Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 790 The Stealer

Chapter 790 The Stealer

The wheels squeaked as they rolled over the uneven paving stones as they moved from the North Side to the neighboring borough of Queens.

Angel knew that the Elk Manor owned by Councilman Mori Macht was located in the northwest suburbs of Backlund, not far from his own Iris Winery. In the center of the manor was a huge villa that was built a hundred years ago and was constantly being repaired and renovated. The attached woodland was not large in area, but the scenery was pleasant, making it a great place for autumn hunting.

This manor was located on the south bank of the Tussock River in the suburbs, so it was not possible to get there by taking a straight line from the North District. However, there was no bridge across the river in the suburbs of Queens, so one had to go from the Hillston District to the West District, and then cross the Tussock River that divided Backlund into two halves, north and south. The overall time was extended a lot.

So Hazel's path is clearly wrong.

But Angel soon figured out the opponent's strategy. She planned to go directly out of the city from Queens, use the ability of the "thief" or the magical items she carried in the suburbs to steal the flying ability of birds, and directly cross the Tussock River in the suburbs during the short-lived effect, greatly shortening the distance and wasted time of the entire journey.

Although this girl looked down on ordinary people all day long, she did have the capital to be proud of herself. She became a Beyonder at a young age, had a demigod as her teacher, powerful magical items, and rich experience in using her abilities... Hmm, this might be related to what Klein said about sneaking out every night for "adventures"...

Angel followed the carriage in the mirror world and watched Hazel stick her head out of the window from time to time, anxiously calculating the time required to reach the manor, muttering to herself.

Unfortunately, such a talented, kind and courageous girl met a very unreliable mysticism mentor.

According to Klein's narration and Angel's guess, this "thief" rat hiding in Böklund Street was not one of those law-abiding wild Beyonders who lurked in Backlund just to protect themselves. Instead, it showed strong malice in its actions.

It guides Hazel to become a Beyonder, but does not teach her the corresponding knowledge, such as avoiding official Beyonders, hiding her own particularity, and various information about "out of control"... The two suspect that this "thief" trained another "thief" with the purpose of probably restoring his own strength, or even deeply parasitizing this poor girl and "stealing" her beautiful life.

The difference between this and the "parasite" in Leonard's body is too great. The latter is a thief with his own code of conduct. He not only protects the host, but also teaches him a lot of knowledge and is even willing to provide extra help... Angel thought secretly, and glanced at Hazel, who had long dark green hair and anxious eyes, and felt sorry for her bad luck.

At the same time, the mirror double she left at Macht's house also kept sending various messages. Klein on her waist was a little rough, obviously with some temper. She heard music one after another in her ears, smelled the aroma of desserts in her mouth, and swallowed the stimulation of sweet sparkling wine. She also received good wishes from other guests:
"Haha, I didn't expect that among us, Dawn was the first to win Christine's heart. It seems that Sir Best and Major Stuart will suffer a heavy blow."

From the vision transmitted by the stand-in, Angel discovered that this sentence came from Winster, who was holding a glass of white wine. He was about the same age as Dantes and had already been married with children, but he still mingled with young unmarried nobles and wealthy businessmen from time to time. He invited Angel to visit his suburban estate several times, and he was also the previous owner of the Iris Winery.

"I didn't know about this until tonight, and even Audrey, who was with Theresa yesterday, didn't realize it."

Hibbert, a blond with blue eyes and a face as handsome as a classical sculpture, chuckled and the surprise in his eyes didn't seem fake.

"It seems that our traveler went to the southern continent this time to make such a ring with the best gems and purest gold there." Councillor Macht, the organizer of the ball, also came over and raised his glass to toast the two of them. "Or maybe it's the last indulgence before he has a hostess at home?"

His joke was responded by laughter from many guests around him.

It seems that the rumors I spread before and the appearance of the two engagement rings tonight have a good effect... Angel chuckled and was about to command the stand to make some response, but he found that Bishop Elektra slowly approached with a smug smile on her face.

He is a mid-sequence Beyonder. Will he find out that the person in the hall is actually a mirror double?
Angel looked at the other person nervously, but all he got was a slightly exaggerated laugh:

"Haha, Dawn, why don't you tell them how you met Miss Theresa and how you got together?"

It seems that he didn't notice it, and he came here happily to "take credit"...

Angel in the mirror world and Klein, who was hugging his slightly stiff double, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The latter put down his wine glass, smiled and nodded, saying:

"This is thanks to a dance party hosted by Morrie some time ago. That was the first time I met her..."

Looking at Klein who was talking eloquently and attracting everyone's attention, Angel shifted his gaze away with peace of mind and looked outside the mirror again.

At this time, the carriage had arrived at the relatively quiet Queens borough and drove along the main road to the suburbs. Hazel in the carriage began to organize her equipment. She took out the necklace she was wearing and looked at it, then stuffed several talismans with different functions into different positions of her clothes. Finally, she took out a dagger with exquisite shape but not much practicality, waved it a few times to give herself courage, and then put it back.

