Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 659 Double Agent?

Chapter 659 Double Agent?

It seemed like a natural thing to hand out the note and be caught, but a look of horror appeared on Danio's face. He ignored the note in his hand and kicked up his feet like springs. The person was already in the air, running toward the glass window behind him that was obviously several sizes larger than the normal window. The hand held by the arm in the mirror broke free and grabbed the transparent cufflinks on the other wrist.

But the next second, his heavy body fell back to the ground and rolled on the carpet. His limbs were limp, his eyes were closed tightly, and the exposed skin on his face, neck, etc. showed an abnormal bright red color, and his breathing was fast and slow. , the whole body emits a high temperature that is not what the human body should be.

He also grabbed the cufflink that could open the mirror and connect to the world inside the mirror, and rolled it to the corner of the room.

At this moment, he had already contracted a fatal disease!

The darkened half-length mirror once again showed streaks of water, and a figure wearing a hood and cloak slowly walked out of it. It was Angel who had left the first floor just a few minutes ago.


"From the moment I walked in today, I noticed something was wrong. There are no other pedestrians on the street, and you have been living alone for a long time. Ordinarily, there shouldn't be a third person around except you and me..."

Angel walked step by step towards Danio Brown, who was lying on the ground, his breathing gradually weakening. The latter's body, which was enhanced by the "Hunter" potion, was defenseless against the demigod-level mystical disease. If it weren't for Angel, After controlling the effects of the disease and maintaining it at a non-lethal concentration, he had long since turned into a rapidly decaying corpse.

"So, who did this mirror fragment start to vibrate because of?"

After taking out the mirror fragment obtained by killing his "man in the mirror" in the dream of "Ruins of God War" from the mirror space and throwing it on the carpet next to Danio, Angel dragged a piece of mirror from the desk. She sat down on a chair with a backrest, her right leg resting on her left leg, her neck raised, her eyes downcast, as if a queen was looking at a criminal awaiting punishment.

The "Rose Necklace" gem on Angel's chest flashed with a hint of evil black, switching to the soul of "Chaos Mentor", quietly releasing "Corrosion", then she cleared her throat and said in a soft tone:
"Of course, killing you is something I can do or not do. What I want is the identity of the 'man in the mirror' and the purpose behind him. A small character like you is not worthy of a name and a half." God takes action.”

That's because the piece I used for sensing was another fragment that had been used for anti-divination. The normal piece had been in the mirror space... Angel chuckled in his throat, ignored the other party's doubts, and continued to ask:
"Now that we know it, we can probably skip some of the identity verification processes... As the man in the mirror who has replaced the original Danio, is there anything else you want to say before you die?"

But Angel had no intention of letting him go just like that. The identity of the government official who had access to the Presidential Palace, when and where Danio was, and why he was replaced by the "Man in the Mirror", and how many such things were behind them The lurker, these secrets are all in his head.

Seeing the solid evidence, Danio, the "man in the mirror", was obviously no longer prepared to defend himself. He closed his eyes again and slumped on the ground weakly, enjoying the last moments of his life.

"No...impossible, I just didn't all..."

While "accusing" the other party, Angel shook off the note in his hand. It was the message that Danio had just tried to put into the mirror world and conveyed to the unknown target. The content above was very simple, with only two short sentences. Sven:

He gasped, his intermittent words filled with confusion.

There is no doubt that this is intended to be passed on to the "man in the mirror" discovered by Angel.

She didn't have many methods at hand. "Dream" was effective against low-sequence Beyonders, but the opponent had been infected with a fatal disease. This method that required a calm state to ask for the secrets in the heart was not applicable. After killing, "Channeling" "Whether it is effective against the person in the mirror remains to be tested, but...

“Return to the mirror world immediately.

If he was a brainwashed dead warrior, it would be a bit difficult for me to handle. Fortunately, I saw his hesitation before issuing the warning... Angel chuckled secretly and increased the intensity of his "instigation":

"Your identity has been exposed!"

She emphasized the strength gap between the two parties, but secretly stopped the erosion of the "disease". Although this could not make Danio recover instantly, with his extraordinary physical fitness, he could clearly feel that his limbs were gradually becoming colder and his breathing became more and more difficult. The power slowly dissipated in the body, and his eyes opened again and looked here.

Under her conscious control, Danio recovered from the pain of dying, opened his eyes, and looked at the black mirror fragments that were shaking on the carpet and almost jumping.

"Anyway, this secretary's identity has been exposed, and there is only one end. But I may be able to make some changes to your ending... For example, prevent the 'Machine Heart' and 'Purifier' from taking action against you. As for whether I can It’s up to you to escape Trier.”

