Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 788 Malicious Invitation

Chapter 788 Malicious Invitation

My relationship with Miss Justice?

Angel, who was eavesdropping on the conversation between Audrey and Hvin Rambis, was also stunned.

Her real body is now in a mirror world not far from her home, while her mirror substitute is in her study, using the "cursed doll" to connect with Hampres, communicating with the various mirrors in his home, and using it to complete the "magic mirror divination", monitoring the "manipulators" of the Psychological Alchemy Society in real time.

Of course, Angel's divination target was Audrey who was talking to Lambis, rather than the demigod in the audience's path, so as not to trigger his spiritual intuition or disturb some magical anti-divination item.

Through the substitute, the cursed doll, and the mirror world, Angel was confident that she could make a Beyonder of the same sequence fall into her vision without her noticing.

Therefore, after hearing Rambis' question, Angel also looked at Audrey through the flickering glass decorations of the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, waiting for her answer.


"I have known her for a short time. We first met at a charity dinner held by the church. She helped me with some small things. After that, I invited her to participate in the salon. Then we joined the 'Roen Charity Student Aid Fund' together and participated in many activities together... I think she should be considered my good friend.

"Besides, I guess she is a Beyonder, but her path is unknown."

After a brief moment of surprise, Audrey immediately adjusted her expression and spoke carefully.

But on the spiritual island that carried her personal consciousness, Audrey, who was dressed in the same way but had a more lively expression, blushed slightly and lowered her head. The vegetation and rocks on the surface of the island also changed accordingly.

These movements were captured by Hvin Rambis, who was standing on the island with an indifferent expression. The corners of his drooping mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes swept across the area of ​​the island that had changed. He quickly determined the changes in Audrey Hall's inner consciousness and her true thoughts.

"A little red, representing passion and excitement, mixed with some yellow, indicating that she is recalling the happy times she spent with Christine Theresa, and a lot of orange, which means warmth and satisfaction, and finally a dark melancholy, indicating that the relationship she expects is likely to be one-sided..."

Hvin Rambis, who was a master of psychology in both the secular and mystical fields, identified the color that represented Audrey's deeper thoughts and chuckled.

Having served the Augustus Dynasty for more than ten years, Herwin Rambis had seen countless nobles with strange habits. Compared to those weirdos who were obsessed with certain objects and yearned for forbidden love between different species, the hidden thoughts of Earl Hall's beloved daughter were not worth mentioning at all.

If the other party's identity was not special, he really wanted to try to match this pair of women who were a bit unconventional in Backlund but just right for Trier, and use them as observation samples to contribute to his new paper.

But since the witch who came back from Trier doesn't care about men or women, I can find her some work... Thinking of this, the sinister-looking Rambis on the island of mind raised his right hand and pressed his graying forehead. In reality, the smiling and warm-looking Rambis put down his raised right leg, leaned forward slightly, and said:

"In that case, introduce your friend to her and let her integrate into your social circle. Perhaps this will help your relationship go further." As he spoke, several locations in Audrey's mind island changed slightly. "Next weekend, when Hampres invites you to attend the psychology salon again, bring Christine Theresa with you so that she can meet your other friends. Don't worry, this won't hurt her. It's just that as your friend who is about to become a Sequence 5, we need to ensure her 'safety'."

Audrey nodded thoughtfully and answered in a brisk tone:

"Okay, I've always wanted to confess to her that I'm also a Beyonder, and this seems like a good time."

"That's it. Then, let's talk about the next question, about your father's recent relationship with Baron Sinderas..."

Hvin Rambis resumed his relaxed sitting posture, guiding the topic with a melodious tone that carried a hint of majesty, while the him on the island of the mind slowly put down his hand that was pressing on his forehead, and looked at the island he had transformed with satisfaction.

Above his head, the invisible Audrey floating in the air raised her lips slightly, looking at the old man's performance below with a detached attitude, feeling deeply moved.

"Fortunately, after that momentary change of mood, I immediately made up an answer that made sense and allowed me to conceal something... Well, this can't really be considered a fabrication. My affection for Miss Queen is mostly genuine..."

As a "spectator", she had a very accurate analysis of her inner thoughts and it was difficult for her to deceive herself, so she did not dwell too much on this idea and quickly thought about Hvin Rambis's purpose.

"He asked me to bring Christine here. He must want to use hypnosis or suggestion to control her and achieve some ulterior motives. However, rashly provoking a demigod is not something a mature audience would do... Could it be that Hvin Rambis misjudged the Queen's strength? Due to my deliberate concealment and Hampres's wrong information, he mistakenly believed that she was only a mid-sequence, and that's why he decided to take action..."

