Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 839 I fight 4 demigods?

Chapter 839 I fight four demigods?

The flame emitted by "Angelica's Blade", which Angel called "Destruction Ray", was a hundred meters long. Like the straight sword itself, it could penetrate all defenses. After piercing through the Black Knight and the Desperate Witch in the distance, Angel raised his weapon and the hundred-meter-long flame cut upwards, cutting the Black Knight in half from the chest to the head like a hot knife through butter, and the witch in the distance was cut in half with one blow.

But Angel did not show any joy for killing two demigods with one blow. She quickly took two steps back to avoid the black giant sword that was coming down from the side. At the same time, the shadow under her feet came to life again, trying to grab her feet, but was burned into a handful of ash on the grass by the black flames that appeared at her toes.

Only then did the ripped-open "Black Knight" turn into a burning and shrinking paper man, and the corpse of the "Despair" witch in the distance turned into sparkling mirror fragments. Her real, intact body was outlined on the other side of the ground, with her mouth under the hood slightly raised, as if mocking Angel's naivety.

The magician can endow his secret puppets with all their own skills, the most important of which are the paper doll substitutes and flame jumping. Without consuming all the paper dolls on them, it is impossible to really hurt the secret puppets... Angel's heart sank gradually, but his expression remained indifferent, so as not to be seen by the other party. The straight sword in his hand, which gradually transferred the heat to his whole body, ignited the blue-green flame again, and slashed at the nearest black knight.

At the same time, she continued to spread the disease, trying to infect the "trickster" herself who was hiding nearby and had not taken any action personally, as if she was enjoying a puppet show. However, apart from killing more small animals and insects that kept gathering, she gained nothing.

No...those animals could also be puppets. The maximum number of puppets that a trickster could control was 50. It was perfectly normal for him to control some animals and insects...

Suddenly, her thoughts became dull again, and the joints of her limbs were glued together. The Black Knight seized the opportunity, and the black mist surged in the giant sword in his hand, and in an instant it turned into a rapier less than one meter long, stabbing towards her at a much faster speed than before.

Angel, whose movements were slow, felt that all his weaknesses were being targeted by the opponent, and he had a premonition that he would die if he was hit.

That... is... "harvest"?
Having seen this kind of attack on Anderson and Syrio Soran, she activated her double without hesitation, entered the mirror world to avoid the fatal attack, and interrupted the control of the "Spirit Thread" which was somehow much slower than Klein's control.

But handfuls of black flames still emerged from all over her body, and they could not be extinguished even if she entered another world.

The witch in the distance smiled and put down a small mirror, which reflected the figure of Angel's substitute that was pierced by the Black Knight.

Just now, she used this to cast a curse and attacked Angel's real body who was hiding in the mirror world.

The opponent can also use curses that cannot be avoided by using a substitute once locked. Diseases are offset and restricted by each other and cannot play their maximum effect. Various attacks can only consume cheap paper figures and magic mirrors. This feeling of being restricted everywhere makes it difficult for Angel to extinguish the black flames in the mirror world. He is becoming more and more anxious as he uses the "Rose Necklace" to repair his body.

She knew that this was largely due to the negative impact of the blade in her hand, but even so, the stalemate put a lot of pressure on her.

Not to mention that there was also a "weird wizard" hiding on the island who had not taken any action but was constantly trying to provoke her spirit, and the blond young man's secret puppet...

However, the golden-haired secret doll seemed to have secretly attacked her several times, but apart from slight changes in the "Secret Holy Emblem", she did not notice any discomfort.

Could it be that some kind of power that grants me "bad luck" was resisted by the power of Lady Arianna, the queen of misfortune and fear, servant of the goddess of night?
Angel guessed that the third doll was most likely a Beyonder from the "Monster" Path, and perhaps not a High Sequence. Therefore, the accumulated luck was almost ineffective for Angel, just like the "Lucky" revolver she had used before. The bad luck that was originally directed at her was basically borne by the objects around her, such as the carriage and the subway...

At this moment, Angel's spiritual sense issued a warning, allowing her to leave the "mirror world" without hesitation and return to reality.


Not far away, a figure was lying quietly in the darkness, the flowing water around her brushing against her naked body, as if time had stopped there.

In her mind, countless pieces of information kept flashing. It was the perspective of the seabirds in the sky looking down, it was the movement of the insects underground poking their heads out, it was the "winner"'s repeated attempts to bring misfortune to the opponent but failed one after another, it was the picture of the "despair" witch constantly trying to find her target in the mirror world, and it was the back of the "black knight" swinging his giant sword and slashing forward.

The cold "Fountain of Youth" made her thinking a little slow. Although she could still control the secret puppet of the spirit body under her control as usual, it was extremely difficult for her to capture the scattered lines of the "Despair" witch who did not belong to the "Witch Sect". Every time she secretly hooked the other party's spirit body line and entered the initial control, the other party would instantly notice the abnormality in her body and respond without hesitation, making it difficult for her to further control.

