Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 847: Changes in Abilities after Promotion

Chapter 847: Changes in Abilities after Promotion
Under the guidance of the spirit, Angel entered the "mirror world" on the streets of the ruined city and left the "city of disaster".

She discovered that in this city formed by the source substance, the "mirror passage" only pointed to the broken sky above, and she could only move in this direction.

There is no doubt that by going through this passage, one can return to the real world, and the next time to come in, perhaps one can just return along the same path.

But when Angel was walking through this lonely passage, she could feel some hazy and illusory power in the distance attracting her. She could not see other passages with her naked eyes, but her spirit had some understanding that they might be the power leaked from different places of "City of Disaster".

Like Trier, like Bansi, like an abandoned village somewhere in the God-forsaken Land.

But as Angel gradually rose higher into the sky and became farther and farther away from them, these places, including the "city" that was gradually getting smaller under her feet and most of it was shrouded in gray fog, became less real in her eyes.

Perhaps they are just projections of the source power in the "mirror world", and the source of the power, the "City of Disaster", is not anywhere in the North and South Continents, the Five Seas, or the God-Forsaken Land...

With a thousand thoughts in his mind, Angel quickly left here along the passage in the mirror. After passing through the thick fog, he returned to a world filled with deep passages and different mirrors flashing with light.

This is the "mirror world" that witches usually use to travel around the world.

She looked down and found that below the spider-web-like passages, deep in the hazy fog, a road with alternating red and black colors spread to an invisible position.

I have traveled through the mirror world countless times before, but I have never found such a passage. Of course, no witch dares to leave the familiar mirror passage and explore unknown places... And I suspect that without the corresponding "authority", even if you go deep into the fog, you will only reach the underground of the real world, or the depths of the spirit world, or even fall into extremely dangerous places such as the astral world, but you can't go to the projection of the "City of Disaster" in the mirror world...

Stopping his thoughts and looking away, Angel quickly found the specially marked full-length mirror in the master bedroom on the third floor of No. 160 Böklund Street. He passed through the passage in the mirror like a fish, crossed the spiritual wall, and reappeared next to the mirror on the real side.

Before she could find Klein, her eyes were fixed on the full-length mirror in front of her.

A tall figure appeared in the mirror, with light blond hair that was slightly groomed and draped over the shoulders, like a fabric woven from gold threads, deep and mysterious purple eyes, the ripples of the dissipated spirituality had not yet subsided, the facial features and the curve of the cheeks were still the same as Angel was familiar with, but with a whole new temperament, the waist, hips, and limbs naturally posed sideways, and under the fairly tight clothes, the elegant curve of the waist and abdomen, the wrinkles between the thighs and buttocks, and even the hint of white that leaked out from the damaged position during the day's battle, all made Angel freeze in his tracks.

She almost thought that she was bewitched by the "man in the mirror" hiding in the mirror world again.

It turned out to be me... It's okay then...

After a moment, Angel finally looked away from his reflection in the mirror with difficulty.

Before, I thought that the "person in the mirror" had learned some seductive skills that I didn't know. It turned out that she had taken advantage of the improvement in her appearance and temperament after being promoted to "immortal", and made me her first target... She muttered to herself, and posed in front of the mirror in some movements that she was usually embarrassed to do, combining feminine softness with neutral handsomeness, feeling the different appearance that changed at will.

No wonder when I first saw the "White Saint" Katarina, I felt that she had a "girlish innocence" that was inconsistent with her age and experience. It turned out that she was just acting, and now I also have this ability...

She forced herself to imitate Catalina's innocent smile in front of the mirror, making her expression natural, as if it came from the heart, and then turned around and looked towards the center of the bedroom.

Klein, who had just recovered from the posture of crossing his legs and twisting his feet at right angles and stepping on the ground, was staring at her in amazement.

"When did you find me?"

The innocent and clear smile on Angel's face froze, and she degenerated from the "immortal" witch to the "painful" witch, and asked tentatively.

