Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 798: Conspiracy in the Gray Mist

Chapter 798: Conspiracy in the Gray Mist
Old man, Sequence 1?

Leonard was a little confused. It was not that he did not know what Sequence 1 meant, but he subconsciously believed that the "parasite" hidden in his body had not reached this level. After all, he always helped himself with words instead of strength, hid when he saw trouble, and was even frightened by Amon's clone and became silent until he left Backlund...

I originally thought that he was at most an angel, a Sequence 2, and an extremely weak angel who could only hide in the body of a mid-sequence like me...

But recalling the power that the other party occasionally displayed, especially the magical effect of the "Luck Stealer" spell made with the "Time Worm" recently, as well as the vision that could recognize the angel identity of the headless messenger, Leonard felt that Klein's words had some credibility.

"So, what does this have to do with Amon's clone?"

He frowned and asked back, then suddenly realized and answered himself:
"Because of this, Amon's clone will look for him everywhere, looking for me who is parasitized by him, wanting to absorb this important Beyonder characteristic and split into more Amons. And due to the influence of aggregation, we may meet for various reasons?"

The "thief" angel told him all the laws of aggregation. It seems that he is fundamentally different from the mouse demigod who became Hazel's teacher but concealed a lot of important information... Angel thought about it, nodded slightly and said:
“That’s half right. Amon does want to obtain Pallez’s Beyonder characteristics, but not to use them as raw materials for other clones. He has a greater purpose… With the help of this Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristic, “He” may be able to ascend to the throne of God and become a true God of the ‘Thief’ Path.”

This is actually not difficult to guess.

The "Time Angel" Amon is one of the eight "Angel Kings" beside the ancient sun god. He has strength beyond Sequence 1. He himself is likely to possess more than one Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic, and he has even mastered the "uniqueness" of this magic potion path. However, thousands of years later, he still has not gathered all the prerequisites to become a true god. It is very likely that this is because a certain Sequence 1 characteristic has been lost.

Prior to this, Angel and Klein, based on the information they had obtained, judged that Amon's clone's primary purpose in coming to Backlund was to find Mr. Fool's followers, and secondly to collect Beyonder characteristics of the same path to strengthen himself.

But these speculations were no longer so reasonable after Ms. Arianna came to Backlund in person. After all, Amon's clones were not very strong, and they obviously had a way of avoiding conflicts with the Orthodox Church. Even if the goddess received Angel's prayers, there was no need for her to send an angel on earth within half an hour to help her clean up Amon's clones in the entire Backlund.

Unless... He was also worried that Amon would achieve the purpose of this trip, and worried that the "blasphemer" would gain new power as a result!
Isn't it true that the only way for an "Angel King" to take a step further is to become a Sequence 0 and become a true god?

All of this can be connected to Leonard, who is parasitized by the "Thief" angel, hidden inside the Goddess Church, and receives special care.

That's why Leonard's abnormality was ignored by the church, that's why Arianna rushed to Backlund and hid behind the scenes to provide help at any time, that's why the angel of the church took the initiative to eliminate all of Amon's clones...

The answer is obvious. The real bodies of these Amon clones, the "Angel of Time" Amon, may have already obtained the "uniqueness" of this path and mastered an additional Beyonder characteristic of Sequence 1. Once he gets the last one, he will be able to meet all the conditions and be qualified to advance to Sequence 0, just like his brother, the "Angel of Fantasy" Adam.

But the goddess seemed unwilling to let this happen.

Leonard, who had just joined the Tarot Club and had only attended one meeting, naturally did not understand these things. He had listened to the information about Adam and Sequence 0 at the last Tarot Club, and learned about the secret knowledge about the "Angel King" and "uniqueness" from the old man who had woken up. He was familiar with the concept that there was another sequence above Sequence 1 and that it was equivalent to the true God. However, unlike Angel and Klein, he had not seen the potion formula on the "blasphemy card" and had not sorted out the relationship between Sequence 1 and Sequence 0 in his mind. After hearing Angel's explanation, he subconsciously asked back:
"Aren't the Beyonder characteristics of Sequence 1 limited to advancing one from Sequence 2 to Sequence 1?"

This was the conclusion he drew from the rules of low- and medium-sequence potions.

"That would be the case if there was only one copy. However, if a Sequence 1 Beyonder collected the Beyonder properties of the remaining two Sequence 1 copies and gained 'uniqueness', they would become potions for advancement to Sequence 0."

So that's how it is. Sequence 0 is formed by the aggregation of all Sequence 1 characteristics of this path... No wonder the old man said that "Angel King" is the title of Beyonder who is higher than Sequence 1 but has not yet become a god, because each path has only three Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristics in total, and if you have two or more, you will have a crushing advantage over all Beyonders in the same path...

