Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 471 Blue Avenger

Chapter 471 Blue Avenger

Along the planks on the upper deck, the two came to the three-masted sailboat.

A blue-haired man wearing a priest's robe painted with storms and lightning stepped forward and punched his left chest with his right fist. The movement was so large that his chest banged, revealing the linen shirt under the robe.

"The storm is rising, you are finally here."

Seeing "The Hanged Man" Alger Wilson solemnly performing the etiquette of a Storm believer, Angel suppressed a smile and nodded, saying:

"Time is tight and there are many places to go. When can we set off?"

Today she is wearing a tights that is easy to move around, and a long windbreaker on the outside. It is similar to how she dressed in Tingen. Her face is also disguised to a certain extent with "hypocrisy" rings, covering her pale hair that has grown past her shoulders. Blonde hair, and rare purple eyes.

But in order to be able to use cosmetics and wigs to change her appearance without using "hypocrisy" with dangerous side effects, she didn't make many changes to her appearance. Therefore, as soon as she stepped on the deck, the busy sailors looked over. , his gaze rested nakedly on her chest, waist and hips, until Alger looked at her coldly, then he pretended to continue working.

"Once all these supplies are loaded onto the ship, we can set sail. Have you brought the advance payment?"

"Here you go, a total of 300 pounds, and you'll pay the other half after the voyage."

"Yes, there are so many. Do you want to go inside and rest, or are you on the deck looking at the scenery?"

The previous performance was completely arranged by the Hanged Man. The purpose was to give himself an excuse to leave the port and avoid being reported by his subordinates. The 300 pounds and the subsequent "final payment" were all given to Angel in advance by the Hanged Man. It has returned to him, and will eventually be distributed as dividends from this "private job" to the sailors who followed him out of the port.

Alger counted the banknotes in front of the sailors and nodded:

"This port is so close to Bayam. Why haven't Roen's garrison and the Church of Storms come to occupy or even destroy it?"

On the surface, Alger was the captain of the pirate ship "Blue Avenger". He led his men to attack merchant ships, rob property, and did a lot of "hacking" against pirates. Of course, he also often accepted some commissions. Get paid.

Angel replied loudly, taking out the envelope he had prepared from the inner pocket of his windbreaker and handing it to the other party.

The sailors can get mission bonuses and will not take the initiative to report the matter. As long as their acting skills are up to standard, everything will be perfect.

"Just here."

And I can also use this to go to the island where the "Gazeer" may appear, killing two birds with one stone... Angel thought, looked at the busy rebels and pirates in the port, suddenly felt doubtful, and asked:

Therefore, if he goes to the unnamed island and hunts extraordinary creatures to obtain the main materials for the "Wind Blessed One", he will definitely be unable to hide it from his followers, and the secret of his self-promotion will be revealed.

And with Angel's "employment", the whole thing would go smoothly. She used Alger's money to hire the "Blue Avenger" to go to the unnamed island to hunt the extraordinary creatures there, and she would also collect the various materials obtained. Next, secretly hand it over to Alger.

After Alger returned to the back of the deck and directed the sailors to continue carrying the cargo, Angel and Klein came to the bow of the ship and pretended to overlook the busy scene of the private port. It was not until they felt that the eyes behind them were no longer paying attention to them that Klein chuckled and lowered his voice. The voice said:

"Perhaps they have been eyeing this place for a long time, but in order to better monitor the rebels, they deliberately left such an opening to enter and exit Lanshan Island."

He wanted to reach out and poke the other person, but considering that there were many people on the deck, Angel did not reach out and replied in the same low voice:

"Anyway, it's just for them to see. They should get a lot of dividends from any private work. No one will be stupid enough to tell the truth."

"What a poor act, um, I mean him."

But in fact, he belongs to the Rangers of the Church of Storms, and the sailors are also believers of the Storms. They infiltrate the pirate team, gather information on the sea for the Church, and even solve some "trouble" for the Church when necessary.

As a former keyboard political scientist, Klein thought for a moment and came up with such a reason.

