Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 681 Reporting Work

Chapter 681 Reporting Work
After nightfall, Angel left Klein's house in the North District and used the Mirror Passage to return to the Hillston District. After dinner, he took a carriage to "really" come to the North District and entered St. Samuel's where the Mass had just been held. church.

This time she also used the "hypocrisy" ring to disguise herself, becoming the "Shadow of the Goddess" she was when she last met Archbishop Anthony. Except that her eyes were still purple, she no longer had any resemblance to "Angel".

As soon as he entered the large prayer hall against the departing believers, Angel found several acquaintances. Except for Elektra, who was presiding over the mass, Leonard Mitchell, who had just left the steam train station at noon, headed towards Tingen City. and Daly Simone were also there. They sat quietly on the last row of benches, and their whole bodies were hidden in the darkness. If Angel didn't have dark vision, he wouldn't be able to spot them at all.

Strangely, even if they return immediately after arriving in Tingen City, they will only be able to catch the current mass. Could it be that the destination of Leonard and Daly is not Tingen City, but a place between the two cities... She was thinking, without revealing her discovery of them. Her eyes just naturally swept over the two Nighthawks she knew in Tingen City, and rested on the bishop next to the altar.

He didn't recognize me either... Angel chuckled lightly and turned into the side door of the church.


The movement nearby made Leonard look up at the unfamiliar young woman. The pair of purple eyes made him dazed for a moment, but he quickly reacted and shifted his impolite gaze away.

Although the eyes are also a rare purple, the hair color and facial contour are different, and Angel Granger's current identity should be Angelica Sage from the sea, not this ordinary-looking woman...He is Inwardly laughing at his state of being overwhelmed by everything, he inadvertently looked at Dai Li beside him.

The latter kept her head lowered, hiding most of her expression in the shadow of her cloak. After leaving the Raphael Cemetery in Tingen City, she had not made any movements except on her way, as if she had returned to Tingen City. The day of the incident.

Klein's tomb is empty, and Angel's tomb is also extremely weird. In the end, only the captain failed... No wonder she was like this. If she didn't have hope from the beginning, she wouldn't be so disappointed. I'll take her with me to investigate. Maybe it was a wrong choice...

Leonard sighed secretly, and seeing that there were not many believers left in the prayer hall, he simply stood up and said softly:
"I'll report to Captain Sost first. Do you... want to go back and rest first?"

Daley didn't react at all.

Upon seeing this, he tightened his windbreaker and patted off a layer of loose soil on his sleeves. He accidentally saw Bishop Elektra greeting a factory owner who had donated a large amount of pounds.

This bishop seems to be a little too close to the rich people in Backlund, such as Dwayne Dantès, who has many secrets, and another young lady with purple eyes who often comes to listen to sermons. I heard that he He also likes to attend various dinners and dances of the upper class... But this should be the tacit approval of the church. After all, in addition to the archbishop and senior deacons, the church also needs to have a good relationship with secular forces and gain their support in certain matters, and Egypt Lectra may be working in this direction...

Leonard's eyes did not linger too much on the altar, nor did he go down the spiral staircase to the underground area to report to the "Red Gloves" station. Instead, he turned a few corners, left the back of the church, and quietly entered In an alley at the back of the church, he entered the room that he had rented for a long time as a secret operation location.

Taking off his windbreaker, which was a little dirty from digging a tomb, Leonard, who was wearing a close-fitting shirt, carefully locked the doors and windows, and even set up a spiritual wall. Then he stood in the center of the room and asked in a low voice:

"Old man, have you seen everything?"

After a moment, a slightly older voice appeared in his mind:

"What do you mean? The coffin of your colleague who died after knowing him for a few months is empty?"

"Of course! There is another one, Angel Granger. Why is there only a fragment of mirror in her coffin? I personally carried their coffins and put them into the tomb. It must not have been empty at that time!"

Leonard let out a low roar deep in his throat. He wished that one of the two was standing in front of him right now, so that he could point his hand at their faces and curse them, instead of roaring incompetently like this. It must be blocked by a spiritual wall to avoid being discovered.

"At that time, they must have died, completely dead..." The "parasite" in his mind also had deep doubts in his tone, "However, there are many ways to resurrect, and I know at least three. , it is not something that the 'Joker' and the 'Witch' can possess, even three or four higher levels cannot achieve it, but..."

He changed the topic and his tone was serious.

"...I have seen mirror fragments like that that dissipate in the wind. They belong to the same path as the 'Witch', but at a higher level.

"They are called 'ageless' witches. After spreading disasters and causing death, even if they are killed, they will often only leave such fragments behind, which will appear again after a period of time."


As soon as Angel entered the library, a middle-aged man wearing a priest's uniform walked into the door. With his rough-skinned hands, Angel recognized the man who handed her the Hidden Holy Emblem in the confessional that day, revealed his identity and pointed it out to her. The bishop on the road.

"His Excellency the Archbishop is waiting for you in his office."

Having said this, the bishop disappeared as quietly as he had come. There is always a feeling of being a spy and a superior. I don’t know if Bishop Elektra, who often hosts sermons, knows my identity as the "Shadow of the Goddess". Otherwise, it will be quite embarrassing to meet in social situations in the future... Angel muttered and left. The library, filled with rows of bookshelves, tables and chairs, went down the same path as last time, passed through the secret door, and arrived at the door of Archbishop Anthony's office.

