Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 63 Emergency Missions

Chapter 63 Emergency Missions

After agreeing to Klein's invitation out of impulse, Angel regretted it not long after.

Carefully recalling the details of the conversation, she discovered that Klein's purpose might simply be to thank him for his help in the battle, and to help "lie" to conceal some facts.

Rather than the "confession meeting" she imagined.

But since he has already verbally agreed, Angel doesn't intend to go back on his word, so let's treat it as a social interaction between colleagues...

She comforted herself in this way.


After solving the "Antigonus Family Notes" incident, the Nighthawks team in Tingen City had nothing to do for a while, except for routine patrols and on-duty duties, most of the members stayed in the lounge or reception room, or read newspapers, or chatted.

Angel just became a full member this week, and has not yet been scheduled for the duty of "Chanis Gate". Today's arrangement was to inspect the cemetery on the outskirts of the North District with Ms. Luo Yao, but Luo Yao drove Backlund's Nighthawk team to the steam train station in a carriage and never came back.

Angel, who didn't want to wait and waste time, went to the basement of the station, went to Old Neil to get some alchemy materials and pistol ammunition, and started making special ammunition in the dim alchemy room.

After joining the Nighthawks and being issued "Demon Hunting Bullets", she no longer needs the "Storm Gathering" ammunition. Although the latter's penetration and damage are stronger than the standard demon hunting bullets, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and wastes valuable Extraordinary materials in the warehouse. She rarely makes them these days.

On the other hand, she urgently felt the need to carry the auxiliary bullet "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" with her during the battle with the tuxedo clown yesterday.

Among Extraordinary beings in this world, the ability to hide their body shape is not uncommon. At least she has seen Madam Sharon the "witch" and a tuxedo clown of an unknown sequence.

Needless to say, the invisibility ability is helpful to the battle, and the "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption", which can spread light powder that makes them invisible, is the best countermeasure.

After preparing the materials in the alchemy room, Angel began to create "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" with ease.

Heat the bullet to melt the adhesive, remove the warhead and discard it, pour out all the propellant shells and use wax liquid for preliminary surface treatment, then carefully carve complex runes and prayers with a ritual knife, and finally paint the holy emblem of the goddess of the night.

Although the Church of Evernight did not propose a way for her to hand in the special bullets, but only collected some samples, Angel still made preparations in this regard in advance, so she did not use English prayers, but instead used "localized" Hermes texts.

Soak the treated bullet casings in the prepared etching solution, and the acidic liquid will quickly corrode the notched part without surface protection into deep ravines, and then fill these dents with the essence of screaming grass, and you can make a charm that stores spirituality.

After making a batch of etched shells, Angel mixed the luminous lizard scale powder treated with nitric acid, calcium carbide, and propellant, and refilled them into the shells. Hard copper-lead bullets could not be used for bullets, but soft bullets made of wax after similar treatment to propellants.

The warhead will burn and explode in the air quickly after being fired, and sprinkle the phantom phosphorescent powder over the entire area, revealing the figures of the enemies within.

The production of "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" does not require a lot of spirituality, but the process is complicated and the success rate of manufacturing is low, especially the part of the shell that is engraved with spells and etched.

Maybe it was produced in an unfamiliar working environment, or maybe it was absent-mindedness caused by too many distracting thoughts in her mind. The discarded shell casings on the side had piled up into a hill, and only a few of them were successful.

There seemed to be slight conversations coming from outside the door. Angel tilted his head subconsciously to listen. With a flick of the ritual knife in his hand, there was an ugly nick across the crimson moon on the holy emblem of the night, and another shell casing that had finished surface treatment was scrapped.

Hearing the sound of the conversation getting closer, she secretly sighed, she probably couldn't continue working today.

The turbid etching solution was poured into the sewer, the discarded bullet casings and materials were thrown into the trash can, and the equipment was sorted away.She carefully wrapped the finished "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" in oiled paper and put it in the metal bullet box, rubbed her already sore shoulders, and left the alchemy room.

Sure enough, there were two people standing outside the door, and the conversation that Angel heard before came from them.

Wearing a windbreaker and a silk top hat was Dunn Smith. When he saw someone coming out of the alchemy room, he nodded to another middle-aged man in a black priest's uniform opposite him: "I see."

The man didn't speak, just dotted with his right hand on his chest, drawing a crimson moon, then bowed his head and left in a hurry.

"he is?"

Watching the man walk in the opposite direction of the intersection of the underground passage, Angel asked.

"That direction leads to St. Selina's Church. If there is an urgent matter in the church and we cannot be contacted, we will send a telegram to the church and someone will notify us."

Dunn said something out of the question, looked back at the end of the passage, and looked at Angel.

