Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 842: The Change of the "Black Knight"

Chapter 842: The Change of the "Black Knight"
My, no, where is Angelica's blade? It was in my hand just now, and I killed a "trickster" with it?

Angel frowned and subconsciously reached into his own "mirror space", but failed to grab the powerful weapon created by the extraordinary characteristics of the "Iron Knight".

But the black leather glove on her retracted left hand alerted her, and she immediately remembered the embarrassing side effects of the "Parasite" gloves:

Every time the user uses its "steal" ability, there is a chance that they will lose other magical items in their possession.

This is not some kind of bad luck, so Angel's secret holy emblem will not work. In fact, it itself is one of the items that are easy to lose, but this time it was taken priority by the more sarcastic and provocative "Angelica's Blade"... and this kind of "lost item" in the mystical sense is difficult for the user to detect by himself!
No, this is nothing to be proud of. If my weapon were to disappear inexplicably during a battle, it would probably change the course of the entire battle...

Angel muttered, looked around, and soon found the straight sword inserted into the wrinkled back of the "Weird Mage". He walked up and pulled it out, and before the hilt became hot, he ignited the high-temperature flames and burned this Roselle-era veteran who had endured 175 years in the "Fountain of Youth" into ashes, allowing her to rest in peace.

It’s a pity that she didn’t wear any magical items on her body, otherwise such an ancient demigod must have a lot of “assets”… Alas, I should have thought of this when I saw her emerging naked from the water. She didn’t even have a paper figurine on her, so where did the magical items come from?
Watching the black ashes slowly falling into the "Fountain of Youth" under the breeze, and then quickly submerged by the constantly surging spring water, Angel sighed a few words, took off the "Parasite" gloves, put them back into the mirror space together with his own sharp blade, and then returned to the grass outside and entered a messy battlefield.

Two of her ten "reapers" had been executed by the "Lawmance Mage" in the previous battle. Under her command, the remaining eight armored soldiers stood in a row again and transformed into a string of small puppets.

From beginning to end, they never showed any hostility towards Angel, nor did they have any intention of "betrayal".

After putting away the remaining eight puppets, Angel looked at the "secret puppets" that were in different positions and postures, but all of them were lifeless.

The "winner" who was dressed a bit like an Intis man from a hundred years ago was burned by the black flames caused by Angel's direct touch on his body, and his original appearance could no longer be seen. Beside him, a group of extraordinary characteristics that flashed with silver-white light was gathering and taking shape, making Angel feel like taking it for himself immediately.

Maybe I can use it to make a revolver... Well, my sharp blade will be jealous, so I can only sell it to someone else... Angel picked it up happily and added a black flame to the blond young man's body that had no spirit and characteristics, making this "loser" who should have died a hundred years ago return to dust.

Then, she walked towards the witch who had exchanged positions with the "Winner" under the arrangement of the "Trickster" to avoid being directly hit by the "Betrayal" and the "Luck Thief". After the latter's "Spirit Line" was interrupted by the talisman and she lost control and became a lifeless puppet, she was besieged by the "Reapers". Her upper body was stabbed into a bloody mess by various weapons. At this moment, she was lying on the ground, and the grass beside her was covered with solidified black blood.

Her hood had fallen off, revealing her long hair, which was bright golden but no longer smooth and shiny. Her face shape and facial features reminded Angel of the "weird wizard" who had just died in his hands, whose appearance was changed by the faceless man's ability.

The person she modified her appearance to imitate turned out to be her own secret doll. However, when she was communicating with the spirit, her spirit still showed her original appearance, which showed that she had a clear understanding of her "reality". Otherwise, she would lose control in the process of playing the "Faceless Man" and would never be promoted to a demigod... Angel sighed, reached out and picked up the extraordinary characteristics of the "Despair" witch, and used the same black flame to send this witch who did not belong to the "Witch Sect" on her last journey.

Finally, only the Black Knight was left...

She walked around several old trees that blocked her view and came to the other side of the meadow. The battle here was the most intense, leaving countless deep gullies and traces of burns on the meadow. Those were the result of the collision between the "Blade of Flesh and Soul" and the "Harvest", and the bloody battle between the Demigod Extraordinary and the Reaper Team formed by the "War Bishop".

But in the center of these traces, a strange black shadow was constantly wriggling.

It seemed to absorb all the light nearby, making the area within dozens of meters appear dim. Just as Angel took a few steps forward, he realized that the "rules" around him had changed to a certain extent, as if someone was constantly issuing various "bans", putting the surrounding environment into a changeable danger.

"Master of the Law"?
Angel was alert and did not rush forward. Instead, he stood just beside the dark area, carefully observing the changes in the black shadow.

With her decent knowledge of mysticism, she could guess that the "Black Knight" must have undergone some special changes when he died from "mysticization", and this change was closely related to the souls he herded!

At least, the one who constantly imposed "bans" on the surrounding environment in silence was the soul of the arbitrator demigod...

Just as Angel was thinking whether to continue waiting for this abnormality to stop, or to add fuel to the fire with curses and black flames, the shadow of a "black knight" that was more than two meters high and looked like a distorted figure suddenly split open in the upper part, with flesh and blood surging inside, like a giant mouth leading to hell.


