other members looked at each other. They seemed to hear something from Mr. Fool's answer, but they seemed to understand nothing. "Justice" Audrey has been promoted to "psychiatrist". From the emotional changes of the Hanged Man and the Queen, Seeing the shock of the two people, they guessed that the death of "Poseidon" might be related to the Fool. The others seemed to have listened to a short story to massage their brains, their scalps were a little numb, but that was all.

Afterwards, everyone shared interesting things that happened around them, as well as various news after the New Year, and the Tarot Club ended with a "goodbye".

Under the guidance of the polite Miss Justice, everyone became more friendly.


The crimson light faded, and the bedroom of the luxurious suite of the "Azure Wind" hotel appeared in front of Angel. She was lying on the bed pretending to take a nap. She did not get up immediately, but listened carefully to the sounds in the living room and found that there was no other sound. After there was a movement, he stood up and opened the door.

"Fortunately, he hasn't come back yet. Otherwise, when he came back to the bedroom and saw me stiff, he would have thought something happened..."

she murmured.

Klein went out this afternoon to find replacement parts for the damaged radio receiver, which gave Angel time to attend the Tarot meeting. However, as the meeting lasted, she was always a little worried, fearing that she would be caught by the other party who came back early.

How about confessing, it actually doesn't matter, everyone is a believer in the Fool, not to mention that after he believed in the Fool, there was no additional loss... Angel was at war with nature and man in his heart.

Of course, the inner drama did not delay the matter at hand. After quickly setting up a simple altar, she sacrificed the "magic pocket watch" to the Fool, and soon received 1800 pounds in cash from the Hanged Man.

Looking at the thick stack of ten and five pound notes, Angel counted them again and again, feeling filled with joy.

Including the original savings, her assets finally exceeded 6000 pounds again, which was equivalent to carrying a "Fire Flame" Daniz in her pocket, which felt as heavy as money.

If I find an opportunity to sell the Extraordinary Characteristics obtained from sinking the "City Breaker", and then push Miss Audrey's account, I can save the money for the main ingredients of a "Despair" potion... Extraordinary Characteristics It is best to sell it at a Tarot meeting, where your identity will not be exposed easily...

Planning beautifully, she put away the banknotes and took out the stored blood of Elaine, preparing for a magic mirror divination.

Elaine, who was supposed to have returned to Intis, disappeared again, and the embassy even offered a reward for clues, making her a little worried about this unfortunate lady.

Putting the vial wrapped in ice and invisible threads, which blocked the escape of spirituality, on the table, Angel touched the surface of the magic mirror and recited:

"Mirror Mirror tells me where Elaine Soren is at this moment."

The mirror surface changed from pitch black to transparent, and a picture gradually emerged inside:

In the cramped and cramped cabin, the red-haired lady sat on a chair with some vigilance and looked out the porthole. She was wearing male clothes that didn't fit well, and her hair was hanging loosely on her back.

Outside the window was the port that was gradually receding. Angel looked carefully and was surprised to find that it was the Zhongcheng Island that she had just visited last week. The storm brewing in the distance was approaching, and the blue sea gradually turned into a scary black.

Then, the picture became blurred, broken, and calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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