Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 7 Identity Acquired

Chapter 7 Identity Acquired
When the bell of St. Selina Church rang zero, Hagrid reappeared in "Heart of the Wild". He took a thin sheet of paper and handed it to Angel, who had already lost a full £2 in the "Dog Catch Mouse" competition.

"This identity certificate is no problem for the police in Tingen at the moment, but Backlund's Central Archives Bureau doesn't have your file yet, so it can't stand the inspection of letters. Once you commit something in Tingen, the police will send a telegram to Backlund to check your identity, and it will be revealed immediately. I suggest you wait for about a week, and after filing the forged identity, you can go out in a big way."

Angel nodded, expressing his understanding.

She looked down at the ID card in her hand carefully under the dim light in the bar.

Name: Angel Granger; Gender: Female; Date of Birth: June 1331, 6...

That's right, the same surname is Granger. In the fake information she submitted, she is the distant cousin of Cole Granger and Lily Granger. She comes from remote Severas County. Her parents died in the border conflict between the Loen Kingdom and Intis.

She also thought about the reason for coming to Tingen City from West Veras County. Angel Granger, who lost her parents, decided to take all her savings to join her distant relatives living in Tingen City, and Cole Granger received her and let her live on Daffodil Street.

Angel's decision to associate his new identity with the Granger family was well thought out.

First of all, she can legally live in Cole Granger's house. The real estate on Narcissus Street is not cheap. It costs nearly a thousand pounds to buy a house. Even if it is only rented, it costs dozens of pounds a year. If you don't live in the ready-made house, you can find another house. Whether it is renting or buying, the living cost alone is a huge expense.

Secondly, her connection with local people also makes her identity more credible. Compared with strangers with blank resumes, "distant relatives" who are obviously local residents are easier for others to accept.

Finally, as a relative who has been in contact with Cole Granger for a while, Angel also has the opportunity to expose the crimes he committed before, so that the deceased can get justice.

This is the last thing she can do as Cole Granger's "successor" for him - to atone for his sins.


After carefully putting away the ID card that he bought for forty pounds, Angel Granger left the still noisy "Wild Heart" pub.

The street outside the gate is no longer as crowded as before. Although there is no curfew in Tingen City, most of the residents in Lower Iron Cross Street are low-level people who work all day before eating one day. For them, staying up late is a bad habit.

Especially in an era when lighting at night is quite expensive.

Looking around, the big man at the gate had already dozed off on the empty wine barrel, and he didn't seem to notice Angel's departure at all. The secret whistle on the second floor opposite was still doing his duty with the windows open.

Angel tightened his hood and began to return along the original path.

The gas lamps on the street had already been turned off, and the residents on both sides also turned off their lights to rest. The quiet street was only illuminated by the crimson moon above, and it was extremely dim under the cover of the passing clouds.

Even if no one was around, Angel with dark vision honestly played the role of an ordinary person without extraordinary abilities, walking slowly on the street by moonlight, carefully avoiding puddles of sewage and litter.

Not far away, her keen hearing sensed that someone was following her not far behind.

This didn't surprise her.

When paying Hagrid's "certificate fee" at the bar, Angel noticed that there were a lot of greedy eyes focusing on her in the dark. This was the reason why she avoided using large banknotes when she went shopping before. Unfortunately, the reward of forty gold pounds would be eye-catching anyway.

Besides, even if he was not targeted by others, an intelligence dealer like Hagrid would not necessarily let go of his prey. Mr. "The Hanged Man" saved Hagrid's life, but his friends did not.

The person behind him walked with flimsy footsteps, and he didn't intend to hide it. Most likely, he was an ordinary person, and he had drunk a lot of alcohol.But even if she wasn't an Extraordinary, ordinary gangsters with hot weapons could pose a threat to her, and Angel didn't intend to take this risk.

She used her dark vision to bypass the obstacles on the road and quickened her pace. As long as she left the lower street and reached the intersection of Iron Cross Street, she could easily get rid of the pursuers by using the roads extending in all directions.

The stalker paused, and then sped up the frequency, but the dark environment caused him a lot of trouble. Behind Angel, there were constant sounds of garbage being kicked away and stagnant water being stepped on.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded "pat-pat-", Angel looked back, and a four-wheeled carriage was coming. Under the light of the suspended oil lamp, the "crossed swords, surrounded by a crown" logo painted on the side of the black body was shining brightly. This is the general symbol of the police system throughout the Loen Kingdom. The driver wore a high hat and a suit, and calmly drove the carriage through the messy streets.

The stalker had been pulled away a lot, the carriage drove past him, he shivered when he saw the police sign, and went straight into the gap between the two apartments on the street.

The "black household" Angel subconsciously wanted to lower his head to avoid it, but then he thought that in this era, there is no such high technology as face recognition. Even if you walk towards the police, as long as you don't commit crimes on the spot, you don't need to worry at all.

On the contrary, if they try to hide, it is easier to arouse their suspicion.

