Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 660 Death and Channeling

Chapter 660 Death and Channeling
Trier in the Fourth Age?
When he heard the name again, Angel's reaction was not surprise, but confusion.

"You mean, Trier in the Fourth Age is in the special mirror world you are in, and it is also part of that space?"

She asked with a frown.

"No, I said, the mirror world corresponds to reality. The first layer corresponds to the entire urban area of ​​Trier, and the second layer corresponds to the sealed Fourth Age Trier... Haha, the gods and them The church tried every means to seal it, causing the second layer of the mirror world to be opened only under certain circumstances. The 'man in the mirror' with powerful divinity can only stay inside and cannot come out at will..."

Danio sneered, not knowing whether he was laughing at the gods who hindered them, or at the "people in the mirror" who were stronger but could not come to reality like him.

The man in the mirror with divinity can move freely and saves him from endless wandering and darkness, but the one with too much divinity will be trapped in the second mirror world, which is the fourth era of Terry. The area you correspond to...are they saints and angels respectively, or are they divided by Sequence 3?
The overly dense information caused Angel to fall into brief contemplation. Danio slowly recovered some of his physical strength due to the stagnant disease. Seeing this, he tentatively asked:

"If you have finished asking, can you allow me to leave? After today, I will definitely be hunted down by other 'Mirror Men'. I can only escape from Trier as soon as possible and go to a place where there are no 'Mirror Men'." …”

You are the person in the mirror, but you still dislike Trier... Angel chuckled secretly, pretended to think for a moment, nodded and said:

"One last thing, write down the identities of all the 'people in the mirror' you know. I will use divination to confirm the authenticity and whether there are any omissions. If it passes, you can leave."

Compared to this Sequence 9 "Hunter" who did not cause much harm, Angel is more interested in other lurkers and the "Cheval Douma" they protect. If the other party honestly hands over the list, she is willing to keep her promise. .

At this moment, Danio suddenly raised his right hand and pressed it to the cuff of his left wrist, where there was a glint of light under the illumination of the gas lamp.

"Give me a pen and paper, and I will write their names..."

Seeing that the smile on Danio's face froze when he reappeared, and then gradually turned desperate, Angel chuckled and asked.

He escaped from this "witch"...

The expression on Danio's face that gradually returned to normal color changed again and again, and finally he sighed and looked at the desk next to him:

But the "man in the mirror" who has to use magical items to send a warning letter has absolutely no chance of breaking through this blockade.


"Why, do you think that after I saw that you can use a mirror to open the 'Mirror World' channel, I won't prevent you from using other mirror magic to escape?"


The final struggle failed. Dagnona had gradually escaped from the "disease", and his rosy face turned pale again. His right hand trembled twice, gave up touching the left wrist cufflink again, and pursed his lips and said:
"I, I will continue to answer a few questions for you..."

The next moment, his body bound by silk threads shattered into pieces of translucent mirror with a crisp sound.

An emotionless laughter sounded in the room. Danio's arms, body, and even the feet that had not yet left the carpet were all tied with circles of invisible silk threads, which seemed to be holding heavy objects in place. The trusses stretched out from all directions, locking Danio firmly in the center. The middle finger of his right hand almost touched the transparent cufflink, but he could not move forward a millimeter.

But the "ornament" that was placed in a strange pose did not have panic on its face, but a smile that showed success.

She has already locked all the nearby mirrors that can be used as stand-ins or mirror passages. Not to mention Danio, even if a certain "Happy" witch is present, except for the special mirror smeared with her own blood, she can't even think of using any of them. mirror.

As he spoke, he put his hands to his side and tried to stand up from the carpet. Angel did not stop the other person's movement, but he also subconsciously glanced at the pen and note paper on the desk.

Those are transparent cufflinks that can open the "mirror world"!

The position change effect of the "stand-in" ended, and Danio's feet stepped on the solid ground again. Next to him was the gas lamp and carpeted bedroom, and the terrifying "witch" still stood in front of him.

Sure enough, I just pretended not to know about the "Witch"'s ability and successfully deceived her. The initial struggle made her focus on the "key", allowing me to successfully cast the mirror substitute. Next, as long as ...When his vision became blurred and the scene in the bedroom next to him kept changing, Danio let go of his last trace of worry.

Before he finished speaking, his eyes went dark, he fell straight forward and fell to the ground, stopping breathing.

Angel didn't give him a second chance.

