Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 840 Betrayal

Chapter 840 Betrayal
Flying towards the magic mirror he had placed on the "Redhead Girl", Angel quickly came to the surface of the sea, walked out of the mirror world, and landed in the middle of the deck full of alert sailors. He was instantly pointed at by several single-shot rifles and revolvers. Even Elaine nervously drew out a flaming spear until she saw that the person coming was her boss.

"There seems to be a small-scale battle in the center of the island. Are you over there?"

She dispersed the flames in her hands, asked the sailors to continue to be on guard, and then asked in a low voice.

Angel first stroked the "mirror fragment" in his hand that could sense the person in the mirror, and swept his eyes over all the sailors, including William, Tia, and even the mermaid Ariel who was curiously looking at this side in the bucket. He didn't let go until he didn't feel the vibration of the fragment in his palm, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and answered:
"Yes, there were some minor troubles."

She was worried that the "trickster" was observing the "red-haired girl" through divination or the witch's magic mirror, so she spoke in an extremely cold tone and quickly ordered:

"Drive the ship towards the thick fog in the distance, re-anchor at the edge, and try to stay away from the island. Continue to be alert for the possible appearance of the 'Man in the Mirror' until I return."

Her different tone from usual made Elaine stunned for a moment, but she reacted quickly and nodded. She did not continue the conversation, but instead directed some sailors in a businesslike manner to pull up the heavy anchor chain, hoist the sail, and slowly set sail in the breeze, heading farther away from the island.

At the same time, Angel was thinking about his next move.

The most reliable and safest way is undoubtedly to rebuild the ice mirror now, bring himself and the "Red-haired Girl" back to the real world, and then make plans.

After returning to reality, she can contact Klein and have this "weird wizard" equip himself with all the equipment and lead the secret doll to teleport to this sea area. When the sun shines through the thick fog again at noon tomorrow and reflects the mirror world, she can return to the mirror island where the "Fountain of Youth" is located, find the real body of the "weird wizard", and solve this big problem.

The only question is, if we continue to drag it out, will it attract the attention of the "Witch Sect"?

The strange wizard stationed here seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding with those witches. He would hunt wild "despair" witches to gain certain benefits... It was very likely that he caught the "despair" secret doll while waiting on the island.

If Angel leaves, will the other party contact the "Witch Cult" and send the real "immortal" witch, or even the angels of Sequence 2? If I miss this precious opportunity, when will I have to wait for the next time to enter this mirror world?
Looking at the silent island surrounded by the sea in the distance, Angel silently crossed out this option.

Another option is to stay here and get rid of the "Weird Wizard" and his secret puppets as soon as possible.

In the brief battle just now, Angel has confirmed the sequence of all the opponent's secret puppets that appeared, including the "Black Knight" who herded a "Law Mage", a "Despair" witch, and a blond young man who is likely to be the "winner".

Apart from the "winner" who was shielded by the "Secret Holy Symbol" and could hardly interfere with her, the Black Knight and the Witch of Despair attacked and defended respectively. The former restrained Angel at close range, while the latter fought against her disease ability, and cast curses remotely from time to time, pointing out the location where Angel was hiding in the mirror world, suppressing her in all aspects.

Not to mention the "weird wizard" himself who had not taken any action. He just repeatedly pulled the strings of the spirit, trying to make Angel's thinking sluggish and difficult to move, but he did not personally show up to join the battle.

Of course, for a "trickster", this tactic is very reasonable. The puppets can use his extraordinary abilities just as well, but he cannot obtain the puppets' mirror substitutes, full body armor or extreme luck. When standing in a row with several puppets, the original body may be the weakest one.

However, this cannot explain why the other party did not continue to chase Angel when he left the core area of ​​the island where the "Fountain of Youth" was located.

