Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 680 Misty Town

Chapter 680 Misty Town
"...On Monday morning, I transformed into the internal guardian as planned, and with the help of Senior, the 'Wraith Spirit' who was eroded by the power of the night, I deceived the core seal of Chanis Gate and entered the second floor where the notes are stored. Successfully saw the Antigonus family notebook without additional sealing measures.

"But just when I was about to take the notes and use teleportation to leave, the Angel of the Goddess Church who saved my life during the heavy smog and erased Mr. The expressionless lady appears.”

Klein, wearing casual clothes and a relaxed posture, sat at the coffee table next to the balcony, slowly recounting the thrilling moment when he sneaked into Chanis Gate three days ago.

Of course, based on the clues he deliberately left behind, the church should have pointed its suspicion at Gehrman Sparrow, the crazy adventurer who wandered the sea with unknown identity and acted without scruples, rather than the current Dawn Tang. Tess, otherwise he would not dare to talk here, he would have packed up his belongings and ran away overnight.

"He also killed the culprit of the great smog, 'Lady Despair' Panatia... It seems that this angel is the church stationed in Backlund, well, the patron angel, at least that's how it is on the Intis side. The name is just like the Bonova Gustave I met, the second son of Emperor Russell."

Angel sat opposite Klein, with her right leg resting on her left knee, letting her soft silk nightgown slide down to the top of her thighs. However, she didn't pay any attention to this ambiguous posture, but said with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Bonois... I didn't expect that the emperor's two children would become big figures in the world of occultism. I don't know what is happening to the eldest son, Charles, whether he has also become an angel or has been lost in the long river of history..."

Klein lamented the identity of the descendant of this time traveler, but he couldn't help but glance towards the other side of the coffee table. With the height of Dwayne Dantès, he could easily see over the coffee table and see the other side. He felt his heart skip a beat. Speeded up a bit.

Even if he knew that she did not deliberately use extraordinary abilities, the charm of the high-sequence "witch" was completely irresistible... No, witch...

Thinking of the other witch he met after being "hidden" by the mysterious angel and entering the foggy town, the memory that Klein had deliberately forgotten came to mind again.

In addition to the food they may carry with them, everyone possesses a large amount of "meat" that can be used as food - themselves.

The corners of Klein's mouth twitched and his eyes narrowed, as if he was trapped in some kind of memory that he didn't want to recall.

Angel asked in surprise.

Angel thought for a moment and understood what the other party meant, and his expression became a little ugly.

He reluctantly looked back and continued.

"Speaking of that Panatia...I saw her after entering Chanis Gate."

"After being discovered by the angel, I was immediately sent to a small town in the fog. After trying to 'teleport' but failing, I learned that the place was almost isolated from the spiritual world. I could only try to enter the town. Looking for a way to leave..."

There is no doubt that this "Desperate Lady", who has been trapped for half a year and gradually fell into despair, obtains food from people who were sent to the town like her.

"Because she has food, a constant supply of food..."

He must have been scared too...

"Mr. A? Was he sent there too?"

With Klein's narration, Angel realized just how much happened in the hour after he sneaked into Chanis Gate.

food? In that kind of place?

It seems that the enemies wiped out by the mysterious angel of the Goddess Church were actually sent into the foggy town from which they could not escape, rather than being killed directly... Of course, combined with the scene described by Klein, some of them Most of them died of hunger, loss of control and other reasons because they could not escape.

"But why can Panatia survive all the time? Even if she is a Sequence 4, if she does not eat for a long time, she will become weak and unable to resist the endogenous tendency to lose control. She will be affected by the residual spirit of the potion in the body and either become a monster or slow down. Die slowly."

she asked confused.

Thinking of this, even Angel, who has been on the battlefield for two lifetimes, couldn't help but feel sick. She looked at the nagging and changed the subject, talking about her marionette "Blood Admiral" Senior being easily raped by him. Klein, who was killed and had to enter the town's central church alone, suddenly understood why the other party was reluctant to mention what happened at that time.

After entering the town that seemed to have been inhabited by countless people but was now deserted, Klein met the "Desperate Lady" Panatia who disappeared at the end of the great smog half a year ago. After being sent to the town by an angel, he had been living for half a year and met many people with similar experiences. Except for "Mr. A", no one lived until the moment Klein entered.

Angel chuckled, stood up suddenly, crossed the coffee table between the two of them, hugged Klein who was caught off guard, and brought their bodies close together.

When Klein's helpless struggle gradually stopped and he hugged her with his backhand, Angel said softly:

"Don't be afraid, Panatia is dead." She opened her lips lightly and breathed a ray of hot breath into Klein's ear. "Not every witch is that evil, at least I'm not..." "But, although I won't Eat your meat, but maybe something else..."