Like her, Angel in the mirror also checked the magical items she was carrying. Because of the mirror space, the only items she wore on her body were the "hypocrisy" ring and "rose necklace" whose side effects were not too serious for demigods, more than a dozen talismans from different fields, and the "secret holy emblem" that she almost never took off.

The "Death Wing" feather, the "Iron Knight" characteristics, and the "Reaper Legion" were all hidden in the mirror so that they could be used at any time. As for the "Parasite" gloves that Mr. Azik had specifically reminded her of, she didn't dare to take them out when she was in Backlund, and they had been kept with Mr. Fool.

It is more than enough to deal with an out-of-control demigod. The only problem is that it cannot affect others. It is best to lead it to the woods outside the Elk Manor to prevent its counterattack before death from harming the servants of the manor... Well, if the gloves are made using the characteristics of the thief demigod, can they "aggregate" this demigod mouse of the same path?

A question flashed through Angel's mind, but she quickly gave up the idea. Rather than dealing with the out-of-control rat, she was more worried about attracting the "blasphemer" and "angel of time" Amon who might still be wandering around Backlund. As the king of angels, even if he was just a clone, his response to the aggregation effect was much stronger than that of an ordinary saint. Maybe before she could lure out the rats in the Elk Manor, she would attract one or even many Ammons.

Then “He” will follow the clues and find Klein’s trace from me... Thinking of this, Angel’s mind moved, and the “Faceless Man” effect of the “Hypocrisy” ring took effect, turning her into a young woman with brown hair and black eyes that can be seen everywhere in Backlund.

After making all the preparations, Angel hid in the secret space behind the mirror, looking at Hazel outside the window, waiting blankly.


"That's it, thank you!"

Hazel jumped off the carriage and threw a rolled-up one-pound note to the driver. Without waiting for change, she walked a few steps along the not-so-wide country road, running in the direction of the sound of rushing water. In an instant, she entered the woods and left the driver's sight.

She kept running through the countryside and woods, dodging tree trunks and jumping over bushes, and her inner anxiety was gradually replaced by the joy of running freely.

Rather than boring studies and dealing with family members, rather than complicated etiquette and a monotonous life, she prefers adventures, adventures in the sewers, adventures in the woods, and adventures in extraordinary events!

Hazel jumped out of the jungle with light steps and came to the banks of the rushing Tussock River. Looking at the wide river, she felt nervous but also a little excited.

She pulled out the necklace from her chest and tightly grasped the main body of the necklace with diamonds and emeralds in her hands. A hint of green light shone through her fingers, and her eyes were fixed on a bird flying in the dark sky.

The next second, she stretched out her free hand, raised it high, spread her five fingers, suddenly closed them, and grabbed.

Gu——the bird flapped its wings and fell from the sky, and Hazel gained the ability to fly for a short time.

This was an ability she had explicitly requested to "steal", and it was a dimensionality reduction attack by Extraordinary People on "ordinary creatures", so she would not gain abilities such as "bird language" and "dynamic vision" that belonged to birds but were useless to her.

With the help of the mystical "flight", Hazel can fly freely in the sky for the next ten minutes without spreading her non-existent wings.

Without any delay, she lifted her legs off the ground and flew to the other side of the Tussock River in the howling wind. Her figure disappeared into the night sky in a few seconds.

Angel, who was hiding in the mirror world and observing everything using the reflection of the river surface, nodded as expected, and prepared to continue to follow. Before arriving at the manor, he used the magic mirror given to him to contact Klein and asked him to "teleport" with the secret doll to confirm the status of her teacher before Hazel.

If the situation can still be controlled, contact the official Extraordinary to handle it. If the opponent is about to get out of control, lead it out of the manor and kill it directly!

Thinking of this, Angel was about to move forward along the passage in the mirror when he suddenly felt a crazy warning of danger from his spirit.

It was as if the entire world in the mirror was about to collapse in the next second, leaving her unable to escape.

Without hesitation, Angel stepped out of the mirror world and outlined his figure on the river beach.

Then she discovered that her "mirror substitute" ability could no longer be used.


After the ball, Klein returned to the carriage with "Angel", whose movements were a little stiff and whose smile was unnatural. Inside the carriage, the valet Enuni and the bodyguard Raphael were sitting quietly in their seats, not moving at all.

Those were the two secret puppets he carried with him, the original "Winner" Enzo and the "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell.

First contact Angel to see how she is doing, then go home, get ready, and teleport to the suburbs...

Looking at the stupid stand-in Angel, Klein suddenly laughed. He felt that Angel, who had lost his usual agility, was quite cute.

Suddenly, this carefully crafted substitute turned into countless mirror fragments right in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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