Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 812 Warning and Treatment

Chapter 812 Warning and Treatment

"Ms. Arianna."

"Good afternoon, Her Highness Arianna."

Angel and Klein stood up straight and bowed respectfully. Compared to the "Shadow of the Goddess" who was more familiar with each other, the latter still used the title agreed upon within the church and called the angel walking on the earth "Your Highness".

"You can just call me Ms., like Miss Angel."

The Extraordinary Person, whose status in the Church of Night was second only to that of the Pope, corrected him in a serious manner, then walked to the coffee table where the two were sitting and looked at the curled up translucent "Time Worm" on the table.

Seeing this, Angel pointed at the little bug left behind by Amon's clone and said:
"With the help of the 'secret' you provided, we have cleared all of Amon's clones in Backlund. We will later go to the victims parasitized by Amon to recover more of these 'worms of time'. You can choose the part that belongs to you."

Angel had marked 15 clones on Dalton Street, and Klein might have the same number of "Time Worms". As an angel involved, Arianna would have no complaints even if she took more than half.

But the lady with calm eyes and expression just nodded slightly and said:

"Each of you will sacrifice two 'Time Worms' to the goddess."

He didn't even ask the two whether they understood the sacrificial ceremony, as if he already knew the answer.

Only four "Time Worms" are needed. It seems that this is just a symbolic reward, and they are directly sacrificed to the goddess instead of being handed over to Ms. Arianna. What does this mean... Angel thought in his heart, but his body reacted naturally. He pointed out the shape of a crimson moon on his chest and said piously:
"Praise the goddess."

The other two believers of the Goddess of Night who were present did the same, causing the light in the bedroom to dim for a moment.

After that, Angel and Klein both looked at Arianna quietly, waiting for her to continue to express her intentions. After all, as for "sacrificing part of the spoils", they would do so consciously even if the goddess' servants did not remind them.

Sure enough, Arianna stretched out her hand from under her robe, and a thin piece of letter paper appeared in her hand like the details outlined in a painting, and then flew to the coffee table, and densely packed words came into the eyes of the two.

"…2. Pales Zoroaster is hiding near Böklund Street in the North District.

"3. There may be something seriously wrong with the condition of the Night Goddess. Is this the reason why that paranoid person is speeding up his pace?"

Looking at this letter which was obviously written by "Amon's clone" to other clones or the original body, the two looked at each other in bewilderment.

From these contents, we can see that Amon's clones came to Böklund Street, spread the "Time Worm", explored the abnormalities of the street, and located the "Parasite" gloves and locked Angel's position. This was not a sudden act, but a planned "test".

They were even prepared for total annihilation and wrote their "last words" in advance so that the other Amons would know what happened in Backlund.

Of course, the letter was never sent, but ended up in Arianna's hands, which meant...

"Was this letter found next to someone who had been freed from the 'parasite'?"

Klein asked before Angel did. His eyes moved repeatedly over the three "inferences" and finally stopped at the first one.

"Yes, he woke up from his coma and forgot all his previous actions. The unsent letter is still there, but unfortunately the address is not written on it. Otherwise, he could use it to find other hidden clones of Amon."

Arianna replied softly.

It seems that the "aggregation" finally launched by Pales Zoroast successfully dealt with the Amon who was sending the letter. Otherwise, once this letter left Backlund and fell into the hands of other Amons, I'm afraid Klein and I would have to abandon our identities and run away. Even Leonard and Pales would be in danger...

But this doesn't seem like an arrangement that a cautious Angel King like Amon would make. Would he set the time so tightly that he didn't even have time to send out the warning letter?
Angel was thinking silently, but Klein beside him asked again:
"Who is the 'paranoid' in the letter?"

"'Angel of Fantasy' Adam."

Arianna's answer made both of them stand up in surprise.

They were not panicked by the answer. The answer could be basically inferred from the words of Amon's clone. Arianna's answer was just a confirmation.

But if you call this person by his name directly, He will sense it!
"Don't worry," Arianna's lips curled up slightly, making His dull expression more lively. "Under the protection of 'secrecy', He will not notice such a name."

I remember when I first met Arianna, He also talked to me in this "secret" about the "0-08" Alesuhod Pen, which means that He can block the detection of Sequence 1, at least in the small range around Him... Angel understood something, but still decided not to talk about this topic. She turned to point to the last of Amon's "three inferences" and asked carefully, carefully considering the words:

"Excuse me, what Amon said, that there is something wrong with the goddess's condition... is it true?"

