Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 811 Ending and Aftermath

Chapter 811 Ending and Aftermath

As soon as Angel emerged from the mirror in Klein's bedroom, he saw the "Sea Words" cane inlaid with silver-white metal suddenly swinging towards Leonard's head.


What was hit was not Leonard's head with messy black hair, but his palm that was protecting the vital parts. Then, the "Red Glove" angrily grabbed the magical item he bought for 10,000 pounds, suppressing its resistance while whispering:
"Old man, calm it down quickly!"

After a moment, he tilted his head to listen to something and showed disappointment. His eyes fell on Angel's silhouette next to the mirror and he smiled awkwardly.

"The old man is confirming whether all of Amon's clones in Backlund have been eliminated."

Klein, dressed in a formal suit and resembling Dwayne Dantes, explained on the side. One of his secret puppets, "Winner" Enuni, stood beside him, wearing a monocle on his right eye, which made Angel tremble with fear.

Fortunately, after careful examination, she found that it was just an ordinary pair of glasses, not made of crystal. She breathed a sigh of relief and immediately reacted. She looked at Klein and said,

"Your secret doll was also 'stolen' by Amon? What about the 'Admiral of Hell'?"

"He is still feeding pigeons in the square in front of Saint Samuel Church," Klein smiled helplessly and looked to the north, where the largest Church of the Night in the North District and even in Backlund is located. "I sent him to the church as planned to be on standby, to report when necessary or to be used as the coordinates of my replacement. However, he was stolen by Amon's clone on the way and became his secret doll like the 'winner'. Fortunately, after the 'restart' of that person reversed the state of Amon's clone, the ownership of the secret doll also returned to a few minutes ago."

Then, while "Old Man" Pales Zoroast was finally confirming the fate of Amon's clone, Leonard told Angel about the battle that took place here while he was struggling with his cane.

The doll was stolen, and the two started a game in the manor at 160 Böklund Street. Amon's clone relied on the line of stealing the spirits of innocent people to check Klein, making him dare not escape or fight back... Leonard rushed to the scene with the help of the "Word of the Sea", and Amon's clone turned his target to the angel Pales at the top of the "Thief" path... Klein threw out a thousand paper cranes with the power of fate, attracting the power of "restart", stripping away the power of Amon's clone's aggregation, allowing Pales to absorb one of them, and with the help of the stimulated and strengthened "Law of Aggregation", absorbed the extraordinary characteristics of all Amon's clones in Backlund, ending this "annihilation war".

Although Will Auceptin had predicted the time of the battle incorrectly, he still reacted in time and responded... Angel nodded in understanding.

The help given by this "Snake of Fate" became the biggest backup for this premature battle. Angel used the "betrayal" spell made by the Time Worm to make Amon, who had gathered the power of all nearby clones, betrayed by these powers. Klein used "restart" to reverse the situation, and while letting Pales activate "aggregation", he saved his own puppets, as well as...

"Hazel's entire family except her has been parasitized? Will there be any sequelae?"

Angel asked back, half surprised, half worried.

During the prior discussion, the three of them discussed this issue, and Pales in Leonard's body said that even if this "parasitism" reached a deep level, it was reversible, which led them to finally choose the city as the battle location rather than the suburbs.

But after seeing those parasites touching their right eyes from time to time, as if they still had the habit of wearing monocles, Angel began to have some doubts about this.

"The old man said that the Beyonder characteristics contained in all the Time Worms in Backlund have been sucked out, and the remaining Time Worms will not have much impact on them," Leonard, who finally won control of the "Word of the Sea", suddenly said in a slow tone, as if he was repeating Pales' words, "Well, what He said was not too big for the Beyonders. These ordinary people are better off praying to the gods they believe in and trying to get thorough purification... But the problem is that they don't know what happened at all, and they can't ask the gods for help. I'm afraid you need to give them some guidance, such as praying to that person."

Purification, wouldn't it mean that both humans and insects will disappear from this world? And Leonard meant to let these believers of the righteous gods pray to Mr. Fool? Isn't that a bit blasphemous... Angel muttered, and saw Leonard whip his cane a few times in return, making it completely quiet as if its rebellious spirit was stolen, so he continued:
"I have also dealt with a group of Amon's clones in Dalton Street. I'm afraid those unlucky parasites will also need help."

As she spoke, she recounted the key points of her battle at 25 Doton Street, and took out the exceptionally thick "Time Worm", shaking it by its tail.

"Angel-level 'ban'... 'betrayal' spell..."

Leonard repeated with a smack of his lips, the excitement and trembling in his heart from the angel-level battle he had just experienced calmed down.

He didn't expect that in addition to here, the same level of attack and defense also took place on another battlefield a few hundred meters away. Although Pales' "aggregation" was the last insurance, even if the battle over there failed, it would not lead to tragic consequences. However, he still felt a little regretful for choosing this side to help and giving up Angel's side.

