Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 846 The Power of Essence

Chapter 846 The Power of Essence

"Hello, Angel Granger, I'm your mirror image."

It was as if a full-length mirror appeared in front of Angel. In the mirror, a person who looked and was dressed exactly like her was speaking the familiar Loenese, but the content of the speech made her heart tighten.

Man in the mirror!
Angel immediately thought of Pierce Turner, the man in the mirror whom he met in his dream at night in "Gods of War", and the man in the mirror who replaced his "original body" and whose purpose was unclear and spread across various industries inside Trier of Intis.

But didn't my "man in the mirror" die in the ruins of the war of gods? There was also a piece of mirror fragment with a black surface left behind... Angel's mind flashed with doubt, but he decided to keep his distance first to prevent the other party from attacking.

After all, the behavior of the "people in the mirror" is too bad. They are committed to replacing their own original bodies. They seem to have formed some kind of disciplined organization and are planning some major events involving multiple countries and churches.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the initiative to greet you just now, but would have attacked you directly."

The other "Angel" spoke with a warm expression. There was a convincing power in her words, and with that beautiful face that even surpassed Angel's appearance, people had to believe her words.

No... That's the ability of "Instigation"? And combined with Charm? Her charm is even stronger than mine... Hmm, I just became "Immortal", so my charm has also increased?

Looking at the "person in the mirror" whose temperament and charm were much stronger than his own during the "despair" period, Angel was speechless for a moment.

The first time she was bewitched by a witch, she was facing her own face.

By the way... the "immortal" witch also has some connection with the man in the mirror. Wensa once mentioned this, and one must "reconcile with the man in the mirror" to obtain the full power of this sequence... Could it be that now is the so-called "reconciliation" stage?
Angel thought about how he had asked the black cat Vinsa about the relevant doubts after solving the "Man in the Mirror" in Trier, but the latter said vaguely that this was a problem of the "immortal" witch.

Now, I finally have to face this problem... Angel couldn't confirm whether the person in front of him was the "Mirror Man" that every witch had to face, or the evil "Mirror Man" that was created by some kind of pollution under Trier and wanted to replace his original body at any time, so he just asked coldly:

"What is your purpose? And why are you here..."

Having said that, she hesitated whether to tell the person in the mirror in front of her about the "City of Disaster".

"This 'city of disaster'?"

The "person in the mirror" chuckled and asked back, tilting his head slightly. The slender neck curve and delicate skin were extremely eye-catching in Angel's dark vision, making her heart throb a little.

No, this is not my “person in the mirror” at all. How come she is more skilled than me in displaying the charm of a witch!
Angel grumbled inwardly, then nodded stiffly, confirming the other party's statement.

"Of course, it's because we are all related to the 'City of Disaster' and this 'Source Essence' that I am here, and so are you," the person in her mirror smiled and explained patiently, "As one of the nine source essences, the City of Disaster can influence the ways to share its authority. I think you already know which ones they are."

"Witches, and hunters."

Angel replied with a serious face, a question in his mind was confirmed.

No wonder the "Witch" and "Red Priest" cards appear here, no wonder the body of Angel Gray, who was killed by a demon suspected to be from the Hunter path, is hidden here, no wonder those "betrayal" and "petrification" spells have the shadow of the power of the two paths...

"But it seems that only me and us are affected, not other witches and hunters?"

Angel found a loophole in the other party's words and asked.

At the same time, she thought of the surprise of "White Saint" Katarina when she saw her "disaster" spell, and the "city of disaster" that the "red angel" evil spirit exclaimed.

Aren't they affected by this source?

The "person in the mirror" in front of her nodded, as if she had expected this question, and answered in a relaxed tone:

"This kind of 'influence' will only appear in specific places, such as Bansi, Trier in the Fourth Epoch, or the island where you found the 'betrayal' spell. They are mutated by the overflow power of the 'City of Disaster' and will contaminate everything that comes close by carelessly. Medici passively endured the contamination of Bansi, but he had no way to actively control the power here...

"As for the witches, if they stay near those places for too long and are contaminated by the power of the source, the 'Mirror Person' will mutate and pose a threat to them in the real world. The higher the sequence, the more afraid they are of this kind of pollution. This is also the reason why only the 'Black Witch' Clarisse is active in Trill, and other witches, even the 'Disaster' witches, dare not enter."

This is somewhat different from what the black cat Wensa said at the beginning. It believes that all witches with the blood of the "original witch" will be affected by the mutated "mirror man", not just the group that stayed in Trier... Moreover, if other high-ranking witches dare not stay in Trier, why can the "black witch"? Because she has been contaminated and already has the "special mirror man"?
Angel felt that there was some subtle difference between the two perspectives, and he didn't know whether to believe "himself" or the Black Cat Messenger.