"There is an urgent mission. The church sent a telegram just now, but our receiver sometimes fails and we often fail to receive the telegram, so they sent it to the Church of St. Selina."

Dunn reached out and took off the top hat, and pinned it to his left armpit, revealing his short brown hair, which was carefully groomed. His eyes wandered, as if he was thinking about something.

When his eyes refocused on Angel, Dunn continued:

"Before noon tomorrow, you need to arrive at Enmat Port, at No. 26 First Avenue in the Golden Apple District, where the nightwatcher team of Enmat Harbor is stationed. It's easy to find, and it's just opposite St. George's Church."

"When you get there, look for the captain of the Enmate team, Bell Clement, and he will tell you what to do next, just follow his orders."

Port Enmat?Urgent task?
Angel looked into Dunn's eyes, trying to find some clues, but the other party just looked back indifferently, his gray pupils were like calm lakes.

"Ok, I see."

She nodded, since the order had been issued, as a full member of the Nighthawks, she had no right to refuse, but Angel still threw the question to the other party.

"But why me?"

Dunn seemed to have expected such a question a long time ago, he waved his hand, and walked to the exit of the underground passage first, with Angel following behind him.

"The case of the Labor Mutual Aid Association in Tingen City participating in the human trade has made progress. The root cause is Enmat Port. The specific situation is not mentioned in the telegram, but a large number of personnel are required to participate in the operation. The size of the Enmat Port team is about the same as ours. Even if all the members are dispatched, it is not enough. Therefore, not only Tingen City, but also several nearby cities with Nighthawk teams have sent personnel."

"As for why you were chosen..." Dunn turned his head and showed a faint smile, "You were the one who discovered this case in the first place, and of course you have to earn the credit."

Seeing Angel's expression of disbelief, he added another sentence:
"Of course, there is another reason. Most of the Nighthawks are Beyonders of the 'Sleepless' and 'Corpse Collector' pathways. They need some different powers."

That makes more sense...

Not counting the newly joined Angel and Klein in Tingen's Night Squad, there are a total of 7 Extraordinary. Except for the "Secret Peer" Old Neil who turned into a civilian job, the rest are all from the two paths of "Sleepless" and "Corpse Collector". This is certainly related to the inheritance of the Extraordinary power of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, but the "bias" in the selection of potions can also be said to be very obvious.

It is conceivable that the route distribution of the Nighthawk teams in other cities should not be much different from that in Tingen City, and it is indeed of little use to send another one with the same route to the past.

"I understand, but for this kind of cross-regional case, temporarily summoning and dispatching Nighthawks to form a team, and cooperating with teammates who are not familiar with each other, is the combat effectiveness really guaranteed? Why not organize a separate team to deal with this kind of task..."

"It's nice of you to think of that."

Dunn nodded approvingly. He considered his words before answering:
"There is indeed an elite team within the Nighthawks. Their costumes are characterized by wearing conspicuous red gloves, so we generally call them 'red gloves'."

"The task of the 'Red Gloves' is to support the Nighthawk teams in other cities at any time, solve crises that cannot be handled by a single team, and hunt down Extraordinary criminals who commit crimes across regions. This human trafficking case involves Beyonders from multiple secret organizations, and the area involved spans Jianhai County, Ahowa County, and East Chester County. It should have been handled by them. Unfortunately, the 'Red Gloves' have other tasks and cannot return in a short time. Therefore, the Holy Church decided to temporarily summon the Nighthawks from various regions."

The two had already walked through the crossroads and returned to the spiral staircase leading to the Blackthorn Security Company. Dunn stopped and stood at the stairs. The flickering lights made his shadow erratic.

"That's all I know. You can ask Clement for the rest when you arrive at Enmat Port."

He took out the top hat from under his arm again and put it on his head.

"Their request is to arrive within 24 hours, that is, before noon tomorrow. Of course, you can set off in the afternoon, but I suggest that you prepare well and go early tomorrow morning. You can go to the armory to get the ammunition and consumables you need. It's better to use theirs at Enmat Port..."

Under the captain's somewhat cumbersome instructions, Angel nodded repeatedly, seeing that he had no intention of going upstairs, he climbed up the stairs by himself and walked to the ground.

"Three, two, one..."

She deliberately slowed down, counting down silently in her heart.

"Wait a moment."

Unexpectedly, Dunn's voice came from behind.

"Captain, is there anything else?"

She squeezed out a smile and asked back.

" went to Mrs. Orianna to advance the bounty, that is, the 50 pounds that belonged to you on the police arrest warrant, as the funds for the operation, and you will be reimbursed according to the specific consumption when you come back."

As if he was afraid that he would stop the other party again, Dunn pressed his top hat after saying this, turned and walked towards the "Chanis Gate".

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and there will be a free chapter for the last chapter in the morning, please support the first order tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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