Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 472 The crisis of being spied on?

Chapter 472 The crisis of being spied on?

"Dear Ms. Lola Swan, or should I call you, Lola Pelley?

"It's been more than a month since I've been away. I hope you haven't forgotten me, Eileen Watson, who worked with you. This time I write, I have three things to ask you.

"First of all, after the great smog, the 'Witch Sect' should have temporarily withdrawn from Backlund. I want to know the situation there, and whether you are still investigating the inside story of their cooperation with the Aurora Society and the royal family?

"Secondly, what is the current situation of Sherman I handed over to you? Are you ready to be promoted to 'Instigator'? If his progress is too behind due to my restrictions on him, I hope you can quickly master the power of the potion Teach him the way - limited to a certain oath, I cannot teach it myself.

"I think you can guess the last question: You seem to have a relatively close relationship with the 'Immortal' witch Katarina Pellet and 'Lieutenant General of Disease' Tracy. If it's convenient, can you tell me that you are hiding this?" The reason? And, whose side are you on?

"...The above is the summoning spell for my messenger. I look forward to your reply."

Putting down his pen, Angel looked at the candles shaking in the waves, paused for a moment, skillfully constructed a simple altar, and used a spell to summon his messenger, Ms. Windsa.

Maybe this adventure is over, and the plan to make props to solidify the spell will also be put on the agenda. It is too troublesome to use the altar to summon every time... Feeling the slight shaking of the cabin, watching it emerge from the spiritual world, light and easy The black cat fell on the table, Angel thought to himself.

"I didn't expect you to own a ghost ship built in the Quaternary Age. Next time, remember to let it not block my entry."

Ms. Wensa, who always picks up letters and leaves when sending them, rarely spoke. Her voice still could not distinguish between male and female, but there was a hint of surprise.

"Divination in the spiritual world is very effective."

"Unless I have seen it, you must provide an address and a real name." Wensa shook his tail, and Angel actually saw a trace of disdain on his face, "Who are you going to send it to? How come you don't even know the name? "

Divination in the spiritual world? But didn’t Laura say that in order to prevent being found, she no longer used the magic mirror to communicate with the spirit world? Of course, thinking about it now, she might be guarding against her mother Catalina, but how could Wensa find her through divination?

Thinking about it, Angel looked at the dim sea outside the porthole and the storm that was gradually being left behind as Alger said. He estimated that it was time for dinner.

The unexpected answer stunned Angel. She was silent for a moment and asked:

"Hmph, it doesn't matter. He probably won't dare to stop me next time." The black cat glanced at the letter on the table and looked at Angel with his blue eyes, "Who is the letter addressed to this time?"

"Can you find someone who only has a name and no address? Well, maybe the names are all fake..." Angel suddenly thought that he didn't know Laura's specific address, only the location of the safe house where the two met several times. , "Or, you send it to another person who has contact with the target and let him convey it on your behalf."

Of course, complaints are complaints, and you still have to eat.

"I haven't seen him before and I don't have an address. Are you sure you won't find the wrong person?"

I didn't even know that this ship was built in the last era. Doesn't that mean that the "Blue Avenger" has a history of more than a thousand years and is an out-and-out antique... She murmured, wondering about owning a ship. The longing for the ghost ship increased.

It picked up the envelope on the table, jumped out of the porthole, and with the cabin shaking again, disappeared into the spiritual world.

She murmured, feeling a little empty in her stomach, and stood up and came to the door, ready to go to the restaurant above for dinner.

"Is there a problem?"

"Blue Avenger" can operate on its own under the command of the captain. It does not require a large number of manpower to work in turns. It only brings the necessary sailors and is not even equipped with specialized chefs. Instead, it is made by these storm believers who have lived at sea for a long time. Therefore, although the ingredients are fresh and rich in variety, the finished product has a rough feeling that comes from the sea and the Church of Storms. Angel only had one meal at noon, and he began to miss Bayam's food.

"Backlund's 'Happy' Witch...I know, I should be able to find her."

"I am just a guest of this ship and have no authority to order it."

Prevent you from entering? But I see that you jumped into the cabin quite easily... Angel smiled awkwardly and replied:

"There is a 'joy' witch in Backlund. Her name is Laura Swann. She should use a fake name, at least her last name is fake."

"Winsa can actually tell that this ghost ship was built during the Fourth Age... Could it be a person from that era... no, a cat from that era?"

She pushed open the door and was surprised to find Alger, the "Hanged Man", standing at the door wearing a priest's robe and a funny boat-shaped hat on his head. He raised his hand like a fist and was about to knock on the door.

Angel replied honestly, mentally prepared to ask the courier to send the letter to Sherman, who had a fixed address, and have him deliver it to Laura, but this would risk the letter being opened and checked. I wonder if Sherman can still remain loyal after learning that his old and new bosses are all fighting against the "Witch Cult".

The whiskers on the black cat Wensa's mouth almost reach to the sky, as if showing off proudly, and the same goes for its tail.

"There was some movement here just now, I came over to take a look."

