Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 60 Complete "Digestion"

Chapter 60 Complete "Digestion"

It was already late at night when Angel returned to Narcissus Street.

After sending the Sealed Artifact 2-049 and the Antigonus Family Notes back to the Blackthorn Security Company in the afternoon, several injured Nighthawks received Old Neil's ritual magic treatment one after another.

Angel, who was the least injured, accompanied "Corpse Collector" Frye back to the scene in the dock area, joined Lolotta who was guarding the scene, and brought the bodies of the two Secret Order members back to the basement of the Blackthorn Security Company.

Lolotta and Borgia, the two night watchers from the Backlund parish will leave Tingen tomorrow, taking 2-049 and the Antigonus notes with them to take the earliest steam train to Backlund.

Due to the characteristics of the sealed item, Backlund will send two more members of the Nighthawks to support them tonight.

Klein made a lot of contributions in the process of finding the notes. According to Dunn, after the notes are sent back to Backlund for confirmation, he will be allowed to become an official member of the Nighthawks.

This unofficial member of the Nighthawks, who had just become a Extraordinary, seemed to be hiding a lot of secrets. In today's battle, he was affected by the Sealed Artifact 2-049, but he broke out of control without anyone to help him.

Although Angel concealed this matter from Dunn and the others, it didn't mean she could easily accept it.

Maybe it's time to find a chance to chat with him in detail... Unfortunately, she couldn't find a chance to talk to him alone until she left the Blackthorn Security Company at night.

Hearing that Klein seemed to have some psychological shadow on the tuxedo clown who died in front of him, so that he was taken aback by the corpse placed in the morgue, and even had the hallucination that "the corpse can talk", Captain Dunn let him go home to rest early.

Of course, Angel has some doubts about whether the situation relayed by the gossip-loving Miss Roseanne is true.

After all, it was normal to have some discomfort when facing a dead person on the battlefield for the first time. When she saw a human being die in front of her for the first time in her previous life, she behaved worse than Klein.

Get used to killing more.

Thinking of this, Angel realized that his current identity, an "ordinary person who just became a Extraordinary", was a little too calm in fighting and killing. Although the other Nighthawks didn't seem to suspect it, they might need to find some excuses to cover up later.

After leaving the security company, she made a detour to Iron Cross Street to repurchase a windbreaker and shirt to replace what had been damaged in battle before returning to Daffodil Street.

Originally thought that these were costs borne by himself, but Angel learned from Leonard that any clothing and items damaged during the mission could be reimbursed—as long as they did not exceed the normal price significantly.

"Reimbursement", this word invented by Emperor Roselle, sounds so beautiful...

The crimson moon hangs high in the sky, casting a strange red moonlight on the streets of Tingen City. She has been in this world for half a month, and she has long been used to the moonlight that is different from the earth, and she is no longer as afraid and uneasy as she was at the beginning.

As usual, after checking the paper in the crack of the door and confirming that no one was intruding, Angel entered the living room with confidence.

She threw the newly bought clothes on the sofa, turned on the gas lamp on the wall, and used the warm light to dispel the cold air in the room.

Only then was she able to calm down and summarize and analyze the two battles that took place today.

And many doubts in my heart.

The battle itself is actually lackluster. Although Angel is only a Sequence 9 "Assassin", she has completely inherited the combat experience of her "previous life". She firmly believes that her combat skills are no worse than these low-sequence or even mid-sequence Extraordinary people. What she lacks may only be some extraordinary abilities brought by potions.

Thinking of the weird and unpredictable ability of the tuxedo clown of the Secret Order, she couldn't help but clenched her hands.

Compared with Dunn Smith's "Nightmare" and Daly Simone's "Psychic", Angel believes that this kind of potion sequence with both offensive and defensive skills and agility is the most suitable for him.

It's a pity that no one was left alive, and it was impossible to know which sequence of potion the other party was... He and the other attacker who failed to attack Dunn and died tragically under the mouth of Riel Bieber had strange oil paint on their faces.
Of course, once the sequence is selected, it cannot be changed. Extraordinary people who take potions of other sequences will only lose control or even die on the spot. Since she has become an assassin, she can only go down this road and has no other choice.

Moreover, after being promoted to "witch", the assassin sequence can also acquire various powerful abilities, such as manipulating frost and fire, invisibility, curse...

Mrs. Sharon who broke into the Blackthorn security company and tried to kill herself is a Sequence 6 "Assassin" Path Extraordinary.In terms of flexibility, she may not be as good as the tuxedo clown who can disappear and reappear in an instant with the help of flames, but she is undoubtedly more aggressive than the other party.

If the clown in the tuxedo of the Secret Order had more attack methods, instead of only attacking with invisible bullets that were as powerful as a revolver, it would definitely cause greater casualties to the Nighthawks team today.

After comparing several mid-sequence Extraordinary people she had seen in her mind, she recalled another Extraordinary who died under her gun.

Also the "Assassin" of Sequence 9.

