Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 833 Eve

Chapter 833 Eve

The scorching flames came into contact with the cold sea water, and steam continued to pour out from in front of Leonard, forcing back the subsequent high temperature and allowing the "Requiem Master" behind him to catch his breath.

He waved the "Word of the Sea", letting the strong wind blow away the steam that was blowing in his face, and the heat waves rushed upward from the sewer exit, and he immediately looked at the exploding cloak.

The cloak had long since turned to ashes in the flames, and besides the vertical ladder that had been burned red by the high temperature, only a few pieces of gradually dissipating glass fragments remained.

Another body double? But how did she escape from the dream? The first time was the same... Leonard had doubts in his mind, but he had no time to think about it. He immediately communicated with the surrounding natural spirits to find the direction in which they escaped.

He knew that the "witch's" mirror substitute could only escape a distance of twenty to thirty meters, and needed a mirror that could reflect itself or a pre-made magic mirror as a medium. However, there was no full-length mirror for her to use, either in the house above or in the dark sewer.

If this happens again, the magic mirror you carry will probably be used up... He frowned, and with the help of the spirit, he once again confirmed the other party's position, waved his cane lightly, and was dragged by it to fly to the side of the sewer.


Huh, huh...

Sherman was panting and running forward with unsteady steps. With the help of his dark vision, he kept going into the forks in the sewer. He would stop from time to time to listen to the sounds coming from behind him.

The whistling sound of the wind was getting closer and closer to her.

She could only use a "mirror substitute" to leave the sewer, escape to the ground, and then use the complex street environment of the East District to avoid the official Beyonder... She thought about it, and sensed the mirror above that could be used as a substitute, but before she could capture the exact target, she felt as if a sharp cone was inserted into her brain, and it hurt violently.

The battle to subdue the "briber" Malcolm, the "acting" of publicly burning the opponent to death, and the brief but intense supernatural confrontation just now almost exhausted all of Sherman's spirituality, especially the two "mirror substitutes" with short intervals, which made her unable to concentrate on locking onto other mirrors. She could only feel the magic mirror on her chest that was soaked in her blood and had a closer connection with her, emitting a cold touch.

That is a reminder of the coming danger!
She looked behind her suddenly and saw a gust of wind mixed with garbage and sewage from the sewer sweeping in from afar.

The "Red Glove" is chasing us again!
That’s right, red gloves! That handsome man must be a member of the extraordinary organization of the Church of the Goddess of Evernight, whom Miss Angelica had warned her not to provoke. A pair of bright red gloves is their characteristic feature!
Gritting his teeth, Sherman continued running, rushing to one side at the fork in the road ahead. At the same time, a piece of ice of moderate size formed under his feet, making the ground slippery.

This way, he will think I'm running this way... Sherman grinned, and his figure disappeared at the fork in the road, turning into a bunch of scattered fragments.

At the same time, at the end of another fork in the road, her staggering figure emerged from the darkness. She wiped her body with her hand, hid her figure, and left quietly with silent footsteps.

She heard the sound of wind approaching and then quickly moving away from behind her. She held her breath and did not dare to look back.

By the time that stupid "Red Gloves" realized he was chasing in the wrong direction, I would have completed the counter-divination and blended into the crowd in the East District... She chuckled secretly, and waited until the sound of the wind completely disappeared before she gritted her teeth to endure the sharp pain in her head, dragging her lead-filled legs, and walked step by step towards the sewer exit.

Even at this time, she still did not forget the key steps of anti-divination taught to her by Angelica and Triss.


A sharp explosion suddenly sounded behind Sherman.

That is the strong wind that the "Red Glove" relies on to fly!

Sherman looked back in astonishment. The man with black hair and green eyes, who looked more like a poet than a Beyonder, was holding a silver-white cane in both hands. It was more like he was being dragged by the cane and approaching her quickly than flying.


A strong gust of wind blew, and her invisibility was once again lifted by the opponent.

How did he see through my escape route... Sherman was confused at first, and then became desperate. She could no longer use the "mirror substitute" and "wand substitute" in a short period of time, and the opponent's cane, whether it was wind or lightning, would become her nightmare.

Pulling out the dagger from her bosom that had caused the violent explosion and almost allowed her to escape capture, Sherman stared at the man in red gloves who was close at hand. She lowered her body slightly, exerted force with her arms, and was ready to fight to the death with her last bit of strength.

At this moment, the man who was flying at high speed with the cane seemed to hit a transparent wall. His momentum suddenly slowed down and he bounced backwards. With a strange cry of "Ah", he fell into the sewer full of sewage and garbage and rolled several meters away.

As the cane slipped out of his grasp, the cane inlaid with silver-white metal and with a dark black tip suddenly jumped up as if it had a life of its own.

It jumped a few times, approached the fallen black-haired man with red gloves, and as if being held by someone, swung it twice in the air and hit its master with the heavy head of the staff.


The dull sound made Sherman stunned. She immediately realized that this must be the negative effect of the magical item being triggered.