This doubt became more and more obvious when Angel reviewed all her actions since coming to the isolated island, especially the strange behavior of the "Black Knight" who pretended to invite Angel to the center of the island and did not launch an attack until she left the dense forest and entered the edge of the meadow where she could see the "Fountain of Youth". This made her confirm that the "Weird Wizard" was hiding in the center of the meadow.

That is, below the huge rock where the "Fountain of Youth" is located.

It was only about a hundred meters from the junction of the grassland and the dense forest. So, the "trickster" wanted to lead me to a place where he could personally control the spirit line and make the most careful preparations before starting the battle? Could it be that he was completely unable to move on his own, and couldn't even exchange positions with the secret doll...

Angel thought about it, and a bold idea gradually came to his mind:
Due to some extremely special reasons, the real body of the "Weird Wizard" can only stay in the "Fountain of Youth" and cannot move.

This seems very strange. Why would a "diviner" demigod stay in the spring where witches were promoted to Sequence 3 for a long time? He even reached an agreement with the "Witch Sect" to take the initiative to help them deal with wild witches and other Beyonders who broke in, and only let go of the "desperate" witches who belonged to the sect and were eager to be promoted?
Did he have to stay alive for a long time through the "Fountain of Youth" for physical reasons, or did he need to be promoted for some kind of promotion? For example, he had to live for hundreds of years before drinking the magic potion of the "Ancient Scholar"?

Thinking of the name "Ancient Scholar", Angel's mind inexplicably emerged with the "Immortal" promotion ceremony, and his spirituality was touched.

Maybe both guesses are correct. The "weird wizard" needs to take the potion to advance after he becomes an "ancient man", and this requires a long life. Only the "fountain of youth" can give him this opportunity. Once he leaves the fountain, perhaps all his efforts will be wasted!
And this was the breakthrough that allowed Angel to defeat him.

It was not until the "Red-haired Girl" slowly left the island and stationed near the fog surrounding the edge of the mirror world that Angel made a complete battle plan. She took out the dangerous "Parasite" gloves from her own mirror space, put them on her left hand, and looked at the black leather gloves covering her fair skin. The worry in her heart gradually subsided.

The main reason why she didn't carry this magical item with her was because the "Parasite" gloves had the negative effect of causing her to randomly lose other magical items on her body. Moreover, this was a demigod-level ability and was difficult to avoid. If she wore it for a long time, she might inexplicably drop "Angelica's Blade" in some strange corner.

This was unlike the negative effects of the "hypocrisy" ring. The problem of long-term wearing affecting intelligence had been resisted by her divinity. Even after wearing it for a whole day, Angel did not feel that her IQ had dropped.

After shaking the gloved hand, Angel glanced coldly at Elaine who was approaching again, and went directly into the mirror world, disappearing on the deck of the "Redhead Girl".

Sorry, Elaine... Angel muttered, and quickly returned to the island through the mirror passage, appearing on the beach where he first landed.

She pretended to be unfamiliar with the crew members on the "Red-haired Lady" because she was worried that the "Trickster" would have to leave the "Fountain of Youth" at the end of the battle and use them as hostages to threaten Angel, or even directly transform all the sailors on the ship into secret dolls as a revenge.

But it may be too late to pretend to be unfamiliar now. We may have fallen into the eyes of the "Strange Mage" as soon as we arrived in this special mirror world...

She thought helplessly, using the invisible silk thread as a means of movement, quickly crossed the dense jungle, came to the grassy area in the center of the island, and stopped 150 meters away from where she suspected the "weird wizard" was hiding.

Silently, the "Black Knight" walked out from behind a tree.

He was still dressed in full black armor, his eyes glowing bright red inside the full-body helmet, and his hands were empty, not holding the greatsword.

But Angel knew that as long as he needed, he could condense weapons with flesh, blood and shadows at any time, and even release the "Law Mage" to ignite the fire to summon the "Despair" witch and start a battle like the one just now.

"Where are the other secret dolls? Why don't they show up?"

Angel saw that the Black Knight did not attack immediately, so he took the initiative to speak.

