Chapter 64
The next morning, Klein Moretti was woken up by a knock on the door. He got up from the bed, touched the pocket watch on the table, and checked the time. It was exactly 7 o'clock.

Melissa was preparing the family's breakfast, and Benson was washing up in the bathroom, so he had no choice but to rub his sleep-swollen eyes before opening the door.

Standing at the gate of No. 2 Narcissus Street was his colleague, Angel Granger, who also joined the Nighthawks team.

The beautiful blonde woman said to him apologetically, "Sorry, I can't make an appointment on Saturday."

Klein, who was not yet fully awake, took several seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence, and asked in a daze, "What?"

Only then did he notice that there was a leather suitcase next to Angel, and he was not wearing the windbreaker he usually wore, but a long cloak with a cloak, and light casual clothes under the cloak.

"After you left yesterday morning, the captain informed me that there was an urgent task that I needed to participate in." Angel smiled wryly, and pointed to the east side of Daffodil Street. "He asked me to pack up my weapons and daily necessities overnight, and take the steam train to Enmat Port early this morning."

Klein turned his gaze to the direction she was pointing at, and the rising sun cast soft rays of light on the entire street, which was the direction of Enmat Harbor, which is about four hours' drive from Tingen City.

"Did he say what's going on?" Klein looked back at Angel in front of him, and asked, "How long will it take?"

The woman in front of her bowed her head in thought, as if hesitating whether to tell him the details of the mission.Klein stood inside the door, and the height difference of the stairs in front of the door made it impossible for him to see the other person's expression clearly.

But Angel quickly raised his head, looking at him with deep purple eyes.

"He didn't mention the specifics of the mission. He only said that it was a big operation. A lot of Nighthawks from Storn City, Pritz Harbor and even Backlund were dispatched, and the team from Tingen City would also send people there, but right now there aren't enough people here, so I'm the only one allowed to go there."

"If all goes well, we will be back in about a week."

Nighthawk teams from so many places have been mobilized?

After hearing a few place names, Klein secretly drew a map of the Loen Kingdom in his mind, and found that several large cities east of the Tussock River were among them.

But the efficiency would probably be very low...Each city would draw a few Nighthawks to form a temporary team, would it really have any fighting power?
Complaining about the Nighthawks' organizational skills in his heart, Klein saw that Angel had already picked up the suitcase, and quickly said:

"Then I wish you a smooth journey. After you come back, let's make another appointment."

Angel was obviously taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile.


Seeing her carrying the suitcase to the hired carriage on the corner of the street, Klein seemed to remember something, turned around and ran back home, stepped on the stairs step by step to the bedroom on the second floor, grabbed the things on the desk, and rushed down the stairs with big strides.

"Benson? Klein? What's going on?"

The sound of stepping on the wooden stairs spread throughout the house, and my younger sister Melissa in the kitchen asked suspiciously.Without thinking about answering, Klein ran to the street and found that Angel had put the suitcase on the carriage and was talking with the driver.

"Steam train station, please arrive as soon as possible, I can pay twice as much."

Angel and Klein had already lost a lot of time saying goodbye, and they might miss the first train to Enmat Port. If they missed the time, the next train would leave in the afternoon and arrive at their destination at night.

In order to arrive in time, she promised to double the fare, which immediately made the coachman smile and nodded repeatedly to express that she was familiar with all the shortcuts in Tingen City.

"Wait, wait a minute."

Klein's voice came from behind, and Angel looked back suspiciously.

"Take this, I just made it."

Klein stretched out his hand and handed over a silver pendant.

At the end of the slender silver chain hung a thumb-length pendant in the shape of a maple leaf, engraved with intricate characters and patterns, all written in Hermes.

"Is this... an amulet?"

Angel raised her eyebrows and asked curiously. She took the pendant, opened her spirit vision, and found that the jewelry in her hand emitted obvious spiritual light.

This shows that it is a spiritual item.

"Yes, I hope it will bless you on your journey."

"Thank you!" Angel thanked him sincerely.

She knows the complexity of making amulets. She has been trying the "Sleep Charm" and "Dream Charm" that Old Neil taught her during this time, but unfortunately, she has had few successes and many failures.Even though she has rich experience in making special bullets, she still has a headache for this kind of delicate work of engraving runes on thin silver sheets.

What's more, the words and patterns on this amulet are far more complicated than those of a single charm, which obviously took a lot of painstaking effort from the maker.

Not wanting to underestimate Klein's kindness, she unbuttoned the live button at the end of the silver chain, put her hands around her neck, brushed aside the long hair on her back, closed the buttons, and then stuffed the maple leaf-shaped pendant into the front of her clothes.

The length of the silver chain was just right. She tidied up the pendant and placed it in the middle. When she looked up and saw Klein's reddish face, she realized that her behavior was not very elegant.

