Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 653 Waiting and Letters

Chapter 653 Waiting and Letters
Angel didn't wake up from his sweet dream until the sun was shining brightly outside the window and there were already many boats floating on the Serenzo River.

After being promoted to Sequence 4, her need for sleep has weakened a lot. She still maintains good sleeping habits purely out of the need for spiritual recovery and maintaining the best physical condition. In addition, she has become more and more understanding of the reasons why extraordinary people lose control. Later, Angel also believed that this habit could stabilize one's own state and reduce the probability of losing control and going crazy.

"Having said that, after leaving Backlund, I finally don't have to get up early to complete all the visits, salons, and dinners on my schedule..."

Looking at the busy river running through Trier, Angel opened the window and took a breath of fresh air. Then he left the hotel suite and went to the street, where he found a cafe and enjoyed a delicious breakfast.

A trout roll, a pie filled with fat and thin minced meat, a seasonal fruit and coffee with extra milk. In District 13, where prices are not too expensive, all this only costs 1 Firkin. In Loen currency, it is about 10p.

In Backlund, the price of such a breakfast would be at least double... Burping lightly, Angel left the cafe and walked along the river towards the steam train station where she got off when she entered Trier.

Soon, in the steam that spread to the street from time to time, she saw the onion-shaped dome painted in gold, symbolizing the sun, the high wall with a white background and gold edge, and the huge holy emblem of the sun, as well as the sun on all sides. There is a golden clock tower with a large clock, and a perfect round golden ball on top, shining brightly in the sun.

That is the church of the "Eternal Blazing Sun" Church located in the Candide Market area.

As the eternal blazing sun represented by the sun and symbolized by gold, His church always uses a lot of gold when building churches, including gold foil on the exterior walls, gold sculptures and gorgeous stairs and columns inside. This style also affects The whole of Intis formed a unique gold art in the Fifth Age.

I wonder if a thief came to steal the gold foil from their outer wall in the middle of the night... Angel squinted his eyes, trying to identify whether the gold ball on the top of the bell tower showed the background color under the gold foil in the sun, but he quickly gave up.

Withdrawing her gaze as if nothing had happened, she, a believer of the Night Goddess and a member of the "Goddess Troop", followed the people passing by the church and slowly approached the main entrance of the magnificent church, and walked away without stopping at all, until the two eyes were retracted, she Only then did he wander into an alley, away from the golden light of the "Eternal Fierce Sun".

The building was originally a popular apartment complex for Market District residents and was filled most of the time, but it has been abandoned since a freak fire killed a third of the residents a decade ago. . The district councilors have always wanted to demolish this urban scar on the edge of the Honest Market and near the steam train station and rebuild it into a brand new building that conforms to the latest aesthetics. However, for some reason, the proposal has not been passed.

Thinking of this, Angel couldn't help but get out of the car window and look behind him. He happened to see the onion roof reflecting the sun being blocked by the buildings on the narrow road and disappearing from sight, as if the last light was covered by darkness.

Originally, she came here just to take a look at the location of the nearest church, so that when she needed help from the Orthodox Church, she could get into the church as quickly as possible to receive shelter.

However, the "Man in the Mirror" has infiltrated the largest Church of Night in Backlund. Can absolute safety be guaranteed in the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun?

What attracted Angel was not only the appearance of this strange building, but also the flutter in her heart when the carriage passed by.

The most important thing is to complete your job... Angel muttered and stopped disturbing the driver.

This kind of thing was done by the "Machine Heart" and the "Purifier". What room for me, a Nighthawk, to interfere?

After a while, she learned the history of the house in the Intis language spoken by the driver with an accent from the southern Reston region.

Because she noticed that the priest at the door of "St. Robles Church" was already looking this way.

Dong Dong, she knocked on the carriage in front of the carriage and asked:
"What was that black building that I passed by just now?"

"It seems that no one is interested in the gold foil on the surface of St. Robles Church. Even if there is, they will be imprisoned in the underground Inquisition..."

The bizarre fire, and the reconstruction proposal has never been passed... Angel somehow remembered the extraordinary cases he had come across, and instinctively suspected that there was official involvement behind them. He even wanted to stand next to the building and rely on divination to obtain more information, but he gave up after thinking about it.

As for the throbbing, she thought it was a spiritual reminder, indicating that there would be some trouble within this matter, and there might be gains, but the greater possibility was danger.

In sharp contrast, there is a six-story masonry building with dark exterior walls on the street. Its walls are cracked and peeled off, and the black on the surface is like a superimposition of dark or light color blocks, getting lighter as it goes up. , all the windows facing the street, including the window frames, were gone, like rows of pure black eyes looking at Angel.

She muttered, found a hired carriage at the entrance of the nearby steam train station, and took the carriage back to the hotel by the Serenzo River.

Even if you have to face a conflict between the two major churches afterwards, it is still better than losing your life.


Returning to his suite, Angel took out the ancient silver mirror given to him by Archbishop Anthony from the mirror space, and drew symbols representing secrecy and voyeurism on it.