The door was ajar, and there was a lot of candlelight inside. The fragrance of the ritual candles and the unique musty smell of old books were mixed together, making it difficult to evaluate.

Angel pushed the door open and entered, finding the archbishop in charge of Backlund Diocese, Anthony Stevenson, sitting behind his desk with several folded pieces of letter paper in front of him.

"Your Excellency the Archbishop."

Angel saw a single chair placed opposite the desk, so he simply sat down and said hello.

Anyway, I should be on the same level as the archbishop in terms of status, and I am not under his jurisdiction... She comforted herself in her heart and relaxed her posture slightly.

"Your Excellency, 'Shadow of the Goddess', thank you for your contribution in Trier. The Church of the Eternal Sun and the Church of the God of Steam and Mechanics have successfully captured many 'Men in the Mirror' and used them as Breakthrough and eliminate the lurkers within the church.”

Anthony said softly, handing over the letter in front of him.

After receiving the letter, Angel took a rough look at it and found that it was a mission report submitted by "Machine Heart".

According to the screen displayed by Arrodes in Trier, Archbishop Anthony had an agreement with Horamik Haydon of the Church of Steam. The Nighthawks provided intelligence and could take action on the mechanical heart that could operate in Trier. He would be required to obtain it afterwards. information is shared.

It looks like they kept their word.

The letter stated that all five "Men in the Mirror" headed by Cheval Duma were captured alive. The two major churches should have used a lot of sealed artifacts. Each group of people captured one, and no target was allowed to escape successfully. Of course, Thanks to the kick from Angel who was hiding in the mirror world, Cheval would have made a bigger fuss even if he was eventually caught, which might have allowed others to get wind of it and escape.

But the result of the subsequent interrogation was a bit disappointing. Similar to Danio Brown who was interrogated by Angel and channeled, this group of "Men in the Mirror" only knew a few members who were in contact with them and knew nothing about other groups. Everyone knows that only Cheval understands his true mission. In addition to hiding himself and "climbing" to the top of the government, he is also responsible for infiltrating Lundborg and sending some "people in the mirror" to this small country.

It's "Lenburg" again... Laura once mentioned that the "Man in the Mirror" is even more interested in this country than Loen. Is there something there that they must get?

Thinking about it, Angel looked down, only to find that the "purifiers" in charge of the interrogation were also very interested in this. However, when he asked further, he touched some kind of "secret-keeping" power in Cheval. The man in the mirror Before the person could tell the truth in the living channeling, his spirit body and brain were burned by a stream of heat. Even a senior deacon present had no time to stop him and could only watch as he turned into mirror fragments.

Just like when I asked Syrio Sauron, who was also the "Man in the Mirror", about the true identity of the "leader", the person who set this "secret keeping" rule may be the same person, no, the same "Man in the Mirror"... Angel recalled the circumstances of Sirio's death and looked at the last paragraph of the letter.

After interrogating the captured "Man in the Mirror", "Machine Heart" and "Purifier" planned to use the mirror fragments to conduct a strict internal review. The "man in the mirror" can suppress the reaction between himself and the mirror fragments, but he may still be discovered if he is too close. As long as the two major churches can find suitable reasons to examine members one by one, they can always find the "man in the mirror" inside.

I hope they can find out the "ghost" soon. After all, I was intercepted by Syrio Sauron. It is very likely that the "man in the mirror" within the church leaked the news... and possessing the ability to "keep secrets" among subordinates may reach the level of angels. With the help of the person in the mirror, it is not difficult to locate me...

Angel laments the current situation of Trier being infiltrated into a sieve by the "Man in the Mirror", and will fight Silio, but is accidentally brought into the fourth era of Trier by the trap originally planned to ambush Bonova Gustave, and finally The whole story of the successful escape was told to Archbishop Antony.

Of course, she avoided the question about her own mysterious power and only said that she used the silver mirror of the man in the mirror to return to the real world.

"Danio is the 'Man in the Mirror', the 'Iron Knight' who was also replaced, the out-of-control 'Conqueror', the Trier of the Fourth Age, and the Angel of the Church of Steam..."

Listening to Angel's "wonderful journey", even as a Sequence 3 Archbishop who had experienced several drastic changes in Backlund, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

This is Trier, which surprised the Archbishop of Backlund, almost made the angels of the Church of Steam fall into a trap, and caused countless "people in the mirror" to infiltrate without realizing it... Angel cursed, folded the letter, and was about to write Burning the black flames, he suddenly remembered the last time he attracted black flames here and was targeted by the seal core of Chanis Gate below, and his outstretched hand stopped in the air.

Seeing this, Anthony, who had recovered from his surprise, smiled slightly. Without any other movement, the letter in Angel's hand disappeared without a trace in the sudden darkness, as if it had never existed.

Similar to the power of the catacombs in Trier to devour the living... no, more like the way the angel who looks like the "Mother of Heaven" from the Church of the Night erased Panatia, of course, erasing a few pieces of letter paper It is completely different from the power of erasing a demigod, but it also shows that the archbishop has initially mastered the "secret" power... Angel analyzed it in his mind and suddenly said:

"Your Excellency, Archbishop, I heard that... there was an invasion at Chanis Gate of St. Samuel's Church on Monday morning?"

(End of this chapter)

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