Putting on the hood as if to cover up, and tightening the cloak tightly, Angel thanked again: "...Thank you for the amulet, I will keep it with me."



A long but sharp siren sounded, and the human-made iron and steel train, which looked like a giant monster, spit out bursts of gray smoke. Driven by the steam sprayed by the boiler, it started slowly and headed east.

Angel came to the platform in the last 5 minutes, showed his ticket and boarded the train to Enmat Port. If he missed this trip, he would have to wait until the afternoon for the next train to the same destination, and he would miss the arrival time agreed with the Enmat Port Nighthawks team.

But even for the first train, the time left for Angel is very short. There is no direct railway from Tingen to Enmat Port. The train will detour to Storn City in the northeast direction, stop there for a while and then go to Enmat Port. The journey takes nearly four hours.

The time to arrive at Enmat Port is expected to be at 11:1 am, leaving less than an hour for her to go to Enmat Port Nighthawk Squad's station.

Looking out of the window at the low-rise houses that were slowly moving backwards, feeling the vibration of the wheels passing through the gap between the rails, Angel found his own seat and sat down, put the suitcase under his feet, and slowly exhaled the breath he held while he was in a hurry.

Originally, according to the plan, she had plenty of time to catch the train, but when she went out, she suddenly thought of telling Klein that she would not be able to attend the dinner tomorrow evening, so she knocked on the door of No. 2 Narcissus Street, which delayed a lot of time.

But even if she misses the train and delays her arrival at Enmat, she will not regret her impulsive behavior.

After all, I still received a gift...

Touching the pendant on her chest through the clothes, she found an excuse for wasting time. She pulled the leather suitcase at her feet to the table, unbuckled the buckle, opened the box halfway, and checked the contents again.

The suitcase is not big, and the main space inside is reserved for two sets of clothes, followed by a spare revolver and most of the ammunition that is inconvenient to carry with her. She only has the main weapon in the underarm holster, the dagger behind her waist, and twelve rounds of ammunition.

In addition to the 50 pounds she received temporarily, she also carried all the cash with her, not only because she was worried about leaving the money at home when she went out for a long time, but also because she was looking for an opportunity to buy some potion materials for promotion to "Instigator" in Enmat Port.

Moreover, she still remembered the address of a certain craftsman provided by The Hanged Man. If there is a chance during this trip to Enmat Port, she plans to ask about the price of Extraordinary weapons.

There was also a metal box stuffed in the corner of the suitcase, which contained a revolver that Cole Granger used badly before Angel crossed over, as well as the strange items that she picked up from the basement, which were likely to be the extraordinary characteristics of the "witch".

It should have been like this...

When she was packing up her belongings last night, she remembered this long-forgotten Extraordinary characteristic, and planned to take it with her, and ask someone in Enmat Port, or give it to the "craftsman" to make Extraordinary weapons.

But when she took out the iron box from the secret compartment of the study and opened it, she found that the jelly-like purple-red jelly had disappeared, and the revolver with the hammer damaged and unusable had undergone a strange change.

Taking the iron box out of the suitcase and putting it on his lap, Angel carefully opened the lid.

Only a crack was opened, and a strong, blood-smelling wave overflowed from the box. Looking from the crack, the revolver that was originally made of brass was completely black, and even the hammer that was missing a piece was replaced by an unknown substance, making it complete again.

She didn't even need to use her spirit vision. When she observed this weapon with her naked eyes, she felt a sting in her eyes.

This carriage is a second-class seat, and there are not many people at this time. There are less than ten people in the seats that can hold forty passengers, but the bloody smell that permeates the carriage has already attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing that some passengers in the carriage were already frowning, they stood up and looked for the source of the smell. Angel quickly re-covered the iron box. The box with the function of isolating spirituality sealed the source of the stench again, and the fluctuations that spread to the entire carriage disappeared in an instant.

Undoubtedly, that piece of Extraordinary characteristic has already merged with this revolver...

Thinking of the mysterious murmur in his ears and the bloody smell in his nose when he first discovered the Extraordinary characteristic, Angel made such a judgment.

According to Old Neil, this revolver should have become a mystical item, and it should have part of the abilities of Extraordinary characteristics, as well as the accompanying negative effects.

However, she lacks relevant knowledge and cannot use this weapon for the time being. The function and negative effects are unknown, and even if she pulls it out, people nearby will frown and look for the location of the bloody smell...

Perhaps only the "craftsmen" of Enmat harbor can answer these questions, and even find out how to use this revolver safely.

Watching the suburban houses outside the window gradually turn into rural fields, Angel suddenly looked forward to this trip.

 It's on the shelves today, and there will be two more chapters to be updated, please support the first order.

(End of this chapter)

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