Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 661 The fine tradition of the Tarot Society

Chapter 661 The fine tradition of the Tarot Society
Clarice, this name is not uncommon in the Northern Continent, but Angel has only heard it once in nearly a year since his time travel. She is the person in charge of the "Witch Sect" in Trier, the "ageless" witch, and the "Black Saint" Clarice.

According to Danio's answer, this name undoubtedly points to the witch named after her color, who is at the same level as the "White Saint" Catalina.

She is also a member of the "Witch Family", a branch of the Witch Cult?
In order to prevent mistakes, Angel continued to ask:
"Do you remember her appearance? Hair color, eye color, and other characteristics?"

"Like most witches, she has black hair and a pair of very beautiful gray eyes. In the mirror world shrouded in darkness, she looks! Who are you?"

Danio's old-fashioned answer in a psychic state suddenly changed his tone, his eyes widened, and he looked at Angel.

The latter took off her hood completely, revealing long black hair, dark gray eyes with hidden sadness, thin lips and an elegantly curved chin. It was exactly what she had seen at the "Red House Cafe" in Chaillot yesterday. "The high-sequence witch I saw.

Judging from Danio's reaction, the witch must be the "Black Saint" Clarice. No wonder she didn't have any active temptation, and only relied on her natural charm to attract the customers of the cafe... Angel nodded in confirmation. , put the hood up again, covering the face that had squirmed back to its original state under the effect of the "Faceless Man", strengthening the "psychic" effect, and allowing the somewhat excited Danio to regain his indifferent expression and lack of energy. eyes.

"That witch, that Clarice, has she also 'replaced' her original body?"

After a slight adjustment, Angel saw that Danio's spirit body was already fading in the state of spiritual vision, and he quickly asked the most important question.

"I don't know. After I left the 'Mirror World' three years ago, I never returned to that dark and lonely world. Apart from my own group, I never saw any other 'Mirror People'... But I tend to Yu didn’t.”

"The vast majority of 'people in the mirror' are ordinary people when they appear in the mirror world, or they are the 'mirror images' of low-sequence extraordinary beings. There are very few who can grow with the original body like Ms. Clarice, and those People in the church are aware of the danger of contamination and prohibit high-sequence extraordinary people from entering underground contaminated areas. There should be no new high-sequence 'people in the mirror' appearing recently."

This is an inevitable countermeasure, otherwise the church of "Eternal Sun" and "God of Steam and Machinery" would be too slow to sit on the powder keg of Trier for so many years without responding... Angel chuckled secretly, and suddenly remembered A Mr. Zik once came to Trier to retrieve his memories, and mentioned that the looming danger on the third floor of the "catacombs" kept him away...

It's over. When I "teleported" from Bansi Island to Trier, I had already gone in... Angel opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

She thought about it and couldn't confirm this, but she found that Danio's figure had become almost transparent and his expression was slightly painful. Without thinking about it, she picked up the transparent cufflinks removed from the corpse's clothes and asked. last question:
"Is this what you use to contact other 'Mirror People'?"

"Yes, even if you deliberately create a disaster to loosen the seal, or take advantage of the weaknesses of some seals, the 'Man in the Mirror' with too powerful divinity will not be able to break through the seal and come to the real world. As far as I know, Clary This is the case with Ms. Si.”

Maybe the person in the mirror I killed in "Relics of God War" is the one who appeared in Trier's "Mirror World", but she really can travel thousands of kilometers and appear in the dreamland of the East Sunian Sea Are you going to attack me...

"...Including the deep part."

Danio answered honestly.

"Does the contaminated area you mentioned include the 'catacombs'?" she asked immediately.

"Reason?" Angel asked immediately, and then reacted, "Because of divinity?"

"Do you know any other 'people in the mirror' like her?"

"Yes, most of the 'people in the mirror' can master some mirror magic, but long-distance communication can only rely on this magical item. It allows the 'people in the mirror' who have not yet become extraordinary people to activate the mirror and speak to the mirror. Send information to a specific target, but there is a limit on the number of times it can be used, and you can only contact a few fixed people..."

Danio's voice became softer and softer. After reluctantly answering the question, his spirit body gradually dissipated in the gray vision and lost its form.

There are still many unanswered questions, such as how they communicate regularly, or what kind of pollution is in the black burned-out building. But being able to channel a person in the mirror and ask for so much information is beyond me. It was unexpected, and it was a surprise that a lurker with a low status like him could know so much information... Angel turned off his spiritual vision, looked at Danio's body on the ground, and found that the man in the mirror had already She developed her own "Hunter" extraordinary characteristics at a much faster speed than ordinary Extraordinaries, and her body began to become translucent, just like the Pierce Turner she killed.