The desire for life hidden in his eyes made Angel feel relieved.

"What about you, will you do it yourself?"

It seemed that the "corrosion" had a good effect. The desire to live in his heart gradually replaced his normal thoughts, and he began to bargain...

"Me too, I won't take action, but I can't control what you do." Angel stood up from the chair, looked at the other person condescendingly, and replied softly.

"...I'm just a small character and don't know too many things."

The other party's words were equivalent to a compromise. Angel felt happy, but there was only an indifferent expression on his face:

"First of all, tell me when you replaced the real Danio."

"It has been three years, specifically in February of 3, shortly after the New Year..." After making the choice, Danio's face also showed a trace of relief, as if he had put down a heavy burden, "Knowing that he is the 'Nighthawk' 'In the end, everyone wanted to give up this opportunity, because too complicated an identity can easily cause trouble... But not many people were accidentally 'contaminated', and for me, that was the only chance to leave the dark mirror. opportunities in the world, so I took the initiative to promote this matter.”


Angel asked in confusion, trying to control the "disease" to a level that would not cause death, and would not leave the other party unable to answer. She was not worried about Danio suddenly making a counterattack, but was afraid that this fragile low-sequence extraordinary person would die accidentally. .

"You don't even know this, so you came to investigate the 'Man in the Mirror' problem?"

Even though he was only Sequence 9, this hunter seemed to have some kind of provocation instinct. He sneered and continued:
"Of course it comes from the pollution underground. If it weren't for the seal underground in Trier, this power would allow every Trier person to have their own 'man in the mirror', instead of just those who often go underground and are exposed to pollution for a long time. Only people can be like this..."

From the other party's intermittent answers, Angel learned that Danio accidentally came into contact with the location where the "contamination" leaked when he went to the underground Trier to pursue a smuggling case three years ago, and was secretly contaminated, and his own The "man in the mirror" is the "Danio" in front of him.

These unexpected mirror people will wander in a mirror world that is almost a complete mirror image of the city of Trier, but without the sun, moon and stars. It is an extremely dark and lonely mirror world. They can only travel to a few places according to specific trajectories, and Observing the outside world and their "original body" through the mirror is like serving a life sentence in the dark, which undoubtedly makes them full of resentment directed at the "original body".

Until one day, a "man in the mirror" who has divinity and can move freely in the mirror world finds him and asks him to join a grand plan that requires the cooperation of many "men in the mirror". The reward he can get It was to replace the real Danio and become a part of the real world, and he agreed without hesitation.

If I stayed in the dark mirror world and had such an opportunity, I would probably agree... Angel thought about it and continued to ask:
"How does the 'man in the mirror' replace the original person?"

"It's very simple, drag him to the mirror world, and then kill him. Everything about him, including his deep memories and the sequence of the potion, will belong to his 'man in the mirror'."

It sounds much scarier than "Herding" and "Secret Puppet"...

"What's your plan?" she asked immediately.

"Oh, I said, I am just a small character, how can I know the whole plan?" Another sneer came from the depths of Danio's throat, which made his sickly expression extremely distorted, "My mission is to continue Think of yourself as Danio Brown, lurk in the police station, become a civilian, cooperate with modifying some files, and investigate the targets of other people in the mirror, just like you asked me to do.”

"I'm afraid it's more than that," Angel sneered and asked, "If you only have to do these things, will you risk replacing an Extraordinary, or will you be a spy and an Extraordinary with the status of 'Nighthawk'?"

Danio's distorted expression was startled, and after a moment he exhaled and replied:

"Of course there are other tasks. I am a member of a special team to protect the safety of an important person, so the identity of an extraordinary person is more important than ordinary people..."

"The 'man in the mirror' secretary?"

Angel thought about the message he was about to send out just now, his heart moved, and he asked.

"Yes, his name is... Cheval Duma. He has been replaced for more than ten years. He is able to reach his current position with the help of other 'Men in the Mirror' groups, but I can't give the specific details. Not sure anymore.”

He obviously has something to hide. Maybe he can try channeling for further inspection later, but if I ask him now, I'm afraid he won't tell... Angel thought for a moment and changed the direction of the inquiry:

"Tell me about the 'Mirror World'. It sounds like it's very different from the one used by the Witch's mirror magic?"

"Witch..." Danio murmured and repeated, glancing at the half-length mirror that Angel had just drilled out, and the corners of his mouth moved, "I don't know your magic, but Trier in the mirror and other 'mirror worlds' 'They are all different, and divided into two levels. The first level is where I appeared, a world that replicated the city of Trier, but without the sun and always in darkness...

"The second level is what other 'Men in the Mirror' often mention, Trier of the Fourth Age."

(End of this chapter)

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