Come on, you just discovered it a second ago!
She screamed in her heart.

"I, I was just doing divination, so I noticed you were back..."

Klein's expression was a little unnatural. He looked away unnaturally, then glanced back secretly, lingering on Angel's face and body.

Angel nodded half proudly and half thankfully, quickly restraining his charm that he couldn't control accurately after his promotion, and then asked doubtfully:


"You just turned into mirror fragments in front of me. I thought something went wrong with my promotion, so I did a divination."

Klein answered without changing his expression. He was somewhat thankful that he had been observing any movement around him above the gray fog, so he returned to his body and returned to the bedroom the moment Angel came back here. Otherwise, after walking back four steps, his whole body would have been stiff in a strange posture repeatedly. Even if Angel trusted him, he would have doubted him.

Of course, he didn't really "come to his senses at the last second", but he was holding back his smile, quietly admiring Angel as he struck various poses in front of the mirror, until the other person turned around, with that innocent expression that made people want to soothe and care for him frozen on his face.

Through these changes, Klein also confirmed one thing: Angel has successfully been promoted to the "ageless" witch of Sequence 3. Let's not talk about the changes in her extraordinary abilities. Her expressions and movements of different ages and personalities can be perfectly combined in the same body, and can be changed at will, which is equivalent to one person being able to play countless different styles of women... Now the rumor that Dantes likes women of different ages and identities is completely confirmed...

He complained in his heart, and waited until Angel's condition stabilized a little, and the spirituality in his charming eyes gradually converged, and his pupils no longer showed almost black, before he continued to ask:

"What changes have taken place since the promotion?"

Angel actually didn't have time to summarize and conclude the new ability of "immortality". She sat on the single sofa near the balcony in the bedroom, using divination and actual operation to experience the effects of different abilities, while telling Klein this important information.

"First, consistent with my inference, the 'immortal' witch has a deeper grasp of the mirror world. Using this feature, I have the ability of 'resurrection'. As long as I still have spirituality and as long as this ability is not deprived or restricted, I can use the 'person in the mirror' to replace my dead self, and my body will be resurrected in the mirror world and return to the world. According to my judgment, the saints should have no way to deal with this resurrection method, and the 'immortal' witches who are familiar with the mirror world cannot destroy each other's resurrection methods. Angels may be able to...

“My intuition tells me that this resurrection is not without a price, but what the price is is still unknown.

"Under the influence of the 'City of Disaster', it was also the reason why I stood up again after dying twice before..."

Angel explained that she had not concealed the existence of the "City of Disaster". This was knowledge she had shared with Klein after she learned the concept of "Source".

"By the way, my 'Mirror Person' seems to know more than me, which makes it impossible for her to leave the protection of the 'Source Material' and come to the real world. Moreover, she mentioned Mr. 'Fool's' mysterious gray fog world, which seems to be the 'Source Castle'."

She told Klein the fragments of Adam and the Goddess of Night's plan that she saw when she was promoted, combined with her own guess about the ownership of "Source Castle", using "what the man in the mirror said" as a cover.

After all, the fact that Cole Granger failed to be promoted and his soul attached to a corpse and resurrected was probably too shocking for Klein... It was just as absurd as saying that he committed suicide like the other two victims in the initial Antigonus family notebook incident, and then resurrected and crawled up again... Angel muttered to himself, and saw that Klein fell into a state of contemplation after hearing about "The Fool" and "Source Castle". After a moment, he came back to his senses and nodded for her to continue, so he continued:

"My mastery of the mirror world also gave me the ability to 'flip' the surrounding space, objects, and life into the mirror. This is similar to the sealed item '1-63' Witch Mirror. The range can be as small as a single person or as large as all objects within a 500-meter radius. However, the latter will make my spiritual power on the verge of exhaustion and have no practical value... Other mirror spells have also been improved accordingly. For example, with the help of the magic mirror related to me, I can project my double hundreds of kilometers away, and even retain a certain amount of power... For example, the mirror double can maintain multiple at the same time, and the level of sophistication has reached a point where it is almost impossible to identify except for special methods such as the spirit line... Using the channel in the mirror, I can also quickly exchange with the double. It is not as convenient and fast as the 'secret doll', but the distance is longer and more confusing.