This witch is still spreading the disease, trying to infect me who is nearby. She seems to be very good at dealing with the "weird wizard"?
Lying in the spring, she felt a little doubtful, but the thought of silencing the witness and preventing her existence from being known to the outside world overwhelmed everything. Seeing that the Black Knight's "Blade of Flesh and Soul" was once again blocked by the opponent's flaming sword, the black mist, flesh and fire exploded on the grass into a ball of brilliant fireworks. The "Strange Mage" no longer hesitated and issued a new order to the Black Knight.



In the flames, Angel activated the flame jump of the "Hypocrisy" ring, came behind the Black Knight whose giant sword was broken again, and stabbed him into a new substitute paper man with one sword. Then his figure flashed and appeared next to the "Despair" witch. He quickly locked onto the nearby mirror to prevent her from leaving. The scorching blade continuously slashed across the opponent's body, cutting the witch's figure, which suddenly became thinner and smaller, into several pieces.

How come she has a "mirror substitute" and also brings a paper man... This trickster is really a coward...

Angel muttered, looking around for the witch figure who used the paper man as a substitute, but found that the shadow under the feet of the reappearing "Black Knight" suddenly separated from him, and then staggered up from the ground, forming a figure whose outline could only be seen clearly, but no details could be identified. The twisted and swaying shadow opened its eyes, and the incongruous golden eyes looked at Angel, and raised its equally twisted right hand.

"Entering the Mirror World is prohibited here."

Shadow muttered something in ancient Hermetic language, and countless golden runes appeared beside him and scattered in all directions. A strict ban took effect immediately, cutting off Angel's connection with the "mirror world".

Is this the "Judge"? No, since he can limit the power of a demigod, he must also be a demigod... Angel immediately recalled the information about the "Arbitrator" he learned from Annie, and knew that the black shadow in front of him was most likely the demigod herded by the "Black Knight", the "Law Master"!
Including the "weird wizard" who did not show up, there are actually four demigods guarding the "Fountain of Youth" on this island?
Knowing the role of the "Arbitrator" well, she did not hesitate at all. With the help of "Fire Flash", she came above the newly appeared figure of the "Despair" witch, dropped from the air, and slashed at her with a sword.

The "ban" does not distinguish between friend and foe. She cannot enter the mirror world, and neither can her enemies!

The straight sword came into contact with the black giant sword, and a high-temperature flame burst out. A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Angel, separating him from the "Despair" witch who was not in a hurry and had a smile on her face under her hood.

It’s the “Black Knight” who also came here with the help of “Fire Flash”!
At the same time, Angel could feel a burning sensation in his chest. This was not the negative effect of the blade, but the curse that the witch had cast on him again.

The next second, her figure collapsed and turned black, transforming into a twisted and burning black magic wand.

Wand substitute!

With the help of the stand's displacement effect, she broke away from the entanglement of the "Black Knight", avoided the curse that was about to take effect, and came to the side of the "Law Mage".

Before the "Black Knight" could react, purple flames burst out from the tip of the straight sword in Angel's hand again. The silent flame stream penetrated the shadow of the "Law Mage" and pointed straight to the sky.

The secret puppets all have paper substitutes of the "weird wizard", but they don't have external souls!
The outward soul was severely damaged and dissipated like mist, floating towards the "Black Knight" who was jumping with a giant sword. At the same time, Angel felt that his connection with the "mirror world" had returned to normal.

The "ban" is invalid!

A red light flashed in the Black Knight's hand, and when the tip of the sword aimed at Angel's "weakness", her appearance appeared again in the magic mirror in the hand of the Witch of Despair. When the curse was about to take effect, Angel's figure faded and disappeared.

With the help of the "mirror world", she left the central area of ​​the island.

The black knight put down his greatsword, the witch put away her magic mirror, the "winner" gave up countless failed luck transfers, and the three secret dolls stood quietly in the middle of the grass, as if they had lost all their vitality.

Angel shuttled quickly through the channel in the mirror, and only slowed down after he was more than a thousand meters away from the "Fountain of Youth". He used the mirror to observe the movements of the secret dolls and confirmed one thing in his heart again.

For some unknown reason, the "weird wizard" was unable to leave the center of the island, so his secret puppet could only fight within that range and could not chase too far.

Specifically, it is a distance of one thousand meters...

Estimating the approximate distance, Angel left the mirror world and appeared on the beach where she landed. She looked towards the dense woods and the direction where the three secret dolls were.

Somewhere in the dark, she felt that countless pairs of eyes were staring at her. They were the birds and insects at the edge of the "Strange Mage's" control area. They were the other party's vigilant eyes.

With a chuckle, Angel turned and walked off the beach.

Since the opponent cannot leave the spot and can only fight a positional battle, she has the opportunity to plan well and get rid of this "weird wizard" who attacked her first.

That means my hope of being promoted to Sequence 3, as well as the Beyonder characteristics of the Black Knight, the Witch of Despair, and even the Trickster himself... Thinking of this, she felt as if a flame was burning in her chest, and her fighting spirit grew stronger.

Ah, it turned out to be the negative effect of "Angelica's Blade"... She immediately came to her senses and put the straight sword in her hand into the mirror space to prevent her reckless mentality from affecting herself.

(End of this chapter)

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