Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 473 Hunting the Blue Shadow Falcon

Chapter 473 Hunting the Blue Shadow Falcon

After two full days of sailing, the "Blue Avenger" bypassed the Zhongcheng Island and came to the vicinity of the unnamed island mentioned by "The Hanged Man" Alger.

Of course, it would take several hours of sailing to land on the island. The unmanned ghost ship left the busy channel and sailed into unknown waters. Relying on the excellent positioning ability of Alger, the "navigator", it navigated the reefs and fog. Walking through it, slowly but surely moving towards the goal.

The sailors who usually eat, drink and have fun also restrained themselves, pushed the few cannons out of the gun ports, prepared their swords and guns, and faced the possible battle.

Although the "mission" they were told was only to send the two guests on the boat to the primitive island and pick them up after they finished hunting, this did not mean that the ship itself that docked at the island would not be in danger.

Emperor Russell said that only by driving carefully can your ship be preserved for a hundred years.

Angel and Klein are also ready to fight. They are only nominal hires. When they arrive at the original island, they will forcefully ask Captain Alger to accompany them, and the latter will agree after pretending to refuse, and then just look at him. Hunting the Blue Shadow Falcon and obtaining materials does not require participating in the battle.

But for the same reasons as the sailors, the two did not relax their vigilance.

Moreover, after two days of boring sailing and the possibility of facing a battle, Angel became a little excited in a rare moment. The life in a closed cabin was extremely boring. Under possible prying eyes, the two of them could only live separately. Angel even learned a lot during the journey. With little knowledge of the Fourth Age and memorizing half a dictionary of the ancient Fusac language, she might be able to learn another language after such a voyage for more than two weeks.

"In another hour or so, we can land on the island."

This ship, made in the Quaternary Age, is probably a ghost ship left over from the Tudor period, and is of great interest to the two of them!

"Able to control the rudder of a ship by itself, travel at high speeds by itself, and even have its own this a 'ghost ship'?" Angel murmured, with a sneer on his lips, "Then, you should be able to decide for yourself whether Will you continue to 'spy' on us?"

Of course, this will also cause the entire crew to fall into the water, but she has the soul of a "Wind Blessed One" and can swim with Klein to a nearby island. As a "Navigator", the Hanged Man will not drown himself.

Klein said suddenly, frowning and looking at the ceiling. This was the fifth time today, more frequent than the previous two days.

She reached out to touch the magical items on her body and ran her fingers through the "Knight Bracelet", the "Good Luck" revolver and the "Rose Necklace" on her chest.

It was a "disaster" charm that was freshly made before boarding the ship.

It's...begging for mercy?

Feeling the silent wail of the entire ship, Angel chuckled and tried to say:

The door was quickly closed, as if there was an invisible person waiting for instructions.

Moreover, this frequent peeking cannot be a deliberate order from the Hanged Man, but can only be a spontaneous act of the "Blue Avenger".

Klein is also in her room at this time, waiting for the moment to land on the island. Under Alger's deliberate control, the time of arrival at the destination will be exactly dusk. The three of them will launch operations under the cover of night to avoid possible existence on the island. of powerful creatures, and the sight of sailors on board.

Looking out the window at the islands gradually appearing near the water antenna, Angel said softly.

The sailors of this ship always jokingly call themselves the servants and stewards of the "Blue Avenger". Now, this ship is my servant... Several mischievous thoughts suddenly popped up in Angel's mind, but they were quickly suppressed. With it, if the ship is forced to complain to the "Hanged Man", he... well, it seems that nothing will happen, but it is really not necessary.

"Here it goes again, Spying on the Ghost Ship."

The latter withdrew his groping hand and held a dark red iron piece between his fingers.

Angel was not impressed by this, but she unconditionally believed in Klein who was more inspired.

In the flickering candlelight, the opening and closing of the door stopped for an instant, and the rattling stopped abruptly.

She squatted down, pressed the talisman on the floor, and pressed it with one finger. In this way, as long as she poured in spirituality and recited the opening spell, according to her "rich experience", the ship would disintegrate into countless pieces in a few seconds. Decaying debris.

The "Blue Avenger", who possesses a certain degree of intelligence, obviously also knows this. Its three-masted sail is swaying in the wind, the rudder slaps the water left and right, and the bow seems to be lowered.

The weak flames of the candles in the cabin swayed, and there was no wind. The door that was originally closed opened gently, and the rusty door shaft made a sharp rattling sound, as if it was mocking Angel.


"Look, doesn't this allow for good communication?"

"Keep the door closed."

"If I ask you to return now, can you do it?"

no response.

"It seems that you can't disobey the captain's order. Can you stop spying on us, that is, me and the man next to you?"


The candle flame was extinguished in an instant, and then ignited by an invisible force.

It seemed that they had reached an agreement... Angel then put away the "disaster" charm and stood up.

Klein on the side was a little stunned. The crisis of revealing his identity was solved by Angel. He did not expect that the intelligent "ghost ship" could actually threaten and negotiate like this. This is essentially a magical item, which means other magical things. Objects can also be suppressed using similar means, and the gray fog space that you can control...

He felt that his mind was opened instantly. ————

After nightfall, the "Blue Avenger" drove unsteadily to the vicinity of this primitive island located outside the shipping route, stopped at a distance where it would be stranded, and put down a small boat.

The boat carried Angel, Klein, and Alger, who was "forced" by them to move together. When the latter got on the boat, he saw a trace of worry on the faces of the sailors who stayed on the deck. He was worried about this gang of ordinary people. His subordinates, who were not in formal shape but were still reliable at critical moments, were satisfied with his attitude.

