Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 682 The secret of immortality

Chapter 682 The secret of immortality
Angel raised this question mainly because he wanted to know what kind of reaction there was within the Goddess Church after Klein failed to "steal the Antigonus family notes", or whether Dwayne Dantès was found.

Although the two of them have the same point of view, strengthening the supervision of the notes and placing them deep inside the Chanis Gate is a "trial" for Klein by the church's top brass, and perhaps even by Ms. Arianna herself, but I believe that not many people know this. , the Nighthawks will inevitably follow the corresponding procedures, count items, check for hidden dangers, and then investigate one by one according to the suspect list until all relevant persons are found.

Quite simply, even if they had followed the clues left by Klein and targeted Gehrman Sparrow, it was impossible for this crazy adventurer to directly teleport into St. Samuel's Church and start his own infiltration plan.

He must have had one or more helpers to scout the area in advance and study the defensive measures of the church and Chanis Gate to create opportunities for the eventual infiltration.

Of course, Angel had reason to raise this question at this time. Archbishop Anthony had just destroyed the letter on her behalf. She remembered the experience of being almost attacked by the sealed core last time. As the "Shadow of the Goddess", she wanted to pay attention to the attack on Chanis Gate. The question, well, makes sense...

I don’t know whether Anthony had the same idea or already knew some secrets. He did not question Angel’s motives, but answered her question with a slightly serious expression:

“After subsequent investigation, it was found that all sealed objects, prisoners, potion formulas and materials, and sealed extraordinary characteristics were not stolen, and of course, there were no extra items that should not have appeared.

"After finding the missing servants and internal guards, we confirmed that the invasion was carried out by an adventurer named Gehrman Sparrow. He was probably in contact with a highly dangerous sealed item. Affected by negative effects, he disappeared or died. After reporting to the church, their response confirmed this, so we are currently investigating the identity of his accomplices.”

Sure enough, they were misled by Klein and turned their attention to Gehrman Sparrow, who was often active at sea. However, they also thought about the problem of his accomplices... I wonder if Dwayne Dantès can escape this round. Censorship, well, I often come to the church as Christine Theresa, and maybe I am also on the censorship list... Angel felt a little funny at first, and then he remembered that he might also be censored in his dream, and he couldn't help laughing. Out.

Fortunately, she had a sufficient alibi during this period, and even had the "Secret Holy Emblem" as her trump card. She did not worry too much, but changed the subject without leaving a trace:

"I hope we can find the accomplices who helped this adventurer sneak into Chanis Gate soon."

"May the goddess bless you."

Anthony tapped his chest four times and nodded.

If He really protects you, then things will be really bad for Klein and me... Angel responded with the same action with a somewhat stiff expression.

After a brief silence, Anthony spoke again:

"Well, it's time to talk about your reward."

In the church's internal parlance, should it be called a "bonus"... Angel muttered, but he was looking forward to it in his heart.

She still remembered the promise conveyed by the "Goddess Sword" to Ms. Arianna:
An extraordinary characteristic of the "ageless" witch.


"The Witch of Agelessness? Is it a follow-up sequence to the Witch of Joy?"

Leonard frowned and asked. He still remembered the two difficult "Happy" witches he dealt with in Tingen City. One was Mrs. Sharon, and the other had gray-white hair. Follow-up investigation only found one name. , Mitis, whose identity is a mystery.

It just so happened that the two "Happy" witches from the Witch Sect were both killed by Angel...

"To be precise, it's Sequence 3," the voice in his mind replied. "After reaching this sequence, the witches will have the ability to 'resurrection' in the true sense. As for the specific means, I don't know, but Leaving mirror fragments after death is one of the characteristics.”

"One of the characteristics?"

"Of course there are other ways to tell. You have seen a lot of witches, but you haven't noticed that they always exude charm towards the opposite sex or even the same sex, and they don't have much concept of good and evil in their actions. Or in the words of you night watchers, Are you taking human life seriously?"

The old voice chuckled and replied.

She sounds completely different from the Angel Granger I know. Although her identity is somewhat doubtful, after joining the Nighthawks, she has a completely hateful look. She has rushed to the front in many dangerous situations, almost every Tingen team All the team members have been helped by her, and she even saved their lives... Leonard subconsciously thought of this, opened his mouth, but suddenly froze.

If... if we break away from our habitual thinking, brush aside the superficial appearance, and only look at one certain point - Angel once resurrected from the dead and left behind a fragment of the mirror, and use this as a basis for analysis...

What if she was originally an "ageless" witch from the witch sect, disguised as an "assassin" who had just taken the potion, and joined the Nighthawks by reporting and killing Mrs. Sharon?