The "weird wizard" hiding behind the scenes must be secretly controlling her spiritual thread at this time, but based on previous combat experience, this process is much longer than the process when Klein usually tries to provoke her spiritual thread, so he will definitely let the Black Knight use dialogue to delay time.

"This is our way of expressing our 'goodwill'," As expected, the Black Knight's dull voice came from under the visor, "After the battle just now, I think you have also discovered that neither of us can defeat the other in a short period of time, and there is no essential conflict between us... Therefore, I have thought of a way to have the best of both worlds."

"You want me to take the water from the Fountain of Youth and keep it a secret from the Witch Cult?"

Angel chuckled and asked back.

"No, it has nothing to do with the Witch Cult. You have to keep it secret from the whole world. I don't want anyone to know that a 'Weird Mage' is sleeping here, and the contract of the 'Law Mage' can guarantee this."

The agreement between the two will be ensured by the herded arbitrator demigod... It sounds like a good suggestion. If I hadn't been infected by the disease of the witch "Despair" hidden in the dark, I would have almost believed it... Angel sneered in his heart, and also used the ability to control "disease" to defend himself. At the same time, he was looking for the location of the "trickster", but his expression was moved by it, and he asked with interest:

"The Witch Cult should know of your existence. How did they ensure that the news was not leaked?"

The moment the question came out of Angel's mouth, she felt herself falling into a state of slow thinking and difficulty in movement again. Almost at the same time, a ball of black flame ignited in front of her, and then the flame exploded. The black knight in the distance stepped out of the black flame, and the huge sword in his hand took shape as he slashed straight at her.

"Blade of Flesh and Soul"!
The giant sword that could pass through the stand to hit the real body and even penetrate into the mirror world instantly split Angel in half. As the fragments flew, her figure appeared in another direction. There was a huge wound from her left shoulder to her chest, deep enough to see the bone. The internal wound was smooth, without a drop of blood flowing out, as if the wound was just an illusion.

But Angel felt as if his spirit body was torn apart, his head exploded with a loud bang, and he could hardly maintain the disease that spread to the surroundings.

She gritted her teeth, took off the string of strangely shaped and very eye-catching soldier dolls from her belt, and threw them in front of her.

"Reaper Legion", start!

Armored soldiers who were no less imposing than the "Black Knight" instantly appeared between the two men, holding various weapons and standing in two rows, blocking the former who was about to rush up to finish off the former with a huge sword in his hand.


There was a loud crash, and a reaper was knocked away with his sword, but the Black Knight was also forced to stop. He was surrounded in an instant. Flaming broadswords and spears were stabbed at him, and the Black Knight, who had nowhere to hide, was turned into an exquisitely shaped paper man.

With the help of these "subordinates", Angel finally recovered from the serious injuries caused by the "Blade of Flesh and Soul". She fought against the illusory roar that destroyed her thoughts, and looked at the "withered" vegetation in the middle of the grass, at the boulder, and at the pool of water under the stone.

Through the distribution of other animals and insects, as well as the secret obstruction of the disease by the witch of "Despair", she has confirmed the location of the "weird wizard", deep in the pool below the huge rock!

But neither the curse nor the disease could affect the "trickster" who was protected by another witch of the same sequence. Angel could only turn his attention to the black knight who used the "paper substitute" to escape the encirclement. At this time, far away from the battlefield, the figure of the "despair" witch in a hooded robe appeared.

She created an invisible plague, which floated along the wind towards the heavily armored "Reaper Legion", but she found that these lifeless "dolls" were difficult to be eroded by the disease, and the high temperature of their weapons could disperse most of the germs, making them completely unaffected by the disease for a short period of time.

At this moment, at the edge of the dense forest, a crouching figure appeared behind a tree.

The blonde "winner" glanced at the witch who was holding up the flaming straight sword, and then at his two teammates.

