Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 62 Klein's Invitation

Chapter 62 Klein's Invitation


Angel knocked on the door of the office.

"Please come in." Dunn's slightly dull voice came through the door.

Angel opened the door and walked in. Dunn Smith was wearing a white shirt and a black vest, sitting in his armchair, with his head bowed, writing something. The windbreaker and top hat he usually wore when going out were hanging on the coat rack beside him.

Hearing the visitor enter the door, he glanced up, put down the pen in his hand, and stretched his body backwards.

"Meet Borgia and the others?"

He asked with a smile, as if everything was under control.

"Well, just to say goodbye, Ms. Loreta also... invited me to play in Backlund when I have time."

Angel remembered Leonard's words just now, and his tone of reply was a little unnatural.

"Lolotta... is a little, um, a little special, you don't need to pay too much attention to it." Noticing the strange expression on the other side, Dunn pressed his fingers on his forehead and explained with a wry smile, "But she is a reliable teammate. We will often cooperate with the Backlund Parish in the future. You will understand that they are all trustworthy people in battle."

Captain, you don't need to deliberately emphasize "in battle"...

"Then Captain, what is the reason for asking me to come to the office?"

In order to end this embarrassing topic for both parties, Angel quickly expressed his intention for coming.

"Cough—it's like this. During yesterday's mission, you were attacked by an armed man in the dock area. In order to protect yourself, you accidentally killed him when you returned fire with a legally carried revolver."

Dunn seemed to have just remembered the reason for asking Angel to come to the office. He picked up a document on the table, opened it and imitated the tone often used by the police.

"Yesterday, Frye processed the body of the deceased and handed it over to the Tingen City Police. After comparison, they confirmed that this is the 'Docklands Assassin' who was wanted last week for suspected human trafficking and attempted murder. Well, this is a code name, but there is no name. The police are still investigating his identity, but there is little hope. Recently, there have been frequent changes in the upper management of the kingdom, and the household registration management is somewhat chaotic.

"Sorry, it's getting too far. Anyway, the police have confirmed that the deceased is indeed the person on the arrest warrant. Therefore, the reward on the arrest warrant, totaling 100 pounds, will be available in a few days."

While muttering, Dunn handed the document he took out after opening the document bag to Angel. The latter took it and found that it was a standard certificate issued by the Tingen City Police. Except for some words of commendation, the rest was consistent with what Dunn said just now.

Is this a little... sloppy?

Angel looked at the "Murder Innocence Certificate" in his hand, and couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on his face.

Mrs. Sharon, the tuxedo clown of the Secret Order was killed after attacking the official night watchman. Since there were many witnesses and personal experiences, there was nothing wrong with it.

But this "assassin" who didn't even know his name after his death could almost be said to have been convicted, wanted, and killed by Angel himself. He had no contact with other official personnel. He just snatched the ledger from Angel in the warehouse of the Labor Mutual Aid Association, and was on the wanted warrant of the police. He then attacked Angel unsuccessfully and died of her counterattack.

Of course, this guy is obviously a veteran assassin, and the blood on his hands is probably no less than that of Cole Granger, so he deserves to die.

With the status of an official Extraordinary, one can easily take advantage of the loopholes in the operation of this system, casually label others as criminals, and then kill them to obtain bounties.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Angel's complexion changing, Dunn asked curiously, "You killed him alone. According to the rules, half of the bounty will be kept as the team's public funds. If you need the other half urgently, you can go to Mrs. Orianna to withdraw it later."

"No, I'm just..." Angel hesitated for a moment, but still said what was in his heart.

After hearing her question, Dunn couldn't help but laugh.

He got up and went to the coat rack, fumbled in the inner pocket of the windbreaker for a while, and took out an inspector badge, which was the same as the one Angel received after obtaining the official status of Nighthawk.

"You see, this is another of our public identities. The name of inspector does not only exist in the church's files, but also in the police department. Half of your salary is paid by them, and of course it belongs to them."

Dunn sat back in his chair and pinned the badge on the left chest of his vest, which slightly changed his demeanor and made him look more serious.

"This gives us the power to use the police system to track and arrest criminals—although these powers are restricted by many parties. This arrest warrant was approved after review and confirmed that the labor mutual aid association was indeed involved in human trafficking—but it does not mean that there are no restrictions and no consequences."

"If you find out later that you lied about wanting him, and used the church and the police system to achieve your own private goals, then there will be corresponding punishments, ranging from demotion to the church."

After explaining in one breath, Dunn rubbed his temples. Seeing Angel staring at him dumbfounded, he smiled again and said, "You don't have to worry too much. The Extraordinary items left behind after his death prove that he is indeed an Extraordinary. But being able to appear in that place and attack your Extraordinary, killing him is a very reasonable self-defense."

After listening to Captain Dunn's explanation, Angel understood the church's, or the attitude of the official Extraordinary organization towards such incidents.

If she randomly catches and kills an ordinary person on the street, or uses the church and the police system to deal with them, she may go to the court of the church the next day.But if she could kill an unofficial Beyonder, like the three Beyonders who died in her hands, there would be no harsh punishments for her, only rewards.

"By the way, speaking of unofficial Beyonders, the true identity of that tuxedo clown..."