What if her kindness is all fake, just to gain the favor of others? What if she doesn't care about her safety in battle because she has the ability to "resurrection"?
What if her real purpose is to cooperate inside and outside to help Ince Zangwill seize Saint Selena's ashes, or even to plot a bigger goal?
The more Leonard thought about it, the more anxious he became, pacing back and forth inside the small spiritual wall, the dull sound of footsteps echoing in his ears.

But this is inconsistent with what her other identity, Erin Watson, did in Backlund... Among the several cases that the latter may be involved in, Capin, Ms. D, and the apostle of desire who assassinated Duke Negan They all belong to the category of "full of evil". If Angel is the "ageless" witch of the witch sect, why would he choose them as a target?
With the inference method just now, Leonard immediately thought of another possibility:
Maybe Angel is just killing people and silencing them?
Kaping secretly kidnapped civilians, sold slaves, and imprisoned underage girls. When the incident happened, he was killed and silenced by Angel; Ms. D tried to attack the daughter of Earl Hall, but also died at the hands of Angel after the failure; "Apostle of Desire" is even simpler , after he killed Duke Negan, people who wanted him to shut up immediately and die without any evidence would probably line up from Thordrak Palace to the King's Avenue...

"Old man, do you think Angel Granger will be an 'ageless' witch? I mean before joining the Nighthawks, before we met her."

This time, the voice in his head no longer hesitated, nor did it cautiously slow down the answer. Instead, it sneered and said:

"First of all, I can only share part of your senses. Whatever you see, I can see. I can't know things outside of your perception. Secondly, I don't think it will take any effort to solve the 'Happiness' Witch." The little girl who tries her best will be the 'ageless' witch. Otherwise, with the ability of this sequence, she can create a plague like the Backlund Great Smog in Tingen City in a few hours without even making preparations. Let that city become a dead place.

"Many of the great plagues you read in history books were caused by the witches at that time."

"But this can't explain her resurrection from the dead... Could it be that there is an 'ageless' witch in her body, just like my relationship with you?"

Leonard muttered.

This time, the "parasite" in him simply responded with silence.

After wandering around for a few more times, Leonard simply removed the spiritual wall, came to the alley, and returned to the prayer hall through the back door of St. Samuel's Church. It was already dark at this time, and except for the cleaning process in the hall, There were no other sanitation servants, and even Ms. Dai Li, who was sitting in the corner, was gone.

Ms. Daly...Captain...Leonard sighed again, put away the speculations in his mind, and walked towards the underground "Red Gloves" station.

He now has evidence that Klein Moretti and Angel Granger are not dead. Although the two graves have been reburied, he can go to Tingen for verification at any time as long as he reports it to the police.

But he didn't choose to do so in the first place.

From Angelica Sage to Erin Watson, the suspicion was finally pointed to Angel, and Klein's problems were confirmed from Gehrman Sparrow's behavior. Among them, there was a lot of knowledge that he should not have mastered. Provided by the "parasite" in his body, once reported, these must be rationally explained, and he has no explanation at all.

Moreover, the organization that uses "Tarot cards" as its symbol and believes in "The Fool" clearly knows that I have a "parasite" in me, and even knows that he is a member of the Zoroastrian family. If I expose Klein and Angel's identity, they will also take this as revenge and report me! By then, Angelica and Gehrman are still at large, and I will be locked up in Chanis Gate first, to keep company with the sealed artifacts... He smiled bitterly, and pushed open the underground secret door.

According to his previous experience, at this time, he can only participate in the investigation with peace of mind, tap on the side to remind his teammates, lead the investigation in the right direction, and be a hero behind the scenes.

But first, he wants to find a chance to talk to Dwayne Dantès, who is probably an undead person from the Fourth Age and has many secrets...

While Leonard was constantly improving his plan in his mind, he reported back to the team at Sostna. The latter saw him and asked in surprise:

"Didn't you find some clues and go to Tingen with Dai Li?"

He cared so much about Ms. Dai Li that he even knew that we had gone to Tingen. The note I left only said that I was going out to investigate for clues... Leonard cursed, shook his head and said:

"It's a useless clue and it's a waste of our entire afternoon."

This is common in investigations, so Sost did not ask again, but picked up a list from the table and handed it over:

"Since you're back, work overtime. There are too many of Hermann's possible 'accomplices' to investigate. You will do a preliminary review tonight."

Leonard, who was still in high spirits despite a busy day, took the list without complaint and walked out. He wanted to go to the rest room dedicated to the "nightmares" for dreaming, and with the blessing and help of the church seal, he could complete the dream as soon as possible. review.

But as soon as he walked out of the door, he was stunned.

The list in hand was not too long, and most of the suspects had obviously been assigned, but the one at the beginning was extremely familiar to Leonard.

Dwayne Dantes!
(End of this chapter)

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