Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 843 Upgrade of "Rose Necklace"

Chapter 843 Upgrade of "Rose Necklace"
After Backlund killed the Aurora Society's messenger "Ms. D", Angel picked up her "Shepherd" extraordinary characteristic and gave it to the "Hanged Man" to contact Sharf to make the "Rose Necklace". It was her first Sequence 5 magical item, and it was the most powerful one. It provided her with considerable help in countless battles afterwards.

But at this time, after being contained in the twisted and mutated body of the "Black Knight", this ruby ​​necklace was actually integrated with the extraordinary characteristics in the demigod's body, and even carried the "souls" that had been grazed by it and had not yet been freed, blending into an upgraded version of the "Rose Necklace"!
Although there was not much difference in appearance, Angel, with the help of divination and spiritual reminders, immediately discovered the difference between the two after a rough inspection:

"The characteristics of the 'Shepherd' seem to have merged with the 'Black Knight', just like how a Beyonder can be promoted directly after taking the characteristics, and they are indistinguishable from each other... This gives the necklace an additional ability called 'Blade of Soul and Flesh', which can bypass most defenses and directly attack the target's soul and body... Isn't this the way the 'Black Knight' attacked me before...

"The flesh and blood magic that originally existed in the necklace has also been strengthened. It should be similar to the demigod of the Secret Prayer. As long as the spiritual power is still sufficient, non-fatal injuries can be quickly recovered in battle. Even if it is a fatal injury, it can be quickly relieved without death or loss of control on the spot...

"The number of souls that can be 'herded' has been upgraded from three to six. I can herd Sequence 4 Beyonders, and even have a chance to try Sequence 3... Souls with divine nature are more powerful and difficult to control, and require twice as much 'space'. The speed of switching between different souls and abilities is also much faster, but I can only choose one soul at a time. I can't use two souls at the same time as easily as an external 'Lawmage'...

"The negative effects have become more unbearable. When wearing it, I still have to endure the gradually increasing demand for flesh and blood. At first, it is the desire to eat meat, and then I will want to directly contain and absorb the flesh of living things. In the end, I may become like an out-of-control monster, endlessly chasing the flesh and blood of all life... In addition, when activating the soul grazing inside, I will hear the increasingly strong whispers of the real creator, and I will involuntarily want to respond and pray to it... These effects are caused by the characteristics of the demigod-level 'Black Knight', and I can't resist them with my divinity. I can't wear it as an ordinary necklace at any time in the future...

"But the negative effects are generally not that strong... Is this because its 'foundation' is a magical item made by a craftsman, and the 'Black Knight' was completely dead at the time, so it didn't cause too much pollution?"

Compared with the negative effects that can be avoided, the ability of the strengthened "Rose Necklace" undoubtedly made Angel overjoyed. After absorbing the characteristics of the "Black Knight", it maintained the excellent characteristics of being made by the "Craftsman" and mainly based on "grazing". It was upgraded in all aspects and was not as difficult to control as the "Creeping Hunger".

The only problem is that the space inside that can hold six souls has been "overfilled" because the "Lawmage" has taken up two places, and one needs to be released, otherwise all souls will conflict with each other and cannot be switched at any time according to the command. This may be the reason why the "Black Knight" puppet still mutates after death... He was "stuffed to death" by the extra souls...

Angel muttered and closed his eyes. His spirituality spread and he sensed the lonely, cold space inside the necklace in his hand. The dark gold, scarlet, dark blue, lava and iron-black lights flashed in turn. The wails, prayers and cries of the bound souls rang in Angel's ears.

Hey, it seems that the characteristics of "Wind-loving One" and "Ocean Singer" have merged. Bishop Miller didn't beat the singer with the unique voice... Angel suddenly discovered that the soul of the bishop who was killed and herded by him on Bansi Island had disappeared, and the blue light was also covered by a deeper characteristic like the color of the ocean.

After merging and strengthening, the "Rose Necklace" inside not only changed Angel's original "Wind Blesser" into "Ocean Singer", "Weather Control" was replaced by "Lightning Strike" and "Singing", but also had three more souls belonging to the "Black Knight" herding:

The first one is naturally the Sequence 4 "Law Master", who is a black-haired man with eyes closed and a painful expression. His round face reminds Angel of the Augustus on the banknotes. This demigod has the abilities of "Law", "Deprivation", "Contract", and "Mind Piercing".

The second one was the "reaper" as Angel expected. The face associated with it was a young woman with long red hair. She had been crying since Angel sensed the soul inside the necklace. This woman, who was probably a descendant of the Sauron family, had the abilities of "harvesting", "fire control", "precision" and "provocative".

The last one is the "Crimson Scholar" who has a hideous face and sometimes wails and sometimes curses. His soul can control the abilities of "Full Moon", "Moonlight", "Wings of Darkness" and "Shackles of the Abyss". The ability of the "Black Knight" to turn sunlight into moonlight and decompose itself into pieces of red scales flying everywhere when it mutates comes from him.