An indescribable sound came out of that "mouth", like the desperate howl of a mental patient, sharp and sticky, which made Angel fall into a daze instantly, and his brain was almost blank.

Is this... "Ocean Singer"?
Angel immediately recalled the scene when he and the "Hanged Man" Alger were working together to explore the nameless island and the other party was singing "Impulse". Half of his mind was filled with the pain caused by the current song, and the other half was filled with the dizziness of memories. It took him a few seconds to adjust and look at the singing shadow again.

If he continued to release the extraordinary abilities mixed together, there might be bigger problems... She no longer hesitated and immediately decided to use curses and black flames to accelerate the death of the "Black Knight". Beams of black flames that could burn all spirituality swirled towards the black shadow. At the same time, many ice mirrors appeared out of thin air beside Angel. They were aimed at the black shadow formed by the "Black Knight" mutation, and he was included in the mirror image. The superimposed curses continued to penetrate into his shapeless body, cutting off the last breath of life that was pieced together by different souls.

At this moment, the grassland that had originally become dark due to some power underwent new changes.

The sun gradually sinks to the east, and the sunlight shining on the island is dyed with an enchanting red, as if day and night have changed in an instant, and the warm sunlight has turned into crimson and cold moonlight.

This abnormal change that caused Angel's inner spirituality to surge only occurred in an area of ​​about thirty meters around the "Black Knight", causing this area to enter "nighttime" and be shrouded in the eerie moonlight. However, the sunlight was still dazzling around it, making that small dark space seem to be in another world.

The "Black Knight" who was covered in black flames and cursed suddenly exploded into pieces of red scales in the moonlight that came from nowhere. They flew in all directions with irregular trajectories, like bats with wings.

What kind of extraordinary ability is this? I have never seen the "Black Knight" use it just now... Angel's eyes quickly swept over the flying red scales, and the "disease" spread instantly, but it had no effect on these illusory things.

Without any hesitation, she took out Angelica's sharp blade, infused it with spirituality, and let a purple high-temperature flame surge out of the tip of the straight sword. However, she did not aim it at a piece of red scale fragments that exploded from the "Black Knight", but pointed it at an ice mirror beside her, activating the door to the "Mirror World".

The next second, a hundred-meter-long "destruction ray" poured into the mirror and shot out from all the surrounding ice mirrors, like a giant purple claw reaching towards the sky. Each of its fingers was composed of extremely high-temperature flames that could burn any object and spirit. Each of them penetrated one or more flying red scales and completely annihilated it.

In mid-air, the burnt ashes condensed on their own, and a smoking "Black Knight" figure appeared, tumbling and landing heavily on the grass with a loud "bang".

Angel did not give him any chance to display any extraordinary abilities. All the ice mirrors beside him carefully adjusted their directions, allowing the "giant claws" made of flames to close. Rays of "destruction" swept across the twisted black shadow, cutting off his last bit of life.


She exhaled a breath of burning air, feeling the blood almost boiling in her body, and quickly sent the "Angelica's Blade" that she had been holding for more than two minutes in the battle and almost ignited herself back to the mirror space. With the idea of ​​recycling, she controlled the ice mirror beside her to move closer to herself to lower the temperature of her almost burning body.

Only then did she slowly walk towards the remains of the "Black Knight" that were emitting high temperatures, while being alert to possible changes that might occur again and reviewing the battle just now.

It seems that the souls that the "Black Knight" herds are not only the "Law Mage" and the "Reaper", but also at least a certain "Ocean Singer" and a certain sequence that can summon the light of the Crimson Moon, turn into red scales and flee... That's right, as the subsequent sequence of the "Shepherd", he can't just herd two souls. Even if only the middle sequence is available, he must try to fill the vacancies in his body...

She muttered to herself as she came to the "Black Knight" who was still emitting overwhelming heat. She was about to summon more frost to help him "calm down", but she found that this shapeless black shadow with a constantly changing outline was constantly collapsing inwards, shrinking rapidly as if being absorbed by something, and disappeared without a trace in the dots of light in less than ten seconds.

The only thing left there was a ruby ​​necklace that looked familiar to Angel. Various colors of light kept flashing inside the huge gem, making it impossible to look away.


Isn’t this my “Rose Necklace”?

Angel touched his chest in astonishment and found that the necklace that had been hanging around his neck was gone.

Could it be that when I first used the "Parasite" gloves and stole the "Deprivation" ability of the Law Mage, this necklace left me, and then when the "Black Knight" was mutated due to the loss of control of his soul, it was sucked into it due to the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, and then returned to its original owner?
But if this is the case, what about the extraordinary characteristics of the "Black Knight"? What about the "Law Mage" and "Ocean Singer"?

Angel picked up the "Rose Necklace" which was still a little hot, as if it had just been taken out of the forge, half in confusion and half in anticipation, and probed into it spiritually.

After a moment, her purple eyes gradually widened, and the joy in her heart could no longer be contained.

This time... I made a lot of money!

(End of this chapter)

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