Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 832 The Target is Within Reach

Chapter 832 The Target is Within Reach
Following Elaine onto the deck, Angel's eyes were immediately drawn to a thick cloud of fog directly in front of the ship.

It was Friday afternoon. The originally cloudless sea was shrouded in the hot sunshine. The air was humid and stuffy, but in the direction where the "Redhead Girl" was heading, there was a group of dark clouds that were different from the blue sky. Below, a fog covered the sea, which was exactly the same size as the dark cloud, as if it was "confined" within a certain range by some force. It would not leak out, but it would not miss any gaps.

According to visual observation, the ship was about 10 nautical miles away from the thick fog and dark clouds. Even if the visibility at sea was excellent, it was impossible to see through the fog and see whether there was the island that Angel was looking for inside.

“Slow down, don’t dive in headfirst.”

Angel frowned and said to Elaine beside him.

After finding the foggy sea, she was not in a hurry to explore it. After all, based on her experience, places with sequence 3 potion materials were likely to have demigod-level supernatural creatures. If the "Red-haired Girl" entered the fog without being prepared, she might be attacked and wiped out.

"The wind speed is not fast. We are already slowing down. We estimate that we will reach the edge of the fog in an hour."

Elaine replied, but still ordered the sailors who were also constantly looking forward to lower part of the sails and slow down the speed of the ship.

Then, Angel found the Siren fish, which was struggling to avoid the scorching sun in a corner of the deck.

This mermaid, whose body was covered with scales and whose lower body was originally shaped like a fish tail, has transformed into a human-like figure with limbs and gills hidden under the ears after leaving the sea. She wears a robe to block out the sunlight and prevent her body from being too dry. Her beautiful long platinum hair falls beside the hood like dazzling tassels.

Seeing the witch who "tricked" her onto the ship, the mermaid's eyes lit up, and her bare feet, still with a few scales, slapped on the deck. She ran over quickly and hugged Angel.

"Okay, Yuyu," Angel touched the head of the mermaid whose mind was like that of a child, "Can you feel anything unusual in the sea ahead?"

"I didn't find any enemies." The siren answered slowly in a garrulous tone, looking at the mist with blue eyes, and shook her head after a moment, "But it's very quiet inside, and there are no fish."

Did it mean that even ordinary marine life avoided the fog? Was it some special danger, or was it that the power of the Fountain of Youth was also isolating the entire sea area?

While thinking, Angel performed a simple divination, and as expected, he failed due to lack of information.

She found the witch Tia who pointed out the location. She was holding a telescope borrowed from William and looking at the fog in the distance from high on the deck. When Angel asked, she answered with some doubt:

"This is the sea area I saw in the information. Now I have indeed found the location covered by dark clouds and fog. The next step is of course to go in and take a look... I think the island may be deep in the fog?"

That's not wrong... Angel looked hesitantly at the approaching fog. After a moment, he made a decision and asked Elaine to stop the "Redhead Girl" completely at a distance of about 5 nautical miles from that sea area.

At this distance, the size of the foggy area can be seen more clearly. The width is only about 3 nautical miles, which is similar to the size of the islands seen near general waterways. This also means that the island where the "Fountain of Youth" is located deep in the fog will not be very large.

But even as he got closer to the fog, Angel's sight still couldn't penetrate the area that didn't seem to be dim and was even somewhat translucent.

This lack of information made her very anxious. She even wanted to send a magic mirror into the fog, so that she could use her connection with the mirror to see what dangers and secrets were in the fog...

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up and she looked at "Yu Yu" hiding in the dark.

A moment later, the mermaid took off her burqa, covered her body with blue scales again, and jumped into the sea holding a dressing mirror. Her feet quickly turned into forked fish tails and gradually merged to form a tail that could swim flexibly underwater. The gills on both sides of her cheeks also continuously absorbed oxygen from the sea water, allowing her to swim towards the foggy area at a speed much faster than the ship.

With the help of the magic mirror in her hand, Angel can also observe the surrounding waters from different angles, and even hide in the mirror world. She can come to the side of the Siren at any time to fight or protect her "scout", and can even pull her into the mirror and return to the "Redhead Girl".

As her viewpoint continued to move forward, she discovered that the schools of fish around her were indeed decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, an invisible barrier appeared, as if separating the normal sea area from the "forbidden zone" for marine life. The fish turned here, but no one dared to cross it.

Above it is the dividing line between the sunny sea and the foggy area shrouded by dark clouds.

The siren "Yu Yu" looked around uneasily, hugged the dressing mirror tightly to her chest, wagged her tail, wandered around the "dividing line" for a few circles, and finally dived in.

As the mirror passed through the invisible barrier, the surrounding sea water suddenly changed from azure to dark blue and almost black, as if it had suddenly arrived in the deep sea.

Angel on the "Redhead" also received the information sent back by the magic mirror. She looked vigilantly at the fog in front of the ship that seemed to remain unchanged, ready to descend to the side of the Siren through the mirror substitute at any time.

But nothing happened.

There was nothing unusual about that sea area except that it became dim due to the thick fog and dark clouds overhead and the loss of sunlight.