Above the Mind Island, Audrey felt her thinking speed quicken. After using the clues at hand to quickly draw a relatively correct conclusion, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After making a misjudgment and underestimating her enemy, she believed that the "Queen" would definitely not lose to the "manipulator" in front of her!

"Damn it. First they hypnotized Baron Syndras, then they used psychological suggestion on me, and finally they tried to use my relationship with Christine to trick her here... I didn't expect that a 'spectator' could cause such great damage by just letting go of the morals in his heart..."

Audrey was somewhat moved, and was glad that she was protected by Mr. Fool and would not be lost in his invasion of the island of the mind. Next, she controlled herself on the island and in reality with a transcendent self-awareness, and told the intelligence that Susie had found out to the "audience" in front of her who had neither the reserve of aristocrats nor the courtesy of a human being.


Seeing Audrey "successfully" reveal what they had discussed before to Hvin Rambis, and then forget everything at his suggestion and walk out of the room in a daze, Angel breathed a sigh of relief and cut off the connection between the magic mirror and the mirror world.

Based on Audrey's behavior, Angel could tell that she was still under the blessing of the angel under Mr. Fool, and that she had not been manipulated or given any hints. All her actions that seemed to be in compliance with instructions were just her "acting".

If there really was an "actor" potion, Miss Justice would surely melt in her mouth... She chuckled and turned to thinking about the invitation for next weekend.

"Because of Hampres's false information, Hvin Rambis mistook me for the Witch of Pleasure. He had Audrey trick me into going over there in order to manipulate me through hypnosis and use my abilities for his own purposes, in order to gather intelligence and control certain people in a way that would be more difficult for official Beyonders to detect.

"This means that the Psychological Alchemy Society has stopped cooperating with the Witch Cult. Otherwise, they could have just asked a witch from the sect to do this... Strange, they clearly cooperated with the Witch Cult in the Capin kidnapping case, but now they've 'lost contact'? Could it be that, as Vinsa and Catalina said, they have already withdrawn from their cooperation with the royal family?"

As Angel thought more deeply, more and more questions came into his mind.

Of course, the solution is simple, kill or capture Hvin Rambis and channel him, you can get the answers to most of your questions, and even get more information about the Great Smog and the corresponding royal faction.

The only question remains whether killing Hvin Rambis, who is in the open, will attract more spectators of the "Psychological Alchemy Society" and alert the enemy, causing the actions of the royal family and the military to go underground and make it difficult to find their traces.

This kind of thing needs to be considered carefully. Of course, if that guy takes the initiative, it can't be my fault. This is self-defense... Angel muttered, packed up the cursed doll and magic mirror, walked out of the study, called the maid, and prepared the dress and jewelry he would need for the ball in the evening.

Compared to Rambis's bad intentions, the Sunday night dance is the most important thing.


As the sun sets and the red moon rises in the sky, Congressman Macht's home at 39 Böklund Street has become quite lively.

This new upstart in Backlund's world of fame and fortune once again invited his friends and partners to attend the ball he was hosting. Dwayne Dantès, a wealthy man who lived on the same street as him and had just returned from the Southern Continent yesterday, was getting off his carriage, and then he greeted a young lady in a light green dress, exuding a youthful and lively aura, and put his arm around her as they walked towards the door together.

This was not very common. Even if they were dance partners, they would not act so intimate before getting off the carriage... Senator Macht, who was wearing a neat military uniform, a ribbon and medals, had just shown a puzzled look on his face when he recognized the identity of the young lady.

Christine Theresa!
It seems that the recent rumors about the two of them are true, but didn't Dantes leave Backlund for two weeks and just come back? When did they get together?

The congressman, who was over forty and no longer passionate, quickly glanced at Christine's face and looked at Dwayne Dantès evasively, but was still shocked by the breathtakingly beautiful face. It was not until his wife Liana beside him snorted softly that he came to his senses and greeted her with a smile.

"Dawn, it's been a long time since we last met. I really like the gifts you brought." He gave her a hug, lowered his voice, and continued, "They are very satisfied with the business in Uttar Pradesh."

He was referring to Dantes' "business trip" to the southern continent to sell arms to the West Balam resistance.

"a piece of cake."

Klein smiled and nodded in response.

Then, Macht turned his gaze to Christine next to him again, and asked half doubtfully and half for confirmation:

"Ms. Theresa and you..."

He wanted to talk about the rumors he heard, but he was afraid that it was all just a misunderstanding, and it would be awkward if he spoke up.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on Christine's left hand, which was being hugged by Dawn, and stopped on the ring finger.

That finger is wearing a ring with great symbolic meaning!

(End of this chapter)

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