Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 8 Letters

Chapter 8 Letters
It wasn't until the sky turned white and the warm sunlight replaced the cold red moonlight that Angel raised his head with a tired face and threw away the pen that was almost out of ink.

In front of him was a two-page note full of words, which detailed the experience of "Angel Granger" coming to Tingen City, Ahwa County from Severas County.

There are also future plans and how to deal with unexpected events.

Memorizing the results of the all-night work, Angel tore off these two pages of notes. Feeling unsafe, he tore off a few extra pages on both sides, burned them to ashes on the stove, and rushed into the sewer to destroy the corpse.

Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. She came to the bathroom and washed her face briefly to make herself look less tired.

As the hour hand points to eight o'clock, along with the church bell outside the window, there is also a crisp knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom——"

Cole Granger, who lives alone, hired a handyman from the housekeeping company to come to the house every Monday and Friday morning to wash and clean, and the next afternoon to put away the laundry. Cole had to pay 1 soli a week for this.

Angel made a rough calculation. Even if the female worker's schedule is full and she works seven days a week from morning to night, she can only earn less than 10 soli. However, this is already a good job among the lower class. It does not require knowledge and special abilities. If you are willing to work, you will be paid. It is commonly known as having hands.

Now is the time for her to come to the door.

Facing the mirror with a natural smile, Angel said to himself, "From now on, you are Cole Granger's distant cousin, Angel Granger."

After repeating it three times as if hypnotizing herself, she walked out of the bathroom.

When the front door was opened, the noise from the street poured into the living room. A short woman stood at the door. Her brown curly hair was barely straightened with a headband, and she was wearing a cheap linen skirt. She held a wooden barrel full of tools in one hand, and raised the other hand, ready to continue knocking on the door.

Seeing the door opened, she greeted happily: "Hi, Mr. Granger..." When she realized that it was not her employer, but a strange girl, she immediately swallowed the rest of the greeting.

She looked left and right to make sure she had gone through the right door, and then greeted again: "Hello, beautiful lady, is Mr. Granger at home?"

"Are you the female worker hired by my cousin? He's not at home now, so you can just come in and clean it." Angel replied with a smile, and at the same time gave way to the door.

"Oh, okay!" The female worker showed a stunned expression, and she quickly entered the room with the tools, and closed the door behind her.

This is also part of Angel's plan. She wants to contact as many people around her as possible and impress them.In this way, even if the police doubted the authenticity of her identity certificate and conducted investigations around, they would reach the conclusion she hoped for.

Also spread the word about Cole Granger's disappearance.

"I'm Angel Granger. I just came to Tingen City this week and I'm staying here temporarily. Your name is...Tromy, right? Cole mentioned you to me." Angel pretended to think for a while before calling out the female worker's name. Seeing that Tromi nodded, she continued, "He said he had something urgent to do in the middle of the night before yesterday, and he went out with a leather bag, and he hasn't returned until now."

Speaking of this, Angel made a worried expression at the right time.

This emotion successfully infected the kind-hearted Trommy, and the female worker also expressed her concern about Cole Granger's safety. After the two discussed Cole's whereabouts, Tromy started today's work.

Very well, that paves the way for when Trommy comes again on Monday morning, the matter of calling the police can be raised naturally.

Looking at the busy chore girls, Angel showed a slight smile.


According to the plan, during these two days, Angel visited almost every place Cole had been to around Daffodil Street.

Restaurants, libraries, bakeries, wet markets, and even the weapon store that Cole only visited twice, also spread the message that "Cole Granger has disappeared for several days" while eating or purchasing items, and at the same time reminded them of this distant relative who cared about his cousin.

On Saturday evening, Angel returned home. When he went out at noon, the balcony on the second floor was still full of laundry, which had already been put away by the female worker Tromi.

"Cole actually gave the female worker a key. I'm quite relieved of Tromy." Angel hid the revolver, cash and other valuables in the dark compartment of the study desk before leaving, but in her memory, Cole often forgot to lock the door of the study. Either this guy was too careless, or he was very relieved of the female worker named Tromy.

Since Tromi has been working here for a long time, Angel has no plans to change people for the time being, but she will carefully store valuable items instead of testing human nature.

Just as she was about to step into the house, the corner of the envelope protruding from the mailbox at the door caught her attention.

Could it be that Trome left behind?Or maybe a gas bill or something?
Angel curiously took out the letter. There was no name of the sender or recipient on the envelope, let alone a postage stamp. It seemed that it did not come from the postal system.

After tearing open the envelope, she took out the flimsy letter paper inside, and after only one glance, she stuffed the envelope back, opened the door and walked into the living room.

A moment later, Angel, who was dressed lightly, draped a cloak, and brought all the cash and weapons, slipped out through the back door.

She was ready to run.


It wasn't until he got on the public carriage that Angel calmed down a little.

She recalled the letter she had just received. The few numbers on it made her fall into the worst situation she had imagined.