Thinking of this, she raised her head again, turned sideways and moved towards the side of the street in small steps, giving way to the carriage in the middle of the street, and at the same time using her "assassin" dexterous body to avoid the sewage splashed by the wheels.

Just like what ordinary passers-by should do when they encounter a speeding carriage.

Sure enough, the police carriage passed her without stopping.

The moment she passed by, she saw two people sitting opposite each other in the car through the car window. One was dressed in black and had a police star on his shoulders. He had short light brown hair and gray eyes staring ahead, and said something with a serious expression.

Could it be someone's second-generation official late-night bus for private use, Angel slandered.

Before she could think too much, the four-wheeled carriage flew away quickly, the light from the oil lamp hanging on the carriage disappeared, and the street was shrouded in dim moonlight again.

Footsteps sounded behind him again. Unexpectedly, the stalker still did not give up. Taking advantage of Angel's daze, he quickened his pace and approached again.

A strong smell of low-quality wine wafted over, and the sound of footsteps stopped a meter away, followed by the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

Angel knew that the conflict was inevitable, so he turned his head decisively and quickly judged the situation with his dark vision.

The stalker was a middle-aged man in denim trousers and a short-sleeved top. His unkempt beard and clumps of hair indicated that he was not in a good financial situation, probably recently lost his job, and was escaping reality with cheap alcohol in bars.

Seeing that he was taking something out of his trouser pocket, Angel took a step forward, raised his right foot and kicked the opponent's left knee. The man whose balance ability was impaired due to excessive alcohol consumption only felt a pain in his knee and knelt on the dirty street.

With his right hand, he just took out a small pistol with a strange shape from his pants. Before he could raise the gun to aim, Angel reached out and grabbed the hammer, grabbed the pistol and twisted it, and snatched the weapon from the man amidst the man's cry of pain.

"Ah...finger, my finger..." The man didn't care about the stolen pistol, but knelt down on the ground, holding his right hand with his left hand. His index finger knuckles were hyperextended, apparently dislocated.

"It's just a sprain, go see a doctor, you should be glad that it's just your finger that's injured." After subduing the stalker with two moves, Angel said unhurriedly, holding the captured pistol.This small revolver should be for women. It can only be loaded with four rounds, and its caliber is smaller than that of a general-purpose pistol. The lack of maintenance has caused the grease seeping from the receiver to agglomerate, making the gun body mottled. Angel even suspects that the primer of the bullet has been damp, and it cannot be fired at all.

Pointing the gun at the man, Angel asked, "Now let me ask you, where did you pick up the gun?"

"Outside the city...the pier outside the city, I picked it up at the pier. I used to unload the goods at the gang, and someone might have left it there. There were only three bullets in it, and I didn't dare to use them. I kept hiding them under the bed. Now I'm out of work and money, so I'm sorry, I don't dare, don't kill me!"

The man was pointed at by the gun, with a terrified expression on his face, he did not dare to hide it, and told Angel about the origin of the pistol like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

"Did someone instruct you?"

"What... what? No, no! I just saw that you were generous and gave Hagrid a lot of money. I just want to make a fortune. It's all because of the rye beer!"

The man raised his head in panic, seeing that the muzzle of the black hole was still pointing at him, he quickly lowered his head and repeatedly denied it.

Seeing that the stalker was so flustered after being snatched his gun, Angel felt that he might indeed be looking for money and decided to follow him temporarily under the influence of alcohol, instead of the pawn sent by Hagrid or others to tempt him.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has hidden it deeper, and even the abandoned child himself does not know.

Angel looked in the direction of the "Wild Heart" bar, but found no sign of anyone else.

"Okay, you're lucky today, I don't want to kill people yet. Find something serious to do in the future, I'll confiscate this gun." Ignoring the man kneeling and begging for mercy, Angel took a few steps back with the pistol. Seeing that the man still didn't dare to look up, he turned around and left the scene quickly.

After midnight, the streets of Tingen City were deserted, as if the bustle in the first half of the night was an illusion.Angel was not idle on the way back home. She disassembled the pistol, threw the bullet and the gun body into different sewer outlets, and threw a few bullets into the garbage dump on the street corner.

She didn't intend to keep this lady's pistol for her own use. Not to mention that special small bullets were hard to come by, the lack of maintenance alone made her lose interest in using it.

All the way back to Narcissus Street, Angel entered through the main entrance this time, inserted the key to unlock the lock, and caught the slip of paper that slipped from the crack of the door. Instead of relaxing, she carefully checked the environment of the entire living room through dark vision, compared it with the memory before going out, and then entered the house.

After locking the door, taking off the cloak and hanging it aside, her tense body was completely relaxed. From this moment on, she truly stood firm in this world.

Having her own identity certificate is only the first step. Next, how to use this identity to settle down in Tingen and make up a suitable reason for living in Cole's house. She already has a general idea, but there are many loopholes to be filled in to form a detailed plan.

Putting on loose and comfortable clothes, Angel walked into the study room again, drew ink, and spread out the notebook. This would be another sleepless night.

(End of this chapter)

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