Originally, I really planned to let you go after you confessed honestly. Of course, I would definitely report it to the "Nighthawk" afterwards. This part was not part of my promise... I looked at Dani who died quickly from a violent illness. Oh, Angel shook his head regretfully. Being able to stay awake despite "instigation" and "corruption", and even pretending to answer questions obediently, and secretly planning to escape, this "man in the mirror" may have more than just his Sequence 9 strength, or he may have some special item on his body , so that he can stay awake, Angel dare not continue to risk keeping him alive, so as not to disturb other "men in the mirror" who have not yet been exposed.

"Fortunately, the person in the mirror who completely replaced the 'original body' did not turn into mirror fragments immediately after death, as I guessed. After all, he still has real extraordinary properties in his body... maybe he can still use the time before the properties are separated. Psychic?"

Looking at Danio's corpse lying on the carpet with her right hand stretched forward and her left hand at her waist, Angel came up with a plan. She quickly searched the other party's body, except for a broken small mirror placed close to her body. , and the transparent cufflinks, I didn’t find many useful things.

"Sure enough, if he wants to pretend to be an ordinary policeman, he will not have magical items on his body that can reveal his identity, only cufflinks and mirrors that can be explained..."

Angel put the two items aside, and then looked at Danio, who had just died. His left eye was dark and covered with purple, and he had quickly entered the state of "magic mirror channeling" - after becoming a demigod, many people had to rely on mirrors in the past. She can use her eyes as a mirror to replace the extraordinary abilities she uses.

In her half of the field of vision, a translucent figure floated from Danio's vest lying on the ground, with dull eyes and a confused expression, as if he had just woken up.

"who are you?"

Angel first tested it with simple questions.

"Before I was 'The Man in the Mirror,' now it's Danio Brown."

The spirit answered honestly and even expanded on the question to give the best answer.

No matter how strong the deterrent is, no matter how effective the truth serum is, it can't make the living person answer the question so proactively. Only the dead can be channeled... Angel secretly laughed, seizing the precious few minutes, and asked directly. :

"Who are the 'Men in the Mirror' that you know who have been replaced?"

"Cheval Douma, he is the target our team wants to protect, Sophie Melo, she is my team leader..."

Danio reported five names in a row. Except for Cheval, they were all the "people in the mirror" of the group he belonged to. They were distributed within the police and government systems, and they protected the most important member overtly and covertly. The "other groups" he mentioned before are independent of them, and they don't even know how many people there are.

Of course, considering that Danio only cooperated superficially before, the questions he answered may not be correct, but Angel believed that it was unlikely to be false, so he did not ask him to answer again after being channeled.

After writing down these names and identities, Angel continued to ask:

"Where is the place where you allowed the original Danio to be 'contaminated'? Are there other locations in Trier that serve the same purpose?"

"His incident was caused by an accident. In the underground Trier corresponding to the Candide Market area, that location has been re-blocked by the official Beyonders..." Danio answered sternly, "Most other similar locations have the same ending. The same, but one has never been dealt with, that is, the six-story building at 13 Market Avenue. It burned down many years ago and has never been rebuilt. At certain times, contamination will appear inside, except for those who are born with the 'mirror' People's targets, many of the people we target will be sent there to receive the baptism of 'contamination.'

The baptism of "pollution"... Angel understood what the other party meant as soon as he heard it. If these "people in the mirror" who had replaced their original bodies wanted to replace a target, they would use various methods to deceive or force the other party to enter the target. The burned building will be replaced after it is contaminated and its own "man in the mirror" appears.

This terrifying approach made the demigod witch frown, but the channeling time was limited, so she had to suppress her unhappiness and continued to ask:

"You just said you were born with the person in the mirror. What do you mean?"

"I don't know for sure, but in Trier in the mirror world, in addition to the 'mirror people' like me who appeared due to the original body being exposed to pollution, there are also some people who appeared in the mirror world as children or teenagers. , they grew up with their original bodies in the outside world, but they were never able to see the true light."

Danio's spirit frowned slightly, and continued after a moment:
"They seem to be the descendants of some special families in the Fourth Age. Before I left the mirror world, I heard some surnames and then conducted my own investigation. Some of them originated from the Tamara family in the Tudor period, and others Some call themselves the 'Witch Family'."

Witch family?

Angel raised his eyebrows and quickly asked:
"Where are their names? Do you remember their faces?"

"Of course, she saved me from an endless cycle of darkness and I will never forget her..."

Even though he had died and became a spirit body receiving channeling, Danio still showed a trace of longing on his face.

"Her name is Clarisse."

(End of this chapter)

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