After all, I often give them vacations, and the harvest from each mission is divided according to the rules. Even if I am just worried about a new unruly captain, they will not want me to die on the island... Alger thought, holding his hand I kept paddling and gradually approached the beach.

As "employers", Angel and Klein have the right to rest.

Fortunately, the sailor's path was not lacking in stamina, and the boat quickly rushed to the beach dragging its waves. The three of them stepped onto the soft sand and looked towards the dense jungle not far away.

It was already late at night, and the fog covering the island was not obvious during the day, but now it almost completely blocked the crimson moonlight. The little light that fell on the ground through blocking the fog cast a bloody coat on the primitive jungle.

"Those large creatures will rest at night. If you come here during the day, the sky will be very lively."

"The Hanged Man," Alger said. He changed out of his priest's robe and put on a sturdy leather coat. He held a lantern in his left hand and a swaying cloth bag in his right hand, leading the way.

"The target this time is the 'Blue Shadow Falcon'. I need its crystallized feathers. If you encounter other extraordinary creatures before hunting it, you need help, and the loot will be yours."

He repeated the terms that had been agreed upon.

"What happens after that?"

Klein asked in a low voice, looking at Alger through his gold-rimmed glasses, calm and indifferent.

"After that?" Alger asked, and immediately understood what he meant, "There are indeed many good things in the depths of the island, but the dangers are not low. If you are interested, after we deal with the Blue Shadow Falcon, we can Talk about it in detail.”

The goal is clear, and nothing will happen until it is achieved... Angel nodded and walked forward, crossing the beach and entering the dense jungle.

The fog became thicker in the humid jungle, and the "Blue Avenger" and the beach behind him immediately disappeared. Angel's dark vision could not see too far. Only the "Navigator" was still moving ahead with its excellent navigation ability. Lead the way with a lantern.

"We're almost there, the cave in front is the nest of the Blue Shadow Falcon..." After walking for about five minutes, Alger suddenly stopped, extinguished the lantern, and said in a low voice, "They forage at night, while almost all other flying creatures rest. , those flying in the sky now are definitely them."

He had been fully prepared and was already familiar with the habits of this blue bird of prey, and he tried to make sure nothing went wrong.

As the footsteps stopped, Angel could vaguely hear the faint flapping of wings in the distance, chaotic and disorderly, and the occasional whistling sound above his head. It was a lone Blue Shadow Falcon!

Curious about how Alger planned to lure the raptor down from the sky, Angel and Klein stood quietly behind him, their eyes fixed on the "navigator" who also had blue hair.

He calmly opened the bag in his hand and took out a piglet with its hind legs tied up. Its size is very similar to the whole roasted suckling pig served on a plate at the Intis restaurant. It is coated with a translucent substance and is waving its forelimbs, shaking and struggling.

As the bag opened and the pig legs swung, a strange yet unstoppable aroma wafted out.

"It's a natural flavor that's loved by the birds that live in the Rhoad Islands."

As Alger explained, he cut the rope and threw the piglet a few meters away, letting it land on the soft grass. The piglet regained its freedom, hurriedly climbed up, and quickly burrowed deep into the forest, causing the branches to make a roar. Crash sound.

"call out--"

A sharp bird call came, and the sound of flapping wings above the head got closer and closer. As the wind blew by, a blue shadow was attracted by the rapidly spreading fragrance and swooped down like a sharp arrow. The target was the little boy who was panicking. pig.

Oh, Alger took out the scimitar from his waist and held it in his right hand. He pinched out a tin charm with his left hand and rushed towards the piglet.

When the three were about to overlap, he raised the tin piece prejudgmently and recited the opening spell:


A thick bolt of lightning shot out from his hand, branching out into countless branches and directing them around. The main trunk struck straight at a few meters in front of the Blue Shadow Falcon. The latter dived rapidly in the air and had no time to change its direction. It was hit by the lightning as if it had collided with it. , made a sharp cry, and fell behind the pig. The pig staggered in fright, and quickly disappeared into the bushes.

Alger didn't pause at all, and then rushed to the side of the blue raptor, which was bruised and bloody. His right arm swelled like air, his muscles tensed, and he swung the knife.

The Blue Shadow Falcon, which had just woken up from the electric shock, was hit by a knife at the joint between its neck and wings. The furious attack almost split it in half, and dark blue blood gushes out, sprinkling on Alger's face and coat. . The sharp claws' counterattack at the moment of death grabbed Alger's chest, scratching the linen shirt and scratching the phantom scales that suddenly appeared on the surface of his skin, leaving only a few superficial wounds with blood stains.

Is it solved?

Angel raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised. The Hanged Man was obviously well prepared and even brought the bait. If they couldn't deal with a bird that didn't have much intelligence, it would be better to negotiate the price early and let them take action. .

Alger was obviously satisfied with his battle. Although he was still guarding the body of the Blue Shadow Falcon with a scimitar in his hand, waiting for the extraordinary characteristics to condense the materials he needed, there was a faint smile on his face, indicating that he was at this moment. good mood.

At this moment, there were sharp bird calls one after another overhead. The fog that was so thick just now that it was almost touching the ground was blown away by the wind, and two blue figures much larger than before appeared in mid-air.


Gray eyes instantly locked on the Hanged Man with the same kind of blood on his body. The two blue shadow falcons dived almost in no particular order, exuding strong murderous intent, and rushed towards the surprised Alger.

(End of this chapter)

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