After a moment, he tilted his head and listened for a while, calmed down, and then began to relay: "The old man said that the victims over there should be handled according to the same process. I hope you remember their appearance so that you can find them later."

"I planted disease seeds, and I can roughly sense their locations within the range of my disease control." Angel explained, and then asked with some confusion, "Mr. Pales, I found during the battle that Amon's clone can use the 'loophole' to break through the angel-level power blockade. Does this mean that the effect of 'secret' is not as reliable as we thought? Will Amon's original body discover Backlund's abnormality?"

"With none of His clones left in Backlund, He will inevitably have some suspicions. There is no need to doubt this," Leonard said after a brief silence, "but it is impossible for His real body to enter Backlund, and it is difficult for us to speculate that key information is missing. This is enough... As for your other question, the nature of a 'thief' is to take advantage of mistakes and loopholes. It is natural for them to exploit the loopholes in your ban. If your ban is not 'forbidden stealing', but 'forbidden clones', He may even use this loophole to descend directly on the clone, allowing you to face a real 'Angel King'... Of course, this will inevitably lead to the advent of God, so the probability is very low, hehe."

You don't have to repeat even the "hehe"... Angel complained in his heart, and at the same time was glad that although his choice of "ban" was not the best, it was not the worst either.

Afterwards, the three of them turned to discuss the ownership of the spoils.

This had originally been decided in the discussion before the battle, but the unexpected incident also caused the direction of the battle to be slightly different. Therefore, Leonard and Pallez Zoroast in his body generously gave up the ownership of all the remaining "Worms of Time" to Angel and Klein, who were going to guide the parasites to pray to the gods.

Even so, Pales, the "Thief" angel, still gained the most. He absorbed the Beyonder characteristics equivalent to at least two Sequence 3 Beyonders, and also obtained a small amount of memory fragments contained in these characteristics. His strength and situation are much better than before.

Klein and Angel planned to divide all the remaining "Time Worms" equally. Although these relics that had lost their extraordinary properties could not be made into magical items, they were of extremely high status and could carry considerable power. Therefore, they were very suitable as the base material for high-level talismans.

Angel used a "betrayal" spell in the battle with Amon's clone. This spell was inspired by Will Auceptin and was based on the "Worm of Time". It was soaked in Angel's blood. Although the effect of the spell was not as exaggerated as Angel imagined, it was already quite good to be able to deal with a group of Amon's clones who were the King of Angels and proficient in fraud.

Moreover, she discovered that this kind of talisman was different from the one made of ordinary iron sheets. Because it had a higher status, it could carry the mysterious power in Angel's body that was probably derived from the "City of Disaster" in advance. Therefore, it could be handed over to other people for use. Of course, the spiritual power required to activate it was still very high. Low-sequence Beyonders could not use it at all. Even Sequence 6 and Sequence 5 Beyonders could only use it once or twice before their spiritual power was exhausted and they faced the risk of losing control.

In addition to the ownership of the "Worm of Time", the most important thing is the aftermath. Thanks to the help of the "secret" power, Amon's clone anchored the influence of the scope of destiny, and neither side of the battle was very destructive, the houses at 160 Böklund Street and 25 Dalton Street were not damaged too much, and even did not need additional repairs.

But the unlucky passers-by and residents who have the "Time Worm" in their bodies after being parasitized need to deal with it as soon as possible, especially at 39 Böklund Street where Congressman Macht and his family live.

After a brief discussion, Leonard swung up the "Word of the Sea" cane and flew away from the Klein family. The Pales in his body needed to digest the harvest as quickly as possible and had no time to take care of other things.

"So, how do we solve Hazel's problem? She was the only one who wasn't 'parasitized', and she even witnessed the horrific scene of her family turning into Amon. I'm afraid this was due to the evil taste of the Amon clone who replaced her teacher?"

After watching Leonard being dragged away by the cane, Angel turned to look at Klein and asked.

"Her family all believe in the Goddess of Night. They can pray to her and be purified. Ms. Arianna is also involved in this matter, which means that the goddess is also aware of what happened on this street and should help her believers."

Klein said carefully, looking towards the slightly dim sky, hinting at something.

Well, the secret protection comes from Ms. Arianna, which is equivalent to coming from the goddess. This is indeed possible, but what about Hazel herself? How can she face her family members who have sequelae and squeeze their right eyes and press their eye sockets from time to time?

Angel thought about it and suddenly thought of someone who could help Hazel:

Audrey has just been promoted from "psychologist" to "hypnotist"!
Not only can she hypnotize Hazel and make the poor girl forget everything about Amon, but she can also plant hints in the victims of Dalton Street, asking them to pray to the gods they believe in for help. Most importantly, her psychological invisibility can prevent anyone from knowing about her intervention, making her the best candidate.

Thinking of this, Angel glanced at Klein and was about to speak when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure appear at the edge of his vision.

The figure quickly took shape. It was Arianna, the abbess of the Night Monastery, who was wearing a patched robe, a simple bark belt, and bare feet covered in dust.

(End of this chapter)

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