Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 845 Hello, the Immortal Witch

Chapter 845 Hello, the Immortal Witch

"...From now on, Tingen's affairs will be handed over to you."

Adam, with blond hair and a golden beard, spoke slowly, his tone gentle, as if he was talking to an old friend.

The black-haired woman beside him nodded slightly and replied:

"'Source Castle' will ignore this modification of her memory, but only for this time. Do not contact her unless necessary."

"I understand." Adam chuckled, but his eyes were calm and without any smile. "Then, this story begins here."

He uttered the last words in an aria, and his figure faded away and disappeared into the basement, as if he had never been there.

The "Mother of Heaven" withdrew her gaze and took one last look at the young woman on the floor. The outline of her body in the black robe disappeared as if it had been erased by an eraser.

This was not the first time that Angel came to the basement where she "traveled" initially from a third-person perspective. When she took the potion to advance but was on the verge of losing control, and when Adam "awakened" her memory, she saw the two figures, a man and a woman. She already knew Adam's identity, but this time she could really see the face of the female figure and confirmed her identity.

According to her and Klein's speculation, the "Mother of Heaven" who could move freely outside was equivalent to the Goddess of Night... This meant that Adam had indeed cooperated with the goddess to a certain extent, and had also modified his own memory!
That’s why I easily came into contact with the Goddess Church after “crossing over”, and strengthened my faith in prayer… That’s why the Night Watchers were almost defenseless towards me, and even when I first came to this world, I was awarded the title of “Shadow of the Goddess”… So after I recalled the appearance of Adam I saw in Enmat Port with the help of Mr. Fool, I tried to pray to the Goddess for help, but all I got was a blank manuscript paper…

Is this because I have forgotten some memories?

Wait, the goddess just said, "Source Castle will ignore this modification"... What about "other times"?

Angel suddenly remembered that the first time he realized that the "audience" channel could tamper with memory was because of the convening of the "Tarot Club" and because he came to the country of Mr. Fool, the palace filled with gray fog.

Is that the "Source Castle"? Will the God of the "Fool" spontaneously eliminate the power of the "audience"? But due to some tricks of the Goddess, even the "Source Castle" can't restore my memory that was tampered with by Adam...

Is it because the Goddess is collaborating with Adam and The Fool in this regard?

Just as she understood something, the scene in front of her changed again. This time, it was a variety of scenes that she was more familiar with: the dog catching the rat in the "Wild Heart" bar, the prayer and response in Saint Samuel Church, the first encounter with Klein, and joining the Nighthawks...

He lived as a night watchman in Tingen, was plotted against by "0-08" and Ince Zangwill, changed his identity after his "death", and went to Backlund; he got to know Klein, who had become Sherlock Moriarty, and together they stopped the conspiracy of the Witch Cult and the Aurora Society; they went to the sea together, seeking the hope of promotion, but accidentally left their names on the bounty list; in order to track down Ince Zangwill, he returned to Backlund and became a high-society person who spent money like water, lingering in singing, dancing, and banquets, while at the same time having to solve various troubles in the extraordinary world...

The memories of this year seemed more vivid and distinct than the past few decades of Angel's life, and left a deeper mark in his mind.

Compared to the old memories that seemed like those of the previous life, compared to those memories that Adam had tampered with, this year was the "reality" that belonged to me...Looking at those familiar scenes, Angel had burst into tears without knowing when.

She knew that with her own body in the "City of Disaster" as evidence, her memories of her "previous life" should not be wrong, but emotionally she could not treat the two equally.

This "gap" in her thinking caused her to be surrounded by different pictures, and gradually go deeper into the black fog below. The cold touch spread from her feet upwards, gradually to her thighs and waist, and was about to swallow her up.

Memory...memories are the key, I need them to stop myself from "sinking"!
Angel realized something and tried to calm down and "accept" her memories from the past year. However, they became increasingly blurred, immersed in the surrounding black fog and beyond her reach.

Just as Angel was sinking deeper and deeper into the black fog and her whole body was gradually turning cold, a warm current emerged from her right hand, dispelling the coldness from her body and allowing her to struggle in the black fog again, grasping the memory that was about to disappear - the memory of when she was still called "Angel Gray".

With this as an anchor, Angel regained her stability, and the memories around her, some fresh and some old, gradually emerged and connected with her. More and more "anchors" allowed her to float steadily in the black fog, and she also understood the role of the ritual of promotion to "immortality".

It requires the witch who is preparing for promotion to accumulate enough memories to stabilize the spirit during the promotion process, and it also requires the witch to treat the memory of each time equally, not to favor one over the other due to the difference in time, and thus destroy her own "anchor point".