The first time I met this assassin was in the warehouse of the Labor Mutual Aid Association in the dock area. When Angel accepted the commission and sneaked into the warehouse to find a ring, he had a few tricks with him who came to steal the president's ledger.

The second time was today, also in the dock area. At some point, the assassin and members of the Secret Order began to follow the Nighthawks team, trying to snatch the lost Antigonus family notes.

The clown in tuxedo was holding back the large group of troops, while another gunman dressed as a dock worker was looking for opportunities to kill or injure the Nighthawks. This assassin obviously had his own mission, maybe he was responding to the clown in tuxedo who snatched the notes, or he was waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack.It's a pity that when he confronted Angel, who was also an "assassin" on the roof, his skills were inferior to others, and he died tragically under the gun.

If Angel didn't have a large army under the cover of the roof, Dunn was likely to be injured by the gunman's attack, and without Sequence 7's "Nightmare" controlling the mutated Riel Bieber, it alone might be able to solve the entire Nighthawk team.

Of course, the mutation of Riel Bieber into an uncontrollable monster should have been beyond the expectations of the Secret Order. The panicked gunman ran into the warehouse where it was hiding, perhaps hoping to get the notes first, but it became food delivered to Riel Bieber's stomach.

The clown in the tuxedo was interfering with the Nighthawks when they were fighting against Riel Bieber. It was like an on-the-spot decision, rather than a predetermined plan. If they had planned in advance, they would definitely not be in such a mess.

The only question now is: Is this "assassin" a thug of the Secret Order, or does it represent the cooperation between the "Witch Sect" and the Secret Order?

If it is the former, the secret order that has lost a few Extraordinary people will definitely be more cautious in its next move, and the Antigonus Notes have been sealed behind the Chanis Gate, and will be escorted back to Backlund tomorrow morning.

If the "Witch Sect" also joins in...

That means that after Mrs. Sharon's death, the "Witch Sect" extended its hand to Tingen City again.

There are already three Extraordinary people who have died by their own hands. Mrs. Sharon has been identified as a member of the "Witch Sect". Today's assassins have spells made by "Witches", and they probably have something to do with the "Witch Sect".

Guessing that he should already be on the blacklist of the "Witch Sect", Angel couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

According to previous predictions, after she joined the Nighthawks, these unofficial Extraordinary people should be wary of her, but judging from the unscrupulous attacks on the Nighthawks team by the Secret Order today, these guys can't speculate with common sense at all.

It is hard to guarantee that there will not be another Madam Sharon who dares to break into the Nighthawk base in the Witch Sect.

Only by improving your strength as soon as possible can you improve your survival rate.

And the most direct way to improve strength is to promote through potions.

For the assassin's next sequence, the potion formula of "The Instigator" is in Angel's mind. Although the main ingredients of the potion are expensive, they are not difficult to buy. If it is not possible, you can apply through the channel of the church.

As long as I can "digest" the potion of the current sequence as soon as possible...

She thought of the thrill she felt after killing the tuxedo clown today.

This is similar to the feeling that Cole Granger played as an "assassin" in memory, digesting part of the potion in his body after each assassination operation, but there are subtle differences.

According to Mrs. Sharon's teaching to Cole, and Cole's summary in the process of playing the assassin, when the "assassin" kills someone in a planned and premeditated way, the digestion effect of the potion is the best.

But Angel's killing of the tuxedo clown was not an "assassination" at all, it was an "anti-assassination" at best.

But the process of digesting the potion in the body actually existed, which showed that her performance was successful and effective.

Isn't "assassination" limited to active murder, surviving others' premeditated attacks on oneself and counterattacking to kill the opponent can also achieve the role of "assassin"?

Mrs. Sharon sneaked into the Nighthawks' residence secretly, trying to assassinate the defected "Cole Granger", but the other party saw through her invisibility and teamed up with the Nighthawks to kill her...

An unknown assassin hides on the roof and waits for an opportunity to take action. He is about to assassinate the single member of the Nighthawks team, but he is cornered by the opponent and tricked out of the bunker to kill him with one shot...

The clown in the tuxedo played with a group of Nighthawks in the palm of his hand. He was one step away from the note he wanted to snatch, but he was controlled by the sealed item and lost to two Sequence Nines...

Three Extraordinary beings who intended to kill him but died by his own hands appeared in Angel's mind one by one. He revisited the battle process from their perspective and gradually realized something.

Waiting on the sidelines, destroying other people's premeditated plans, and killing the other party while the other party is surprised and remorseful, isn't it an "assassin"?

The most brilliant "assassin" can appear as a "target"!

The moment he figured this out, Angel seemed to hear the shattering sound of a glass container in his mind, and something seemed to dissolve and spread rapidly in his body, filling his torso and limbs.

Spiritual touch, it seems that there is a certain existence, watching me from the window.

She turned her head abruptly, looked out the window, and looked at the crimson moon.

Outside the window is only the gloomy street, shrouded in the ominous red moonlight, the spiritual changes seem to be just hallucinations, and the illusory sense of filling in the body also quickly disappears.

Her "Assassin" potion was completely digested.

(End of this chapter)

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