As soon as he picked up the crimson jelly-like object, Danio's body completely collapsed and turned into pieces of glass fragments that collapsed downwards and slowly dissipated.

This reminds me of the effect of "mirror doubles". It seems that even if they have all the memories of the original body and can even inherit extraordinary characteristics, they are not considered "real people" in the end... She waited silently for the corpse to disappear completely, and She picked up the only object left in the world under her clothes - a small black mirror fragment, and put it back into the mirror space together with the one she had thrown on the carpet before thinking about how to deal with the aftermath.

"I caught Danio on the spot before he sent the warning letter. Judging from his reaction, he probably didn't secretly send any information. This means that the other 'men in the mirror' don't know that he has been exposed and dead. Maybe I You can change into his appearance, continue to disguise, or even do the opposite, use the warning information to deceive other 'people in the mirror', and catch them all..."

Angel immediately thought of this revenue-maximizing solution, but quickly dismissed it.

"No, I'm not the 'Mirror Man'. I can't access all the memories of the person being replaced like them. Let alone how to communicate with other 'Mirror Man's, just going to work at the police station tomorrow will reveal that I have absolutely no memory." Questions about relevant knowledge cannot deceive anyone at all...

"Another way is to directly use that cufflink to pass the revised warning letter to Cheval Dulin on the opposite side, the 'man in the mirror' who has been mixed up as the secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and ask him to come over, and then Repeat the same trick, capture, interrogate, and finally channel to get more information?
"No, in terms of the relationship between the protector and the protected, will the other party really believe Danio's invitation? This will risk direct exposure, and may make other 'people in the mirror' alert and sneak away overnight. Let’s go, then my only gain will be this information in my head…”

After being rejected by himself for two consecutive plans, Angel sighed softly and paced back and forth in the bedroom, which was not too wide.

"Now we can only keep the current harvest and find a way to catch all the 'Men in the Mirror' who have been exposed... This will definitely require the two major churches in Trier to take action and arrest them at the same time, otherwise it will be easy to alert the snake."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Angel finally settled on such a sound plan.

Danio is currently dead and unable to attend work the next day, which will attract the attention of police colleagues. Perhaps one day, no more than two days at most, his disappearance will be discovered by the "man in the mirror" in the same group, triggering a chain reaction.

In other words, the "Mechanical Heart" and "Purifier" must take action tomorrow. As it happens, tomorrow is Monday. In the morning, Angel can connect to Arrods in Backlund again and let him confirm this group of " The specific situation of "The Man in the Mirror", and then carried forward the fine traditions of the Tarot Club and reported them ruthlessly...

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Angel's lips, as if he had gone back to Backlund and the time when Klein, who was Sherlock Moriarty at the time, reported on the devil dogs, human traffickers and the witch sect.

However, if everything is handed over to the Orthodox Church in Trier, the Goddess Church and the "Nighthawks" will not be able to obtain the corresponding information. I came to Trier for this purpose, but in the end it was all done by other churches. Wedding dress?
Thinking of this, Angel gently touched the secret holy symbol on his wrist and decided to pray to the holy symbol later to see what Ms. Arianna's opinion was.

In addition, I must report this major matter to Mr. Fool and obtain some help from him, such as the protection of angel power, to prevent radical organizations like the "Purifier" from arresting the "man in the mirror" after I report it. Catch me first...

Having made up his mind, Angel triggered a bunch of black flames to thoroughly "disinfect" the entire bedroom, destroying the possible subsequent divination results. Then he extinguished the gas lamp and pretended that Danio was asleep, while he disappeared. shape and quickly left Honey Badger Street.

As for the study, basement and other locations, she didn't bother to search at all. She believed that with the prudence of the "man in the mirror", Danio would not leave any suspicious items or information on his face.


Backlund was shrouded in darkness, and Klein was standing by the balcony on the third floor of No. 160 Berklund Street, looking through the gap in the curtains at St. Samuel's Church in the distance, with only the spire exposed in the night.

After a while, when Sunday's high mass is over, he will pretend to be a cleaning servant, sneak into the church, wait for the "action" time tomorrow morning, sneak into the Chanis Gate, and steal the Antigonus family notes .

After preparing for more than a month, Klein already had a complete plan in mind, and he had confirmed through divination that the success rate of the operation was high. However, as this moment approached, he inevitably felt a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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