No monster attacks, no islands suddenly appearing...

A moment later, the Siren followed Angel's order before departure and floated to the surface of the water. While slapping the sea surface with its tail, it held up the magic mirror so that the witch in the distance could use the mirror as eyes to observe the situation around her.

Fog. As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but fog. Even dark vision cannot penetrate it.

Faint sounds could also be heard by Angel through the magic mirror, but the sea was as quiet as if it were dead. There was no breeze, no waves, and only a little wave when the mermaid swam, and only a little sound from her breathing through her gills and nostrils. For the next half hour, Angel's sight followed the mermaid "Yu Yu" constantly patrolling the foggy area, sometimes diving into the sea, sometimes surfacing, but apart from the fog and the empty sea water, he did not find any useful clues.

"But this piece of fog cannot be formed naturally. Its property of repelling marine life obviously means the influence of some kind of force. It's just that I haven't broken through its barrier yet and seen the truth hidden in the fog..."

Angel murmured as he watched the siren climb up the side of the ship with the help of the sailors, return to the deck, and stand naked without any shame; he watched Elaine drive away the sailors, dry Yu Yu's hair, and put a burqa on her; he watched Tia curiously step forward and ask about everything she saw in the fog; he watched the siren stammeringly recount her "adventure" in her unskilled Loenese.

"Elaine!" She shouted, calling the red-haired captain to her side, "Stop the ship five nautical miles outside the fog, let the sailors rest for a night, and then explore the fog tomorrow."

Now that they have arrived at the edge of the fog, Angel is in no hurry to go in and explore. After all, the "Fountain of Youth" has existed for a long time, and it has not changed at all because of her arrival. So she is happy to rest for a night and let the entire ship enter in the best condition to explore the unknown waters.

Moreover, at this week's Tarot meeting, "Moon" Emlyn had helped her collect the blood of nine centenarians to make up for her missing potion materials.

As long as she finds the "Fountain of Youth", takes the dead branch next to the spring, and adds the "immortal" witch characteristics given to her by the Goddess Church, she will be able to mix potions and advance to Sequence 3.

Of course, the premise is that I have indeed completed the "ritual" required by the potion, that is, after a long time, I accept the result of "immortality" with a mentality different from my body...

Looking at the foggy sea where the dark clouds kept changing and even a flash of lightning fell, Angel prayed silently to the goddess.



A silver-white lightning burst out from the tip of the "Word of the Sea" in Leonard's hand, drew an irregular path in the air, and landed on the "witch" in front of him.

He deliberately reduced the power to avoid destroying the entire building and affecting nearby residents.

But even so, the lightning continued to spread over the other party, like electric claws enveloping him, causing the body under the cloak to twist and deform...

Then, it turned into pieces of shining mirror fragments.

Mirror stand... Leonard, who had fought against the "Assassin" many times, was not surprised. It could be said that this attack of his was intended to consume the opponent's stand.

He quickly communicated with the nearby spirits in the capacity of a "requiem master" and, with the spiritual warning, found the location where the "witch" appeared. He kicked open the door leading to the back alley from the living room, and sure enough, he saw the figure at the sewer entrance not far away.

Staring at the direction the other party left, the green in Leonard's eyes spread to the whites of his eyes, as deep as a lake in the forest. An invisible wave quickly spread from him to the entire alley, poured into the sewer, and caught up with the fleeing "witch".


There was a faint sound of something heavy falling to the ground, but it was not accompanied by hurried footsteps.

The witch fell into a sweet dream again.

Leonard breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes returned to normal, and he quickly ran to the entrance of the sewer. His sight was not blocked by the darkness, and he looked down. The woman in the hooded cloak was lying next to the vertical ladder, motionless.

If I didn’t have “Word of the Sea” to destroy her invisibility and bring out her Stand, and if I was only a Sequence 7 “Nightmare” and couldn’t put people to sleep quickly, I’m afraid she would have escaped…

Leonard muttered as he jumped directly into the sewer entrance and landed next to the witch with steady steps, one hand holding the cane ready to attack at any time, and the other hand reaching out to the other party.

He wanted to use close contact to make the witch fall into a deeper dream, then take her back to the church, lock her in the "Chaness Gate", and conduct subsequent interrogation.

Of course, to be on the safe side, some official Beyonders, especially the "Punisher" of the Storm Church, prefer to kill on the spot those wild Beyonders who dare to resist, so as to avoid accidents during the escort process, but Leonard does not belong to this category.

Besides, the witch killed gang leaders and wild extraordinary people who committed murders, not those who were extremely evil.

With thoughts running through his mind, Leonard's hand touched the dirty cloak and felt the heat from the red gloves on his fingertips.

Wait, heat?
Leonard's spirit screamed sharply, sending out a warning. He didn't care that the sewer was dirty, and rolled on the ground. At the same time, he activated the ability of "Word of the Sea", causing a ball of water larger than a human to appear between himself and the witch.


The entire cloak emitted a dazzling orange-yellow light, and the gushing flames and hot air currents instantly filled the entire sewer, and even drilled out of the upper exit, exploding a small mushroom cloud in the alley.

The "witch" beneath it exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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