Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 799 The Emperor's Romantic History

Chapter 799 The Emperor's Romantic History

Deep red rays of light fell on the high-backed chairs beside the long bronze table, and the members of the Tarot Club welcomed a new gathering.

Leonard had not yet gotten used to the sudden change of location and the surprise of seeing so many people around him. He was stunned for a moment before he reacted. Together with Miss Justice, who took the lead in greeting, he first greeted Mr. Fool at the head of the long table, and then greeted the other members.

There weren’t so many people here last night. Instead, it felt like a gathering place for the Nighthawk Tingen Squad… After sitting down again, he muttered, looked at The Fool again, and asked with a respectful attitude that was completely different from what he had in mind:
“Dear Mr. Fool, I found five pages of Emperor Roselle’s diary.”

After learning last week that the diary left by Russell was an important item for the gathering, he found an opportunity to borrow these rubbings and copies from the library of St. Samuel's Church and wrote down part of it with difficulty.

If the old man is willing to help me, I can write it all down at once, but he can't come here... Leonard thought with some regret, but soon found that he was the only member who submitted a diary. Apart from him, apologies came one after another.

Did I submit too much at once? Three pages or even two pages might be better...

With the help of Mr. Fool's power, Mr. Star, who had materialized a thick stack of parchment, suddenly regretted his decision.

Oh, he must be regretting whether he handed in too much at once. According to my estimation, the diary kept in St. Samuel Church would not exceed 20 pages, or even only 10 pages. After all, no one can crack this thing, and it does not have special powers. Even within the church, only idle people like Old Neil have time to study it. Alas...

Seeing Leonard twisting his body uncomfortably, Klein the Fool sighed and spread out the diary in front of him, preparing to enter his private reading time.

He was not surprised that other members failed to submit their diaries, but the "Hermit" Cattleya had not submitted a diary for two weeks. This made Klein a little worried that something had happened to the "Mysterious Queen" behind her.

According to Angel, Bernadette traveled to Russell Port on the west coast of Intis with the Queen Anne's Revenge half a month ago. This happened to coincide with the time when the Hermit failed to provide the diary. Klein couldn't help but daydream and guess what the angel-level ghost ship and Russell's eldest daughter were plotting.

Of course, physical distance will not erase the mystical connection. The two can communicate at any time through messengers, which means another possibility is that the "Mysterious Queen" does not provide the diary due to some concerns, some hesitation... If I want to obtain the diaries in her hands that have not been circulated in the world, perhaps I, or the followers of "The Fool", have to find a way to meet her?
Klein decided to ask Cattleya about this later, so he put aside his worries and looked at the diary in his hand.

As expected, he had already read most of the diaries Leonard presented. Two pages were even those kept in the Night Slayer Squad in Tingen. The rest were mostly about the romantic history of the emperor in his middle age, and only one of them was useful.

"On September 28, Ithaca left, she was full of hope, but I knew she didn't get me and her child.

“This is the confidence of an intellectual mentor.

"Of course, her purpose is very simple. She just wants to have a child of mine. Even if it is an illegitimate child, it can bring her unimaginable benefits. But I can see that there are some people who are plotting behind this. It may be due to psychological inducement or the temptation of interests.

"I will find them, but first, I need to obtain that Sealed Artifact and use its extraordinary properties to advance to the 'Knowledge Emperor' of Sequence 1 of the 'Secret Peeper' Path. This is the most important thing.

"Haha, they want to take control of my fourth child? After Bonois, I have decided not to give anyone a chance, not even any god!

"Bonova, ah, I owe him too much. Although he has been blessed by God and is even expected to become a saint when he grows up, in the eyes of Bernadette and me, he should have a freer and happier childhood."

Retracting his gaze, Klein subconsciously analyzed the time when this diary was written.

There is no doubt that Roselle, who is at Sequence 2, has entered his middle and late years, and gave birth to Bonois Gustave. According to historical records, this was roughly after 1175 and before 1192. The more specific time is difficult to determine, after all, Roselle usually does not write the year in his diary.

In addition, what shocked Klein was that he originally thought that the romantic emperor would leave behind countless illegitimate children and let his bloodline spread widely. Unexpectedly, he had an inexplicable complex and was unwilling to leave behind offspring casually, so that the only ones known so far were his eldest daughter Bernadette, eldest son Charles, and second son Bonois.

From the diary, we can see that he was very dissatisfied with Bonova being blessed by the God of Steam and becoming a favored one. Was this one of the reasons why he jumped to the path of "Peeper of Secrets" in his later years and broke with the Church of Steam? No, the most important reason must be that the path to "becoming a god" was blocked by the God of Steam. After all, the Sequence 1 of the "Universal" no longer had any characteristics left...

