Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 654 Baron Nicholas

Chapter 654 Baron Nicholas

That guy definitely doesn't want to reveal anything about the Witch Sect and their Witch family... Isn't he worried that if I sell all those Witches to the official Beyonders, the whole family will suffer a blow and be devastated?

Angel stood up wordlessly, came to the sofa and picked up the letter from Wensa. He opened it and found that it was from Elaine.

It can only be her. For other people who know the Wensa summoning spell, Klein has already sent the "punishment decision" for "Magician" Forsi through Miss Headless Messenger early this morning. It didn’t take long for Si’s meeting, and only Elaine, she should be ready for the “channel” that she was asked to prepare last time...

She looked at the content of the letter, and it turned out to be the location and connection password of a smuggler described in detail by Elaine. This was a smuggler trained by the Sauron family, but deliberately separated from the family to avoid affecting her own smugglers in the event of an accident. Before Tracy was captured, most of the maritime trade conducted using the connections of the Sauron family was transported to the sea through this smuggler.

In this way, this batch of goods can be successfully linked to Intis and Elaine, and it can also meet the requirements of the Loen military... Angel thought for a moment and thought that this smuggler was worth contacting, and then continued to look. to the second half of the letter.

"...In addition, I have received news that this year's 'Pirate Conference' is likely to be held in early June. The specific time is not yet clear. If you plan to participate, you may want to prepare in advance."

This is the second time Elaine mentioned that this is held every year, and the location will be kept secret until the end, so as to prevent the navies of various countries from describing their dumpling-making "pirate convention". It seems that she really wants to take the opportunity to participate... After all, "Red" "The Hair Girl" is just a smuggling merchant ship, so it is definitely not one of the invited pirates. The latest appearance, the "Golden Queen" with a mysterious ghost ship, will most likely be invited to participate...

Angel chuckled lightly and decided to wait until he received news of the specific time and place before deciding whether to participate. Even if Elaine was not on the list, Alger Wilson, the "Hanged Man" of the Tarot Club and the captain of the "Blue Avenger" , you should also receive an invitation.

And as a member of the Church of Storms who broke into the pirate group, he was bound to attend this party.

If he were to travel to Trier, Angel would definitely stay at the hotel until noon, then choose an Intis-style restaurant for lunch, and then stroll along the Serenzo River as the weather gets warmer and the breeze gradually becomes warmer. In the afternoon, maybe visit Pierre and Laura, students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure that I met last time in Trier. Maybe I can acquire a few pages of the diary from Laura, a history enthusiast from Russell...

Except for Trier, all Intis, and even the entire Northern Continent, are all provincials in their eyes... Angel cursed, paid the fare with a copper coin printed with the landscape of the Honakis Mountains, stepped out of the carriage, and immediately She was shocked by the street scene in District 13, which was different from where she lived temporarily.

It actually still has a signboard, even a smuggler is so bold. I won’t be surprised if I see the "Aurora Club" with a publishing house sign opposite the police station... Angel confirmed the correct location again. Only then did I step into the lobby of this company.

Since the black cat Wensa slipped away so quickly, Angel was no longer interested in replying immediately. She completely burned away Elaine's credit with the black flame, picked up the black mirror fragment that she had prepared for anti-divination, and held it close to her body. Put it away, put on the cloak and went out.

It is the heart of the entire Intis. The official name is District 8, but like the other 19 districts, in addition to numerical naming, they all have their own customary common names, and the people of Trier will use these names in conversations. I am proud and look down on "people from other provinces" who talk seriously about names such as District 8 and District 13.

On both sides, there are endless red brick and stone buildings. Some are magnificent, like palaces, and some are quite old, as if they have a history of a hundred years. The alleys are like the capillaries of this artery, extending from the side to different locations. Pedestrians and vehicles come and go, and the pure or accented Intis language is mixed together, forming a vibrant symphony with the sound of wheels rolling over paving stones.

This place is obviously located on the ground, but strangely there are only two windows the size of human heads. A ray of sunlight shines into the office from this narrow window. Under the influence of it, the thin dust forms two bright lines in the air, completely parallel, making People feel comfortable.

She is located in the center of the entire district named after her, the Boulevard, which spans the entire Boulevard District and is more than three kilometers long. One end is connected to the adjacent District 9, which is the Opera District, and the other end is directly connected to The Triumphal Square built by Emperor Russell the Great.

After communicating with a young lady at the front desk using the secret language Elaine told her, she was guided into an office on the third floor.

No wonder Mr. Azik was full of praise after he came here once. The three days I spent in the hotel last time were a waste... Angel stood dumbfounded on the roadside, and the gold-encrusted spire pointed straight into the sky from a distance. The Grand Palace looked towards the Fraternity Palace, where the President had his office, not far away, and finally returned to the alley beside him.

After riding a hired carriage for more than half an hour, Angel traveled through the entire city center from the Candide Market area on the south bank of the Serenzo River in the southwest of Trier to the Boulevard area on the north bank of the Serenzo River in the northeast. .