Therefore, the ritual requires taking the potion with a mentality different from that of one's age after a long period of time... While ensuring the safety of promotion, it can also lay the foundation for the "immortal" witches to live for potentially thousands of years, and point out a way to maintain their own stability, so that they don't lose themselves in their long lives and eventually get out of control.

So, I thought that my unconscious existence in the "City of Disaster" for so many years served as a basis for meeting the requirements of the ritual in a tricky way, but it went against the essence of the ritual... Angel's mind was full of thoughts. Although she was prepared for failure in the promotion before the attempt, she did not expect that her experience as an "anchor point" would be completely useless in the ritual.

For ordinary "desperate" witches, this stage is actually the easiest to get through. As long as they accumulate enough memories, take potions with a young and healthy mentality, and use these deep memories to stabilize themselves, they can successfully advance. If I hadn't been reminded and helped just now, I would have been trapped in that black fog and lost in it...

Angel clenched her right fist in fear. She believed that it must have been Klein who was waiting on the side who gave her the greatest support.

Of course, Angel felt that her inference might not be completely correct. It took her a year to reach the threshold of Sequence 9 from Sequence 3. The various events she experienced and the important moments she went through were definitely not something that ordinary Beyonders could experience. In a sense, this also provided her with many "anchor points" to stabilize herself, so that she would not capsize in an instant.

Surrounded by many memories, Angel's chill gradually faded away. Her eyes lingered on the scenes, imprinting them deeply in her mind again, feeling the new power in her body slowly merge with her etheric body, spiritual body, spirit body and physical body, and sinking deep into her body. It was not until now that she confirmed that she had completed her promotion and became a Sequence 3 "immortal" witch.

He closed his eyes, and after his condition stabilized a little, Angel opened his eyes again.

What appeared before his eyes was not the master bedroom on the third floor of Dantes's house, nor was it Klein, who looked concerned, but the "City of Disasters" where the earth was burning, the sky was shattered, and everywhere he looked were city streets of different styles.

Sure enough, after the promotion, I came here again... Angel was not too surprised, she had experienced this kind of thing many times.

But this time, she noticed something different.

Compared with the previous times she entered this place, Angel felt that her spiritual energy was quite abundant and she was able to exert it. This might be related to the fact that she had stabilized her state after the promotion, but she suspected that it had more to do with the improvement of the sequence.

"This means that I have more 'authority' and can retain my spirituality and even my own extraordinary abilities to enter this place..."

She muttered, looking at the street beside her, focusing specifically on the dark corners, and sure enough, her "dark vision" was working properly.

Perhaps this means that I can explore the city more efficiently. The invisible threads and light coordination can bypass places that I cannot enter. More spirituality means longer exploration time...

After assessing the risks in her mind, she decided to leave here first and return to reality. After becoming familiar with the extraordinary abilities of the "immortal" witch, she would look for an opportunity to enter this place and explore more deeply.

"Well, see you next time, 'City of Disaster'..."

Angel muttered, turning around and preparing to look for the only exit she had confirmed so far: the deep pit where she first entered this place.

Behind her, there stood a figure as tall as her.

In the dark vision, the figure had long light golden hair and dark purple eyes, a beautiful face, and an elegant figure. She was wearing a set of clothes that were easy to move in. There were several traces of battle on her clothes, but they could not conceal her noble and elegant temperament.

She is also Angel Granger.

"Hello," the other Angel spoke, her voice so familiar it seemed like it came from her own mouth, "Angel Granger, I am your mirror image."


160 Böklund Street, in the master bedroom on the third floor of Dantes's residence.

Klein anxiously turned the pendulum in his hand. The clockwise spinning amethyst told him that Angel's promotion was normal and safe, but he still couldn't convince himself to sit still and wait for him to wake up.

If he hadn't been worried that Angel might see him standing there in a weird posture, he would have walked four steps backwards into the gray fog to do a more effective divination.

He walked around in the spiritual wall nervously, wanting to touch Angel, but not daring to disturb her who was in the process of promotion.

Looking at Angel who stood still after "drinking" the potion, Klein cautiously and hesitantly opened the vision of the spiritual line, carefully counting the black lines spreading from Angel's body to the surroundings. After confirming that they were correct, he breathed a sigh of relief again.

"What am I doing... am I really going to listen to Angel and turn her into a secret doll before she fails in her promotion and loses control and becomes a monster?"

He muttered, and was about to close the vision of the spirit line, when he suddenly found that the black lines in front of him were curling up, as if being pulled by someone, pointing to the full-length mirror closest to Angel.

Then, they all disappeared.


Right in front of Klein, Angel shattered into pieces of crystal mirror with a crisp sound, as if they were weightless.

(End of this chapter)

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