"That's half right. The Church of Storms has indeed known about this place for a long time. The reason why it did not destroy it was to set aside such a convenient target for surveillance and prevent the resistance and pirates from continuing to penetrate deep into the southwest of Blue Mountain Island. In the uninhabited dense forest and complicated sea conditions Establish other ports in the reef areas.”

Behind the two of them, the slightly deeper voice of Alger the Hanged Man came. He kicked the butts of several sailors who were busy admiring Angel's back, causing the transportation progress to lag, and then came to the bow of the ship to hear what the two were discussing. thing. The three of them are all believers of The Fool, and Angel and Alger have known each other for a long time in Tarot meetings, so they are not very wary of each other. Seeing that it was him, Angel smiled and asked:

"What about the other half?"

"There are many people with profound backgrounds in the colony who have established smuggling channels, invested in pirate fleets, and even have many close contacts with the resistance. They also need this port, even more than the resistance."

Alger replied, walking to the side of the ship and looking at the dock where the morning sun was gradually covered by dark clouds and became even busier under the urging of the coming storm.

"Moreover, the rebels here are considered to be 'moderates' according to the internal church. Although they are also on the church and military's purge list, they are ranked lower. Their activity is even beneficial to the church and the military. The Rhoad Islands remain."

What he means is... to raise the bandits to respect themselves?

Angel was a little stunned. She looked at Klein and found surprise in his eyes, and she felt a little better.

"We are getting ready to set sail. Do you want to go check out the rooms in the cabin? There are many guest rooms on this 'Blue Avenger', you can choose any one you want."

Alger was very satisfied with the reaction of the two people. He pointed to the stairs entering the cabin and asked.

"It's going to rain heavily soon. Are you going to sea now?"

Klein, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

After looking at this Fool believer who had cooperated with him once, Alger chuckled and looked back at his ghost ship.

"It doesn't matter, the storm can't catch us."

Soon, Angel knew the meaning of this sentence.

The sails on the mast fell on their own and swelled in the gradually increasing sea breeze. A few sailors pretended to pull the cables below. The "Blue Avenger" left the dock at a jaw-dropping speed and walked out against the wind. With a zigzag trajectory, it drove out of the shelter under the watchful eyes of the pirates and sailors on the dock, and disappeared in the pouring rain.

It's at least 25 knots, faster than a steamship, and doesn't require sailors... No wonder he dares to leave the port in a storm, and dares to be a pirate with a ship of dozens of people. I'm afraid other than ambushing him in advance, surrounding him with multiple ships, or having the ability to fly A capable Extraordinary attacks directly, and no other pirates or navy can leave it behind...

Looking at the departing port and estimating the speed, Angel showed envy in his eyes. Compared with the "Blue Avenger" which looked old but was actually extremely powerful, the "Red Avenger" he bought for 2000 pounds "Hair Girl" is simply a sampan.

I wonder how much Mr. "The Hanged Man" would pay to sell it...

Following Alger who led the way, she and Klein quickly arrived at the cabin below the deck.

This ghost ship has a strong Quaternary design style. It has a wide belly, a deep draft, and an astonishing length of fifty meters. There are dozens of cabins with different functions inside, but all the sailors combined are less than Thirty people, and this time I only brought twenty people with me for "private work", so the interior was extremely empty and quiet.

If it weren't for the purpose of hiding others' eyes, he would probably prefer to leave the port alone. Anyway, the ghost ship is under the command of the captain and does not need sailors to control it at all...

Resisting the urge to ask, Angel followed to the cabin area. Alger pointed to the doors on both sides of the corridor and said:

"These are all unoccupied guest rooms. You can each choose a room, or..."

His expression suddenly became a little strange and he did not continue speaking.

"Ahem, then I'll choose this one."

Angel quickly chose a room near the stern of the ship, pushed open the peeling wooden door and entered. Behind her, Klein twitched his lips helplessly, opened the door of the adjacent room, and walked in with his luggage.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Stroking his messy hair like seaweed, Alger looked puzzled. However, as the captain of the ghost ship, he could monitor most of the abnormalities in the ship. He was not worried that the two of them would cause any trouble, so he did not go into details and turned to leave. .

(End of this chapter)

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