This street is three times wider than the King's Avenue that Angel saw in Backlund. It is separated by a row of Intis plane trees in the middle and becomes a rare two-way independent lane. It is not like other cities, leading to Carriages from different directions are mixed together, often dodging each other and reducing traffic efficiency.

But now she has a heavy task and limited time, so she can only solve some of it first and then make time to visit this capital of culture and art.

"There is no doubt that the so-called Triumph Square and this two-way thoroughfare that runs through the core area must be the 'advanced design' of Emperor Russell the Great, a time traveler. It is a pity that until 150 years after his death, everyone was still using horse-drawn carriages...

After muttering a few words, Angel got into the alley and quickly woke up from the hallucination of being surrounded by the administrative center. He flashed past the carriages that appeared from time to time and occupied most of the alley, and arrived at the door of "Nicholas Import and Export Company".

"And the smugglers I'm looking for are actually on the same street as the Royal Palace and the Presidential Palace. It's simply impossible to happen in Backlund. They would rather hide in dilapidated apartments in the East Side than dare to hide in Queens or the West Side. Come on, well, except for the madmen from the Aurora Society..."

In the middle of the bright line, behind a large copper-clad wooden table, sat the person Angel was looking for today.

"Baron Nicholas?"

She asked in a lowered tone, using Intis language, but with some Fusac-specific tongue-licking sounds. Of course, the person in front of him could not be a real "baron". After Russell launched a revolution and pushed the Sauron family off the throne, those nobles died and fled, and the rest also gave up their titles. , in order to retain the assets on hand.

"Baron" is probably just what he calls himself, or there really is such a baron in his ancestors, but unfortunately neither the head nor the title has been passed down to this generation.

The man she called the Baron chuckled, moved in the deliberately created darkness, and drove the receptionist lady out of the room. He waited until the door was closed before speaking:
"I am. Where did you get the information here? Sauron, Don En, or Philip?"

I don’t even know who the last two are, and you have quite a lot of customers. I thought they were only trained by the Sauron family... Angel cursed, and continued to answer in Intis with a disguised Fusac accent:

"Soren, Elaine Soren."

"is her……"

Nicholas's expression in the shadow was less tense, and even contained a smile. All this was clearly visible in Angel's dark vision, but she pretended not to see clearly, nodded and continued:

"I want to smuggle a batch of sensitive materials to Toscat Island in the Sunia Sea, but the source cannot be traced. Elaine recommended you to me."

"Then you should also know that the price will be very expensive, especially if it involves...'sensitive materials' between Fusac and Loen, the process will be very troublesome."

Angel's expression under his cloak showed a trace of surprise, and he paused for a moment before speaking:

"If it's not troublesome, why would we pay you to do it? Please quote a price."

She regained her normal Intis accent and acted as if she had simply taken off her disguise after her identity was revealed.

Nicholas, who was obviously ready to continue bargaining, seemed to be confused by Angel's straightforward inquiry, and frowned in the darkness.

"If you send the goods to the port of Tillis, it costs 20000 ferkin per shipment, and it costs 35000 ferkin to depart from the port of Indo."

After a brief silence, Nicholas reported his price. The former is the port in the east of Intis, and the latter is the largest port in the Fusac Empire on the coast of the Sea. 20000 Firkin is roughly equivalent to 830 pounds, which is Normally the price of a shipment of goods to Toscat Island is three times the price.

It seems that he really thinks that I am from Fusac... Angel chuckled secretly, and began to bargain with Nikola with the mentality of wanting to close the deal quickly, but not willing to pay so much premium, and finally settled on 16000 A cargo of Felkin, a smuggling ship departed from Tillis and was delivered at the port of Toscat, and departed on Angel's notice at the latest by the end of June.

Including the cost of transporting the goods from Loen to the port of Tillis in Intis, the total cost is about 1000 pounds, which is not much different from Angel's original estimate.

After agreeing on the contact information with the smuggler who called himself the Baron, Angel left a down payment of 2000 Firkin, and then he left the dark and cramped office again under the leadership of the front desk lady, and returned to the "Import and Export Company" hanging on the " sign at the door.

"In this way, the first thing, and also my mission to come to Trier is completed... How to send the subsequent batch of arms from Loen to the port of Tillis, perhaps we still need to discuss it with Sandel from the Veterans Officers Club. one time……"

Angel thought, and instead of returning to the noisy boulevard, he walked towards the other end of the alley, and as expected, he found someone following him behind him.

Maybe she just wanted to confirm my residence and report to the Sauron family, or maybe she wanted to take advantage of the evil... She made a simple divination, but it failed because of lack of information.

The stalker was invisible under her observation using various mirrors on the street, but since an agreement had been reached, Angel did not make any extravagant attempts to deal with the other party. He simply made a detour easily through invisibility and returned to the boulevard.

"Just take your time searching in the alley..." She chuckled and hailed a hired carriage, figuring that she could get back to District 13 in time for lunch.

But just as the carriage started and slowly accelerated on the two-way carriageway planned by Emperor Russell, there was suddenly an extremely slight vibration in Angel's arms.

It's the fragment of the mirror that can sense the "person in the mirror"!

(End of this chapter)

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