Soon, the surface of the silver mirror shining in the sun turned dark, like an entrance to a mysterious world, and silver characters appeared above it, using Intis script. "Dear mistress, your humble servant Arrodes has finally waited for your call!"

It first complimented, and then quickly continued:
"But the power accumulated by this silver mirror is limited. I can probably only communicate for less than five minutes. What do you want to ask?"

It was still so considerate, even giving me questions in advance... Angel curled his lips, not daring to waste time, and quickly said:

"I have arrived in Trier. You must have known all the purposes of my coming here before, so I need more clear clues, or ways to find clues."

Her question is very vague. If it is a general divination or channeling, this method is easy to get vague and unclear answers. But when the other party is a "sealed object" that has wisdom and will actively cooperate, the advantage of this kind of question is can be fully reflected.

"Mistress, when the distance is too far and Trier is protected by a complete city wall, I can't see too much reality... But based on your experience and the things you have access to, I can provide the following suggestions."

It turns out that the city walls of Trier really have mystical purposes, is it because of the divine magic of the Eternal Sun Church or the technology of the Church of Steam... Angel suppressed his inner surprise and continued to look at the dense silver-white text.

"The informant you met last night should have important clues. You should pay attention to him first, but be careful. Although you can't see clearly, there are more than one eyes on him!"

Sure enough, that informant holds some important information that he himself may not necessarily know. He should look through that notebook when he has time. After three days, try to have a detailed talk with him to confirm whether he has been exposed to the official extraordinary people. In his sight... Angel pressed the palm-sized but very thick notebook in his pocket, and moved his gaze downwards to the next paragraph.

"The Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun has a natural advantage over the Man in the Mirror, but the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery has been threatened and is secretly investigating these incidents. You can try to contact them and act together, but beware of being The man in the mirror who blends in is misleading.”

So, if there is danger, the plan of hiding in St. Robles Church is feasible? But the attempt to cooperate with the "Machine Hearts" should be left for last. Even within the Kingdom of Loen, there are many discords between the three major churches, let alone in a foreign country...

Shaking his head and rejecting the suggestion, Angel looked at the last paragraph:
"You already know the simplest method. Take the black mirror fragments left behind after the death of the person in the mirror. As long as you get close to them within a certain range, specifically maybe within ten meters, the fragments will react. But at the same time, the other party should also There will be the same induction. Here is a way to hide the induction between mirrors..."

Angel immediately wrote down this method without thinking about it carefully, so as not to waste precious communication time. However, after displaying these dense paragraphs of text, Arrods had obviously spent most of his strength, and the next silver characters seemed Weak:
"Mistress, I can only answer one more question. Communication within the city walls is more difficult than I imagined. What else do you want to ask?"

Calculated this way, it takes less than three minutes. It seems that the time to connect to Arrods is calculated based on the number of words used to answer the question, not the actual length of time... Angel cursed and quickly asked the second question:

"Where can I find members of the Witch Cult?"

No words appeared on the surface of the silver mirror again. Instead, behind a rippling silver light that looked like water, a picture with a relatively single color appeared.

It was a view of the ground from a high altitude. You could clearly see the intersection of two rivers. On one side in the distance was the city wall among the trees, and on the other side was the city of Trier, surrounded by neatly planned grapevines.

The picture zoomed in quickly. In a small town next to the city, a building with a red roof and off-white walls appeared in the center of the mirror, and a line of text appeared below:
The western suburbs of Trier, the town of Chaillot.

As soon as I memorized the picture and the text of the prompt, the surface of the silver mirror shimmered and returned to its original color. Destroyed by time, the no longer smooth surface faintly reflected Angel's disguised face.

That's gone... She curled her lips and tried to touch the surface of the silver mirror as if activating "2-111". She put the mirror away after finding no response.

Then, she took out the black mirror fragment that appeared after the death of the fake Pierce Turner. Using the method Arolds just mentioned, she cut off the spiritual connection with a little of her own blood and smeared it on it. She drew a picture that represented the secret, but there was no The symbol of voyeurism was carefully tied up with self-generated silk threads, so that no black surface was exposed.

This mirror fragment, which is twice as thick and covered with silk threads on the surface, allows her to weakly sense the "person in the mirror" within ten meters, and due to the anti-divination effect, the other party will know nothing about it. .

The whole of Trier is so big, where should I go to find the place where the "Man in the Mirror" hangs out? If they really have a plot against the church, maybe a good place is near the church. And if the man in the mirror can perfectly copy his memory, then they will also try to occupy the core of government institutions, and even the military and police systems...

Holding the fragment, Angel was thinking about his next move when suddenly he was spiritually touched and looked towards the sofa in the living room.

Wensa, with shiny black fur and blue eyes like the ocean, was lying there with a letter in his mouth.

Seeing her looking at him, Wensa's mouth relaxed and the letter slowly fell.

It just so happens that this witch, no, witch cat, must know something about Trier!
Angel's eyes lit up, and he saw Wensa doing a backflip as if she had noticed it, and with her stunned expression, she slipped into the spirit world and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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