Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 59 Deception

Chapter 59 Deception
Following the direction Angel said, Leonard and Borgia quickly found the "Assassin's" body.

Of course, it was not easy to bring the dead body down from the roof of a building six or seven meters high, and the two of them did not do so, but returned to the open space in front of the warehouse directly after confirming the dead body.

"The 'assassin' who died was indeed the same as the one on the wanted notice. He was shot in the jaw, and the bullet passed through the brain. He died on the spot. We also found these on the roof."

Leonard handed Dunn a shiny black ball about the size of a grape. It was an eyeball-like object. Angel felt that it was somewhat similar to the main ingredient of the "Assassin" potion in his memory, but not exactly the same.

Borgia carried a dagger, a piece of silver that had faded.

The former is a common double-edged short dagger with a severely worn handle, but the blade is meticulously maintained and extremely sharp; the latter is engraved with various Hermetic spells and symbols, and the material that makes up the spells has lost the luster of pure silver, like tin sheets after the surface has been oxidized.

"This should be the spell used by the 'Assassin' before. The opening spell he chanted is 'Frost' in the Hermetic language. It can plunge the surroundings into extremely low temperature and affect the ability to move. The radius is less than ten meters."

Taking the silver piece, Angel explained.

"Frost..." Dunn repeated the word, "It should be a spell made by other Extraordinary and given to him to use. The Extraordinary of the Secret Order did not show similar abilities in previous battles. He is more like an expert in manipulating illusions and flames."

"Well, it should be a 'witch' or a Beyonder of a higher sequence. Madam Sharon has used the power of frost in battle. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are other sequences with similar power."

Angel analyzed.

In fact, she has basically confirmed that this is derived from the ability of the "witch". Behind this "assassin" is likely to be a mid-sequence Beyonder of the same path.

"Witch Sect?" Leonard immediately responded.

"Not necessarily, but it's worth reporting."

Dunn thought for a moment, then took the used charm from Angel's hand, and examined it carefully.

It's a pity that the pattern on the surface of the exhausted silver sheet has faded, and the material itself has become extremely fragile. Therefore, these charms are disposable items, and even if they are not broken on the spot after use, they cannot be recycled for reuse.

After collecting the Extraordinary items and the silver pieces left by the assassins, several people searched the entire site in a carpet-like manner, but found no other useful clues or items.

The body of the tuxedo clown is still lying there, and the fragments of mutant Bieber are all over the place, which is inconvenient for passers-by to touch.After discussing with the Nighthawks, they decided to let Lolotta stay where she was and wait. She has a police inspector's badge issued by Backlund Diocese, so it's not a problem to scare ordinary people. Even if nearby residents call the police, she can handle it when the police arrive.

The other five returned to Blackthorn Security Company with Sealed Artifact 2-049, Antigonus Notes and the Extraordinary materials they picked up. They needed to put these Extraordinary items back to "Chanis Gate" as soon as possible.

After that, the other Nighthawks who have been rotated will come to the battlefield to recover the bodies of the two dead Extraordinary, hoping to find clues about the Secret Order or the Witch Sect.

Borgia picked up the iron box that sealed 2-049 again, and the five of them stretched their arms as they did when they came, and returned to the carriage at the street corner.

It was already afternoon, and there were already many residents and dock workers walking around outside the warehouse. The fierce gunshots and explosions during the previous battle had attracted the attention of many nearby residents and workers, but there were no fools living in the dock area, and no curious onlookers dared to approach the warehouse to check.

Still driven by Leonard, Angel, Dunn, Klein, and Borgia sat in the compartment around 2-049.After reactivating the seal on the iron box, the Antigonus puppet would no longer be able to control the two of them at the same time, and they were able to chat intermittently in a stagnant state.

The one who spoke first was Borgia who was taciturn when he came. Angel had always thought that he had such a personality before, but now it seems that the silence may be just a subconscious behavior of this scarred Nighthawk when facing unfamiliar colleagues.

"I'm curious, how did you kill that clown from the Secret Order, that guy can come and go freely in the rain of bullets, I even suspect that he already has a Sequence 7."

Borgia seemed to have been brewing this question for a long time. After placing 2-049 in the middle of the carriage, he immediately asked.

"Angel, tell me first." Dunn also echoed.

Two Sequence 9s, one of which was a Seer who didn't even have the ability to fight head-on, actually teamed up to eliminate a Beyonder who was likely to have a Sequence 7. It's normal for them to have doubts about this...

Angel didn't intend to hide what happened. The clown in the tuxedo of the Secret Order was seriously injured, and he was full of thoughts about how to take away the notes, so that he exposed his flaws and was controlled by 2-049. There was nothing about it that his teammates could not know.