She changed the topic and joked, which successfully made Klein, who had a somewhat stiff face, soften his expression and even blush a little.

After adjusting the opponent's emotions, Angel did not give him a chance to improvise. Instead, he sat back in his seat and continued to listen to Klein's story.

She knew that in the church in the center of the town, there were countless spiritual bodies hanging on strings that were controlled, like marionette-like "corpses"; she knew that there was a stone statue enshrined there that looked exactly like the angel who sent Klein into the town, and that He He was originally a descendant of the ancient god "Destruction Wolf" Fregra; he learned about a soothsayer named "Zarathul" who had died long ago but left some "historical images" in the church; he knew how Klein Relying on the help of the other party, and pretending to cooperate with Panatia and Mr. A, they opened the door deep in the church, but were attacked by another angel who was also a Seer Sequence 1.

"Panadia was turned into a marionette on the spot and became a member of the puppet show outside the door. Mr. A was devoured by an out-of-control 'creeping hunger' and became a giant mushroom monster. Finally, in the history of Senior The image disappears and then dies, the extraordinary characteristics are integrated with the gloves, strengthening the effect of 'creeping hunger'...

"And I thought about what you said. All of this might be a trial. That town was part of the 'Kingdom of Night' that was destroyed by the church. Even the person who sent me there might be someone called 'Land of Night'. The descendant of the ancient god of the Mother of Heaven... So I drew the holy symbol of the goddess of night in front of that door and successfully returned to the real world."

It sounds really bizarre and tortuous... If I were trapped there, I might not be able to handle everything as perfectly as Klein. Of course, I should be able to directly deal with Panatia and Mr. A who are on the verge of losing control, but I can't. If you can't pass Zarath's level, you may need to collect blood, draw a huge "disaster" spell, and try to directly destroy the town... Angel thought, and suddenly understood why he saw the hidden treasure in Trier this Monday morning. When playing with Servilia, the other party said the words "Panadia is really dead". It turned out that the culprit who caused the great smog had been trapped in the foggy town for the past six months until he became Klein. "trial".

Could it be that at that time, the "Mother of Heaven" angel and the higher-ups of the church had arranged everything? But at that time, Klein was only Sequence 7. Could this be too much of a coincidence...

Thinking of this, Angel looked at Klein and found that the other person also looked thoughtful during the narration, seeming to have noticed this problem.

Indeed, this kind of thing is too coincidental. It's as if someone has already prepared everything for me. My so-called choices are actually fate... Klein's cheeks still have Angel's body temperature, but his heart feels cold.

After all, he did not tell Angel the truth about a certain encounter he had in the foggy town because it involved his own deep secret.

That was the card of blasphemy he saw behind the door that was opened by mistake, next to the monster formed like countless maggots.

A "Fool" card!

The fortune teller's Sequence 0 is the Fool. I call myself a Fool in the Tarot Society. On the first day I came to this world, I even drew the "Fool" card in a tarot divination at the circus. Everything seemed to be decreed by the emperor. The feeling... Klein smiled mockingly to himself, focused his gaze again, only to find Angel casting a concerned look, and said quickly:
"I just thought of the big mushroom man that Mr. A turned was the mushroom variety cultivated by Frank Lee. I am going to find a time to talk to Ms. 'Hermit' and tell him not to do that kind of scary thing again. After researching it, I had nightmares for several nights and even wanted to find 'justice'..."

His words stopped abruptly, but he was horrified to see the "Despair" witch in front of him frowning.

"Looking for Miss Justice, huh?"

A dangerous smile appeared on her lips, she lowered her crossed legs, and stood up from the chair again. Her skirt fell down, and the contrast between the black silk and her white thighs was obvious, but Klein had no time to appreciate it.

"You know, she is a 'psychiatrist'. When I have psychological problems, I first think of this member of the Tarot Society. It makes sense..."

Klein's voice became lower as he spoke.

"Then you can tell me that it only takes me one hour to get back to Backlund from Trier."

Angel stood still in front of Klein, looked at him condescendingly, and said angrily.

"But can witches also treat mental illness?"

Klein subconsciously retorted, but Klein's spirituality suddenly sent out a strong warning, and then he realized that he had said the wrong thing again.

But the "widowed" "Secret Puppet Master" had no time to react. He was knocked down by the witch who was saying "no meat" just a few minutes ago, and the chair fell aside with a snap.


In the next room, Sherman, who had just changed his shift with Hugh Dilcha and was looking out the window boredly while listening to the movements in the master bedroom, yawned and looked at the magic mirror beside him, which showed no reaction at all.

"If I had Miss Irene's strength, I could peek into the next room directly through the mirror and guard against all possible dangers against Mr. Dantès..."

She muttered, breathed at the magic mirror, looked at the mist that appeared and disappeared quickly, and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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