Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 61 Sending away the sealed item

Chapter 61 Sending away the sealed item

Being able to digest the "Assassin" potion so quickly was completely beyond Angel's expectations.

According to the information she got from other Nighthawks, it usually takes more than three years for the Extraordinary of Sequence 9 to completely "master the power of the potion in the body". This also requires a full understanding of the characteristics of the potion, as well as a little talent and luck.

Most Extraordinary people even stay at Sequence 9 throughout their entire lives, making it difficult to go any further.

Mastering the "acting method" is different.

Madam Sharon unreservedly taught Cole Granger how to play the role, and also taught him a lot of knowledge about playing "Assassin". Even so, it took Cole about half a year to go from "Assassin" in Sequence 9 to "Instigator", playing the role of Assassin and assassinating no less than ten people.

According to Mrs. Sharon, this can already be regarded as "extraordinary talent".

And what about yourself?

Cole died in the early hours of June 6, and he traveled to this world around the same time to become Angel Granger, a Sequence 28 assassin.

Today is July 7th.

In just two weeks, she digested the "Assassin" potion and was ready to be promoted to Sequence Eight.

Angel has no doubts that if there is a potion of "Instigator" in front of her now, all she has to do is drink it up, and she will immediately become "Instigator".

Even if he has Cole Granger's "Assassin" experience, it's too fast.

She doesn't think this is the so-called "traveler's welfare", the problem is most likely caused by her own body.

Maybe it's because this body has completely digested the "Assassin" potion once, maybe it's because Cole's previous performances still have effects...

There are traces of these possibilities, but they can't be determined. Angel thought repeatedly, but couldn't come to a definite conclusion, so he had to put these doubts aside.

It was only then that she realized the importance of a mystic teacher. Even if it was an Extraordinary with malicious intentions like Mrs. Sharon, a little advice to Cole would benefit him a lot.

Among the Extraordinary beings that Angel has come into contact with so far, those who can consult these questions are Nighthawks, and these secrets of myself cannot be exposed in front of their eyes.

"Perhaps we can ask questions at the Tarot Club? Miss Justice has also just become a Extraordinary, so she may not be able to help, but Mr. Hanged Man looks like a person with profound knowledge. Although words are precious, an appropriate exchange of benefits should be able to impress him. Everyone in the Tarot Club does not know each other, and even if they reveal their secrets, it will not affect real life..."

she muttered to herself.

"It really doesn't work, but I can still trouble Mr. Fool..."


Angier, who was full of doubts, came to the Blackthorn Security Company the next day, and met the Backlund Nighthawks team who had come out of the basement and was waiting in the reception room.

Borgia, who was still as indifferent as before, was carrying the iron box containing 2-049. The part of the box that was damaged in the battle had already been affixed with a crimson seal, and a complicated prayer was written on it in black ink. Since the ink and the background color were similar, it was impossible to recognize what was written from a distance.

Standing on the left and right of him is a strange man, all dressed in a uniform, brown and black windbreaker suits, half-top hats, and bulging waists. They should be carrying guns.Like bodyguards protecting the dignitaries, the two of them sandwiched Borgia, who was holding the sealed item, with a serious face. If they could wear a pair of sunglasses, it would definitely show their majesty even more.

It's a pity that the solemn atmosphere they created was spoiled by the raised arms performing flexion and extension exercises.

The two should be the Nighthawks who came to support from Backlund yesterday. There were no steam trains passing through at night, so I don't know how they got from Backlund to Tingen City.

Sequence 8's "Gravedigger" Lolotta followed with a bored expression on her face. She didn't seem to have slept well last night, yawning, holding a small wooden box in one hand, and flexing and stretching her arms with the other.

Seeing Angel walk into the reception room, she was refreshed, her eyes brightened, she walked around the other three people and greeted her.

"Good morning, Ms. Lolotta, are you planning to leave Tingen City and return to Backlund?"

Angel took the initiative to say hello.

She noticed that Ms. Luo Yao was in a formal suit and was following behind them, and then recalled the carriage she saw at the door when she went upstairs, and guessed that the other party was planning to use the carriage to send a few nighthawks from other places to the steam train station.

After all, someone had to bring the carriage back.

"Uh huh, Backlund was in a hurry. Knowing that the notes had arrived, they asked us to take the earliest train back to Backlund. If there were no trains at night, we would even have to leave overnight." Lolotta replied, raising the small box in her hand, which should contain the Antigonus family notes found yesterday.

"Fortunately, two more teammates arrived yesterday, otherwise I would borrow two people from you to escort the sealed item together."