The only problem is...

She looked at Klein who was sitting opposite her. The latter was bending and stretching his arms calmly, without looking sideways, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Pretending to bow her head to organize her words, she recalled the process of fighting the tuxedo clown, and confirmed the status of the other four nighthawks at that time.

The captain was already in a coma after landing, and Leonard was in the worst condition. He didn't recover until he rescued him. Lolotta and Borgia fell to the other side of the open space, and they couldn't get up at that time...

After assessing the risks, Angel decided to help Klein conceal the information that he could remove the negative status imposed by 2-049 on his own.

"Ms. Lolotta snatched back the notes from Riel Bieber. After the mutated Bieber exploded on the spot, the sealed object 2-049 was blown to Klein's feet by the aftermath of the explosion. He should have been affected by the negative effect immediately..."

After a rough draft, Angel began to tell Dunn and Borgia about the situation at the time.

"...The clown from the Secret Order used Klein's body as a cover and asked me to hand over my notes. I tried to go around Klein and attack him, but he was flexible and vigilant. I never succeeded, and his attack prelude was obvious, and he couldn't hit me..."

"You guys are in a stalemate?" Dunn asked, he no longer bent his arms, and seemed to find something wrong.

Angel nodded: "The stalemate is not good for him. After all, you may regain your senses at any time and join the battle. He is more and more eager to ask me to hand over the notes, otherwise Klein will be killed."

"I was thinking of continuing to procrastinate, so I threw the Antigonus note at Klein. It would be best if he could be awakened by a collision with an external object. Even in the worst case, the note would be protected by the range of effect of 2-049, so that it would not be easily taken away by the Secret Order."

From here on, Angel's description is different from the real situation.

I hope Klein is smart enough to pick up his own words...

She looked at Klein who was sitting across from her. The latter seemed to be thinking about something, and his flexed and stretched right arm slowly stopped.

No, he was affected by the sealed item and entered a stagnant state.

"As far as I know, people affected by 2-049 cannot be awakened by throwing objects without direct contact." Dunn pointed out the flaw in her words.

"But this 'thrown object' is different." Angel reached out his hand to stop Borgia who was about to touch Klein, and pointed to the Antigonus note that Dunn put on his lap.

Dunn looked at Klein who was already stiff beside him, and nodded thoughtfully.

He picked up the note and gently threw it onto Klein's lap.

Just like the people who were awakened by direct contact before, Klein's arms that had stopped swinging began to move at a normal speed again, and his eyes became clear after a moment of confusion.

"...Well, yes, at that time Angel woke me up through the notes, and behind him, the Extraordinary of the Secret Order who became angry was planning to kill me with that invisible bullet, and 2-049 was right under my feet..."

He naturally took the topic and continued to talk.

Great, right on.

Angel praised Klein for his quick thinking in his heart.

The subsequent description was carried out by Klein, until Angel decisively killed the secret order clown affected by 2-049 with two shots, and it was not different from the real situation.

Only Klein escaped from the image of the sealed item by himself, which was explained by the two tacitly as the particularity of Antigonus' notes.

"That being said, your luck is really good. If the Antigonus Notes can't undo the influence of the Antigonus Puppet, then Mr. Moretti should be about to die under the guns of members of the Secret Order."

Borgia, who was quietly listening to the conversation of several people, said.

Klein pulled out an ugly smile: "I've always been lucky."

"But you shouldn't be doing things by luck, right?" Dunn looked at Angel, his gray eyes were not doubts, but convictions.

"That's right, I noticed it when Riel Bieber was close to the Sealed Artifact 2-049 a few times. He was completely unaffected by the effects of 2-049. It wasn't until I was fighting for the notes with the clown of the Secret Order that I accidentally entered the range of influence of the Sealed Artifact with the note in my hand, but was not controlled by the violent Sealed Artifact. I basically confirmed this."


But since Dunn has already verified the effect of the notes, she doesn't mind deceiving her captain a little and helping her new teammates hide their secrets.

The premise is that Klein's secrets will not cause harm to himself, the Nighthawks, or other ordinary people.

At least from the current point of view, Klein is still a conscientious Nighthawk. Even if he hasn't become a regular, he has already participated in several missions. It is said that he has a lot of credit for finding Antigonus' notes this time.

After finishing this topic, several people chatted with each other. Dunn used the captain's privilege to take the notes back into his hands, and was able to relax and rest on the back of the chair. The other three had to go through the difficult journey between bending and stretching their arms and waking up others.

(End of this chapter)

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