Including the "Apostle of Desire" and "Mentor of Chaos" that the "Rose Necklace" already possessed, this magical item already contains five Sequence 5 and one Sequence 4 souls and Beyonder characteristics!
If this necklace is to be sold, the price must be at least 10 pounds. No, I won't sell it even at 15 pounds... Angel's hand holding the "Rose Necklace" trembled a little, it was the touch of the heavy gold pounds!
Combined with the extraordinary characteristics of "Trickster", "Despair" and "Winner", Angel's trip to the "Fountain of Youth" brought her at least 25 pounds in profits. Although most of them were concentrated in this necklace and could not be converted into cash, she was still very happy.

Then, her spirituality once again wrapped around the ruby ​​on the necklace that kept flashing various lights and forming some kind of conflict inside, trying to release the soul of the "reaper".

A scorching cyclone blew over the grass, covering Angel and the necklace in her hand. A figure with a blurred face but iconic long red hair could be seen emerging from the necklace. Her painful expression eased a little, and she floated in the air and looked at Angel below, her lips slightly opened, and she said something silently.

From the movement of her lips, Angel could tell that she was saying "thank you" in Intis.

"You're welcome. It would be even better if you could tell me your background. Maybe I can notify for you."

Angel said solemnly.

But this woman with a pretty face, a hint of heroism between her brows, and who looked three or four percent like Elaine, just shook her head slightly, and her figure quickly faded in the air and disappeared in the gradually subsiding whirlwind.

She should have been herded by the "Weird Mage" more than a hundred years ago. Considering that the "Master of Secret Dolls" can do this, it may have been more than two hundred years. Even if there were relatives at that time, they are no longer alive now...

Angel sighed softly, drew a crimson moon on his chest, and said a simple prayer for the departed souls. He caught the "reaper" attribute that was condensed on the ruby ​​of the necklace. It was as long as the index finger and looked like a sharp black stone. He carefully avoided its sharp tip and threw it into the mirror space. Then he also got in and left the messy battlefield. Following the passage connecting to the magic mirror he left on the "Redhead", Angel quickly returned to the ship that was staying at the edge of the fog. The other sailors were still taking turns to be on guard on the deck, but they were all curious about the island that had become silent. The birds that were originally flying there had disappeared. Compared with when they came, it had become an "island of death".

That's because I killed most of the birds and animals with disease to prevent them from becoming the secret puppets of the "Weird Wizard"... But this range only includes the core area of ​​the island, and as time goes by, the remaining creatures will continue to reproduce... Angel listened to the conversation of the sailors, muttered in his heart, and then found Elaine, asked her to weigh anchor and set sail, returning to the place where she entered this special mirror world before.

In addition, she also told Elaine the good news that she had accidentally obtained the "Reaper" Beyonder characteristic, and asked her to prepare for the promotion to Sequence 5.

Of course, Angel also helped her choose the ritual required for promotion, which was to "plan a conspiracy, capture a target with a higher sequence than yourself, show off the conspiracy on the spot, and then take the magic potion in the target's annoyed eyes."

"Are you heading back home? So, you have already... completed your promotion?"

While commanding the sailors, Elaine asked Angel cautiously. There was admiration in her eyes as if she was looking at the mountains and the deep sea, which made Angel feel a little alienated due to the gap in strength.

"No, I just got some of the materials, and I'm not going to get promoted in such a dangerous place."

Angel replied with a forced smile, not disappointed by the sentiments Elaine expressed.

After all, she had the same feeling when facing Mr. Azik and Ms. Arianna. The restraint caused by the huge gap in strength cannot be shifted by human will.

Besides, she really had no intention of advancing to Sequence 3 on the island where the "Fountain of Youth" was located. After all, both the Trickster Sophia and the Black Cat Vinsa had said that after advancing to "Immortality" here, she would most likely encounter some problems related to the "Man in the Mirror", which would become a "bad thing".

In that case, wouldn't it be better to return to a safe place and take the potion?
Various thoughts kept flashing through Angel's mind as a biting cold air surged out from his side again, bypassing the sailors and covering the surrounding sea, completely freezing the sea surface and making it appear like an icy mirror that reflected the sunlight and the reflections of the ships.

As the mirror shattered and the reflection of the ship merged with the real object, Angel and her "red-headed girl" returned to the foggy real world.


Late at night, in the northern district of Backlund, at 160 Böklund Street, at Dantes' residence.

Klein had just fallen asleep after attending a dinner party and deepening his friendship with MI9's Deputy Director, Chonas Kilger, and Admiral Amyrius Levitt, who led the Ministry of Defense, when his spirituality became alert.

"Could it be that Hazel Macht is crawling through the sewers again? Has she recovered from her fear of Amon so quickly?"

He muttered to himself as he climbed out of bed, commanding the two secret dolls to come to his side silently. Just as he was about to spread his spirituality and sense who was disturbing his sleep through the "intuitive premonition" enhanced by the power of the gray fog, he noticed that the surface of the full-length mirror hanging beside the bed became dim, and then ripples appeared, reflecting the illusory world inside.

Angel's figure emerged from the mirror. She was wearing a shirt and tight pants that were easy to move in. Her clothes were torn in many places and her body was stained with blood, but her face was filled with undisguised joy.

"Did you get the dead branch from the tree near the Fountain of Youth?"

Klein guessed something and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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