In the battle half an hour ago, he had tried many times to bestow "doom" on the opponent, but found that it was ineffective. This was not caused by the gap between Sequence 5 and Demigod, but the interference of some higher-level ability.

Therefore, he can only pass on "luck" to his companions, allowing them to gain certain advantages.

In his sight, the Black Knight luckily avoided the siege of three "Reapers" and slashed at the unsuspecting witch with a knife. The "Blade of Flesh and Soul" accurately hit her fragile body.

But apart from a few Reapers staggering a few times, this attack didn't cause much damage!
It is the "connection" of the "Iron Knight"...

The "weird wizard" who controls everything has an inner realization. She knows that it is almost impossible to severely damage the "despair" witch in this state. Only by using the "ban" to stop this connection can the "Blade of Flesh and Soul" that cuts off the body and destroys the spirit completely kill the opponent.

In front of Angel, the "Black Knight" drove the shadow under his feet without hesitation, making it stand up shakily beside itself, forming the "Law Mage" with only an outline and a pitch-black figure.

"It's forbidden here..."

As soon as the majestic ancient Hermes language came out of his mouth, Angel raised his left hand, clenched his five fingers in the black glove, and then twisted them outwards.

Several illusory balls of light appeared before her eyes, flashing rapidly with various colors and auras representing different abilities.

As a "herded" soul, the "Law Mage" only has four or five abilities at this time, and all of them are left to Angel to choose!

As the contractor of "Balancer" Anne, Angel is as familiar with this path as the "Fortune Teller" path.

She decisively chose the dim ball of light that represented the "deprivation" ability and held it in her hand. Then, when the "Law Mage" shouted and cut off her connection with the "Harvester Legion" and lost the power to share the damage, her figure shattered and dissipated, and reappeared in front of the "Despair" Witch.


She used her newly acquired abilities to deprive the other person of control over the "disease".

One of the two disease "forces" that had been fighting each other in the air dissipated in an instant, and the other side gained an absolute advantage. The occult disease of death surged like a tide, infecting all the birds, beasts, and insects on the entire island, no matter whether they were innocent spectators or accomplices turned into puppets!

Most importantly, the "weird wizard" who had been protected under the huge rock in the center of the island also contracted a fatal disease.

This mystical connection allowed Angel to immediately find the other party's exact location. She took out the talisman without hesitation and pressed it towards the witch in front of her.

Puff, with a slight sound of fire exploding, the witch's figure appeared next to the "Reaper" with burning weapons not far away, but the next second, her position was "stolen" by Angel and she returned to her original place.

An icy talisman was pressed between her proud breasts wrapped in a robe, and a despairing destructive force instantly surged out.


As the obscure ancient Hermetic words echoed, the transparent insect body with twelve embedded links and the purple crystal-like talisman collapsed, and invisible power surged out instantly.

But at this moment, Angel's eyes blurred, and the witch's body that felt good turned into a "winner" secret doll with short golden hair and an expressionless face.

The two secret dolls exchanged positions!
The "weird wizard" thought that the talisman in my hand was too terrifying to resist, and his other puppet animals died of the disease, so he could only temporarily exchange the puppets and let the "winner" who was useless in the battle die instead of the "despair" witch, retaining the last hope of fighting the deadly disease... Various thoughts kept flashing through Angel's mind, and he understood the enemy's practice of replacing the puppets at this time.

But to her, none of this mattered.


She called out loudly again in ancient Hermetic language, activating another spell in her hand.

That's right, she was holding two talismans, and one of them was the special "Luck Stealer" talisman that Klein made for her, which could lock onto targets with abilities such as disease and curse.

At this moment, deep in the "Fountain of Youth", the positions of the "weird wizard" who had been included in Angel's perception due to the disease and the "winner" in front of her suddenly dimmed, like a dark cloud passing by under the scorching sun.

After the dark clouds passed, everything on the central grassland of the island seemed to be the same as before.