"At eight o'clock tomorrow night, see you at the old place."

Unsigned, but beautifully written and composed, it is a letter from Sharon Hoy.

In the eyes of most people in Tingen, Mrs. Sharon was an unattainable socialite. After the death of her husband, Baron Hoy, she continued to be active in various occasions in Tingen, maintaining the political and business networks left by the baron.There are even rumors that she has an ambiguous relationship with her stepson, the current Baron Howy.

Cole, who is deeply charmed by Mrs. Sharon, is undoubtedly one of her loyal licking dogs. Like other suitors, he obeys her words and responds to her requests.

But in the eyes of Angel, who was able to get out and watch the memories, this Mrs. Sharon was one of the scariest people in Tingen City.

She possesses a strength far exceeding that of the "witch" of Sequence 7, and has probably reached the level of Sequence 6. The extraordinary abilities that Cole has seen include the attack of radiating frost and black flames, and the invisible spider silk that can bind others.

If the dark vision and light steps of the "Assassin" can only be regarded as "the limit that normal people can achieve", Madam Sharon's various abilities can be regarded as the real "Extraordinary". Even in Angel's original world, such a person can be regarded as the top combat power.

Of course, Mrs. Sharon probably hasn't discovered that Cole is not Picole, but Angel doesn't have the confidence to hide her situation from a Sequence 7 or even stronger Extraordinary. Even if she has obtained most of Cole's own memories, she still can't play another person without flaws.

Besides, what if Mrs. Sharon wanted her to use her newly acquired extraordinary ability?

If you can't beat it and don't want to join, then you can only run away.

In Angel's original plan, it was not that Mrs. Sharon was not considered an important factor, but she planned to face this former "mentor" after she had made sufficient preparations and foreshadowing. At that time, whether it was deception or breaking up, she had the confidence to do better.

I just didn't expect Mrs. Sharon's invitation to come so soon.

After all, Cole is also one of Mrs. Sharon's "bedmates". After he was promoted to Sequence 7, it was normal to invite him to the "old place" for a gathering, but it was undoubtedly a reminder for Angel.

Facing Mrs. Sharon without completing all preparations, she was almost dead.

"Maybe with the full blow of an 'Assassin', we can achieve something?" Angel quickly suppressed this fluke idea. The other party was also an 'Assassin', so how could it be so easy.

"Red Moon Street is here." The coachman outside the carriage reported to the station.

Several people in the carriage moved to the door, ready to get off. Angel's first stop on the way to escape was also here. After the other people got off, she followed.

The sound of horseshoes went away with the sound of wheels. Angel stood on the bustling Red Moon Street and looked towards her destination, Tingen City Police Headquarters.

This is a six-storey building. It has a courtyard surrounded by high walls in the northern part of Tingen where the land is tense. The main entrance is big enough for four carriages to pass through. It is already after get off work, and most of the lights inside have been extinguished, but the dedicated guards at the entrance are still standing straight.

She took out a thick envelope from under her cloak and walked to the report box next to the main entrance.This is a half-person-high red mailbox, which is specially set up for citizens to make anonymous or real-name reports. It should be managed by the city hall, but they found that most of the anonymous reports involved crimes, so they simply handed over the matter to the police station.

The envelope held by Angel contained part of Cole Granger's notebooks and diaries, as well as letters from Mrs. Sharon.With this evidence, the police could identify most of Cole's crimes with a little investigation.Although Mrs. Sharon is not in the habit of signing letters, Cole Granger's unilateral record alone has a high probability that she will be investigated. Even if she escapes legal punishment through her network, she will have to restrain herself for a while.

To deal with this kind of opponent with a solid network of relationships, the best choice is to kill first and report later. Unfortunately, I can no longer do this step.

Angel sighed, and stuffed the envelope into the mailbox. There was a "bang" sound inside the mailbox, as if there were already many letters in it.

"When Mrs. Sharon finds out that 'Cole Granger' has missed her appointment tomorrow night, I think I've already arrived in Backlund. Forgive her for being able to deal with me in Tingen, right?"

Angel returned to the street, waiting for the arrival of the public carriage.

The next step is to leave Tingen City. Due to lighting restrictions, there are no trains running in Tingen City at night. Angel plans to go to the pier and hire a boat to go down the river to Backlund, the capital of the Loen Kingdom. First, he finds Cole's sister, Lily Granger, and reminds her that it is best to accept the protection of the official Extraordinary to avoid Madam Sharon's revenge.

As for whether to settle in the islands near the Loen Kingdom or go to Balam on the southern continent, it will be decided according to the specific situation.

At this moment, the hourly bell that was quite familiar through time travel rang again, and the sound was quite close to her. The ethereal bell seemed to strike directly in her heart, causing Angel to look in the direction of the bell.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the bell tower of St. Selina Church, which pierces into the sky, is reflecting golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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