Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 789 Dance Steps

Chapter 789 Dance Steps
In a bedroom on the third floor of Congressman Macht's residence, Hazel Macht sat on a soft sofa with her legs curled up and a listless look on her face.

The dance downstairs had officially begun after her father's speech. The light country music played by the band came into the girl's ears through the crack in the door, but it failed to arouse her interest in the slightest.

It wasn't that Hazel suddenly lost interest in watching ordinary people's entertainment, nor was it that her bandaged wrist made it difficult for her to move. Rather, the confusion that followed her madly bitten by her occult mentor, the thief who transformed himself into a mouse, in the suburban manor filled her mind, and she fell into a daze.

This was the teacher who taught her to enter the world of mysticism, gave her power that was superior to others, and maintained her pride and glory. How could he suddenly turn into a speechless rat and bite the hand of a student who wanted to hug and comfort him?
Could it be true that, as I occasionally saw in my nightmares, the extraordinary people's supernatural powers did not make them superior to ordinary people, but made them close to monsters?

She shuddered at the thought that she might have red eyes, slurred speech, or even bite her parents' necks in the future.

At this moment, there was a slight collision sound from the windowsill sprinkled with crimson moonlight. Hazel, who had buried her head in her arms trying to block out the music, suddenly looked up and found that a gray mouse larger than its peers pushed open the window and jumped into the bedroom.

Its eyes were a strange dark red, and its fur was shiny. It was the teacher who had volunteered to hide in the suburban manor.

"Hazel," the mouse spoke in human language, his eyes moving to her bandaged right wrist, "are you okay?"

"Dad asked a doctor to see him, and he's fine now." The dark green-haired girl shook her wrist in a relaxed manner, and her eyes twitched. "You've recovered? Your condition that day... scared me."

"The situation... As expected, it is on the verge of getting out of control."

The gray mouse did not answer Hazel, but continued to talk to himself. His tone also changed. It was no longer as gentle as if he was trying to get close to the girl, but instead was cold as if he was confirming his own doubts.

This sudden change made Hazel, who had been smiling just now, freeze on her face. She curled up on the sofa and looked at her teacher in disbelief.

"On the verge of losing control?"

She squeezed out this unfamiliar word from the depths of her throat.

But the next second, the figure of the gray mouse shattered in the moonlight, and the fragments reflecting red light flickered like countless mouse eyes and dissipated in the air.


Hazel called out as if to confirm, but received no response. The window that should have been pushed open by the mouse was also tightly closed, as if everything before was just her dream, just an illusion caused by anxiety.

She frowned slightly, her eyes moved, and she took out the necklace from her neck and placed it in her palm, so that the main body of the necklace inlaid with diamonds and emeralds was facing upwards, watching one of the gems emit a turquoise light, reflecting the strange symbols in her brown eyes.

This is the core extraordinary ability of the "Cryptologist": analysis.

In the green light, everything Hazel had just seen was perfectly reproduced. The gray mouse pushed open the window again, entered the room, and turned into mirror fragments after a brief conversation.

This was not an illusion, but a false scene created by a certain Extraordinary Person. In those two short sentences of conversation, the other party confirmed that his teacher was not in good condition and was even "on the verge of losing control."

The teacher didn't teach her what "out of control" meant, but from the literal meaning, Hazel could tell that it was not a good thing.

The illusion maker, whose power and level far surpassed his own, confirmed the teacher's condition and left with satisfaction. His purpose was self-evident!

Her face gradually turned pale, and Hazel felt the slight tingling in her wrist disappear, leaving only the coldness like congealed blood.

Biting her lower lip and hesitating for a moment, she quickly jumped off the sofa and went to the door and said to her personal maid:

"My wound is not feeling well. I need to go to bed early. Don't let anyone disturb me."

After getting a response from the other party, Hazel locked the door, turned off the gas, skillfully stuffed two pillows into the quilt and arranged them in shape, took off her skirt, changed into the clothes she usually wore when sneaking out, pushed open the window that the teacher had opened in the illusion just now, slid down the water pipe to the third floor, and climbed over the wall to get out.

She wanted to alert her teacher that someone was preparing to do something bad to it!

The huge crystal chandelier illuminates the ballroom as bright as day. A professional band plays this year's popular cheerful dance music. Pairs of dancers move their feet to the beat, deepening their emotions as their bodies move.

Dwayne Dantès, wearing a neat tuxedo, held Christine Theresa's slender but powerful hand with one hand, and put his other arm around her waist. They danced in perfect coordination, crossing their feet and performing elegant steps.