When he was alerted by the ghost ship that there was a problem in the guest room below, Alger was almost about to sound the alarm and put the entire ship into combat mode. Especially when he discovered that the room where the warning was issued was the room where "Queen" Angel was, and he remembered that she had "dead" in her room. The tragic situation of the two pirate warships in his hands made everyone behind him break into a cold sweat.

Trying his best to keep his expression unchanged, he looked into the room and was relieved to see that the room was intact and there was no risk of it being turned into pieces.

Carrying this "Shipbreaker" lady, I was really under a lot of pressure... Alger took a deep breath and once again doubted whether asking this member of the Tarot Society to help was the right choice. "I summoned the courier just now and sent a letter."

Angel admitted honestly that she guessed that the power that Wensa said before to "prevent it from entering" came from this ghost ship, and as the captain, Alger must be able to sense it. Lying would only create a gap between the two. .

messenger? Spiritual creatures? But my "Blue Avenger" will prevent unknown spirits and resentful souls from entering the interior, and the messenger should not be able to enter... Alger was still full of questions, but he rationally chose not to ask further questions and decided to return to the captain's cabin. , raise the ship's defense to the highest level to avoid accidents!

Even if the "Queen" and that Gehrman are both believers of Mr. Fool and deserve a certain degree of trust, he does not want any setbacks in the process of obtaining key promotion materials.

Seeing the worried Alger leaving, Angel knocked on the door next door, called out Klein, and the two of them went to the restaurant on the upper deck together.

The person on duty for dinner was a thin sailor. Compared to the kippers and bacon at lunch, there were finally a few more dishes that looked good.

The two quickly finished their dinner of mushroom soup, ham sandwich and fish steak. They looked at the sea by the porthole and felt the ghost ship's speed much higher than other ships. Klein suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"In the afternoon I felt the prying eyes of the ship, but it didn't seem to be malicious."

A peek at the 'ghost ship'? Is it from Captain The Hanged Man?

Angel subconsciously looked around the restaurant. Apart from pretending to be busy on the deck when entering and exiting the port, the sailors of this ship did not need to pull ropes or maneuver the sails in the cold wind like the sailors of other ships. Therefore, after finishing dinner After that, they all returned to their cabins to play cards or sleep. There was almost no one else in the restaurant except the temporary chef.

"After I summoned the courier to send the letter in the afternoon, the captain quickly discovered that this ship must have some kind of living quality and will monitor all possible threats inside."

She analyzed, and then told Klein about the "blockage" that Wensa said and his speculation about the ship's manufacturing age.

"Since it's just the reaction of the ship itself, you don't need to worry about it. The captain already knows our biggest secret - Mr. Fool. For the rest, well, I'm afraid it's better to sleep in separate rooms these days..."

Klein whispered, as if he was plotting something, which attracted frequent glances from the sailor who was temporarily acting as a chef in the distance.

But he was a little anxious in his heart. Compared with the calm and composed Angel, he had far more secrets than just being a "believer of the Fool". He himself was both the "Fool" and the "World"!

This journey lasts for ten days, during which a Tarot session must be held.

If the Hanged Man discovers him, then he may not be able to pretend to be a false god anymore...


Backlund, Queens, in a luxurious villa.

With her black curly hair draped casually on her shoulders and wearing a silk robe, Laura, who was lying facelessly on the bed, was writing on the letter paper with a romance novel.

"The heart of Demon Throat Honey... the poisonous sac of the dark lurker..."

She copied the recipe for the "Instigator" potion in her memory on paper and prepared to hand it over to her "Assassin" Sherman tomorrow.

Of course, she was not prepared to provide the ingredients for the potion. This was also part of the test. Since the other party chose to take a different path that did not belong to the traditional method of the "Witch Cult" and did not accumulate merit through killing in exchange for the potion, then everything should be done by herself. Come.

After writing the recipe, she threw the letter on the bedside. Laura yawned and left the warm bed. She was about to call the maid to prepare hot water for bathing when she suddenly sensed something and tapped the tip of her nose to activate her spiritual vision. to your bedside table.

Lying there was a black cat that was more than half a meter long, holding an envelope in its mouth, and its blue eyes made Laura startled.

The black cat gracefully jumped on her pillow, spat out the envelope, glanced at the "Instigator" formula with his round eyes, flicked his tail, turned his head, jumped into the air and disappeared.

"Messenger? Its eyes..."

Laura, who also had blue eyes, stood blankly for a while before coming to the bedside and picking up the envelope.

Being cautious, she did not open it immediately. Instead, she called for black flames to burn it up and down. After eliminating possible traps and tracking methods, she took out the letter and read it carefully.

"Katrina Pellet... Tres... Did Irene go on an adventure at sea after leaving Backlund?"

Looking at the aggressive question at the end, she smiled faintly, went to the full-length mirror in the bedroom, and touched the delicate skin on her face. The person in the mirror sneered, her face became blurred, and then a silver-white mask appeared in her hand. Removed from her face.

Behind the mask is an almost identical face, but there are subtle differences in facial features and expression.

Now, she looks almost exactly like the "ageless" witch Katarina.

(End of this chapter)

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