Take this opportunity to escape or... kill him?

Two conflicting thoughts appeared in Sherman's mind, but before she could make a decision, two hands suddenly appeared behind her and hugged her tightly, and her body disappeared at the same time.

Is this... invisibility?
She looked at her transparent hands, decisively put away the dagger, and under the guidance of the invisible person beside her, she dived deep into the sewer. Behind the two of them, wisps of black flames licked the floor and walls, erasing all traces.

When they were far away from the "Red Glove" who was knocked unconscious and almost leaving the East District along the sewer, Sherman felt that the person who was helping her stopped and slowly revealed a slender and graceful figure.

Sherman immediately recognized the person by the waist-length, casually tied up black hair:

"Ms. Triss?"


On Iron Carbon Street, the chaotic street was controlled by the patrol police who arrived, and the irrelevant people were quickly dispersed. Two police officers covered their noses and looked down on the attic platform, trying to take down Malcolm's body that was fixed to the wall by the icicles that had not yet melted.

From time to time, residents of the East District who had not yet left or had just come out of their homes shouted below. Their voices were half panic and half joy. The former was because someone had died tragically, and the latter was because the dead was Malcolm.

Not far from the corpse still emitting wisps of black smoke, in another building, behind the second-floor window stood a man wearing a black robe and a huge hood, revealing only his fair skin and elegantly curved chin.

His eyes, hidden in the shadows, looked up at the attic above. His gaze stayed only for a moment on Malcolm's miserable body, but he stared at the inverted cross for a long time, as if the bound sinner Malcolm was still fixed on the cross with his legs facing the sky and his arms spread out.


The sea fish was gutted, the internal organs removed, smeared with basil, fennel, and sprinkled with lemon juice, then fixed on the grill. After being fully grilled, it has a unique taste of crispy outside and tender inside, and the pungent aroma spreads throughout the deck.

"This is mine!"

The siren who smelled the aroma squeezed into the formation of sailors surrounding the barbecue grill and grabbed the still steaming grilled fish without any hesitation.

Although Elaine has given her a human name, Ariel, everyone, including Elaine herself, still often calls her by her original name "Yu Yu". Even Ariel herself often misses this name and responds to "Yu Yu" instead.

During the week she spent with the "Redhead" sailor, Ariel had fallen in love with this way of grilling fish, which was slightly different from Dipsy's grilled fish, relying on a lot of spices and roasting over a high flame to create a crispy crust. She turned up her disdain for the salty and fishy raw fish, and waited every day to snatch the sailors' cooked food.

Of course, she will also take advantage of the siren and use her "hunter" ability to summon marine life, so that the trawl nets hung on both sides of the "Redheaded Lady" can catch hundreds of kilograms of fish every day, so that everyone can eat fresh sea fish.

"I think this sea monster who only knows how to eat shouldn't be called 'Fish'. Let's just call her 'Lazy Fish', a lazy fish, haha."

A sailor laughed, picked up a grilled fish that was no longer so hot, and handed it to the mermaid who was waving her hands. He watched her happily take it and start eating it directly with her hands.

"It seems that it will take a long time for her to understand human habits, such as using tools to eat and not taking off clothes casually..." The red-haired Elaine who was sitting on the other side of the barbecue grill said with emotion, "William, this matter is left to you, including teaching her to read and write, and to be able to use the Loen language proficiently."

The boatswain, who was huddled in the corner of the deck, holding a wine glass in one hand and pressing the leather tricorne hat on his head with the other, glanced at his captain and nodded.

Were they also so carefree when they were raised by the church in the Dormition Church... Angel, who had already eaten and drunk his fill, leaned on the side and watched the "deck barbecue" gradually reaching its climax. The sailors sang out-of-tune songs with hoarse voices, and thought about it. His eyes lingered for a moment on the "lazy fish" wearing a burqa with some scales still visible on its hands and feet, and then moved away.

In the darkness of night, the sea covered with dark clouds and fog was within reach. From time to time, thick lightning flashed across the clouds and fell into the fog. The light, sound and energy were all absorbed by the fog, and not a single bit leaked out.

Tomorrow...tomorrow we will see the real "Fountain of Youth"...

She withdrew her gaze and looked again at the sailors who were drinking and singing carefree. Even Elaine joined in their revelry. The siren Ariel, who had finished three grilled fish, also raised her head and sang along with their tune.

Her melodious, ethereal voice immediately drowned out everyone else's singing. Although Elaine had warned her not to sing with her magical voice on the deck, even with an ordinary voice, the siren could sing tunes that moved everyone like a professional singer.

Listening to Ariel's soothing voice, smelling the mixed aroma of spices and beer, and feeling the rhythm of the boat swaying slowly in the waves below, Angel felt his tense heartstrings gradually relax.

Maybe this is the reason why many sailors are reluctant to leave the sea and return to land... She sighed, no longer staying away from the crowd, but approaching the grill, took a tray, selected a grilled fish that was grilled to perfection, and tasted it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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