Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 683 Night

Chapter 683 Night
"Tomorrow, a senior deacon will lead a team of night watchers to escort the sealed artifact '1-63' to the temple. It will be dismantled there and restored to its extraordinary characteristics. According to Ms. Arianna's instructions, that extraordinary The properties will be yours.”

The Archbishop of the Church of the Night Goddess in Backlund, Anthony Stevenson, said in a calm tone, as if he was talking about tomorrow's breakfast rather than a precious "1" sealed artifact.

Judging from the functions and negative effects of the sealed object called "Witch's Mirror", it is formed from a high-sequence "Witch" extraordinary characteristic, and it is most likely to be Sequence 3 "immortality"... Before Angel I had doubts about Arianna's promise of "immortality", but now my suspicions have been verified.

Whether it is a sealed object or a contaminated characteristic, it can only be shattered by an angel's full blow, and then reorganized into "clean" extraordinary characteristics based on the aggregation effect. Only in this way can it be used as the main material of the potion, and Not contaminated.

The church is located in the "Tranquility Church" in Winter County. It takes nearly seven hours by steam train from Backlund, but this does not mean that I can get the characteristics in one day. I am afraid that the whole crushing and aggregation process will take longer. and……

"But the whole process may take about a month, and you won't get the award until July."

Anthony continued.

Angel nodded clearly. Her "desperate" digestion progress, even including her early performance in replacing Panatia's epidemic during the great smog, was only about half. I'm afraid she wouldn't kill one or two head-on. The demigod made her despair, unable to meet the conditions for promotion. What's more, the promotion ceremony of the "ageless" witch made her completely confused. Relying on literal meaning, she might have to wait until she gets older and her mentality changes before she can have hope. Promotion, at this time there is no rush to obtain that characteristic.

"In addition, I, as well as the Holy Church, hope that during this period, you can continue to pay attention to the issue of the 'Man in the Mirror'. This time Trier's actions have only revealed the tip of the iceberg of their conspiracy. Perhaps after a period of adjustment, , they will appear again.”

After announcing the "reward", Archbishop Anthony said seriously.

"How is the Goddess Church prepared to deal with similar incidents? I'm afraid this is not a matter for us or one of the churches of Steam and Eternal Sun, right?"

Angel frowned and asked, what she is most worried about is actually the "people in the mirror" hidden within the major churches. Their positions may not be high, at most they can reach the level of Pierce Turner, but their influence is undoubtedly very bad, whether inside or outside. Launching an attack, leaking information, and creating actions such as intercepting Angel in the Mirror World or ambushing the Angels of the Church of Steam may cause heavy losses to the Righteous God Church.

"After Trier's 'Mechanical Heart' sends additional mirror fragments, I will contact the 'Deep Blue Priest' of the Church of Storms, His Excellency Radar Valentine, and ask him to obtain the punishment from Backlund's substitute, bishop, and deacon. We began to investigate the hidden dangers of the 'Man in the Mirror'," Anthony stood up from his simple wooden chair and said slowly, "In Trier, and throughout Intis, the Church of Steam and the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun are also conducting The same investigation is carried out, but we can’t take care of other churches for the time being.”

He was referring to the Church of the Mother Earth in Feneport, the Church of the God of War in Feysac, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in the three countries of Lemburg, Masi, and Sehgal. They have almost no churches in Loen and Intis. There are also very few believers, and they are not on the primary "help list" of the Goddess Church... Angel quickly analyzed the situation and did not express any objection.

After all, she is also a Loen in this world, a believer of the goddess, and has her own natural tendency.

"There are not many 'Mirror Men' in Loen, but Intis may fall into a series of turbulence because of this. They may have many lurkers in the government and the army."

In order to hide his little thoughts, Angel commented casually.

“It all depends on their efforts.”

Anthony's thoughts were obviously similar to Angel's, and he just smiled and replied.

The Church of Steam's shift of focus back to Intis will only be good for the Church of Night.


Entering the lounge, Leonard entered the innermost single room, locked the door, threw himself into the lounge chair, then turned sideways and said carefully:
"Old man, I'm going to ask Dwayne Dantès again to see if he is related to the invasion of Chanis Gate. Hermann, no, is Klein involved in this matter? If you think there is any danger, , you can say it now.”

Ever since he knew that the mysterious voice in his body was actually a high-sequence "parasite" of the Thieves, his vigilance had exceeded his gratitude. However, facing Dwayne Dantès who might have lived from the Fourth Age to the present The old monster, he can only rely on the biggest "helper" at present.

"I still say the same thing, you'd better not mess with people like this," the old figure in his mind was silent for a long time before replying, "Of course, you are under the St. Samuel's Church and you have the status of an official extraordinary person. , but if you push the other party too much, he probably won’t take the initiative to harm you. This is tantamount to, ah, going against the Zhengshen Church.”

In the last sentence, the tone of "Parasite" was slightly sarcastic.

When they invaded Chanis Gate, they were already against the Goddess Church... Leonard added this sentence for the other party, then took a deep breath, glanced at the information in his hand, lay back on the chair, and closed his eyes. eyes.