Leonard instantly recalled all the knowledge that Pales had taught him in his mind. Thoughts flashed through his mind one after another, and he felt that his mind had never worked so fast before.

"If that's the case, then I... I mean, Pales Zoroast," he said carefully, as if he was not used to calling the "old man" by his name. "Can I hide in another city, just like I left Backlund last time and headed for the southern continent? I think that as long as we don't run into Amon's clone face to face, it should be difficult for them to locate me. Otherwise, the old man wouldn't have been able to hide so many times."

Isn't this just escaping? Although it's shameful, it's indeed useful... Angel muttered, and was about to say something, but Klein interrupted in a low and hoarse tone:
"It might have been possible before, but this time, due to certain circumstances, Amon and his clones may behave more recklessly than before. Even if you hide in Backlund or other cities, you may be discovered by them... Moreover, I suspect that Amon and his clones already know that there is a 'thief' angel around Boklund Street in the North District. They will be patient and wait until you return here."

Böklund Street, which is not far from Pinster Street where I live, and from St. Samuel's Church!

Leonard was startled and looked up at "World" Klein. Seeing that his figure hidden behind the gray fog did not move, he fell into deep thought again.

After a moment, he said, "So what should we do?"

"That depends on what Pales Zoroast wants. Does he have a way to gather all of Backlund's Amon clones? Can he destroy all of them at once?"

Angel asked softly, causing Leonard to turn his attention back to the witch who had already dealt with an Amon clone tonight.

"The old man said that unless there is a 'secret' protection, there is no way to prevent Amon's true body from knowing everything. This means that anyone who takes action or offers help will be exposed to the eyes of the Angel King."

He tried to understand Pales's warning and warned his two former colleagues.

"It doesn't matter. The gods have already given us an oracle, and we will get 'secret' help."

Hearing that the other party's request was so simple and happened to be in line with the help that Ms. Arianna mentioned, Angel breathed a sigh of relief and answered immediately.

Oracle… Leonard nodded thoughtfully, his eyes quickly swept across the seat at the head of the long table that belonged to Mr. Fool, and his tone became more relaxed:
"If that's the case, the old man should be able to help, but I have to go back and ask. Well, I'll tell you the answer at the Tarot meeting..."

Did he misunderstand what I meant? I was referring to the help from Ms. Arianna, who represented the goddess... Looking at Leonard, who obviously regarded the god who provided help as Mr. Fool, Angel opened his mouth, but still did not dare to say that he was the goddess's favored one in the Land of Fools.

Then, Leonard told Angel and Klein everything he learned from Pales about Amon, including that Amon liked to use his clones to die in order to spy on the changes in fate and find the source of disturbances. He also liked to hide more clones in the dark around this ostentatious clone, and could even use the "stealing" of a higher level to steal the target's fate and replace the target, hiding himself in a way that no one could see the abnormality and toying with his opponents.

Amon hiding and watching... When I was fighting Amon who provoked me for no reason and stole my mirror double on the Tussock River, there wouldn't have been a lot of people around... Angel thought with some fear.

Fortunately, after knowing that I went straight to Saint Samuel Church to report, these Amons should be more restrained in the short term. After all, they don’t know the situation of the goddess, and they also have to guard against the Steam and Storm Church attacking them... The best situation is that they have quietly left Backlund after taking away the Demigod Beyonder characteristics of the "Thief", which is good for both parties...

She calmed down her inner emotions and suddenly realized that although she had defeated one of Amon's clones, her fear of them deepened. That was why she deliberately thought about how to avoid the battle.


"Eight bottles in total, all with enhanced effects. As agreed last time, 120 pounds."

Emlyn, who had a tuft of beard stuck on his face and wore tinted glasses and a cap as a disguise, looked more like a tourist from Intis than a vampire. He handed over an exquisitely shaped wooden box, took the several banknotes, counted them quickly, and stuffed them into his pocket.

"I'll let you know if I need anything."

The man in front of him, who was of Balam descent, had a darker complexion and slightly sunken eye sockets, spoke in a low voice, put away the wooden box, and left stealthily.

Easy and simple, I earned another 120 pounds. Although it is not as impressive as the big deals at the Tarot Club, it is better in terms of stable income. Haha, after using our blood clan's potion, which man would still like the fake ones sold in the pharmacy with Fenetort flies and mummy powder...

Emlyn thought with some pride, tore off his beard, took off his glasses, avoided the scorching sun at noon in July, got into a hired carriage and left Boklund Street in the North District.

On the outer wall of a manor behind him, a crow that seemed conspicuous in the daytime landed. Standing on the top of the wall, it glanced at the departing carriage and shook its head, as if mocking the two people who were buying and selling physical strength potions. It then cast its gaze towards the street where many lawyers, doctors, and wealthy businessmen lived.

Its right eye has a faint white ring around it, like a monocle.

(End of this chapter)

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