Finally, which forces did the emperor's anger and doubts point to? They actually wanted to have a child of the emperor. Was it the Church of the Eternal Sun imitating the Church of Steam, or some other secret sect... Thinking of the "Original Moon" believers hiding in Bayam trying to control the descendants of Charles, the "craftsman" Charles, Klein pondered.

After a moment, he put down the parchment, looked at Leonard the Star, and whispered:

"What is your request?"

Can I still make a request? I thought collecting diaries was just a "duty"... Leonard was delighted at first, but then he fell into thought. After a brief silence, he carefully answered:
“I want to keep it for when I need it.”

Haha, it fits his personality very well... Klein nodded slightly and glanced at the other members who were waiting quietly:

"You can start."

The Hanged Man Alger immediately looked at Angel opposite him and said:
"Ms. Queen, the items you asked me to handle in the last operation sold for a total of 5400 pounds. I will be able to give you the money after the party is over."

The last time...was the time when you rescued Sharf and took away almost all of his magical items?

Angel nodded in understanding and replied:
"Just give me 5000 pounds."

Although the Hanged Man had already received a share of the spoils, Angel still left some for him in view of his efforts in selling the "stolen goods".

400 pounds belongs to me... Alger nodded in agreement without much hesitation, then looked at the new member Mr. Star and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, but I can't find the magical item you need." Among the stolen goods being sold this time, there was a Sequence 7 magical item that somewhat met the other party's needs, but firstly, it had already been reserved by someone else, and secondly, it did not reach the level of a "2" level sealed item, so it could not be sold at a high price. Therefore, Alger did not leave it for "Xingxing".

Others also said that they had not found the corresponding items yet, which made Leonard, who was quite happy after presenting the diary, a little disappointed.

"I have a magical item that meets your requirements, but it has many negative effects and is difficult to avoid. Would you like to hear about it?"

Suddenly, the "world" at the end of the long table spoke.

Klein? He's going to sell me a magical item?
Leonard was stunned and subconsciously looked at the other party. He found that this member, whose face was hidden by the hood and gray mist, did not seem to be joking.

"What do you think."

He said with anticipation.

"It's called 'Word of the Sea'. It can release lightning and carry people flying... It has three negative effects. It occasionally sings a song, likes to trip and whip its owner, and attracts lightning strikes during thunderstorms..."

As he listened, Leonard's expression inevitably twisted.

This magical item derived from the characteristics of the "Ocean Singer" is indeed powerful, and can make up for his lack of attack power as a "Requiem Master". Even if he is promoted to Sequence 5, the "Spirit Wizard" also needs such a versatile equipment.

But the negative effects are equally unbearable. His love of singing will expose him while he is hiding, and even interfere with his actions of pulling people into dreams and soothing spirits. He will hit the owner and attract lightning, which will put his life in danger...

Maybe the old man can steal some of its negative effects, or at least find a way to reduce the frequency of its occurrence... Leonard thought with some anticipation, nodded and said:

"I'll think about it and give you an answer soon."


Klein manipulated the "world" to answer.

He promoted this item to the other party because he knew that the "thief" angel in Leonard's body might have the ability to limit the negative effects of magical items, especially for items with certain living characteristics, "threatening", "intimidating" or simply using the suppression of the status would be enough.

After all, The Fool did it before!

He didn't even ask for the price. Did he assume that Klein wouldn't cheat him? I'm afraid that in the eyes of others, it's no longer a secret that "Star" and "World" know each other in reality... Watching the brief conversation between the two, Angel muttered inwardly, glanced at Cattleya, and said:

"Ms. Hermit, is your craftsman available now? I want to make the Iron Knight feature into a magical item. To be more precise, a melee weapon."

"Iron Knight"... What is that path, and what is its sequence?

Leonard, who just had hope of obtaining a magical item, thought subconsciously.

"He can start making the items you need at any time. The cost is 8000 pounds, payable in advance."

"The Hermit," Cattleya answered without hesitation.

When the others heard the price, they straightened their backs involuntarily.

Before this, the most expensive transaction they had seen was only around this amount, and that was the price of the entire magical item, not just the production cost!
But Angel was not too surprised. After all, the characteristics of the "Iron Knight" had reached Sequence 4 and possessed a hint of divinity. Only demigod or higher-sequence craftsmen could handle it, so the cost would naturally rise.

But she still asked:
"Does this include the £2000 'introduction fee'?"

"Not really, but since this is your first time, I can waive that fee."

Cattleya pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose and answered leisurely.

Waive the 2000 pounds... Is she trying to please me because I'm about to be promoted to Sequence 3? Or is it because of the "Mysterious Queen" Bernadette... Angel muttered, and gladly accepted the other party's kindness.

After agreeing to complete the transaction immediately after the party, everyone moved on to the next step.

"Recently, a clone of the Blasphemer Amon has been secretly active in Backlund."

Turning his head and looking around, Klein said in a hoarse voice, “World.”

(End of this chapter)

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