"Riback, help me make arrangements. I want to visit Dr. Allen's family tomorrow afternoon and prepare a gift for me. In addition, I can buy a raspberry ice cream from Serenzo's restaurant in the West End in advance. The doctor's wife should like it."

"Okay, I'll contact their housekeeper later."

"After visiting Allen, I had time to go to the East Balam Veterans Club, hoping to meet Mr. Sandel. I have completed what he asked for." "Understood, Sandel will be very happy."

"Finally, what about Baron Syndras's schedule? Didn't he say he wanted to visit my house?"

"His butler proposed three times. The latest is this Sunday. You have no special arrangements for that day."

"Then let's do it on Sunday. Even though it's an informal visit, we still need to prepare everything for Kayla...His preference for drinks and desserts. You have been his butler, so you should be aware of them, right?"

"Yes, Miss Theresa."

After the butler left the study, Angel breathed a sigh of relief and slumped down on the soft chair. He felt that he might as well go to Trier and fight the "Iron-Blooded Knight" again.

If I had known, I would have never come back to Trier. Over there, I could eat as much as I wanted, sleep as much as I wanted, and visit different attractions every day without having to think about the schedule for the next day... She rolled over in her chair. After two times, I finally went back to the bedroom, threw myself on the soft bed, and didn't want to get up.

After Klein obtained the potion formula, half of the two men's mission to return to Backlund was completed, but there was almost no progress in investigating the Great Smog, and Ince Zangwill seemed to have completely disappeared. No trace could be found.

Therefore, Angel still has to maintain social relations with Backlund's upper class, and even continue to get close to the upper echelons of the Loen military. Starting from a few identified targets, he will find out the real instigators and participants of the Great Smog.

Helping retired officer Sandel smuggle arms is an important step, and Baron Sindras's visit may also allow Angel to obtain new information.

As for bringing ice cream to visit Dr. Allen's family, her purpose is to meet Will Asceptin who is still in Velma Gladys's belly and ask the snake of fate how to use her "blood" the power in.

After all, in the battle with the "Iron-Blooded Knight" Syrio Sauron, Angel had discovered that the lethality of the "Disaster" spell she simply made using blood could no longer keep up.

When she was only Sequence 5, this advanced talisman gave her a lethality that far exceeded that of the Sequence at that time. Combined with the light-breaking ray, with the increase of "luck", she could even directly kill an injured demigod.

But when Angel was promoted to "Despair", even the Sequence 4 "Iron Knight" could not be seriously injured by simply using spells.

Although this is because the opponent uses sealed objects to share the damage, in the final analysis, the lethality of the spell without special bullets is too low, unless she can make more "disaster bullets" and shoot them through a launcher that can increase the power. Only by treating expensive weapons as disposable items can the power of the spell be fully unleashed.

But the black cat Wensa said, this kind of power exists in my blood. Is there a way to use the power more thoroughly... When Klein was promoted to Sequence 4, in the face of Ince Zangwill When seeking revenge, I may even have to face the real culprits behind the smog. Only by gaining this power can I compete with them... Angel thought, looking forward to the meeting with the "Snake of Destiny" tomorrow.

Of course, you must first prepare the ice cream "offered" to Him. He should like the ice cream made by the Intis-style Serenzo restaurant.

Getting up from the bed, looking at the increasingly rich crimson moonlight outside the window, Angel was about to change his clothes and go to sleep, but he involuntarily came to the full-length mirror, thought for a moment, and got in.

Arriving at Berklund Street in the North District with ease, Angel emerged from the full-length mirror in Klein's bedroom and stepped on the carpet. She had already scanned the entire building using a combination of divination and the world in the mirror.

The chef is preparing ingredients for tomorrow in advance, most of the servants have fallen asleep, and the night-watch servant is dozing off. There are two new guards in the room next to the bedroom, Hugh Dilcha and Sherman, who has become a witch.

Angel's eyes flashed different colors one after another, and finally settled on the female face that was somewhat similar to the male Sherman.

Unexpectedly, "Dawn Dantès" found them as temporary escorts. Hugh is a friend of "Justice" and "Magician", and Sherman is her friend. It's hard to say whether this is a coincidence... But in the past With Klein's character, he should have just asked the butler to choose two guards based on his status...

Thinking about it, Angel withdrew his gaze through the mirror.

After the battle in Trier and a deeper understanding of the mirror world, she has been able to use nearby mirrors to broaden the scope of her sight. She can even use various mirrors to curse in the air, or use mirrors to cast curses. Send your own "stand-in" to a distant place to deceive the enemy.

By the time of Sequence 3, this "substitute" should have its own mobility and be able to use most of my own extraordinary abilities. Compared with the "man in the mirror" who can only replace the original body, the "ageless" witch is the real one. The controller of the mirror world...

She muttered, looking towards the big bed in the bedroom, and found Klein lying on his side, not awakened by her arrival.

The arrival of other strangers will inevitably trigger the "divineer's" spiritual intuition because they pose a threat to him. This shows that he is absolutely assured of me, so... Angel showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Just as he was about to approach quietly, he suddenly discovered Klein's state was not normal sleep, but fell into a "dream state."

(End of this chapter)

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