The effective range of 2-049's characteristics is about five meters. In public places, especially on trains with dense passengers, it is easy to affect the nearby people, so at least three people need to surround it to minimize the impact. Considering possible accidents on the road, four people traveling together is indeed the best choice.

But to stretch and bend their arms in this way, from Tingen to Backlund... Seeing the other three people flexing and stretching their arms indifferently, she suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, there are enough of them!

"Then how did you get here?" She suddenly remembered that when she met them yesterday, there were only Lolotta and Borgia, and she asked curiously.

"Of course it was a group of three who escorted the Sealed Artifact, but as soon as we arrived in Tingen City, the Holy Church called Al Hasen away with an urgent call. I heard that there is an urgent need for support in Enmat Port. If it wasn't for your equally tight manpower, the team in Tingen City might also send people to support it."

Port of Enmat?

Angel noticed this place name that he had heard several times. "Psychic" Daly Simone was a member of the Nighthawk team in that port city. "The Hanged Man" also said that there was a "artisan" he knew well there, from which he could buy extraordinary weapons.

Backlund is located in the southeast of Tingen City, forming an approximately equilateral inverted triangle with Enmat Port due east of Tingen. It is necessary to transfer personnel from Tingen City to Enmat Port for support instead of directly starting from Backlund. Is it because Backlund is more tense in manpower?Or is there something special about this Al Hasson?

She brainstormed habitually, but she currently has too little information to draw useful conclusions.

"It's a pity that I only stayed in Tingen for one day and I have to go back. The coffee here is pretty good, and you can make all the popular flavors, but the maids are not easy to let go. Backlund's cafes are better in this regard." When Luo Luota talked about the "maid", she seemed to be pondering something, and even the speed of her swinging arms slowed down.

Worried that she was affected by 2-049, Angel reached out to help.

"Ah, no, I wasn't affected by the sealed item..." Lolotta came back to her senses, smiled and shook her head, "Then see you later, thank you for your hospitality, come to Backlund when you have time, and you must contact me..."

Seeing that the other three Backlund's nighthawks had already walked to the door, she hurriedly added something, waved her hand as farewell, and took a few steps to catch up.


Angel only had time to reply before Backlund's team disappeared from behind the door.

Behind her was the sound of the hinges rubbing when the wooden door opened and closed, as well as slow footsteps. She looked back and saw Leonard the "Midnight Poet" poking his head out from behind the partition.

"They left?"

Seeing that Angel was the only one left in the reception room, he walked out from behind the partition, put his hands in his pockets, and smiled frivolously.

"Fortunately, the captain sent a telegram to Backlund yesterday, asking them to send two more Nighthawks to come back for support. Otherwise, I would have raised my arms on the train today and been surrounded by other passengers. Damn it, my arms are still sore."

After yesterday's battle, Angel knew that this slightly frivolously dressed poet was a very serious and calm Extraordinary in battle, so he didn't care about his tone, but replied cooperatively:

"Perhaps it would be good to go to Backlund with Ms. Loreta. It's a public trip. I haven't been to the capital of the Loen Kingdom. I heard that the city has a population of over one million."

"The newspaper said that it has already exceeded 500 million." Leonard corrected, "That is the largest city in the Northern Continent, and maybe the Southern Continent is also the same. Its area is larger than ten Tingen cities combined. It is indeed worth visiting—if you don't care about the bad air there."

"But Lolotta..." He had a half-smile, and his green eyes stared at Angel's upper body for a few seconds before continuing: "You know? The captain talked to me about Ms. Lolotta yesterday, and said that she went out to inquire about the cafes in Tingen City as soon as she recovered from her injury, because there are three things she likes most, sweets, coffee...and maids."


Angel repeated in a daze, just now before Lolotta said goodbye, she mentioned the cafe, and she said something like "Tingen's maid can't let go".At this time, Leonard mentioned this word with a strange expression, which made her a little confused.

"Yeah, you know the maid cafe... that's the one, and her favorite is... the ones with big breasts."

After standing still for a few seconds, Angel realized that there was something in Leonard's words.

Could it be that Ms. Lolotta, who usually has a lazy face and is known as a sharpshooter but is more accustomed to close combat in combat, is a...

Before Angel could react, the smirking Leonard had already walked past her, took a few steps before he seemed to remember something, and then turned around and said.

"I'm going to call Luo Shan and the others down from the third floor... Oh, yes, there is one more thing. The captain said that if you come, you should go to his office. It should be about yesterday's battle. It seems that there is still a bounty to get."


Watching Leonard's back walking towards the stairs, Angel was stunned again.

(End of this chapter)

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