"So, are you the 'Mirror Person' that all witches have, or the 'Special Mirror Person' affected by the City of Disaster?"

After a moment, Angel stared at the other party and asked the most crucial question. "The path we are on is to be promoted to 'Witch'. The moment you take the potion, you will leave your own mark in the mirror world and generate your own 'Mirror Man'. This helps us use 'Mirror Magic', but correspondingly, the power of the mirror man will also grow with the main body, until you are promoted to 'Immortal', the main body and your mirror man will face a difficult choice: confrontation or reconciliation. In this way, the witch will obtain the complete power of Sequence 3."

The man in the mirror answered in a tone that was familiar to Angel and was his own.

This doesn't answer my question... Angel frowned slightly, but immediately understood the hidden meaning of the "man in the mirror":
If the "person in the mirror" in front of him was created the moment he took the potion, then it should be a reflection of his body in the "instigator" state, and it should be the mirror image of "Cole Granger" before he turned into a woman!

No, that's not right. My body was already female before I took the "witch" potion. This can't prove that she is the "special person in the mirror"... Angel's mind was a little confused, trying to sort out the issues at the two nodes where the "person in the mirror" appeared.

Seeing that she stopped talking, "the man in the mirror" Angel chuckled again. There was no sarcasm or ridicule in his tone, but instead a hint of pampering.

"You must be wondering where the person in the mirror of Cole Granger, who died and then resurrected, is... He died the moment his real body died. And when you were promoted to a witch again, the new person in the mirror who should have appeared no longer appeared because of my existence."

This is equivalent to a "person in the mirror" occupying the position in advance, so she is a "special person in the mirror" that appears under the influence of the source, not a normal one... Angel nodded thoughtfully and said:

"So, I am also facing the choice you mentioned, confrontation or reconciliation?"

In fact, she had another question in her heart: When those witches who changed from male to female were promoted to "immortal", what choices would they make when facing their male counterparts in the mirror?

If it is true, as Will Auceptin said, that the reason why "immortality" can be resurrected is that the real body is hidden in the mirror and the "person in the mirror" is active outside, then how can the gender conflict be resolved?

Angel did not ask these questions which had nothing to do with the current situation. What she cared about most was how she should treat the "person in the mirror" at present.

"No need for anything," the answer from the man in the mirror was beyond Angel's expectation. "I have been waiting here for a long time, just to give you the power that belongs to you. You don't need to do anything."

This... is different from what I heard before. Is there some kind of conspiracy? The "man in the mirror" wants to wait for me to let my guard down and kill me, replace me, and return to the real world?
Angel began to murmur in his mind, thinking of the methods used by Trier's "man in the mirror".

"Why are you so cooperative? Don't you want to go to the real world like the other 'people in the mirror'?"

She asked tentatively.

“Unfortunately, the knowledge in my mind prevents me from leaving here and heading to the real world… Unless you advance to Sequence 2 and become a ‘Disaster’ witch… Then, I will tell you all the memories that Adam has sealed away.”

"The man in the mirror," Angel replied, shaking his head, his long light blonde hair swaying.

Then, she slowly approached Angel, and hugged her while she was on guard but opened her arms involuntarily.

The body in his arms was warm and soft, reminding Angel of the warmth he had felt when he touched her right hand just now, when he was on the verge of losing control after taking the potion because he had misunderstood the meaning of the ritual.

"Just now, it was you who helped me?"

She murmured, as if asking, but also as if confirming.

"Yeah, I'm also helping 'myself'..." The person in the mirror replied in a vague and illusory tone, "In addition to the power of the witch, I have a special gift for you. With it, you can enter here at any time and explore the power here."

"That is a gift from the 'source essence', or a gift... Some people think it is a curse, a pollution, but it is different for us. We have long belonged to the 'City of Disaster', and the 'City of Disaster' also belongs to us..."

The sound coming from his arms became deeper and deeper, and Angel felt the body in his arms grow cold and light, as if it didn't matter.

She looked down and found that the "person in the mirror" who looked and dressed exactly like her had disappeared without a trace. However, through the clothes, Angel could sense a ray of light on his chest that was slowly dissipating.

She unbuttoned her clothes and pulled aside her bra in the deserted street, and found a deep red mark in the narrow space between her breasts, as if it was drawn with blood and could not be erased.

It is one of the important symbols on the "Disaster", "Betrayal" and "Petrification" spells, representing the gift of the "City of Disaster".

That is the mark of the Hunter.

(End of this chapter)

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