Five "reapers" worked together to resist the attack of the "Black Knight". They had no spiritual bodies and were not afraid of the "Blade of Flesh and Soul", but they fell one by one in the "execution" of the "Lawmance Mage"; the "Despair" witch exchanged positions with the "Winner" and appeared at the edge of the junction of the grassland and the dense forest, and the other "reapers" were rushing towards her with weapons in hand; between the two, Angel stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the chest of the expressionless "Winner" secret doll.

But the "betrayal" has already happened.

Angel's right hand slowly dropped down. In front of her, the "winner"'s mouth and nose were emitting hot black flames, and his body was shaking.

The witch of "Despair" was pierced through the chest by a spear from the armored soldier who was rushing in the front. She did not turn into a thin paper man or a broken mirror. Blood gushed out from the tip of the spear, and then she was pierced by more weapons.

The "Black Knight" stopped swinging the giant sword in his hand, and inserted different broadswords, scimitars and spears on his chest and back. The "Harvest" ability was activated one after another, causing the black armor he was wearing to fall off piece by piece, revealing the weathered but still handsome face underneath. His bright red eyes looked forward without any emotion, and slowly closed.

The "Law Mage" he herded turned into a shadow and covered the body of the black knight again. Countless flesh and blood surged up, and the various souls he "herded" seemed to be about to leave his body, and the shell that was left behind underwent unknown changes.

At this moment, all the "secret puppets" had their spiritual connections completely severed and lost contact with the "evil wizard", becoming puppets without any resistance.

Of course, if the magician is given some time, he may be able to re-tie the spiritual thread and bring the secret puppet that "betrayed" him back under his command, but he does not have such time now.

Following violent coughs, a thin and slender figure emerged from the slowly flowing spring water beneath the huge rock in the center of the island. He, no, she was coughing violently, with dark red and almost black dirty blood flowing out of her mouth and nose. She forced herself to half sit up, but she didn't have enough strength to leave the water.

The "weird wizard" who had lost all his secret dolls, was infected with a fatal disease, and was even naked and had not even a paper doll left, finally revealed his true identity in front of Angel.

She was about 20 years old, with long bright golden hair casually draped behind her, delicate features, and her face shape made her look breathtakingly beautiful, making Angel feel as if he had seen a high-sequence witch.

No, it was most likely that this female magician had used the ability of the "Faceless Man" to modify her appearance... Angel muttered, and did not hold back just because the other party had lost the ability to resist. Instead, he immediately used the surface of the "Fountain of Youth" to flash in front of the woman and raised "Angelica's Blade" which felt hot in his hand and had a blue-green flame on the tip of the sword.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

The demigod, who was severely injured by illness and "betrayal", murmured.

At the same time, Angel felt "sluggish" again, realizing that his spiritual thread was being pulled by the other party. After leaving the "Fountain of Youth", the evil wizard resumed the normal speed of controlling the spiritual thread, and without hesitation went into the "mirror world", leaving the false substitute to the other party.

The next second, she returned to reality, appeared behind the other person, and stabbed out with a sword, piercing into the suddenly rising flames.

The figure of the evil wizard appeared beside the still extinguished black flame of the "winner" in the distance.

She still has energy left to use "Fire Jump"!
Angel looked at the place where the other party appeared with cold eyes, raised his left hand slightly, and clenched his five fingers.

This distance was directly "stolen", and the naked woman appeared again next to the "Fountain of Youth" and in front of Angel.

This time, she failed to avoid the "Angelica Blade" that pierced her heart. The flaming sword tip pierced through her back, and the scorching flames instantly burned the wound without letting a drop of blood flow out.

But with a series of "crackling" sounds that made Angel's teeth ache, a circle of cracks appeared on the other person's fair-skinned neck, which kept bleeding. Then, her neck broke by itself, and her head flew up with a bloody spine. It floated a short distance with difficulty, and fell weakly into the "Fountain of Youth".

(End of this chapter)

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