"After the promotion, I also gained the ability of 'petrification'. It is similar to the mysterious power we encountered on the nameless island. It is slightly inferior to the 'petrification' spell that prayed for the power of the City of Disaster, but it has a wider range of applications. It can be effective on any object within my sight, but the effect is related to the distance... Once completely petrified, it is equivalent to death. It can almost instantly kill a Mid-Sequence Beyonder within a hundred meters, and High-Sequence Beyonders have to find ways to avoid it... This power can be transmitted through mirrors, curses, invisible threads, and hair. Hair counts as direct contact with the body and has the best effect."


Klein asked in surprise, and subconsciously glanced at Angel's light golden hair, his expression suddenly froze.

He thought of the "Lady of Despair" Panatia in the foggy town, whose hair stretched out and was filled with black flames and paralyzing curses.

Although there are differences in the fighting styles of the two witches, and Angel's close combat and flexible mirror magic are obviously stronger than Panatia's, the latter's posture of using hair to fight is undoubtedly more bizarre, which is in line with the style of a "witch".

Unexpectedly, Angel also learned this... He thought with half fear and half expectation.

No, what am I expecting... Klein nodded seriously, motioning for Angel to continue.

"Other abilities have also been enhanced. The range of 'disease' has been increased to 20 kilometers, which is more than enough to cover Backlund and the surrounding areas. The types of diseases are also more diverse. In addition to the toxins provided by Frank that I chose to use to advance to demigod, various diseases that cause coma and fatigue can also spread to the entire city in an instant. The curse can be activated by looking directly at the target. If it is combined with a mirror to reflect the target's figure, the power can be superimposed and can even penetrate the connection in mysticism. When cursing a clone or phantom, it will also cause certain damage to the main body. The invisible silk thread can spread to a distance of one kilometer and can cut most objects. The frost and black flames have also been strengthened accordingly. For example, I can turn the entire Backlund into winter in half an hour, freeze the Tussock River, and turn the haze into snowflakes falling on the ground."

Angel explained in a cautious tone, not taking this powerful ability as a reason to show off, but falling into deep worry.

There were thirteen witches who were as strong as her or even stronger than her. Any one of them could destroy a city as big as Backlund in a short period of time, infecting everyone with a fatal disease and plunging the entire city into a frost hell.

No wonder big cities either have patron angels taking turns on duty, or can use high-level seals at any time. Otherwise, cults like the Witch Cult can easily kill millions of people as long as they are willing to bear the consequences... Compared with the various methods of the "Immortal" Witch, the smog created by "Lady Despair" Panatia is like a child playing house...

After imagining this scene in his mind and feeling terrified, Angel gradually calmed down and continued:
"In addition, the 'Man in the Mirror' gave me a gift, a 'boon'... or a 'curse'."

She unbuttoned her shirt in front of Klein, revealing a large area of ​​white chest.

In the river valley between the two peaks, there is a pattern drawn with blood-colored strokes, as if embedded in the skin. It carries a raised double-edged sword with burning flames and countless unfolded weapons, like a general commanding his troops to face all directions, intending to challenge every enemy and conquer every target.

"With the help of the gift of the City of Disaster, I am now also equivalent to a Hunter Path Sequence 4 Iron-Blooded Knight."

Angel said slowly, raising his right hand and extending a slender finger. The black curse flame representing the "witch" first emerged from the fingertips. Then, a bright flame surged out from the black flame, changing from orange to white in front of Klein, and then to blue. Finally, the purple color that could burn everything replaced the black color of the cursed spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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