Angel thought of another Extraordinary who died under his gun yesterday, the member of the secret order who was suspected of having the strength of Sequence 7, and asked along the way.

"Leonard followed the police department to investigate overnight. They confirmed the temporary stronghold in Tingen City through the carriage they rented. However, they were very cautious and quickly evacuated after the mission failed. They failed to find any more valuable clues. I asked Old Neil to try divination, and the conclusion was the same as the previous divination for the 'Assassin'. Either there were too few clues, or the other party could also interfere with the divination."

Dunn shook his head, not expecting much from the follow-up results.

As a secret organization established since the last century, this kind of mobility is in line with their identity. If an Extraordinary dies, they will be caught by the other members, that is too unreliable, and they will not survive for thousands of years...

As for the divination, after the failure of old Neil's divination on the "Assassin" last time, she had long given up hope.

But Klein, a "seer", seems to have a high success rate in divination... Could it be related to the name of his potion?

"Why not let Klein try it?" Angel asked curiously, thinking that there was another teammate in the team who could divination.

"Maybe due to some previous experience, he was frightened when he saw the 'clown''s body again yesterday. Forcibly using divination may have the risk of losing control. I didn't let him try it."

It turns out that what Roseanne said is true... I shouldn't doubt her professionalism in gossip.

Angel apologized to Luo Shan in his heart, and then asked: "Some experiences, have you seen people who died in a similar way before? Are they relatives and friends?"

"It's a further situation... You should ask him for the details, but it's best not to do it in the past few days." Dunn seemed to hesitate, but in the end he didn't continue this topic.

"In short, this is the first time he personally experienced the scene of killing an enemy at close range. Although he didn't do it himself, it is understandable that he is unsteady and thinking wildly..."

When you say it like this, it seems that I, a person who does it myself, is inexplicably cold-blooded... Angel looked at Dunn, who was looking at her with a smile, as if there was something in his words.

"Cough, actually I... I didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't eat well. I was worried about the revenge from the 'Secret Order', worried...uh..."

Under Dunn's scrutinizing eyes, she couldn't make it up.


Just when the two were looking at each other speechlessly, there was a knock on the door.

"Captain, Miss Roseanne said you were looking for me?"

It was Klein's voice.

The sudden appearance of the person in the topic eliminated the weird atmosphere between the two of them. Dunn raised the corner of his mouth and said to Angel with a smile: "Then let's do this first. Tell him to come in when you go out."

Seeing that the captain issued the order to evict the guests, she hurriedly left the room.

Standing outside the door was Klein wearing a black coat, ill-fitting trousers, and holding a cane. Compared to yesterday's tuxedo, this slightly older formal suit made him look more reserved.

Thinking of himself who rolled out of mud yesterday and his coat was in tatters, Angel guessed that the other party sent the suit to a tailor for repairs.

When he found out that it was Angel, Klein was taken aback for a moment, and then saluted a gentleman: "Good morning, Miss Angel."

"Good morning, the captain is inside, and he told you to go in directly." Angel also greeted.

Klein seemed to have something else to say, but when he heard Dunn waiting for him in the room, he twitched his lips, nodded silently, walked past Angel, walked into the office, and closed the door behind his back.

Angel did not leave the corridor, but leaned aside with his hands folded and waited.

Within a few minutes, Klein pushed the door open and walked out. When he found Angel leaning against the wall, he raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised.

The two did not talk at the door of Captain Dunn's office, but walked tacitly to the other end of the corridor. The sound of Mrs. Orianna's typewriter came from another office with the door closed, effectively covering up other sounds outside the door. Miss Roseanne was talking to herself from the reception room outside the partition, and she seemed to be reading a newspaper.

"Do you need me?" Angel asked first.

Klein hesitated for a moment, then nodded as if making up his mind: "Yes, do you have time on July 7, which is this Saturday evening?"

"Saturday... the day after tomorrow? I should be free."

Since he had doubts about Klein's ability to escape from 2-049's control on his own, Angel had been looking for an opportunity to talk to him alone for the past two days. At this time, the other party offered to invite him, and she quickly agreed.

But Klein's next words were beyond her expectation.

"Great, at 6 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, I reserved a table at the Silver Crown Restaurant, um, the one on Daffodil Street." Klein said very fast, as if he would lose the courage to continue speaking as soon as he slowed down, "You know, our family just moved to Daffodil Street at the beginning of the month, and we have been looking for a chance to celebrate. They are all free on Saturday. You saved my life in action yesterday, I think..."

He seemed to think that he had expressed it clearly enough, so he didn't continue talking, but looked at Angel expectantly.

Under his gaze, Angel was a little confused.She originally thought that Klein invited her to have some more "private" conversations, to confess her secrets, and she was even prepared to listen to a well-made lie.

Instead, he was invited to a family celebration.

Klein's brother and sister were present at the same time, so there was no way to talk about mysticism...

Of course, it is also possible that the other party took this opportunity to invite and find an opportunity to talk alone after the celebration is over.After all, with his current gender, if a young man invites himself alone, he may be misunderstood as having other intentions...

Angel thought about it, hesitating whether to accept the invitation, but seeing Klein's expectant face, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, I'll be on time for my appointment."

(End of this chapter)

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