She asked!
Klein was so nervous that his toes clenched tightly. He glanced at Arianna in front of him secretly, worried that the two of them would enter a "secret" state in the next second, isolated from the world, or that they would suddenly appear in the foggy town, chewing on tree bark to survive like the Ms. Despair and Mr. A they had disguised themselves as.

"I'm not sure about this, but the frequency of the goddess's oracles has decreased, and she assigned me to come to Backlund to prevent the worst from happening."

Arianna still answered in that nonchalant tone.

But combined with the hints He gave the last time He met the two of them, it almost confirmed the speculation that "the goddess is not in good condition."

"I understand." Klein drew the crimson moon on his chest again, and then asked another question, "Did the followers of other gods also pray to the goddess for help during the 'purification'?"

"Okay." Arianna nodded again, and her figure disappeared inch by inch from head to toe, as if being erased by an eraser. The letter on the table also disappeared, leaving only a vague sentence, "Be careful Amon, even if you intercept the letter, He will make some guesses."

This is just as Pales said... The two of them looked at the place where the goddess' servant disappeared, without moving for a long time.


When Klein brought "Justice" Audrey back from the spirit world, Angel was using the mirror world to observe the abnormalities in the surrounding blocks.

She found that there were many people who behaved in a dull manner, rubbing their right eye sockets from time to time, or pushing up the ordinary glasses they were wearing. They were concentrated at Dantes's house at No. 160 and Congressman Macht's house at No. 39, and the latter was more "tragic".

Hazel Macht, the girl who had chosen the wrong master and whose fate was replaced by Amon's clone, fell into a desperate panic. She was surrounded by her family who had lost part of their memories and were anxiously trying to comfort her. Her limbs were limp, she was unable to scream, and was almost out of control.

If Riback, Keira, Aisha, and even the other unfamiliar maids and servants, coachmen and chefs, and Klein beside me all turned into Amon with black hair and black eyes, wearing a pointed hat and a monocle in his eye sockets, and still wanted to get close to me, then I... well, I would probably spread the disease first, then wrap the silk thread around it, and finally let the flame purify everything...

Angel's mind was full of thoughts. Although it was difficult for him to empathize with the frightened Hazel, he was always worried that this poor girl would lose her mind and control of her extraordinary power in the endless fear. So when "Justice" Audrey Hall, who was wearing a light dress and had her hair simply tied up to one side, came here, Angel immediately greeted the psychiatrist and explained the relevant situation.

"Amon's clones, and victims of post-traumatic stress... This is the same as what we said when we were there..."

Audrey widened her beautiful eyes and sighed, then her face turned serious. She looked at Klein, who was dressed as Dantes, and nodded.

"I'm ready, Mr. World, where's the patient?"

What a warm-hearted, kind-hearted and proactive girl... Angel watched with emotion as "Justice" was teleported away by Klein. He first gathered the servants in his villa who were influenced by Amon, and had Audrey perform a group hypnosis, making them cough out "Time Worms" while praying to the Goddess of Night. Then he went to Senator Macht's house and did the same thing to the Senator and his wife and the maids.

Even the believers of the Church of Storms were praying to the goddess... The last question Klein asked Ms. Arianna just now should be for this moment. Moreover, this practice also means that the goddess does not want other gods to know that she is in a "bad condition", even Storm and Steam, who are also members of the Loen Orthodox Church...

She pondered, using the images detected by the mirror to watch Audrey gently comfort Hazel, sealing this horrific memory in her heart, allowing Hazel, who was on the verge of losing control, with buds appearing on her body and her eyes becoming unfocused, to calm down and finally fall into a deep sleep.

But as the Macht family spit out the "Time Worm" and returned to normal, the scene of taking care of the sleeping Hazel disappeared from the magic mirror, and Audrey's figure reappeared with an undisguised sadness on her face.

This is not only sympathy for Hazel's experience, but also fear of the world of extraordinary people?

Angel, who recognized the other party's negative emotions, sighed secretly. He was thinking whether to let this girl, who was well protected by her father and brother and had hardly experienced any setbacks, calm down first before taking her to another "battlefield". However, he found that Audrey quickly released several "comforts" to him, then showed a bright smile, looked over here, and asked in a brisk tone:
"I heard from Mr. World that there are other patients who need my help?"


Angel also smiled, walked towards the strong-hearted "audience member", hugged her body in surprise, and fell towards the full-length mirror beside him.

The next second, the two disappeared from the bedroom and appeared in a dark and deep mirror passage that led to countless possibilities.

Ah, I wanted to go with you...

As soon as the "Creeping Hunger" in Klein's hand turned transparent, he found that the "Queen" and "Justice" both disappeared before his eyes. He weakly pawed at the air with his left hand twice, then let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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