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces, as if they were enjoying the moment of mutual understanding, but there was a strange light flashing in Angel's purple eyes. Klein also held his breath slightly, waiting for the other party's conclusion. "It was indeed her teacher, the gray rat, who bit Hazel. I think this sign indicates that it is about to get out of control."

After her eyes returned to normal, Angel spoke slowly, her voice not low, but the coal miner Winster and his dance partner, who were only a few steps away from her, did not hear any movement.

The "gray mouse" that startled Hazel just now was exactly the illusion created by Angel through mirror magic, the purpose of which was to confirm the other party's condition for subsequent processing.

In this matter, a witch who can directly use her eyes to transfer power through the mirror world is much more convenient than a "weird wizard".

"That's a demigod. If he loses control, dying quietly in a corner is the best outcome. But based on experience, they will most likely reveal an incomplete form of mythical creatures and do more irrational things in their madness, which will inevitably affect the entire manor, or even a wider area."

Klein also moved his lips slightly, making a clear sound that was inaudible to others, and his words were filled with deep melancholy.

He should have sent a letter of denunciation to the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punisher, or the Mechanical Heart long ago, severely reporting this "thief" demigod hiding in Senator Macht's house. This way, he would not have fallen into the current situation and put ordinary people in danger.

It's too late to regret now. According to the circumstances of Hazel's "murder", the demigod mouse has been showing abnormal behavior for three days. No one can say for sure how many more days it can last, or whether it will go completely crazy in a few hours or even minutes and give up suppressing the mythical creature form that can pollute everything around it.

At this moment, Angel suddenly frowned and continued:

"Hazel left the bedroom, changed into clothes that are easy to move in and slipped out... It seems that she is going to go directly to the suburban manor of the Macht family to warn her teacher... Heh, this girl looks very arrogant and has a weird personality, but I didn't expect her to have principles. It's a pity that her teacher didn't even teach her the biggest problem that Beyonders face. Obviously, she doesn't deserve such treatment."

You are not much older than her, but you did not hesitate to save Tingen and Backlund... Klein looked at the beautiful face so close to him, looked at the pair of purple eyes that penetrated his soul, and tightened his arms, pressing her body against his chest. He turned around in a posture that was almost like he was holding her in his arms as the rhythm of the dance music suddenly accelerated.

"Don't make trouble... Then, according to the plan, I will follow Hazel to ensure her safety and approach the manor. You will finish the ball first and use 'teleportation' with the secret dolls to catch up."

Angel, who knew how slow the official Beyonders were in handling similar incidents, spoke in a low voice. She used the force of being pulled around by Klein to shake off her arms, tapped the ground with her toes, and spun to the cheerful music with Klein holding her raised left hand as the center, causing the lace hem of her light green dress to rise up like a dancing butterfly.

This movement, which originated from the ancient elf dance, immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience. They looked at the elegant middle-aged man with a doting look on his face as he led the young lady who was dancing gracefully in his hands. Their eyes swept over her quickly tapping feet, her constantly rising skirt, her charming body, and finally stopped at their tightly clasped left hands.

There is a ring on each ring finger, with a different shape but a harmonious style.

The guests at the edge of the dance floor immediately started talking.

Hearing everyone's whispers, Klein chuckled, put down his left hand, and hugged Angel back to his chest, asking:
"What about the dance here? You're leaving after just one dance?"

At this moment, the two people's constantly moving steps happened to pass by the pillar on one side of the dance floor, and passed by the decorative mirror that could reflect Angel's entire body.

The next second, Klein heard a light laugh, and his left hand, which was holding Angel's palm, loosened. The expression of the girl in front of him was gentle, but became somewhat lifeless.

He subconsciously opened his vision of the spirit line, and as expected, he found that among the countless crisscrossing black lines, the person in front of him was no longer there.

Angel in Klein's arms had become a mirror double that acted according to her commands.

She is becoming more and more skilled in using mirror magic... But the next dance still has two hours left, and she asked me to bring a substitute to greet the greetings and blessings of the guests who saw the clues? Is this revenge for the last time I used the special nature of the secret doll to deceive her...

Klein helplessly dragged his stand-in, whose body had obviously become much lighter, to continue wandering around the dance floor. His eyes suddenly caught sight of a corner of the hall where Bishop Elektra, who was also wearing a tuxedo, was holding up a wine glass and greeting him with a smile.


Angel switched his double instantly, and his real body dived into the mirror world. His eyes quickly swept through the countless dark mirror passages, confirmed the direction with divination, and drilled into one of them.

The space around her, with gray as the main tone and light coming in from different mirrors, changed rapidly and soon caught up with a speeding hired carriage.

The glass window flashed a light that was difficult for ordinary people to detect. Angel saw Hazel Macht, who was anxious and kept urging the driver to hurry to the edge of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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